Trouble Triangle (Tyler's Trouble Trilogy) (37 page)

I pulled her to my side. "Of course I will. I'll just think of it as more of you to love." I kissed her forehead.

She looked at the floor. "Would you make love to me right now?"

"That's all I've wanted to do for the last ten days. Don't worry, I'll be gentle."

"I don't think you have to be yet." She leaned back with a crooked smile. "The baby's probably not formed yet, so I don't think you'll be denting its head or anything."

"Oh, that's all right then. The last thing we want is a baby coming out with a head looking like a golf ball." I smiled, picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. I tried to be gentle, but she was up for a bit of rough. I obliged, figuring I better get it while I still could.


Taking a mid-morning break the following day, I went to the
bar. Debbie stood at the coke machine in the corner, pumping in change. I stepped next to the side of the machine blocking her in. She jumped when she saw me.

She grabbed her coke and tried to side-step me. I swiftly moved to stand in front of her. She tried a few more sideways
moves, but I kept her cornered.

She slumped her shoulders and sighed. "What do you want?"

"What's your game? Why you
' all chummy with Holly?"

She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "What if I am? What's it got to do with you?"

I narrowed my eyes and my jaw went tight. "Look, Debs, I don't know what you're playing at. Holly and I are happy and in love and we're getting married."

She laughed. "You, married? Don't make me choke. Holly wouldn't marry you. And if she did, you'd have your dick up the first chick who bent over to pick up a quarter, and she'd divorce your ass. It's never
work, Tyler."

"I'm committed to our relationship. Stay away from Holly."

lot of nerve telling me what to do. I haven't told Holly anything about us…yet, but you keep this up, and I will."

Shit, she wasn't backing down. I looked at the ground, thinking of what might pacify her. I lifted my head. "Okay, I'm sorry, Debs. Please, I'm
' you, just let me and Holly get on with our lives. I'm
try to be a good dad and a good husband." I placed my hand on her shoulder.

She had a gleam in her eyes. "Don't worry, Tyler, I'm
' too much fun to bring you down yet." She patted my shoulder and walked off.


After work, I went to Dolphin's on my own to get plastered. I got a beer and sat in a secluded corner, trying to imagine married life with Holly and a baby. Knowing Daddy had deep pockets helped. The more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea. Yes, I really did love Holly. As long as I didn't cheat on her again, and provided Debbie didn't open her big yap about us, it could work. I liked the idea of the two of us together.

I got another beer and plotted what I would say to Holly if Debbie spilled the beans. Holly was pretty gullible and I decided that I could talk my way out of it if she ever confronted me. A smile crossed my face as I got excited about having a wife and a baby.

"Mind if we join you?"

I looked up and to find Mark and Lori standing beside the table.

"Be my guest," I said, extending my arm to the chairs opposite me.

"So what's new in Chambers-land?" Mark asked.

"Well, Kahoolawe was cool. Easy duty. I got a letter from my mom, she's doing good and congratulated me for making third class. And me and Holly are getting married." I waited to see the look of shock on both their faces. They didn't disappoint. I took a drink and lit a cigarette.

"I didn't think you were serious when you told me about all that stuff with her dad. Guess I should congratulate you, huh?" Mark held out his hand and we shook.

Lori propped her elbow on the table and leaned in, resting her chin on her hand. "This wouldn't have anything to do with Hol
ly getting pregnant, would it?"

"Nope. I would've asked her anyway, sooner or later. How'd you know she was pregnant?"

"Debbie told me. I haven't seen her much lately but she couldn't wait to tell me that one. I'm surprised you're going to marry her, Tyler. Debbie said you'd be on the first plane
here." She looked at Mark. "Aren't you surprised?"

"Nope," he said.

Lori leaned away from him, looking at him with raised eyebrows.

Mark shifted his gaze from me to Lori and back again. "One thing I've learned over the past year and a bit. Never try to guess what Tyler's going to do next. You'd have more chance of winning big in Las Vegas." He smiled. "I did say I bet the cart would
come before the horse though."

"Thanks, buddy. That's why Holly loves me so much. I keep her guessing. All part of the excitement." I took a drag and blew the smoke toward the ceiling.

"So when's the big day?" Lori asked.

"Don't know yet, but soon. We don't want to hang about."

"More like she doesn't want her dad to figure out that she's been defiled before marriage." Mark snickered. He pointed to my empty beer bottle. "You want another?"

, I've changed my mind. I'm going to see Holly. She's still trying to take it all in. It's probably best if she's not on her own." I got up to leave. "See you guys later."

"Bye," they said in unison.


I knocked on the door and eagerly waited for Holly to answer. She always liked surprises. I held the flowers I bought in front of me as the door opened.

Debbie stood
in the door way, looking smug.

"What are you doing here?" I gasped. Shock didn't even touch the surface of how I felt.

She pressed her open hands against her cheeks. "
Oh my gosh! For me? How sweet."

I jerked the flowers back as she reached for them. "Where's Holly?" I pushed my way past her.

"She's in the shower."

I wh
eeled around and glared at her.

"I know what you're thinking, and yeah." She smirked. "I sat in the bedroom while she got undressed. Damn, I almost forgot how hot she is."

I narrowed my eyes. "Are you going gay again?"

She laughed. "Of course not. You converted me, remember?" She whispered, "Hey, you worried your fiancée might be a lesbian? Wouldn't say much about you as a man, would it?
" She laughed again.

"Debbie, would you just leave? I need to talk to Holly, in private."

"Sure. Our business is finished anyway. I'll just say goodbye."

Debbie skipped to the bathroom and walked in. I heard voices but couldn't make out what they were saying, which annoyed me.

Debbie came out. "Yeah, she's hot," she said as she walked past. She closed the door behind her and I flip
ped her the finger as she left.

I laid the flowers on her kitchen counter and stood there fuming for a moment, confused as to what to do next. A large Jack Daniel's stood out as the best option, but I decided to confront Holly instead.

I walked into the bathroom and pulled the shower curtain back. Holly stood with her back to the water flow as she lathered up her breasts with her eyes closed. I wondered what she was
thinking about while she soaped up. She opened her eyes and jumped when she noticed me standing there.

"Tyler, what are you doing here?"

"The question is, what was Debbie doing here?" I stood with my arms folded.

"She just stopped by to see if I was okay. Wasn't that sweet? She
's being a really good friend."

She put a finger in her mouth and slid it in and out, slowly. Then she popped the inside of her cheek with it. "I need some help washing my back." She lowered her head and looked at me from the top of her eyes, as she so cutely did. "Any takers?"

I undressed and got in with her. When the 'Oh My God's' started in quick succession, I shoved the bottom end of the shower gel bottle in her mouth. Shower gel shot out as she bit down. It wa
s quite symbolic of the moment.

After the shower, we got dressed and Holly heated up a couple of cans of
. We sat on the couch eating from bowls on our laps.

"I really don't like Debbie hanging around here, babe. I think she's still got designs on you."

"God, you're not
become one of them controlling freaks because we're engaged now, are you? I can see the little cogs turning in your head, Tyler." She looked me in the eyes with sincerity. "There's nothing going on between me and Debbie. Like I said, she's a friend."

"But doesn't it bother you, her seeing you naked?"

"Why? Girls would kill for a body like mine."

"Exactly! You don't want hobos
on you, so why would you le
got jollies off you?"

She shot me a look of disgust and shook her head disapprovingly.

I spooned in a mouthful of
. "I just don't like it," I mumbled.

She rolled her eyes and gave an exasperated sigh. "Fine." She slammed her bowl down on the coffee table. "I love you and we're getting married. I'm not interested in anyone else of either sex. I'm
call Daddy right now and tell him the good news."

Holly jumped up and picked up the phone. I set my bowl down and turned to watch her.

"Hi, Daddy, it's me…"

"- Yeah, fine thanks. Hey, I got some great news. Tyler asked me to marry him."

"- I know. It's great, isn't it? I'm really happy."

"- Yeah, he's the one for me." She looked at me. "I love him."

"- Sorry, Daddy, someone's at the door. I'll call you tomorrow. - Love you too. Bye."

She hung up and sat back down next to me, putting her arms around my shoulders. "As you said before, it's a straight ticket to hell for lying to a preacher. You believe me now?" She stuck her bottom lip out.

"Sorry, babe. I trust you, but I don't trust Debbie. You sure you're okay about getting married?"

"I can handle Debbie." She sighed. "I'm not going to kid you, it's not my ideal scenario. But if we don't do this, I'll lose a father and millions of dollars. I'll get used to it. It's just a bit of a shock at the moment." She took a drink of water. "One more thing. An insecure guy is like a total turn-off. So quit asking me if I'm happy, sure, or fucking Debbie. Yes, yes and no."

After I did the dishes and put them away, I gave Holly a back rub and we went to bed and made love. Afterwards, she lay in the nest of my shoulder and rubbed her leg up and down against mine.

"So what do you think about my plan?" I asked. "Us getting out and starting fresh."

She played with my nipple. "Yeah, I like it. You sure you can pull off this sleepwalking thing?"

"No problem. Funny isn't it? You and I worked so hard to keep me in, and now I
get myself kicked out. And because it's a medical discharge the judge can't throw me in jail. I think we're
have a great life, babe." I ran my fingers through her hair. "You're going to
be the best-looking mom ever."

She giggled.

"So, have you thought about where would you want to live?" I asked.

"Hmm…maybe Oregon. Just sounds like it would be fresh."

"I could deal with that. Maybe I could be a lumberjack." I stroked her arm. "I know it was difficult to accept, but you getting pregnant was the best thing that ever happened to me. And I'm so happy you agreed to be my wife. I'm
be a good husband and father. Promise."

"I'm sure you will."

"We better make the most of our time on the island before we have to leave. Why don't we go snorkeling Saturday? Then I'll buy us a couple of steaks and I'll cook. I can't do much, but I do cook a mean
. Then we'll take a bath together with those scented candles you like so much, and we can set the date for the wedding. It'll be like our engagement party."

"Oh damn. That sounds great, but I can't. I promised Debbie I'd go shopping with her Saturday and then we're going to a movie."

My hea
rt fell through my stomach.

Chapter 27

Since Holly was busy on Saturday and couldn't join me for our engagement party, I rented a car and drove around the island by myself. I wanted to explore as much as I could before I got myself discharged. Oregon would be nice, but I doubted it would offer itself to a tropical feel.

A sign pointed up a hill simply stating 'The Chapel'. I turned up the dirt road and followed it to the top. A small white chapel sat alone. After parking the car, I got out and looked around. A light haze settled in the valley, while the ocean played in the distance. The rippled scars on the side of the mountains revealed the violence of the burning hot lava that formed this beautiful island. It now stood lush and green, its fresh air filling my lungs with purity while a hint of pineapple drifted through the air.

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