Read Trust Online

Authors: Aubrey St. Clair

Trust (17 page)




I realized that I
scared of being bored.  I was scared of
being alone. 
never even considered that befo
you came along, because it was never true until that moment.  In the past,
people would come and go from my life and it
even affect me.  But as soon as you
left, it became obvious why.  I
ever met
anyone I felt this strongly about before
.  I knew I
want you to leave, but it
until you did that I realized just how
much I really needed you to stay.  My life has been empty before you, Lila. 
And I never even realized it.


So you want me back because you don

t want to be lonely


eyes get even
somehow, but then I realize it

s just a reflection of the light.  Light
that is bouncing off the moisture that is pooling along it
s rims.


he breathes. 

I want you back because I love you.







of being
angry anymore has drained from me.  I

m not sure who moved first, but all of a
sudden I

m up against the wall of my dining room
with my lips locked onto Chase

s as his hands slide along the sides of my body.  They
travel down my ribs and along my hips, squ
eezing and
kneading the flesh before making their way back up again.  His touch is as
familiar and welcome as my own, and
missed it a lot more than I had been
willing to admit. 


lips are hungry for each other and his tongue is hot in my mouth as
it pushes firmly against my own.  I suck on it gently,
teasing him with the idea of what is to come.


Fuck Lila, don’
t leave me like that again,

he whispers after pulling his mouth away
from mine and moving his attention to my earlobe.  I shiver against
his hot breath.


I won

I promise.  I really won

t.  It was a mistake to leave in the
first place.  I can

t judge Chase for Harry

s sins.


gasp escapes my lips as his hand slips between my jean covered legs, pressing
against my hot core.  I

m sure
he can feel the heat
coming off of me as he inhales sharply as soon as he makes contact.


missed me, too,

he growls, noting my arousal as he
slides his fingers against me.  There are entirely too many clothes between us.


hands pull at his shir
t, my fingers pushing at each
button to loosen it.  Once I have enough of them undone I slide my hands under
the fabric and run greedy fingers along his hard body.  I love his chest and
abs, but I circle around to his back and rake my fingers along where I
know he has his tattoos.  Chase responds by biting my ear
even harder and I let out a little shriek and then a giggle.


Hey, everything okay out- oh shit,
hello.  Sorry!
I look over just in time to see Evelyn

s back as she turns and runs back into


feel my face redden. 

s move this into my room,
” I say, grabbing Chase

s arm and pulling him along behind me. 
My room is hardly prepared to entertain a man, especially one as put together
as Chase, but I

m not about to let that stop me.  Kic
king yesterday

s panties under my bed before he can see
them, I swing him around and push him backwards.  I watch with a grin as the
back of his legs hit my bed and he lands down across it on his back, his shirt
half open showing me his chest and his blue
sparkling up at me under a raised eyebrow.


quickly straddle him before he has a chance to get up and pull off my shirt,
exposing my braless chest. 

m in charge today, Mr. Anderson,

I say as I lean down to kiss away any
protests he might have. 
His firm grip closes around
my breasts.  I doubt he was planning to object.


can feel him bulging underneath me, the hardness of his cock pressing through
both sets of our pants.  It

s not enough for me.  Reaching below, I flatten my hand and
slide in in
to his pants until I make contact with his
burning flesh.  Chase groans into my mouth. 

Fuck I missed you,

he pants.  I silence him with my tongue
and lips.  No more talking.  I need to feel him inside of me.


hands fumble around at his pants as I try
to pull
them open.  Chase takes the hint and he begins to work on mine.  It takes
longer than I want, but soon both of them are pushed down along our legs and
piled on the floor at the foot of the bed.  I reach across his body to my
nightstand and yank it
open before dunking my hand
into the draw and fishing around.  Luckily I still have some condoms in here,
saving me the embarrassment of wandering over the Evelyn

s room to ask to borrow some.


quick as I can I rip open the package and slide it down al
ong his length before straddling him again.  Then without
any more hesitation, I reach behind and position him at my already moist center
before sitting down, drawing him inside of me in one hot instant.


both gasp in unison at our connection.  My ass i
sitting against his hips, his cock buried as deeply as it can go.  I can feel
it pulsating within me, waiting for me to take control and start to move.  I
want to enjoy the feeling of fullness for a few more moments though, so instead
I lean forward and
kiss him again.  Chase

s hands grab hold of my ass, squeezing
them as he kisses me back.


I can

t wait any more and start to move my
hips, rocking them against his manhood, stimulating him into expanding even
further within me. 


Fuck, Lila, you

re amazing,

he whispers.  I

m back in a sitting position, using my
knees to support my body and lift myself up and down along his slick length.  I
can feel his urgency, his firm hands trying to lift and pull me faster.  I go
with it, knowing he needs his
release more than I
need mine right now.  I got what I wanted as soon as I filled myself with him.


hips move faster as I watch the expression on Chase

s face turn to pure ecstasy even as his
blue eyes are shining up, locked onto mine.  I believe him wh
en he says he loves me.  I can see it.


a groan, the tips of his fingers dig into my ass as he pulls me down hard
against him.  His cock explo
es inside of my body, and he lets out a roar as he finally
finds his release.  He

s still spasming inside of
me as
I bend down along him to kiss him again.  My breasts touch the fabric of his
open shirt, the only piece of clothing that still separates us.  Chase hugs me
tightly against his body, slowly rolling until we

re side by side.


That was amazing,

he pa

Just give me a few minutes and-



t worry about it,

I interrupt him. 

I got what I wanted as well.  You

re here.



m not going anywhere.  Not without you,



m not sure I

m ready to go back to Vegas just yet,

I say.  I promised
Evelyn I

d help her pack.  She

s leaving in just a few more days and I

m not sure when
see her again. 



s okay.  We

ll figure out a plan.  I

m in no rush, as long as I

m with you it
matter where we are.


smile at the sentiment, but I
know the logic behind

ll need to get back eventually.  And I

t leave forever either.  I have to find
a job.  Evelyn is moving out.
He raises an eyebrow at me and I sigh. 

She got a promotion at work, but she has
to move to Chi
cago.  She

s leaving Saturday.


he says.


I promised to help her pack, and I want
to say goodbye to her when she leaves.


Of course,

Chase nods.  He runs his fingers lightly
up and down my body until I feel goose bumps start to rise along my fl
“Can I help?”



m sure she

ll have no objection to an extra pair of
strong hands, although you might have to stick to packing things like the
kitchen and dining room.  I think she

d die of embarrassment if you tried to
help pack her under
wear drawer.
He laughs. 

m serious, I think she has a bit of a
crush on you, Mr. Anderson.  No surprise there.

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