Read Trust Online

Authors: Aubrey St. Clair

Trust (23 page)


hear the sliding glass door open and close behind me, and Chase

s arms circle around my stomach. 


I hope we can come back here some time,
” I say. 


For sure.


Thank you for bringing me.  Thanks for
me more than just

I motion to the beach and ocean in front
of us.


Of course.


I feel guilty.  We have so much and they
have so little.  It
seem fair.



s not,

he agrees.  He

s quiet for a moment, and then I feel
his face nudge aga
inst the back of my head.  His
voice is softer now. 

re born into the world as it is, and in the grand scheme of
things there

s very little we can change about how it
works.  Certainly not in the short term, and often not in a lifetime.  And to
be hone
st, I

m more of a live in the moment kind of
guy, so I have to leave a lot of that big picture stuff to other people.  But
mean that I can

t do my part to change the lives of
individuals in some small way. 
been fortunate enough to find s
omething I enjoy doing that also makes me a lot of money,
more money than I need.  I could spend it myself, I guess.  I know a lot of
guys that do.  Or, I can do something more meaningful with some of it.  That

s why I come to places like this, why I

strictly to the resorts.  If I can help a few people each time,
my way of giving back.  I might not be
able to improve the whole world, but I can at least improve someone

s world.


squeeze his arms around me, pulling him tighter.  That was t
he right answer.  If I had doubted my feelings towards him
just solidified them.  I turned around, still holding onto
his arms to make sure he
let me go.


I love you, Chase Anderson.
His eyes light up, and a smile starts to
break ac
ross his face, but my lips don

t give it time to finish before they

re on top of him.  He kisses me back as
my fingers begin to pull urgently against the front of his pants.  All of a
sudden I

m anxious to demonstrate my own version
of generosity.





Holy shit, Lila,
” Chase gasps. 
already pushed him back into the room
and yanked his pants down, dropping to my knees as I wriggle them to the
floor.  They were tight enough that his boxers came down with them and his cock
is already semi hard in anti
cipation of what he
surely knows is to come.


look up at him as I grab the tip, extending his length so that I can run my
tongue along his hardening shaft. 



s so hot,

he pants, keeping his eyes fixed on

Look at me as you suck my cock.


my hands around his heavy balls, I give them a tight squeeze as I lift myself
up on the balls of my feet a bit to envelope him from the top.  He lets out a
groan in response, and his hands grasp my head, fingers burying themselves
within the loose
strands of my long hair.  One of my
hands grasps him by the root, holding him steady now that
as hard as a steel bar, and the other
slides around his ass.  I grasp his cheek firmly, using it for leverage as I
try to swallow as much of his girth as pos
sible.  He

s always been large, and it
easy to take him all in, but I love the
feeling of fullness whenever I try.


use my tongue to swipe along his tip, pulling back a hot bead of pre cum to
swallow into my throat.  I want more than that, though.
 I want all of it.  The hand that encircles his shaft squeezes tighter as
I bob up and down, twisting and pulling on him in an effort to coax the prize
from his balls.


Fuck Lila, if you keep that up I

m going to come in your mouth.
”  It

s more of a state
ment than a warning.  Hopefully more of a promise. 


speed up even more now and his fingers tighten in my hair.  By the sounds
making, I can tell
close.  My grip on his ass tightens,
pulling him deeper into my mouth just as he lets out a huge
groan of release.  His cock swells as the first hot jets
fill me, and I make my own sound of satisfaction as I swallow greedily at his


keep holding him tightly until I can suck the last few drops out of him.  Only
then do I let him free so that
he can collapse down
onto the bed.


Fuck, Lila.  That was incredible.  You

re so fucking good at sucking my dick. 
Just let me rest for a minute-


I say, cutting him off with a finger on
his lips. 

Go to sleep.  Don

t worry about me.  I

m happy.


I am.  It

s taken me time to realize it, but I
really am happy.  With my head down on his chest listening to his heavy breath
slowly settle, I close my eyes in contentment. 



to Macau took forever, and I don

t want to even imagine how much i
cost Chase for two first class seats on a flight with two connections and about
a day

s worth of travel.  We had a stopover in
Zurich and then another in Beijing before finally getting to Macau, and after
checking into our fancy hotel, we both crashed fo
about twelve hours. 


that we

re awake, I haven

t a clue what day it is, and I

m not even sure if
AM or PM when I look at the clock until
Chase gets up and pulls open the blackout blinds.  With sunlight flooding the
room, it seems as though
just before noon on whatever day of the
week it is.



m starving,” Chase says.  He

s standing in front of a floor to
ceiling window completely naked without a care in the world. 
a beautiful skyline behind him, but my
focus is on his even more
beautiful cock.  He

s right, though, I

m famished as well.  I have no idea how
long ago
been since we last ate.


What are our options,

I ask, tearing my eyes off of his
package long enough to raise an eyebrow at him. 


Given where your mind is, I
think my suggestion is room service.




giggle at him, throwing the sheets of the bed back to display my own naked

Well then, I suggest you order us
something and then we find a way to keep ourselves busy until it gets here.


d my mind,

he laughs, picking up the phone and a
ordered enough room service in our
brief time together that he already knows what I want almost better than I do,
so I don

t even have to look.  As soon as he
hangs up the phone, Chase slides b
ack into bed from
the far end, coming up between my legs.  His skin slides smoothly along mine on
his way up my body, and he only pauses briefly to give each of my nipples a
quick kiss.


Why, hello,

I say, kissing him on the lips as soon
as we

re face to
face.  I feel the heaviness of his cock laying across my thigh and I can tell
without looking at it that
already starting to harden. 


Hello yourself,

he kisses me back.


So what’s
the plan?

I ask, before we get too distracted. 


Well, I thoug

d start by touching you here,

his fingers brush against my pussy,
lightly spreading my lips before his thumb swipes gently across my clit. 

And then I thought maybe you

d touch me here.
His hand comes up to take my wrist and
he places it on his co
ck.  It

s definitely hard now. 

After that, I figure we can just wing



s not exactly what I meant,

I protest with a smile. 

Although I do like the way you

re thinking.  I mean, a
fter that, and after lunch, what’s
the plan?


Ah, after
leaves mine on his cock and then moves back down between my legs, his fingers
probing once more. 

After, I thought we

d do a bit of shopping.


For what?

I try to think about what we might need
but my mind is finding it hard to concentrate.


weather here in Macau is quite a bit cooler than Cuba.  I don

t think either of us brought the right


has my attention now, despite his continued distraction. 

You want to go buy us new clothes?


Of course, we can

t just walk around he
re in our bathing suits.  I don

t think they’ll
let me into the casino like that.


you know you don

t have to keep buying me things, right?

I look down at his fingers, lightly
grazing against my wet folds. 

m a sure thing.

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