Truth of Touch (Templer Series 2) (5 page)

“Yes. It
her!” Dave Bennett, the new Director of Design Technology at Templer Industries, leaps out of his chair, pointing. “Now, she could pussy whip me any fucking day!” He roars his head back, laughing.

Jake feels an urge to put his fist right through Dave’s stupid laughing mouth. Instead, he plasters a fake laugh. “Who cares…fucking
…..too high maintenance….”

“You had your picture taken with her, last week! And with your arms
all around her… she
fucking nice though eh?” Dave leans across, eyeing Jake excitedly.

“Yeah…..suppose she did…..smelt good too….” Jake grins,
falsely playing along.

is the guy with her? Some pansy model probably…..he’ll probably
her later……” Tony grumbles an envious smirk.

Jake springs to his feet before he can stop himself, staring across the Lobby for a sight of her. He can’t see anyone apart from an elderly couple
arguing quietly over a tourist map. Slumping himself back into his chair, he scowls at the other men, who are pulling faces at him. “God knows. Who cares?” He growls.


Oh, my God. This new guy is seriously hot. No wonder then that the Press are hailing him
new male
All blonde waves and piercing blue eyes, with tanned ripped abs stood before me in the tightest of ripped jeans. He is a pretty boy…..
unlike Jake who is male, very male and strong and stunningly handsome and…….

I put my Cannon down for a second, giving my head a mental shake. I have a beautiful man half naked a few feet away from me and still Jake jumps into my mind
at every opportunity.
Sort this shit out, Mia Fox……

, let’s go for another shot….” I walk across to the blonde loveliness. I begin to move his body into the next position, change my mind, and decide to show him what I want. “Like this….that’s right….and twist your torso around a little more….good, good… look hot!” I pat his abs playfully. He moves into position, I shoot, and move toward him again. “Now, I want you to lie back…..that’s it… your legs wide so I can move in between them for a closer shot….if I lean over…..that’s fantastic…. that’s…..”


thundering growl from across the room makes me jump sharply, almost dropping my camera onto the chest of the model. I spin angrily around to face the familiar voice……Jake!

“What the hell are you doing here? I nearly dropped my camera, you asshole!”

“Why the fuck are you crawling all over him?” Jake is striding towards me, his nostrils flaring, eyes dark and slanted.

“What the
hell has it got to do with you…..what I do…..who the hell are you to barge into my shoot?” I launch myself out from the legs of the model, and stride toward Jake, equally pissed, my cheeks flushing in temper.

Jake stares down at me. His hands fisting on his hips, chest rising and falling in deep, slow breaths. He scowls across at Blondie. “T
ake five!”

The model scurries out the door, not arguing the case.

“How dare you! You arrogant………..” I’m so wired I can’t get the words out. I want to lash out but I’m frozen in anger.

As an irate breath puffs out my lungs
, I’m gripped forcefully by the shoulders and pulled hard against his chest. His hand fists in my hair at the nape of my neck angling my face up to meet his. I splay my hands on his chest pushing away from him. His eyes are dancing, twinkling with greed. “If you try to kiss me, Jake……I’ll…..I’ll…..” I spit out at him.

“You’ll do what, Mia? Kiss me back?” He smiles against my neck, nibbling the flesh, suckling on an earlobe.

“Pig…’re a pig!” I grumble, already feeling myself weaken.
I hate that he can make me feel like this……..want this……..

He lifts my hands placing them around his neck, smiling down into my eyes. I scowl at him, already parting my lips, waiting hungrily for his
mouth on mine. He brushes a thumb across my bottom lip, stroking me slowly, seductively, before leaning into me, licking the same spot with his tongue. I moan at the heat of him. He locks his lips across mine, pressing harder into me, his tongue searching for the comfort of my mouth. Our tongues dance and circle, tasting our arousal, our need for each other. He groans full into my mouth, pressing his groin and hardening erection against me.

He pulls free for a moment, returning to nibble at my neck. “Why can’t I break free of you haunt me, Mia” He curses still licking and suckling every inch of flesh he can find.

I arch into him, needing to feel my body pressed against him. I moan, biting at his jawline, tasting him.
What am I doing? We will never work…..

“JAKE! STOP” I struggle out of his arms. I shake my head, turning away.
He’s a player……and so am I.......why is he messing with me?
  I find myself hurrying away from his grasp, snatching up my camera, running for the door.
Oh, fuck, I want him……my heart is pulling me apart…….what is happening to me?


Jake scrapes a hand across his jaw, letting out a deep sigh. Of all the women to latch onto his heart, to crawl under his skin, it had to be this one. He quietly shakes his head, a small laugh catching in his throat. Jake the
has been caught……hook, line and sinker in love…..and he didn’t even see it coming……


Chapter Eight

I throw another shot of vodka down my throat, feeling the burn, waiting for the rush. The club is heaving with beautiful people and the latest z list celebrities from some reality show on Channel 4
. I want to get fucked, both with alcohol and a willing male body….but there is no-one interesting in here.
No-one like Jake……

I have batted away a couple of hopefuls and a Premier League footballer. And I can’t be bothered to hit the dance floor. Jonathon, the stylist and best gay friend ever is raising an eyebrow in my direction.

“What?” I mumble at him, almost inaudible over the thumping beat of the music.

“Why the
slapped ass face, sweetness?”

“No reason….just bored” I throw a lie, hoping he will catch it. He doesn’t.

“Really? Really? Not a man then?”

“Fuck off, Jonny…..” My rant is interrupted by the flashing light on my mobile. It’s Drew. I snatch it up, grateful for the excuse not to continue this conversation.


“Hey! You’ll have to shout…..I’m in a club….you ok?”

“We’re great. I need a favour. Fuck, can you hear me?” His deep voice bellows down the phone.

“Hang on. Let me run outside….I was about to leave anyway….all crap in here” I wave my goodbye at Jonny and head for the exit. The cool air hits my face, sending the alcohol straight to my legs, causing a momentary wobble. Luckily the paparazzi are camped out at the other entrance. “Shit! Ok…..I can hear you! What’s up?”

“I want to surprise Tilly……next weekend….and I need your help”

“Sure. What kind of surprise?”

“Mia….I want to ask Tilly to marry me. It’s a surprise engagement party”

my God!” I let out the loudest squeal. “I’m so happy for you…..for you both…..Oh my God! But how can I help? What do you want me to do?” My heart is flipping in my chest. This is the best news….my mood instantly lifting.

“Well, it’s a bit difficult. I heard that you’re not speaking to Jake…..he upset you I think? I wanted you guys to plan it, you know, the works… my place…..that way she won’t suspect a thing because I will be acting as normal all week….well, trying to” I can hear the sheer joy and excitement in his voice.

“Oh you mean when he ruined my photo shoot? Bet he didn’t tell you that!”

“Shit, I’m sorry, Mia. No, he didn’t tell me
. I’ll understand if you can’t help…..but you will still be at the party, won’t you? I want you there, obviously.” Drew has genuine concern in his voice.

“Water off a duck’s back” I lie blatantly. “Of course, I’ll help. Jake has my number. We’ll sort it….and yes, I’ll be there.”



A text alert pings on my mobile. It is Jake.

: Hey. Sorry about the photography assignment thing. Still mad at me? x

: Yes, I am. Let’s concentrate on the party planning.

: No kiss at the end of the text. You are pissed. I’m sorry. Honest x

: No kisses. Ever. So what about the party? I can do the DJ and decorations. You can do catering and invites. Ok?

: Ok. What sort of food? I’m crap at this x

: You are an asshole, do you know that? I’ll sort the catering as well then!

: You’re a star and you know you are! x

: One of us has to be x

: You just sent me a kiss x

: My hand slipped

: I think you meant to send it x

: Fuck off Jake

: xxxx

I throw my mobile on the coffee table. The man is infuriating. And playful. And dangerous. I shrug off the stupid silly fucking warm feeling and haul my laptop onto my lap. Let’s start planning a party! Now
I can do. Warm and fuzzy and love……I can’t. It’s scary. And people get hurt.



Time to update Jake
on the party plans. I sent a text.

: I have the DJ arriving at 6. The decorators and caterer will be there at 3. I will arrive around 2 and take Tilly out to the Spa for a few hours. We’ll also get hair and make-up done. I’ve already told her that I’m bringing her a new dress. She thinks we’re going out to dinner. Think you can handle all that information?

: My male brain can just about manage that. You’re sexy when you’re feisty x

: Stop flirting with me. Have you sent the invites?

: Sent? I just rang people x

: No proper party invites….as in card and envelope? You’re an idiot.

: But I’m a nice idiot x

: Sometimes. But mostly just an idiot x

: You just sent me a kiss again! Now you are flirting with me x

: Fuck off Jake. See you Saturday

: ;-) x


I head out the door, credit cards at the ready. Let’s shop for a dress or two. And maybe some shoes. And…..let’s ring Jonny!

An hour later, we are sat perche
d high on the barstools in The Wonder Bar at Selfridges. Tucking into Hederman smoked salmon and soda bread, we are ‘testing’ the 125ml shots of exclusive wines from the
Enomatic system built into the back wall directly facing us.

“This isn’t getting any shopping done, Jonny” I raise another shot up to my lips, eyeing him with a smirk.

“Huh!” He pouts playfully. “You know I’ll fetch you whatever you need tomorrow, sweetness” He signals to the barman for another round of drinks.
I love this man……

“Well, I need something knock-out for Tilly. And shoes. And grab something for me. Actually fetch something for Amber
, too…..she’s about an eight, maybe a ten. Tall like me. I’d like to get her a present. She’s a doll.” I reel out my order.

“Jesus…..what did your last slave die of?” Another playful pout
plays on Jonny’s lips.

“Not doing what they were told! Of course! And I assume you’re coming with me….to the party? As my plus one?” I side glance him, waiting for the inevitable squeal of delight.

“Oh, sweetness! You really want me to go? Really?” He claps his hands in delight, squealing high pitched, planting a wet kiss on my cheek.

“Oh, Drew and Jake are going to love you!” I throw my head back in laughter…..I can’t wait.


Chapter Nine

The masseuse is kneading me into heaven. Ocean Breeze Spa has become a favourite little haunt since Tilly moved to Cornwall. Jonny is immersed in all the luxury treatments. He is so fun to be around that I have lost all my anxiety about being in Jake’s company for the whole of the evening ahead. Tilly seems oblivious, honestly thinking that this is just a girly day. Although she still keeps asking why we are having our hair and make-up, and getting dressed here, rather than back at the house.

“Stop asking. It’s a surprise for Drew! Don’t want you guys getting stale do we?” I laugh at her, throwing a wink to Jonny.

“As if….the man won’t leave me alone! I’ve never has so much sex…..and I’m not complaining!” Tilly laughs, love written all over her face.

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