Truman (189 page)

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Authors: David McCullough

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Presidents & Heads of State, #Political, #Historical

HST falls: HST to Acheson, January 12, 1965.

“He doesn’t look a thing”: Ferrell,
Harry S. Truman and the Modern American Presidency
, 159.

“He would say ‘You’re doing…’ “: Thomas Melton, author’s interview.

“sad amazement” at HST’s appearance: Merriman Smith, UPI, July 31, 1965.

“Quite often we have”: Melton, author’s interview.

Nixon visit: Independence
, March 21, 1969.

asked what he had played: Elizabeth Safly, author’s interview.

HST with grandchildren in baseball cap: Photo Archives, HSTL.

“Oh, to have a good comfortable”: Margaret Truman Daniel, author’s interview.

“No, young man”: Ken McCormick, author’s interview.

December 5 illness: Research Hospital and Medical Center, press release, December 5, 1972, HSTL.

December 6 “critical”: Ibid., December 6, 1972, 10:23

“very serious”: Ibid, December 14, 1972, 9:00

he answered, “Better”: Ibid., December 10, 1972, 2:00

“warm, sweet and most appreciative”: Quoted in Belton (Missouri)
December 28, 1972.

“He squeezed my hand”: Ibid.

“very, very small”:
The New York Times,
December 26, 1972.

Bess almost exhausted: Truman,
Bess W. Truman,

“Keep it simple”: Ibid., 422.

“This whole town”:
, January 8, 1973.

staff watching grave filled in: Safly, author’s interview.

“He was not a hero”: Washington
, December 29, 1972.

Alden Whitman interview: Whitman,
Come to Judgment
, xvii.

“I’m not sure”: Eric Sevareid, author’s interview.


Alice Acheson, Washington, D.C. • David Acheson, Washington, D.C. • Pat Acheson, Washington, D.C. • Joseph Alsop, Washington, D.C. • James P. Aylward, Jr., Kansas City, Missouri • Lauren Bacall, Washington, D.C. • Sue Bailey, Lincoln, Nebraska • Lindy Boggs, Washington, D.C. • Richard Bolling, Crumpton, Maryland • Floyd Boring, Washington, D.C. • Mary Salisbury Bostian, Independence, Missouri • Bernard Brannon, Kansas City, Missouri • Mary Shaw Branton, Kansas City, Missouri • Ellsworth Bunker, Washington, D.C. • Rufus Burrus, Independence, Missouri • Hilary Bush, Kansas City, Missouri • Jack Capps, West Point, New York • Liz Carpenter, Austin, Texas • Jimmy Carter, Atlanta, Georgia • Marquis Childs, Washington, D.C. • Clark Clifford, Washington, D.C. • Wilbur Cohen, Austin, Texas • John Sherman Cooper, Washington, D.C. • Bill Crotty, Kansas City, Missouri • Clifton Daniel, New York City • Margaret Truman Daniel, New York City • Matt Devoe, Kansas City, Missouri • John Doohan, Kansas City, Missouri • Peggy Dow, Copenhagen, Denmark • Joseph Dush, Willard, Ohio • Alfred Eisenstaedt, Menemsha, Massachusetts • George Elsey, Washington, D.C. • Lyman Field, Kansas City, Missouri • Stanley Fike, Washington, D.C. • Francis Fitzgerald, Kansas City, Missouri • Gerald Ford, New York City • Polly Fowler, Independence, Missouri • Clayton Fritchey, West Tisbury, Massachusetts • Virginia Geier, Kansas City, Missouri • Sue Gentry, Independence, Missouri • Rosalind Gibson, Independence, Missouri • D. W. Gilmore, Kansas City, Missouri • T. Sterling Goddard, Grandview, Missouri • Wallace Graham, Kansas City, Missouri • John Hahn, Washington, D.C. • Elliott Harris, Kansas City, Missouri • Steve Harrison, Independence, Missouri • Ardis Haukenberry, Independence, Missouri • Ken Hechler, Boston, Massachusetts • John Hersey, Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts • Anna Rosenberg Hoffman, Bedford, New York • Bernard Hoffman, Kansas City, Missouri • Robert Hopkins, Washington, D.C. • Paul Horgan, Middletown, Connecticut • Dorothy Davis Johnson, Kansas City, Missouri • Lady Bird Johnson, Austin, Texas • J. Walter J. Jones, Kansas City, Missouri • Greta Kempton, New York City • Chester Kerr, New Haven, Connecticut • Geraldine Ketchum, Kansas City, Missouri • Kathleen Moore Knight, Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts • Philip Lagerquist, Independence, Missouri • Johanna Laughlin, Kansas City, Missouri • Tom Leathers, Kansas City, Missouri • Sol Linowitz, Washington, D.C. • Robert B. Lockwood, Independence, Missouri • Eugene McCarthy, Woodville, Virginia • Gerrard McCann, Norfolk, Virginia • John J. McCloy, New York City • Ken McCormick, New York City • Harry McPherson, Washington, D.C. • David Melton, Independence, Missouri • Thomas Melton, Independence, Missouri • Merle Miller, Brewster, New York • Grace Minor, Independence, Missouri • Gerald Mitchell, Kansas City, Missouri • Paul Nagel, Independence, Missouri • Terence O’Brien, Kansas City, Missouri • Reathel Odum, Charleston, South Carolina • Charlton Ogburn, Beaufort, South Carolina • Gertrude Field Oliver, Kansas City, Missouri • John W. Oliver, Kansas City, Missouri • Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Chilmark, Massachusetts • Frank Pace, Jr., Boston, Massachusetts • Beverly Pendergast, Kansas City, Missouri • Robert Pendergast, Kansas City, Missouri • Claude D. Pepper, Washington, D.C. • Catherine Pruett, Kansas City, Missouri • Joseph Pruett, Kansas City, Missouri • Jennings Randolph, Washington, D.C. • Ronald Reagan, Washington, D.C. • James Reston, Washington, D.C. • Richard Rhodes, Kansas City, Missouri • Abe Ribicoff, New York City • Matthew Ridgway, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., Chautauqua, New York • James H. Rowe, Jr., Washington, D.C. • James Rowley, Washington, D.C. • Liz Safly, Independence, Missouri • Harrison Salisbury, Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts • Dwight Salmon, Chilmark, Massachusetts • Frank Sayre, Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts • Ray Scherer, Washington, D.C. • Peggy Scott, Chilmark, Massachusetts • Rex Scouten, Washington, D.C. • Eric Sevareid, Washington, D.C. • Robert Sherrod, Washington, D.C. • Stephen Slaughter, Grandview, Missouri • John Snyder, Charleston, South Carolina • John Steele, Washington, D.C. • Byron Stewart, Jr., Independence, Missouri • Charlotte Stewart, Independence, Missouri • Nathan Stinnette, Crescent City, Florida • Chris J. Stolfa, Kansas City, Missouri • David Stowe, Washington, D.C. • Richard L. Strout, Boston, Massachusetts • James Swoyer, Oskaloosa, Kansas • Martha Ann Truman Swoyer, Oskaloosa, Kansas • James Symington, Washington, D.C. • George Tames, Washington, D.C. • Arthur Tighe, Kansas City, Missouri • J. C. Truman, Independence, Missouri • Roger Tubby, Washington, D.C. • Regna Vanatta, Grandview, Missouri • Sam Vaughan, New York City • May Wallace, Independence, Missouri • J. B. West, Falls Church, Virginia • David Wheeler, Kansas City, Missouri • Conn Withers, Liberty, Missouri • John Zentay, Washington, D.C. • Benedict K. Zobrist, Independence, Missouri



Papers of Harry S. Truman

Papers of: Dean Acheson • Eben A. Ayers • James P. Aylward • Jordan Bentley • Henry A. Bundschu • Fred Canfil • Oscar L. Chapman • Tom C. Clark • Will L. Clayton • Clark M. Clifford • Matthew J. Connelly • Clifton Daniel and Margaret Truman Daniel • Jonathan Daniels • Robert L. Dennison • Harry Easley • George M. Elsey • Tom L. Evans • Alonzo Fields • Hugh Fulton • Harold F. Gosnell • William D. Hassett • Lou E. Holland • Edward Jacobson • Joseph M. Jones • Mary Paxton Keeley • Edward B. Lockett • J. Howard McGrath • Frank McNaughton • Edward P. Meisburger • Victor R. Messall • Charles S. Murphy • Philleo Nash • David K. Niles • Mary Ethel Noland • Frank Pace, Jr. • William M. Rigdon • Samuel I. Rosenman • Charles G. Ross • John W. Snyder • L. Curtis Tiernan • Jerome K. Walsh


Congressional Quarterly Library • Democratic National Committee • Miscellaneous Historical Documents • President’s Committee on Civil Rights • Special Committee to Investigate the National Defense Program • U.S. Army 35th Division Records • White House Daily Schedule Logs • White House General Correspondence • White House Reconstruction Commission • White House Social Office • White House Telephone Office


Dean Acheson • Eben A. Ayers • Gaylon Babcock • Thomas Hart Benton • Frederick J. Bowman • Welbern Bowman • Oscar L. Chapman • Henry P. Chiles • Tom C. Clark • Lucius D. Clay • Clark M. Clifford • Emilio G. Collado • Matthew J. Connelly • Clifton Daniel • Jonathan Daniels • Donald S. Dawson • Mildred Lee Dryden • Harry Easley • George M. Elsey • Tom L. Evans • Stanley R. Fike • Edward T. Folliard • Sue Gentry • Esther M. Grube • William D. Hassett • Loy W. Henderson • Edgar G. Hinde • Johannes U. Hoeber • William J. Hopkins • Mary Paxton Keeley • Leon H. Keyserling • Vere C. Leigh • Katie Louchheim • Robert A. Lovett • Max Lowenthal • Ted Marks • Edward D. McKim • George Meader • John Meador • Walter B. Menefee • Charles T. Morrissey • John H. Muccio • Charles S. Murphy • Harry E. Murphy • Robert G. Nixon • Mary Ethel Noland • Edwin G. Nourse • Frank Pace, Jr. • Amanda Hardin Palmer • Pansy Perkins • Floyd T. Ricketts • Samuel I. Rosenman • Pauline Sims • John W. Snyder • John J. Strode • Richard L. Strout • George Tames • Mary Jane Truman • Roger Tubby • Regna Vanatta • Harry H. Vaughan •, Fred M. Vinson • Margaret Weddle • Arthur W. Wilson • John Woodhouse • Robert B. Wyatt


Heed, Thomas J.
Prelude to Whistlestop: Harry S. Truman the Apprentice Campaigner.
Ed. D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1975

Schmidtlein, Eugene F.
Truman the Senator.
Ph.D. dissertation, University of Missouri, 1962


Audio Collection • Newsreel, Film and Motion Picture Collection • Photographic Collection


Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library • Independence
files ‘Jackson County Historical Society “Joint Collections of the University Of Missouri Western Historical Manuscript Collection and the State Historical Society of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri • Kansas City
Archives • Liberty Memorial Research Archives

Library of Congress Manuscript Division—Papers of Joseph Alsop • William O. Douglas • Philip C. Jessup • Kathleen S. Louchheim • Robert A. Taft

Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library

National Archives, Washington, D.C.—Genealogy Division • Military Reference Branch’•

Records of the Commission on the Renovation of the Executive Mansion • Time-Warner Incorporated—Time Magazine Archives • U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation • Yale University Library—Papers of Henry L. Stimson


American Heritage, eds.
Harry S. Truman. Man from Independence.
Narrative text by Louis Koenig • Brown, Walter, J.
James F. Byrnes of South Carolina. A Remembrance.
Manuscript. • Chiles, Mary Sue. “A Brief History of the Six Mile Territory,” Joint Collection of the University of Missouri Western Historical Manuscript Collection and the State Historical Collection of Missouri Manuscripts, Columbia, Missouri • Sherrod, Robert. Transcript of interview with Harry S. Truman, April 9, 1964. • Tubby, Roger, Journal—1950–1951.



Ballou, M. E.
Official Report on the Resources and Opportunities of Jackson, County, Missouri.

Biographical Directory of the American Congress 1774–1971.
Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1971.

Budget Fiscal Year, 1934.
Jackson County, Missouri.

Congressional Record,
Washington, D.C.

Course of Study and Rules and Regulations of the Independence Public Schools.
March 15, 1909.

Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic Papers. The Conference of Berlin (The Potsdam Conference)
1945. Vols. I and II. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1960.

Foreign Relations of the United States 1948. The Near East, South Asia, and Africa.
Vol. V. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1976.

Gallup Political Almanac for 1948. Compiled by the American Institute of Public Opinion, Princeton, New Jersey.
Manchester, New Hampshire: Clarke Press, 1948.

Guide to Research Collections of Former United States Senators 1789–1982.
Washington, D.C.: Historical Office, United States Senate, 1983.

Harry S. Truman National Historic Site, Independence, Missouri. Cultural Landscape Report.
United States National Park Service, 1989.

Harry S. Truman National Historic Site, Independence, Missouri. Historic Structures Report.
Restoration Associates, 1987.

Harry S. Truman National Historic Site, Independence, Missouri. Historic Structures Report: History and Significance.
United States National Park Service, Midwest Regional Office, 1984.

Hearings Before the Committee on Rules of the House of Representatives on H. Res. 505. Losses of Thirty-fifth Division During the Argonne Battle.
Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1919.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Physical, Medical and Social Effects of the Atomic Bombings.
The Committee for the Compilation of Materials on Damage Caused by the Atomic Bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. New York: Basic Books, 1981.

Historic Furnishings Report. Harry S. Truman Home, National Historic Site, Independence, Missouri.
United States National Park Service, 1986.

History of United States Senate Roof and Chamber Improvements and Related Historical Data
(Sen. Doc. 20, 82nd Cong., 1st Sess.). Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1951.

Interim Report of Special Committee to investigate the National Defense Program—Supplementary Remarks. Congressional Record.
Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, January 19, 1942.

Kansas City. A Place in Time.
Landmarks Commission of Kansas City, Missouri, 1977.

Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims Transmitting a Copy of the Findings Filed by the Court in the Case of Harriet L. Young, Administratrix of Solomon Young, Deceased, Against the United States
(Sen. Doc. No. 901, 59th Cong., 1st Sess.). Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1906.

Memorial Services in the Congress of the United States and Tributes in Eulogy of Harry S Truman. Late President of the United States.
Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1973.

Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery and Memorial.
The American Battle Monuments Commission. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1986.

Missouri. A Guide to the “Show Me” State.
Compiled by the Workers of the Writers’ Program of the Work Projects Administration in the State of Missouri. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1941.

Morton, Louis. The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb. Extracted from “Command Decisions.
” Office of the Chief of Military History, Department of the Army, Washington, D.C., 1971.

National Register of Historic Places Inventory-Nomination Form. Harry S. Truman Farm Home.
United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, National Register of Historic Places, Washington, D.C., 1978.

Official Congressional Directory,
74th Congress, 1st Sess. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1935.

Official Inaugural Program 1949. Commemorating the Inauguration of Harry S. Truman, President of the United States of America, and Alben W. Barkley, Vice President of the United States,
January 20, 1949.

Official Report of the Proceedings of the Democratic National Convention Resulting in the Re-nomination of Franklin D. Roosevelt of New York for President and the Nomination of Harry S. Truman of Missouri for Vice-President,
Chicago, July 19 and July 21, 1944.

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