Trinity: Heart of the Shifters (12 page)

Lagon closed his eyes and allowed his mates to pet and touch him. He savored their touch. It was amazing to feel them run their hands over his scales. His mates murmured to him how pretty he was and Lagon felt his heart grow. He leaned back and then motioned with his head that he was going to shift back. They nodded and settled back again in the beds they had pushed together. Trinity leaned against her mate, feeling more comfortable with them every moment she was with them.

Lagon entered the room and smiled. “Hello, sleepy heads.” He teased and then sat on the bed next to Trinity. He put his arm around her and pulled her close to him until she was almost on his lap.

“The doctor said you should shift again a few times.” He said and looked at Blaze who looked even better than before.

Blaze nodded and looked at Trinity pointedly. She smiled and then shifted. He laughed when she got caught in her hospital gown again. Blaze rolled his eyes and shifted also.

Lagon scooted so he was in between them and petted both of his mates. They were beautiful.

Just as suddenly as they shifted, they shifted back. Lagon smiled when Trinity scrambled to get the gown. He threw it on the floor and looked at her with amusement.

She frowned then scurried under the covers.

“Lagon!” She chided and then turned away.

“Don"t hide from us, baby. I love the way you look and your soft skin.” Lagon said and then moved his hand across her bare back.

Trinity shivered and looked over her shoulder at her mates. They were both sitting up staring at her intently. She licked her lips and noticed that they followed her tongue as it slipped across her lips. She did not know what to do. She had never even kissed anyone. How was she supposed to do this? Trinity cleared her throat and said softly,

“Um, you are my mates, right?” She asked and both of them nodded their heads. “Well then I can tell you anything, right?” She asked and they responded again with a nod of their heads. She could sense their arousal. She knew that they could sense hers but she had no idea what to do with it. “Well, I, uh, haven"t done this before.” She said quietly.

Blaze made a noise deep in his throat and pulled her until she was sitting across his lap, with her feet in Lagon"s lap. “It"s okay, little one. If you don"t have much experience, it"s okay. We just want to be with you. I won"t lie and say that I have never had another woman and I am sure that Lagon would say that too. But you and Lagon are the only ones who I will ever make love to again. You and Lagon are my mates, which means that we were made for each other.” He said and smiled at her gently. She looked at Lagon who was running his hands up her legs and smiled and at her and nodded.

She snorted and covered her mouth with her hand. “I did not mean I have little experience. I meant I have NO experience, like I have never even kissed anyone. My parents and Spencer kept me very sheltered. I was never allowed to date or go out with anyone. So the opportunity never arose. I know I probably seem stupid to you but I really don"t know what to do. All of this is new to me. I mean, when we were sleeping together and I was in your arms, I felt at home. A feeling I had never felt before. I wanted to kiss you, but was afraid that you would not want me to.” She finally looked up and saw the expression on Lagon"s and Blaze"s face and grimaced.

They looked shocked. “What?”

Lagon recovered first, leaned forward, and smiled. “I think Blaze and I are just a little shocked, baby. I knew that you had never been with anyone, but never realized you were this innocent. I am in awe of the fact that we will be the first and last men to ever kiss you and touch you. It is an honor to be your mate.” Trinity smiled and looked at Blaze who was grinning. “Ditto.” He said and she giggled.

“So who do I kiss first?” She asked and then sat back and watched as her men looked at each other and smiled.

“Well, a first kiss is a big deal.” Blaze said and leered at her. “Maybe we should all kiss and then it will be like we shared the first kiss.” She looked at them and shrugged her shoulders. What did she know? Both of the men leaned forward and kissed each side of her mouth. They both ran their tongues across her lips until they met in the middle and then kissed her together. She opened her mouth slightly and ran her tongue over their lips like they had hers and soon they were all kissing. She wanted to laugh as she thought about what they looked like.

Trinity pulled back first and grinned at her mates. “My first kiss.” She whispered and her mates looked at her lips.

“There will be a lot more firsts after we go and see your parents, little one.” Blaze promised and smiled. “Let's go.” He said and his gaze held a promise for later. She grinned and slid from the bed with Lagon"s help. Blaze stood on his own, which made Lagon very happy. It seemed at least his mates were on the mend. Soon they were going to have to pitch in and start helping the rest of the Pack.

Together they walked slowly to her parent"s room. When Blaze opened the door and she saw her parents, Trinity let out a cry of relief when she saw they were awake and alive.

Slowly she walked to her mother"s bedside and sat down.

Lagon and Blaze introduced themselves and chatted for a few minutes before telling them to take their time. Lagon had a few things to take care of and Blaze wanted to go and find his friends to say hi.

Trinity nodded and smiled up at her mates. They both leaned down and gently kissed her on the lips before leaving. Her mother smiled and held her hand, approving of her mates. Her father announced after they left that he approved of her mates. Trinity smiled and then started to talk to her parents after what seemed like a very long time.

Chapter 11

Blaze walked gingerly down the corridor with his mate. They discussed plans for later tonight and agreed that they would make things special for their mate. They separated with a heated kiss with promises for later that night, and assignments to make their temporary room ready.

Blaze"s first stop was to the doctor to make sure it was safe to claim their mate. The doctor assured him that Trinity was fine as long as they were not rough. She would be sore for a few days, but Blaze had protected her.

Blaze walked out of his office with a smile. He knew they had been lucky. When he felt the first blast, Blaze had curved himself around Trinity so she would be protected. A door had blown in front of them and landed on them when they fell, taking the brunt of the blast. They had been lucky. All of them but Spencer and Oliver had been standing close enough to the door.

Ryan and Ariel had told him the whole story earlier when he had woke up. He was proud of his friends. They had stepped in and helped the Alpha female when she needed it. He found his friends in a room at the far end of the hall. They were talking with the Alpha males and Beta. Blaze stood at the door and knocked softly.

“Come in.” Ryan said and smiled at his friend.

Ariel came and hugged him gently and then leaned back and smiled up at him. “Hello handsome.” She said and laughed when Ryan growled. “Down boy.” She said and slipped back to her mate"s side.

“We were just talking about what we are going to do for the next few days.” Ryan said and said. “Blaze is my second and your New Council member, he should hear this.” Quin nodded and then said, “What we say here stays in this room. Cami is the only other one who knows right now.” Everyone in the room nodded, Jaden looked grim, and Blaze knew there was something big going down.

“I have been challenged.” Quin said grimly and looked around the room at the astonished looks on everyone"s faces.

“Wait. Who?” Devon demanded. Quin could tell his friends and Beta"s temper was brimming. They had been through a lot together. He hated to tell Devon that one of the men who they had brought over with them all those years ago had suddenly decided that he was going to be Alpha.

“Mike.” Jaden said and took his mate"s hand. Neither of the men was afraid to show their feelings in front of people. They loved each other as much as they loved Cami.

Blaze looked on and hoped that he and his mates would grow to be just as close. Ryan and Ariel stood quiet while Devon began cussing. He talked about the wolf who challenged Quin. He was an Enforcer. Blaze frowned and thought of all the men he had been working with over the last few weeks. They had agreed with the Alpha to help provide the protection for Jordan since she refused to stay at the main house. As time went on, they had offered to help with the gates also. It seemed that everyone was being run ragged at the time. Mike, he thought. He was the large wolf with green eyes. Blaze remembered him and he frowned. He never got the vibe the wolf was anything but committed to the Pack.

“When.” Ryan said quietly.

“Officially, I have to respond in the next seven days. Then I will have seven more in which to complete the challenge or forfeit.” Quin said.

Jaden said quietly, “The doctor came in a while ago. He thought that three weeks would be pushing it, but two weeks? The doctor said he could do irrefutable damage.” Quin growled and looked at his mate. “You are doubting me?”

“Fuck no. I think you can beat him with your eyes closed. When you are healthy. And why is he doing this now? I mean I understand about the whole instinct thing, but still.

Mike has been with us for a long time. He never gave any indication he was unhappy or pissed about anything.” Jaden said.

“What do you think he really wants?” Blaze said quietly.

“Oh, I know what he wants.” Cami said from the doorway, stomping into the room looking pissed off. “He wants to take Quin"s place. According to the laws if Quin loses, Mike gets to take over the Council, and he can claim Jaden and me as mates too. That little pecker is in for a big surprise if he thinks I would fuck him. I would cut it off before he got the chance.” She said making a motion with her fingers like they were scissors.

Devon paced the side of the room, cussing and muttering to himself. Slowly, as if they all could feel that, something was wrong; the New Council members all began to stream into the room. Some on their own and some in wheelchairs. Each of them questioning what was going on. Blaze stood in the corner with Ryan and Ariel, feeling a little out of place, but not enough to leave.

Lagon and Trinity were the last to walk into the room and everyone turned to look at them. Lagon stepped forward and said, “We just heard. The nurses were talking about it. So where do we stand?” He asked and led Trinity to Blaze"s side so she was between them.

“Has he turned to the Rogues?” Sid asked and tried to make his mate stop pacing.

“Not sure yet.” Quin said. “I guess we have to do some research. There is no doubt what the answer will be, but I will hold off as long as possible. Romy, Larkin, I know that your mate is in recovery, but could you start doing research on the past Alpha challenges of the Council? Devon and Blaine. Mike needs to be removed from the protection detail and taken out of the compound for his safety as well as ours. He can stay in town if he wants. Officially, he is no longer part of the Pack; those are the rules since he challenged the Alpha. If he wins, he takes over and it is his Pack, if he loses and lives, he will be allowed to start his own Pack with Trinity"s approval. Lacy, can you work on a good healing potion; let"s see if we can"t rush up my healing. Everyone needs to be on guard. I feel like this is just the beginning of something huge. It has been building to this point; we need to find the rest of the Council so that we can gain our strength. So everyone else, that is our goal. Get the computers and laptops fired up.

We have two weeks to figure this shit out.”

Everyone nodded and filed out of the room. Cami crawled between her two mates and snuggled in. “Trinity, Blaze, and Lagon. I hate to say this. But we need you mated. We have to be at full strength and you will not be unless you are mated.” Quin said and looked at the trio.

Trinity blushed and put her head down and Blaze stepped forward. “Don"t worry, by this time tomorrow there will be no question who Trinity"s mates are.” Ryan laughed and slapped him on the back. “Wow, dude, TMI.” Ariel laughed and said, “Trinity, come with me. We have some things to do before your men think they are going to get in your pants.”

Cami jumped from the bed and said, “I"m in. MAKE OVER!” And clapped her hands and said, “I will get the rest of the walking wounded and meet you in the meeting room downstairs. I will call in backups.”

Ariel smiled and pulled Trinity"s hand. Trinity looked over her shoulder at her mates with a panicked look. She had never had girlfriends before; she had no clue what they were planning. „HELP" she mouthed to her mates who were standing there chuckling.


Blaze walked with Lagon back down to their room. They made plans for the night.

Candles, music, and a good meal. When they reached their room, they grimaced a little.

It was rather stark and plain, not the kind of scene they had planned.

Blaze looked around trying to decide how they were going to spruce up the place when Lagon snapped his fingers, and the room transformed.

“What the hell?” Blaze said.

“I can do a few things magical, part of the whole dragon thing.” Lagon said proudly and looked around.

In the middle of the room was a huge four poster bed. It was draped with white gauzy material. The covers and pillows were red, like Lagon"s hair. Off to the side of the bed was a small table they could use for food. A cool bucket for champagne. The harsh lighting was gone and in its place a soft glow from the candles around the room.

“Wow.” Blaze said and turned to his mate. He cleared his throat and smiled at him.

Lagon was handsome; there was no doubt about that. As a cat, they were taught that whoever their mate was that was it. No matter the sex. Thank goodness he was attracted to men, although he had not had much practice with a man. He hoped to change that very soon.

Lagon smiled and looked at Blaze and he could see the desire in Blaze"s eyes. “Maybe we should talk for a second.”

Blaze nodded and allowed Lagon to pull him toward the bed. “I was thinking. Trinity is an innocent. I know she will have to become accustom to us being together, but her first time is probably not the best time to introduce her to „the man love".” Blaze nodded and sat down on the bed. “What do you have in mind?” He said almost purring.

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