Read Trusting A Sheikh (Playgrounds of Power 1) Online

Authors: Rosie Pike

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fiction, #Forever Love, #Adult, #Bachelor, #Single Woman, #Playgrounds Power, #Restaurants, #London, #Private Hotels, #Thousands, #Dollars, #Kingsland Group, #Billionaire Clients, #Gloucester Hotel, #Prince, #Arms Deal, #Defense Minister, #Exiled, #Saudi Diplomat, #Betrayal, #Playboy Prince, #Forbidden Affair, #Arms Trading, #Suspense, #Romantic Suspense, #Danger, #Crime, #Protection, #Choices

Trusting A Sheikh (Playgrounds of Power 1) (20 page)

Chloe formed her lips into a circle, and blew on it gently, teasing her lover. His cock danced, jumping with the unexpected sensation, and he looked down at her, desperate for more, but Chloe wasn't to be hurried. She traced her fingers down his thick, muscular thighs, gently scratching the surface of his skin. She watched, engrossed, as the muscles tensed underneath the surface.

She lowered her mouth to his inner thigh, kissing it and watching with delight as the leg jumped lightly in response. She did it again, this time on the other leg, and elicited the same reaction, and continued, circling the area around his groin with gentle, delicate touches of her lips. His erect penis was full, thick with blood now, and she couldn't hold back any longer, sighing with delight as she finally took him in her mouth.

"Ahhhh…" Tariq sighed in relief, relaxing into the armchair as her mouth went to work with gusto. She took as much of his long, thick manhood in her mouth as she could manage, but there was still skin left bare. She didn't spare any effort, her tongue, lips and fingers all working as one, combining to form a teasing, sexual whirling dervish. Her head bobbed up and down, and above her, Tariq stiffened, his eyes flickering under his closed eyelids, his left hand gripping powerfully onto the upholstery. His breathing was more erratic than ever, he was catching it whenever he could, but it wasn't enough as he gasped in pleasure. He was close.

But Chloe wasn't going to let him have all the fun. As she knelt before him, she deftly pulled her own panties off, and then lifted her mouth off his cock. He sighed in desperation, opening his eyes and looking down at her, but she was ready on the move, using his thick, tree trunk-like limbs like the rungs on a ladder to hoist herself up his body. In one gentle, graceful movement, she didn't give him so much as a second to protest the breaking her ministrations as she lowered herself onto him, sighing with pleasure as his full-length filled her up.

"That's better," she whispered huskily, rocking her hips forward and silencing any protest in one movement. Tariq's chest was covered in tiny beads of sweat, and she placed her hands straight onto it, using his large pectoral muscles to support her.

"If I'd known all it took to get you back into bed was disowning my father," Tariq grunted, mid-thrust, "I'd have done it days ago…"

Chloe didn't reply, just concentrated on the growing feelings of pleasure and the heat building inside of her. Every time her toned legs lifted her up, rocked her hips forward, and dropped her on Tariq's thighs, his cock pressed into her at exactly the right angle, stretching her and rubbing against her most sensitive spot.

"Just there," she gasped. "Don't stop," she ordered, desperate he didn't change a thing as she rode him, slightly increasing the tempo. He reached up, grabbing one of her breasts and pawed at it roughly, tweaking her nipple and sending shocks of painful pleasure reverberating around her entire body.

"Yes!" she called out involuntarily, and the sound encouraged him to repeat it. Chloe loved it and Tariq leaned forward, delighting in his discovery of how sensitive her nipples were, taking one in his mouth, rolling his tongue around it. The slight change in his body position as he did so was absolutely perfect, and every time her hips made the journey forward, his cock reached a further inch into to her.

As she reached the edge of her orgasm, with electric shocks of pleasure shooting from her nipples down to her crotch and meeting in the middle, Chloe began to lose control over her limbs, and over the movement of her hips, which became jagged, erratic and uncontrolled. Smoothly, as this happened, Tariq took control, planting his hands firmly on her hips and holding them tightly, bucking his own hips powerfully into her. Chloe's head fell backwards and she panted, beginning to lose all conception of where she was as she reached her orgasm. She barely felt as Tariq moved one hand from her hip and placed it on her breast as he fucked her, using the position to slam into her harder, more powerfully. And then it happened, her entire world blacked out and the heat from her crotch exploded, her skin tingled and her nipples felt like two spots of fire on her chest.

"Yes!" She might have screamed, or she might not – she had no way of knowing, and then collapsed – exhausted, onto Tariq's chest. He didn't stop – he had no intention of doing anything close, just flipped over smoothly so that she was on her hands and knees, and he was left standing behind her. The position allowed him to thrust harder and fill her deeper, and as Chloe panted in her exhaustion, he pounded into her without stopping, the energetic orchestra of their panting breaths only briefly, intermittently interrupted by him grunting in pleasure.

"I'm close," he said, the sound barely punctuating his own ragged breathing, and Chloe backed into him harder, feeling an electric aftershock growing inside her. He grabbed onto one of her shoulders and pushed into her ever harder, and the other hand on her hip tightened, and as Chloe clenched around his cock in her own blissful wave of orgasm, he came inside her. It was his turn to collapse, and he sacked forward onto his knees.

"Holy shit," was all that came to mind.


hloe wasn't a light sleeper, ordinarily at least. Something about tonight was different, though. Perhaps it was the fact that she was in a new bed, or perhaps it was her very real worry about the danger of the situation she had found herself in, or maybe it was something as simple as the fact that she wasn't used to sleeping in bed with another man – but regardless, something contributed to the fact that, tonight, she was easy to rouse.

The change that prompted it was tiny, miniscule in fact, but it did the trick. Chloe shifted restlessly in the huge, queen size bed, her subconscious noticing that the climate in the huge Presidential Suite had changed – just by a couple of degrees, but it was enough. Her eyes flickered open and she sat up, propping herself upright with one arm, drawing the sheet up to cover her breasts with the other. She looked down at the sleeping form of Tariq by her side, and then chuckled to herself quietly – what a silly gesture, she thought. After all, who could possibly be creeping around at this time of night…

Weirdly, it was as though her brain had posed that question for a specific purpose, because she couldn't stop thinking about it. Why had she woken up? For that matter, why were the hairs on the back of her arms standing up, the flesh prickling into goosebumps – and why was she so alert? Since it normally took a long, hot shower to wake her up, this was certainly unusual. Inside her chest, she could feel her heart thumping at a hundred beats per minute, like it was trying to escape its bony cage. Chloe lifted her long legs over the side of the bed and quietly set them down on the floor, picking up a silk dressing gown that was helpfully pegged to the wall close by and shrugging it on.

She stood up and quietly padded over to an iPad mounted on the wall, slowly freaked out by how nervous she was, and keyed up the security system. She told herself that this was ridiculous, she should just go back to bed – but something stayed her feet, and forced her to continue tapping at the screen. She pulled up the camera app, the appendages of which covered the entire suite – barring the bathrooms, that was. It slowly began cycling through, showing fuzzy, grey, crackling images of empty rooms – first the cocktail bar, then the movie theatre, which Chloe suddenly realized with a start she'd never shown Tariq – another blot on her copybook, then the study, then the empty living room, then the…

Chloe's blood froze. What was that in the living room? She was sure she had just seen something moving and urgently swiped right, getting back to the camera feed.
. There was definitely someone down there – and there was no way that could be a good thing. This suite was supposed to be completely private, nobody other than her and the guest should be allowed in – not even the hotel manager.

And since both she and Tariq were in the bedroom, she knew without a shadow of a doubt that whoever was downstairs was up to no good. She pressed the home button on the iPad, bringing up a screen full of apps and desperately opened another, locking the doors of the master bedroom with a tap of a button. If someone really wanted to break through them, it wouldn't take them long, but at least it was something.


Chloe couldn't even think straight. Nothing in her training had prepared her for this. She was rooted to the spot. Behind her she could hear the calm, measured breathing of Tariq, slumbering away on the bed. Yes, that was it – that was something she could do. She ran over to him, her bare feet barely making a sound in the darkness. She leaped onto the bed, startling him slightly – but only in as much as to force him to snort in his sleep.

"Tariq!" she hissed, grabbing him by the shoulder and rocking him back and forth violently. "Wake-up!"

“Eh?" he grunted, sitting up quickly in surprise, and almost cracking Chloe's nose in the process. If she'd been an inch or two closer to him, she’d have been reeling in pain.

"Shhhh!" she said, putting a finger to her lips. "I think there's someone in the suite with us," she whispered, eyes darting from side to side in her mild panic.

Suddenly alert, Tariq quietly whipped the covers off his naked body and searched for his pants. "Why?" he asked, whispering, while pulling them up.

"Why what?" Chloe hissed, irritated that Tariq didn't appear to be taking it seriously.

He shot her in an apologetic look, but also one that spoke to his urgency. "Why do you think there's someone here?" he whispered.

"Oh," she replied in turn, feeling a little silly. "I saw him on the camera. At least one, maybe two people – I'm not sure. I've locked the doors, but if someone tries to break them down, they won't hold for long."

Tariq swung his legs over the side of the bed and placed his feet on the floor, leaned over and rolled the legs of his suit pants up to the middle of his calves. Chloe presumed it was to prevent any possibility of them getting in the way. He stood up and padded over to the wall mounted iPad, taut, toned chest exposed to the cool nighttime air.

"How do I work this thing?" he hissed to Chloe, who was sitting on the bed, nervously hugging her legs. She scrambled to life, jumping off to join him – but almost falling over in the process.

"Keep it down," he whispered. Chloe joined him by the iPad and quickly called up the camera feed, switching to view that showed all nine different cameras. They watched the grainy, black-and-white footage, searching for anything that was out of the usual. "There's nothing there," Tariq whispered, still keeping his voice down. "Are you sure about what you saw?"

Chloe nodded, desperately searching the video icons for anything that didn't seem right. She was just about to call it a night and admit that she had panicked when something caught her eye.

She tapped Tariq on the shoulder, pointing at the video feed for camera number seven – the one aimed directly at the stairs that led to the master bedroom. "Look!" she whispered under her breath, tapping the icon so that it resized. "Look at the dark patch on the stairs. Is that a person?"

Tariq studied the screen carefully, looking at what Chloe thought she'd seen. He was about to turn away, about to dismiss it entirely when the dark patch moved. "You're right," he hissed, and both watched as a man holding a gun crept slowly and silently up the stairs. "Shit. You need to hide."

Tariq gently tugged at Chloe's arm, pulling her back towards the bed, and he padded over as quickly and quietly as a hunting lion, dropping to his knees and sticking his arm under the heavy mattress.

"What are you doing?" Chloe asked, bemused.

Tariq didn't reply – at least not to her question – when he turned his head. "Is there anywhere you can hide?"

"Um…" Chloe thought, racking her brain for an idea. She slapped her head. "Oh my God, how could I possibly be so stupid!"

"What is it?" Tariq whispered urgently, getting to his feet holding something dark in his hands.

"Is that…" Chloe began uncertainly. "Is that a gun? It is. Where did you get that?"

"Now," Tariq said firmly, "isn't the time for questions. You were saying there was somewhere to hide?"

Chloe nodded her head vigorously in response, unable to take her eyes off the handgun in Tariq's hands. "Yes. There's a panic room next to the bathroom. I don't know how I forgot."

"Let's go," Tariq ordered insistently, grabbing Chloe by the shoulder protectively. "Show me where it is." Chloe walked over to the bathroom and put her hands on the wallpapered walls, feeling them up – looking for something.

"What are you doing?" Tariq hissed. "We don't have time…"

"Give me a second," Chloe whispered back in an irritated tone of voice. "I've got it!" she exclaimed triumphantly. She pulled the false section of wall back and exposed a black metal vault. "I need your thumbprint," she whispered, grabbing Tariq's hand and pressing against the fingerprint reader. The vault bleeped once, and the door clicked open. "Come on, get in," she begged urgently, clambering in herself before grabbing Tariq's arm and trying to pull him in behind her.

"I'm not coming in, Chloe," Tariq said firmly. "Call for help." Before she could protest, he pushed the door closed and it beeped once again.

Inside the panic room, Chloe beat her fist against the hard metal door in anger, fear and frustration. "What the hell are you doing?" she yelled as loud as she could, screaming at the top of her voice. Outside of the metal chamber, Tariq could barely hear her. She whirled around, looking for a button to unlock the door – single-minded in her determination to get Tariq in there with her, to get him to safety. She spied a big red button and smashed the base of her fist down on it hard, only for an error message to come up on a small screen inside the vault.

Error: Emergency Procedure Activated

Lock time: 59:37 remaining

There was nothing she could do – no way of getting out, and no way of helping the beautiful man on the other side of the door. Dark thoughts began to enter Chloe's mind. What if the reason he hadn't entered the vault with her was because he was in on the plan? But she dismissed them as quickly as the traitorous thoughts entered her mind – she knew for a fact that a man who had looked as shattered as Tariq had the night before upon learning the truth about his family couldn't possibly be capable of betraying her.

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