Triumphs of Experience: The Men of the Harvard Grant Study (52 page)

12. Wells FL and WL Woods: Outstanding traits: In a selected college group, with some reference to career interests and war records.
Genetic Psychology Monographs,
1946, 33, 127–249.

13. Wells FL: Verbal facility: Positive and negative associations.
The Journal of Psychology,
1947, 23, 3–14.

14. Wells FL: Verbal excess over quantitation: Two case studies.
The Journal of Psychology,
1947, 14, 4.

15. Wells FL: Personal history, handwriting and specific behavior.
The Journal of Psychology,
1946, 23, 65–82.

16. Wells FL: Verbal facility, sensitive affect, psychometrics: Two “Palimpsest Personalities.”
The Journal of Psychology,
1947, 23, 179–191.

17. Wells FL: Inarticulate, without physical science motivations: Case studies V and VI.
The Journal of Psychology,
1947, 24, 149–159.

18. Wells FL: Physical science motivations, inarticulate: Case studies VII and X.
The Journal of Psychology,
1947, 24, 211–227.

19. Heath CW, Monks JP, and WL Woods: The nature of career selection in a group of Harvard undergraduates.
Harvard Education Review,
1947, 17, 3, 190–197.

20. Heath CW: The hemoglobin of healthy college undergraduates and comparisons with various medical, social, physiologic and other factors.
Blood: The Journal of Hematology,

21. Seltzer CC, FL Wells, and EB McTernan: A relationship between
Sheldonian somatotype and psychotype.
Journal of Personality,
1948, 16: 431–436.

22. Wells FL: Verbal aptitudes versus attitudes: Case Studies XI–XIV.
Journal of Genetic Psychology,
1948, 72, 185–200.

23. Seltzer CC: Phenotype patterns of racial reference and outstanding personality traits.
Journal of Genetic Psychology,
1948, 72, 221–245.

24. Wells FL: Quantitative-spatial aptitudes and motivations: Case Studies XV–XVIII.
Journal of Genetic Psychology,
1948, 73, 119–140.

25. Wells FL: Clinical psychology in retrospect and prospect.
Journal of Psychology,
1949, 27, 125–142.

26. Wells FL: Adjustment problems at upper extremes of test “intelligence”: Cases XIX–XXVIII.
Journal of Genetic Psychology,
1949, 74, 61–84.

27. Wells FL: Psychometric patterns in adjustment problems at upper extremes of test “intelligence”: Cases XXIX–LVI Department of Hygiene Referrals.
Journal of Genetic Psychology,
1950, 76, 3–37.

28. Wells FL: Some projective functions of simple geometrical figures: Cases LXXXV–XCV.
Journal of Genetic Psychology,
1950, 77, 267–281.

29. Wells FL: Harvard National Scholars in a student frame of reference.
Journal of Genetic Psychology,
1951, 79, 205–219.

30. Wells FL: Further notes on Rorschach and case history in Harvard National Scholars: Cases CXIII–CXXVI.
Journal of Genetic Psychology,
1951, 79, 261–287.

31. Wells FL: Rorschach and Bernreuter procedures with Harvard
Scholars in the Grant Study: Cases III, IX, X, XXVII, XXVIII, CII–CXII.
Journal of Genetic Psychology,
1951, 79, 221–260.

32. Wells FL: The effects of need achievement on the content of TAT stories: A re-examination.
Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology,
1953, 48, 532–536.

Charles McArthur, Director

1. McArthur C: Long-term validity of the Strong Interest Test in two subcultures.
Journal of Applied Psychology,
1954, 38, 346–353.

2. McArthur C: Personalities of public and private school boys.
Harvard Educational Review,
1954, 24, 256–262.

3. McArthur C: Analyzing the clinical process.
Journal Counseling Psychology,
1954, 1, 203–206.

4. McArthur C and LB Stevens: The validation of expressed interests as compared with inventoried interests: A fourteen-year follow-up.
Journal of Applied Psychology,
1955, 39, 184–189.

5. McArthur C: Predictive power of pattern analysis and of job scale analysis of the Strong.
Journal of Counseling Psychology,
1955, 2, 205–206.

6. McArthur C: Personalities of first and second children.
1956, 19, 47–54.

7. McArthur C: Upper class intelligence as the critical case for a theory of “middle-class bias.”
Journal of Counseling Psychology,
1957, 4, 23–30.

8. McArthur C: The psychology of smoking (with others).
Abnormal and Social Psychology,
March 1958, 56, no. 2, 267–275.

9. McArthur C: Sub-culture and personality during the college years.
Journal of Educational Sociology,
1960, 33, 260–268.

10. Dill, David B: Fitness of Harvard men at twenty-two years.
Duke University Council on Gerontology, Proceedings 1961–65,
December 10, 1963, 226–239.

11. McArthur C: The validity of the Yale Strong Scales at Harvard.
Journal of Counseling Psychology,
1965, 12, 35–38.

12. McArthur C: Career choice: It starts at home.
March–April 1966, 15–18.

13. Robinson S, Dill DB, Tsankoff SP, Wagner JA, and RD Robinson: Longitudinal studies of aging in 37 men.
Journal of Applied Physiology,
1975, 38, 263–267.

George Vaillant, Director

1. Vaillant GE, Brighton JR, MacArthur CC: Physicians’ use of mood-altering drugs: A 20 year follow-up.
New England Journal of Medicine,
1970, 282, 365–370.

2. Vaillant GE: Theoretical hierarchy of adaptive ego mechanisms: A 30-year follow-up of 30 men selected for psychological health. (Helene and Felix Deutsch Prize, 1969)
Archives of General Psychiatry,
1971, 24, 107–118.

3. Vaillant GE: The evolution of adaptive and defensive behaviors during the adult life cycle. Abstracted in
Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association,
1971, 19, 110–115.

4. Vaillant GE, MacArthur CC: A thirty-year follow-up of somatic symptoms under emotional stress. In
Life History Research
vol 2. Edited by Roff M, Robins LN, Pollock M. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1972.

5. Vaillant GE, Sobawale NC, MacArthur C: Some psychological vulnerabilities of physicians.
New England Journal of Medicine,
1972, 287, 372–375.

6. Vaillant GE: Why men seek psychotherapy: I. Results of a survey of college graduates.
American Journal of Psychiatry,
1972, 129, 645–651.

7. Vaillant GE, McArthur CC: The natural history of male psychological health: I. The adult life cycle from 18–50.
Seminars in Psychiatry,
1972; 4:415–427.

8. Vaillant GE: Antecedents of healthy adult male adjustment. In
Life History Research in Psychopathology,
vol 3. Edited by Roff M, Ricks D. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1973.

9. Vaillant GE, Vaillant CO: The relation of psychological adaptation to medical disability in middle aged men. In
Successful Aging: A Conference Report.
Edited by Pfeiffer E. Durham, NC, Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development, Duke University, 1974.

10. Vaillant GE: The natural history of male psychological health: II. Some antecedents of healthy adult adjustment.
Archives of General Psychiatry,
1974, 31, 15–22.

11. Robinson S, Dill DB, Tsankoff SP, Wagner JA, and RD Robinson: Longitudinal studies of aging in 37 men.
Journal of Applied Physiology,
1975, 38, 263–267.

12. Vaillant GE: The natural history of male psychological health: III. Empirical dimensions of mental health.
Archives of General Psychiatry,
1975, 32, 420–426.

13. Vaillant GE: Natural history of male psychological health: V.
relation of choice of ego mechanisms of defense to adult adjustment.
Archives of General Psychiatry,
1976, 33, 535–545.

14. Vaillant GE: Natural history of male psychological health: IV. What kinds of men do not get psychosomatic illness.
Psychosomatic Medicine,
1978, 40, 420–431.

15. Vaillant GE: Natural history of male psychological health: VI. Correlates of successful marriage and fatherhood.
American Journal of Psychiatry,
1978, 135, 653–659.

16. Vaillant GE: Natural history of alcoholism: I. A preliminary report. In
Human Functioning in Longitudinal Perspective.
Edited by Sells SB, Crandall R, Roff M, Strauss JS, Pollin W. Baltimore, MD, Williams and Wilkins, 1979.

17. Vaillant GE: Health consequences of adaptation to life.
American Journal of Medicine,
1979, 67, 732–734.

18. Vaillant GE: Natural history of male psychological health: Effects of mental health on physical health.
New England Journal of Medicine,
1979, 301, 1249–1254.

19. Vaillant GE, Milofsky ES: Natural history of male psychological health: IX. Empirical evidence for Erikson’s model of the life cycle.
American Journal of Psychiatry,
1980, 137, 1348–1359.

20. Vaillant GE: Adolf Meyer was right: Dynamic psychiatry needs the life chart. Strecker Monograph Series, #16.
The Journal of the National Association of Private Psychiatric Hospitals,
1980, 11, 4–14.

21. Vaillant GE: Natural history of male psychological health: VIII. Antecedents of alcoholism and “orality.”
American Journal of Psychiatry,
1980, 137, 181–186.

Vaillant GE: The doctor’s dilemma. In
Alcoholism Treatment in Transition.
Edited by Grant M. London, Croom Helm, 1980.

23. Vaillant GE: Paths out of alcoholism. In
Evaluation of the Alcoholic: Implications for Research, Theory, and Treatment.
Edited by Meyer RE et al. Maryland, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 1981.

24. Vaillant GE, Vaillant CO: Natural history of male psychological health: X. Work as a predictor of positive mental health.
American Journal of Psychiatry,
1981, 138, 1433–1440.

25. Vaillant GE, Gale L, Milofsky ES: Natural history of male alcoholism: II. The relationship between different diagnostic dimensions.
Journal of Studies on Alcohol,
1982, 43, 216–232.

26. McAdams DP, Vaillant GE: Intimacy, motivation and psychosocial adjustment.
Journal of Personality Assessment,
1982, 46, 586–593.

27. Vaillant GE, Milofsky ES: The etiology of alcoholism: A prospective viewpoint.
American Psychologist,
1982, 37, 494–503.

28. Vaillant GE, Milofsky E: The natural history of male alcoholism: IV. Paths to recovery.
Archives of General Psychiatry,
1982, 39, 127–133.

29. Vaillant GE: Childhood environment and maturity of defense mechanisms. In
Human Development: An Interactional Perspective.
Edited by Magnusson D, Allen V. New York, Academic Press, 1983.

30. Vaillant GE, Clark W, Cyrus C, Milofsky ES, Kopp J, Wulsin V, Mogielnicki NP: Prospective study of alcoholism treatment: Eight-year follow-up.
American Journal of Medicine,
1983, 75, 455–463.

Vaillant GE: Natural history of male alcoholism: V. Is alcoholism the cart or the horse to sociopathy?
British Journal of Addiction,
1983, 78, 317–326.

32. Long JVF, Vaillant GE: Natural history of male psychological health: XI. Escape from the underclass.
American Journal of Psychiatry,
1984, 141, 341–346.

33. Hartmann E, Milofsky E, Vaillant G, Oldfield M, Falke R, Ducey C: Vulnerability to schizophrenia: Prediction of adult schizophrenia using childhood information.
Archives of General Psychiatry,
1984, 41, 1050–1056.

34. Beardslee WR, Vaillant GE: Prospective prediction of alcoholism and psychopathology.
Journal of Studies on Alcohol,
1984, 45, 500–503.

35. Vaillant GE: The Study of Adult Development at Harvard Medical School. In
Handbook of Longitudinal Research,
vol. 2. Edited by Mednick SA, Harway M, Finello KM. New York, Praeger, 1984.

36. Vaillant GE: An empirically derived hierarchy of adaptive mechanisms and its usefulness as a potential diagnostic axis.
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica,
1985; Supplementum no. 319, 71, 171–180.

37. Drake RE, Vaillant GE: A validity study of Axis II of DSM-III.
American Journal of Psychiatry,
1985, 142, 553–558.

38. Snarey J, Vaillant GE: How lower- and working-class youth become middle-class adults: The association between ego defense mechanisms and upward social mobility.
Child Development,
1985, 56, 899–910.

39. Vaillant GE, Bond M, Vaillant CO: An empirically validated hierarchy
of defense mechanisms.
Archives of General Psychiatry,
1986, 43, 786–794.

40. Vaillant GE: Cultural factors in the etiology of alcoholism: A prospective study, in
Alcohol and Culture: Comparative Perspectives from Europe and America,
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 472. Edited by Babor TF. New York, The New York Academy of Sciences, 1986.

41. McCullough L, Vaillant C, Vaillant GE: Toward reliability in identifying ego defenses through verbal behavior. In
Empirical Studies of Ego Mechanisms of Defense.
Edited by Vaillant GE. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Press, 1986.

42. Vaillant GE, Vaillant CO: A cross-validation of two empirical studies of defenses. In
Empirical Studies of Ego Mechanisms of Defense.
Edited by Vaillant GE. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Press, 1986.

43. Beardslee WR, Son L, Vaillant GE: Exposure to parental alcoholism during childhood and outcome in adulthood: A prospective longitudinal study.
British Journal of Psychiatry,
1986; 149:584–591.

44. Vaillant GE: Time: An important dimension of psychiatric epidemiology. In
Psychiatric Epidemiology: Progress and Prospects.
Edited by Cooper B. London, Croom Helm, 1987.

45. Felsman JK, Vaillant GE: Resilient children as adults: A forty year study. In
The Invulnerable Child.
Edited by Anthony EJ, Cohler BJ. New York, Guilford Press, 1987.

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