Read Trust Online

Authors: Sherri Hayes

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance

Trust (37 page)

I hummed against her neck and then bit down.

Brianna squeaked, which only drove me to want more. I needed to be inside her.

She whined as I reluctantly pulled my fingers out of her pussy. I didn’t want to, but I needed my hand. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’m not nearly done with you yet.”

Reaching into my back pocket, I pulled out my wallet. Finding the single condom I’d placed in there after our meeting at the hotel, where I’d been without, I plucked it out with two fingers before letting my wallet fall to the floor with a thud.

“Unfasten my pants, Brianna.”

She scrambled to comply, seeming to be as desperate to feel me inside her as I was.

Once she had my zipper down, I adjusted my hold on her slightly so that my pants could be moved out of the way. She helped with that, too, which caused me to smile. “Eager, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Sir. I missed you today.”

I smiled before pulling her face toward me and giving her a passionate kiss. “So you said.”

Not able to wait any longer, I tore the wrapper away from the condom and rolled it down my aching cock. Lining it up with her pussy, I pressed forward, feeling the heat of her surround me. Heaven.

I held her gaze as I dug my fingers into the flesh of her ass, thrusting into her in one swift movement.

Her mouth fell open, and I took the invitation to plunge my tongue inside. She moaned into my mouth as I continued to take what I wanted from her. There was nothing outside of her . . . us. Nothing that could compare to the feeling of my cock inside her as I marked her as mine over and over again.

I ground us together roughly as I felt my climax building. “Touch yourself. I want to feel you come around my cock.”

When she didn’t move immediately, I took her hand and placed it where I wanted it before picking up where I’d left off and pounding into her.

Little by little, she gained confidence in touching herself as the sensations began to take over. “That’s it. Make yourself feel good.”

The muscles of her pussy began contracting, almost begging me to come. I kissed her, pouring everything I had into it. I never wanted her to have any doubt how I felt about her—how much I wanted her.

Sucking her bottom lip into my mouth, I bit down, feeling the flesh of her lip give as I toyed with it.

Brianna was completely lost in sensation. Her eyes were glazed over, and her breathing was shallow and rapid. The walls of her pussy were gripping me with ever-increasing force, and I wasn’t going to be able to hold on for much longer. “Let go, Brianna. Come for me.”

I bit down again on her lip—harder this time—the salty taste of her blood hitting the tip of my tongue.

At the same time, Brianna’s pussy clamped down on my cock, and she shuddered as she released a near silent scream.

Watching her was my undoing. My balls tightened, and a surge of energy shot up through my cock as I came. The only thing that could have made the experience any better was if I’d been able to feel her completely. It was a good thing she had an appointment to go get her blood work done on Wednesday, or I might have gone insane.


I couldn’t breathe.

Okay, I could, but it felt as if all the air had been knocked out of my chest when I climaxed. How did he do that? How did he make me feel as if I were floating and being knocked flat on my back at the same time? Sex before him had never felt good. Sex with him felt as if I were on a high I never wanted to come down from.

“Are you all right, sweetheart?”

“Uh-huh.” I wasn’t sure if I could form words at the moment.

This, of course, made him chuckle.

His thumb rubbed lightly against my lip, and I flinched. “I didn’t mean to break the skin. I guess I got a little carried away.”

I reached up, touching the spot. My lip was slightly swollen, but other than that, I couldn’t feel anything different. When I removed my hand, though, there was a small drop of blood.

Stephan separated us and helped me to regain my footing. “Come on. It looks like we both need to clean up, and I’ll get you some ice to put on your mouth.”

As we ate dinner, Stephan continued to watch me closely. He looked worried.

“Did I do something wrong, Sir?”

He looked surprised. “No. Why would you think you did anything wrong?”

I shrugged, taking another bite of my food. “You seem worried about something. I thought maybe I’d done something that displeased you.”

Reaching across the table, he took my hand in his. “No. You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m wondering, however, if I did. I know I’ve bitten you before, but this is the first time I’ve broken the skin. How do you feel about that?”

“It hurts a little, but I’m okay.”

He sighed. “I didn’t ask if it hurt, Brianna. I want to know how you feel about my hurting you.”

I stopped eating and looked at him. “You didn’t hurt me.”

“I injured you. I need to know how you feel about it.”

What he was saying made no sense to me. Yes, he’d bitten me, but at the time it felt amazing. Even now it wasn’t that bad. The worst was when he had cleaned it earlier. “You didn’t mean to.”

“That’s irrelevant, Brianna. I
injure you. I drew blood.”

I didn’t know what he wanted me to say. This didn’t even compare to what had been done to me, but the fact that he was worried about something so minor made me love him even more. “I love you.”

Stephan looked taken aback for a moment. “I love you, too, but that doesn’t have anything to do with what just happened. I got carried away. I shouldn’t have—”

There was only one thing I could think to do to make him stop beating himself up over this. He hadn’t done anything wrong.

Slipping out of my chair, I lowered myself to the floor until I was kneeling in front of him. I bowed my head and placed my hands behind my back, taking the position I’d held many times before I’d met him.

“Brianna, what are you doing?”

I remained silent.

“Answer me.”

“I’m showing you, Sir, in the only way I know how. I’m yours and only yours. I trust you with all of myself—my heart, my body, and my soul. It was an accident. You didn’t mean to cause me harm.”

The minutes ticked by as I waited for his response.

No words were spoken as he placed his hand on top of my head. I could feel the heat seeping through my hair as a feeling of calm welled up inside.

Still, I waited. I would wait in this position all night if that was what he desired. I would do anything for him, and I needed him to understand that.

With his other hand, he reached behind me and took hold of my left wrist. I remained still, allowing him to manipulate me however he wanted. He placed my left hand over his beating heart. “Look at me, Brianna.”

I raised my gaze slowly to meet his.

His eyes were intense, but unlike before, when he held me against the door, it wasn’t passion I saw—it was determination. “I, too, am yours, Brianna Reeves. Yours and only yours. You own me completely, heart, body, and soul. And I promise you that I will do all that I can to be worthy of your gift to me, because it
a gift, and I will treasure it and you for as long as you will allow me.”

Tears slid freely down my cheeks at his declaration. How did I get so lucky to have him find me, rescue me? He brought happiness back into my life and taught me that I could be loved . . . that I deserved it. There was nothing I could do to repay him for that, and my submission to him was such a small offering. That he saw it as more only increased my desire to serve him—to be the best submissive I could for him.

Time melted away as we sat there. It was as if we were trapped in a bubble and neither one of us wanted it to burst.

Of course, eventually it did. The phone rang, dragging us back to reality. He cupped my face and placed a reverent kiss on my lips, before going to answer the phone.

I waited.


He paused.

“We were having dinner. No, I haven’t talked to her about it yet. I will. Yes, I know. I’ll call you tomorrow and let you know for sure. I love you, too.”

I heard him hang up the phone and walk back to where I was kneeling on the floor.

Stephan helped me to stand. “That was my aunt. She asked me earlier today if we were going to their house for Thanksgiving. I told her I’d talk it over with you and get back to her, but apparently she’s getting impatient.”

I nodded. “I figured we’d be going to their house. It’s what normal families do, isn’t it?”

He smiled. “I’m not sure I’d call my family normal, but yes, it’s what normal families do.”


Stephan pulled me into his arms. “She’s also requesting that we spend the night. It’s sort of a tradition, but if you don’t think you’ll be comfortable, we can come back home. She’ll have to adjust.”

“She wants us to sleep there?”

“Yes.” He tilted my chin so he could see my face. “How do you feel about that?”

“Would I be sleeping in the same bed as you?”

“Of course.”

“Okay. As long as you’re there with me, I know I’ll be all right.”

He placed a soft kiss to my forehead. “I’ll let her know tomorrow. For now, we need to finish our dinners. Take a seat, and I’ll pop them both in the microwave. I’m sure they’re ice-cold by now.”

At Stephan’s encouragement, I retook my seat at the table and waited while he took our plates into the kitchen. This night hadn’t turned out at all like I thought it would, and it wasn’t over yet.

Chapter 32


As I rejoined Brianna at the table with our reheated dinners, I tried to
push what had happened out of my mind. She was correct. It was an accident. I hadn’t meant to break the skin on her lip. I hadn’t meant to lose control. Needing something to take my mind off it, I picked up Brianna’s journal and started reading.

Going through her journal provided some great insights into the way she thought about things. Today she’d written about her meeting with Sarah the day before. She thought Sarah was beautiful, and she’d been intimidated at first. Brianna mused over Sarah’s observation of my not caring for her bratty nature. In Brianna’s mind, she couldn’t understand why someone would intentionally try to get themselves into trouble. Brianna was such a good girl, so it didn’t surprise me that she was having a difficult time wrapping her mind around Sarah’s personality.

When I got down to the part where Brianna was talking about our time in the shower, I had to pause and adjust myself. She’d gone into detail as to how my cock felt in her mouth, the salty flavor of my cum, and how my pulling her hair added to her enjoyment. We’d had sex less than an hour ago against the door, and I was already contemplating taking her again.

I knew I needed to calm down, so I pushed her journal to the side for a few minutes and concentrated on my meal. There were things I wanted to do tonight that didn’t involve sex—well not yet, anyway. I needed to focus and not allow myself to get carried away. Besides, Brianna’s lip needed time to heal. I didn’t think I could go very long without kissing her, but at least if I wasn’t caught up in the heat of the moment, I could ease up on the amount of pressure I used.

Once I felt in control, I went back to reading. Luckily, after getting past her retelling of last night, she spoke of more mundane things, including a phone conversation with Ross. That was something that could cool my libido. From the sound of it, he was at least trying to uphold his end of the bargain by not harassing Brianna about moving back in with me.

Unfortunately, that was the only reprieve Brianna gave me, because after that she’d started reading her latest book, which apparently had some rather graphic sex scenes. It had gotten her all worked up and thinking about last night again, hence her jumping me as soon as I’d walked through the door.

I glanced over at her after I read the last words, which were
I can’t wait until Stephan gets home. I need him.

She met my gaze, and soon after, her pupils began to dilate. I knew they matched my own, which in no way helped my predicament. Brianna was able to do something to me that no other woman had ever been able to do—leave me in a near constant state of arousal. I always wanted her.

I took a deep breath and cleared my throat. “Are you finished?”

Brianna nodded.

Before my need overrode my common sense, I pushed my chair away from the table and stood. “Clean up, and I’ll be back down in a few minutes.”

Practically running up the stairs, I sought brief refuge in my study. I needed to get a hold of myself. There was no way I could have a conversation with Brianna about ropes and tying her up if I felt like this. Closing my eyes, I took several deep breaths.

My cell phone vibrating in my pocket caught my attention. I frowned when I saw the caller ID. Why was Agent Marco calling me and at this time of day?

By the time I hung up the phone, all thoughts of sex with Brianna had been sufficiently quelled. Ian Pierce. The man disgusted me. According to Agent Marco, Pierce wasn’t taking the deal the feds were offering, even knowing Brianna had given the FBI her statement. It wasn’t difficult to figure out the game he was playing. He didn’t think Brianna would go through with it—testify against him. It would be a huge blow to the prosecution’s case.

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