Read Trouble In Dixie Online

Authors: Becky McGraw

Tags: #romance, #western romance, #cowboy romance, #contemporary cowboy romance, #texas romance

Trouble In Dixie (9 page)


Instantly, he backed away from her and
turned on his heel, then said over his shoulder, "You better
hurry...but be careful!"


"Hurry, but be careful," Katie mumbled with
a chuckle, then tidied up the kitchen and loaded the dishwasher.
She wiped down all the counters then headed outside to her truck.
After unhooking the tailgate, slid the ramp down to unload her
bike. That turned out to be an ordeal trying to do it alone, but
somehow she managed.


Unzipping her suitcase, anticipation filled
her as she pulled out some fresh underwear and clothes for
tomorrow. For tonight, she pulled out a new lingerie set she'd
bought in Dallas, a royal blue and black panty and bra set, and
some light colored blue jean shorts and a bright colored shirt, so
she'd be visible riding the bike.


The bright safety yellow wind breaker she'd
bought should help too. She snuck back into the house and found the
half bath on the main level, then changed her clothes, before
heading back outside. After stashing her clothing change in her
backpack, she straddled the bike and cranked it up.


Trying to be as quiet as possible, she
didn't rev the engine, but idled her way down the driveway to the
road. Halfway to Bowie, she saw tail lights flashing ahead on the
side of the road and slowed down to take a look. The truck was
broken down in the middle of nowhere, and she knew there wasn't
cell service out here, so that guy was up a creek. Pulling up
behind the truck, Katie didn't cut the engine, she got off and
flipped her face shield, so she could see better, then walked
around the truck tentatively.


The doors were shut, and the hood wasn't up,
so she didn't see any obvious signs it was broken down, which made
her a little nervous. After she looked around a minute, she
realized she knew this truck. In the dark, she hadn't really
recognized it, until now. It was Tommy's truck and she didn't see
him anywhere, which caused fear to course through her.


She walked around to the driver's door and
tapped on the side window, Tommy vaulted up in the seat, then
before she knew it, she was looking down the snout of a mean
looking pistol. Taking a step back, her eyebrows shot up as did her
hands. The blood in her face drained down to her toes.


His eyebrows shot up too, then fell over his
narrowed angry eyes, as he flung the door open. "What the hell are
you doing stopping in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the
night? Are you
?!?!" he yelled and jumped down to stand
in front of her.


Katie's blood boiled up from her toes and
she put her hand on her hip, then said sarcastically, "Obviously I
am, because I'm stopping to help a dumb ass who's just sitting on
the side of the road, waiting for someone to come along and plow
into him! Is your truck broken down, or are you just enjoying the


Tommy ran a hand through his dark hair, then
huffed a breath, and grated, "I was waiting for you...I was worried
about you on that damned bike."


"You're a mess, you know that?" she said and
stepped toward him to put her hand on his chest and lean up to give
him a quick kiss. "I'm fine...I'm a big girl, I can take care of
myself, Tommy."


He shoved the gun into the back of his pants
then growled and pulled her into his arms, before covering her
mouth with his in a kiss that held frustration and need. "That
doesn't mean you won't get hurt...accidents happen."


"Yeah, they do, and you waiting by the side
of the road for me isn't gonna stop that from happening," she told
him then stepped back.


"It will if you ride with me, instead of
riding that bike," he told her then walked behind the truck and let
down the tailgate. "I have a ramp, come help me load it in the


"God, are you always this overprotective?"
she asked incredulously, then went and shut off the bike and kicked
up the stand.


"Only with those I care about," he said
softly, then slid the board down and leaned it against the


Katie pulled off her helmet and fluffed her
hair, as he took the bike and wrestled it up the ramp and into the
back of the truck. He hopped down, then slid the board in and
slammed the tailgate.


Relief filled his eyes as he turned to her
and asked with a sexy grin, "Ready?"


Her heart skipped to the Lou in her chest
and she swallowed down the desire that swamped her. "More than
you'll ever know," she admitted then walked around to the driver's
door. He opened it for her, and she threw her helmet in then
climbed up.


Katie barely had her butt on the seat, when
she saw headlights headed toward them on the road. She slid over
quickly, so Tommy could get inside, but then Red and Blue lights
started flashing on the top of the car and Katie groaned and put
her hand to her forehead.


Tommy didn't get in, he just shut the door
and leaned against it, waiting for the cruiser to pull alongside
them. Katie scooted over and cracked the window so she could hear
what was going on. The darkened window of the cruiser rolled down
and her eyes widened when she saw Gabe was behind the wheel.


She couldn't hide, because her
brother-in-law's eyes met hers first, before he looked at Tommy,
and a big grin spread across his face. "Evening, Tommy...everything


Tommy didn't say anything for a second, then
he lied, "Um...yeah, Katie just had a little trouble with her bike,
and I was bringing her back to the Double B."


Oh, hell no he wasn't!
Katie had just
escaped from there and she wasn't going back until she scratched
the itch that was quickly reaching poison ivy scale inside of


Tommy looked back over his shoulder at her,
then at Gabe, "We're good, thanks for stopping, though. Shouldn't
you be home by now?" Tommy asked conversationally.


"Yeah, but I got another call out
here...domestic, some idiot came home drunk and his wife beaned him
with a skillet," Gabe told Tommy with a chuckle.


"Interesting job you have..." Tommy said
with a forced laugh.


"You have no idea," Gabe laughed too then
asked with a tilt of his head, "Ya'll need any help getting back to
the ranch? Katie staying there tonight?"


Katie saw that Gabe was studying Tommy's
face intently. As easy as the man blushed, she figured that's what
he was doing, and that was why Gabe was looking at him so
curiously. Keep it cool, Katie urged him silently.


"Um...yeah, she's staying there tonight...we
were going to get a drink first, then I'll bring her back," Tommy
improvised again. Katie thought he was pretty damned good with the
lying, and it kind of worried her a little. Maybe she needed to
give him the same speech she'd given his daughter earlier today.
But he couldn't very well say, I was just taking her to the bed and
breakfast outside of town to fuck her brains out, now could he?


Gabe finally left and did a U-turn on the
road then headed back toward town, but Katie knew the gig was up.
They couldn't follow Gabe, because of what Tommy had just told him.
They'd have to go to the bar to make Tommy's lie true, and she was
not into that tonight...the only thing she wanted was a tall order
of cowboy. Tommy watched him drive away, then his head dropped to
his chest and he just stood there a minute, before he opened the
door and quietly got inside.


"I feel like a fucking teenager, lying and
trying to get laid," he said then ran a hand through his dark


"So, let's make out like teenagers..." she
purred and scooted close to him, then ran her hand along his thigh.
"I'm game, if you are."


He looked down at her with desire making his
eyes glitter in the dim interior of the truck. His jaw was tight as
he told her, "We probably should just forget about it...take this
as a sign."


"I've got a sign for you, bucko..." she
grumbled then slid over to the other side of the truck. "If you
give up that easily, then maybe we
do this," she
told him angrily and crossed her arms under her breasts. "Evidently
you don't want it bad enough...just take me back to the ranch."


"I just think you deserve better than
getting fucked in the cab of a pickup, Katie," he told her with
anger scorching his words.


She snorted then looked over at him and said
nastily, "Wouldn't be the first's kinda fun if you aren't
too much of a tight ass to try doesn't always have to be
in a bed, Tommy."


"That's the second fucking time you've
called me a tight ass..." he grated, then slid across the seat of
the truck and yanked her onto his lap. He settled her astride him,
then roughly put his hand behind her head and pulled her head to
his and clamped his mouth over hers in a kiss that about melted her
panties. His hands grabbed her hips and dug in, and pressed her
tightly against his erection, and ground his hips to hers, causing
friction that started a fire inside of her.


She moaned and tried to move against him,
but he held her too tightly. He slid one hand up her back to her
bra closure, and shivers traveled over her skin, as it magically
came undone, just like she was doing in his arms. Tommy deepened
the kiss and teased her tongue with his, and then let her hips go
to slide his hands up the side of her ribcage to cup her


Darts of electricity shot through her core,
and Katie arched her back to press her breasts against his hands.
When his thumbs moved over her nipples in tandem, she sucked in a
breath and moaned loudly. He abraded them with the pads of his
callused fingers over and over, and tension built inside of her,
along with a wave of pleasure so intense it threatened to overwhelm
her. Her breaths were short and sharp as she reached for the
release that was just out of her grasp.


Tommy shifted his hips, then pulled his lips
away from hers, then closed his mouth over her nipple through her
shirt, and nipped it with his teeth. Katie exploded, her body
vibrating with the most intense orgasm she'd had in her life. She
shouted his name hoarsely and clutched his shoulders, riding it to
its devastating conclusion, then dropped her forehead against his,
breathing heavy, and her body shaking violently.


When the tremors slowed, she whispered,
"Jesus..." then moved her shaky hands down the buttons of his
shirt, loosing one at a time, leaning forward to place kisses on
his neck, along his jaw, the finally his lips.


"I need you inside of me, now," she said in
a desperate breathless voice. Standing, she unbuttoned her shorts,
then slid them down her legs and went to work on his jeans.

He put his hands over hers, and stopped her,
then said in a tortured voice, "We can't here..."


"Oh, hell yes, we can...and we are," she
said stubbornly, then cupped him through his jeans and stroked him,
before she slid the button through the look, and slid down his


He growled, then leaned forward and
unbuttoned her shirt, and shoved it off her shoulders, her bra fell
with it. He gasped and studied her breasts intently, before
smoothing his hands over them reverently.


"You are so damned beautiful,
Katie...perfect," he whispered, then he leaned up and sucked a
nipple into his mouth, and rolled his tongue around it. Katie
mewled her pleasure and dug her fingers into his shoulders. It
seemed as if there was a magic connection between that point and
her core, because she felt moisture pooling between her legs, and
she was throbbing for him.


With a groan, she threw he head back and
leaned toward him, then shoved her fingers into his hair to hold
him there. His hands kneaded her ass, as he laved attention on one
breast and then the other, then he moved one hand to the edge of
her panties and slid his fingers inside. When he touched her there,
Katie jerked and thought she was going to explode again.


Groaning loudly, she moved her hips against
his hand, then Tommy dipped one finger inside of her and growled,
"You're so fucking wet..."


"I want you inside of me--
," she
told him, then leaned down to kiss him fiercely, before she asked
in a whisper above his lips, "You have a condom?"


He threw his had back against the seat with
a moan and his hands tightened on her thighs. "No...I was going to
stop and get some on the way to the bed and breakfast," he admitted
then opened his eyes and looked at her sorrowfully.


"My backpack...I have a couple in there,"
she told him, then added with a chuckle, "Not sure how old they
are, but beggars can't be choosers." She leaned over him and
reached down to get her backpack, and was surprised when he shifted
forward and put a wet sucking kiss on her ass, then nipped it.


With a yelp, she stood back up and put the
pack on the seat. "
What the hell
?!?" she squeaked
breathlessly, because that unexpected little gesture had doubled
the hot, heady pleasure sizzling along her nerves.


"You told me to kiss your lily white ass, so
I did...and bit it too," he told her playfully in a deep throaty
voice. then chuckled. "You can issue that order any day,
sugar...I'll be happy to oblige," he told her then rubbed where
he'd nipped her.


Katie's hand trembled as she unzipped the
side pocket on her pack and pulled out a small foil packet, then
told him in a shaky whisper, "I'll have to remember that," then
leaned forward and kissed him, while she slid her hand down his
lower abdomen and pushed it underneath his boxers to stroke

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