Read Tucker (The Family Simon) Online

Authors: Juliana Stone

Tags: #Family Simon#1

Tucker (The Family Simon) (12 page)

Tucker tore off his tie and tossed it onto the sofa in the seating area. “Drink?” he asked casually, though inside a war raged. If she licked her bottom lip one more time he was going to go all caveman on her and carry her over to the bed. Or—he glanced at the wall to his right—he’d have her naked in less than five seconds.

“No,” she replied quickly. There went that bottom lip again.

“Can I get you any—“

“No.” Abby shook her head, those brown eyes glistening in the low light. Slowly she walked toward him, moving gracefully like a cat until she stopped a few inches away.

Suddenly on alert, Tucker couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Something had just changed, and he wasn’t even sure what it was, but this Abby was fierce. Sexy as hell.

And not to be messed with.

“I don’t want a drink. I don’t want to eat. I don’t want to make small talk or anything else for that matter.” She took a moment, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

“I want you.” It was a whisper, but man, it hit him hard and he clenched his hands into fists.

God he wanted her so much that it hurt, but something twisted inside him. Guilt? Fear? Hell, he didn’t know what it was. The only thing that he did know was that this girl meant a lot to him. And it wasn’t as if the women he’d been with had meant nothing. He wasn’t that guy…that guy who didn’t give a shit. But those women were never going to figure into his life permanently, and they’d known that.

Sure they might have hoped, but he’d been upfront. He’d been honest. He’d given and taken and it had been returned in kind.

But this here…this night that was going to happen, it meant a lot more than just sex, and that was new territory for him. Abby wasn’t only a beautiful, smart, funny lady—she was his friend. He didn’t want to hurt her, because there were boundaries…boundaries he couldn’t cross.

Not yet. Maybe never.

“Abby.” He threaded his hand into that shiny, gorgeous hair and bent close. He needed to make sure that she knew what the score was. “Are you sure that this is what you want? You and me? Doing…”


Was that a smile?

He was already hot. Already horny as fuck. Already so close to the edge and that small hint of a smile was gonna send him over.

“Tucker,” she breathed. “I want this.”

His control was slipping. Christ, was it slipping. But he wouldn’t be the guy he was if he didn’t at least try once more to make her see. If he didn’t try to make Abby understand.

“But, this…whatever this is between us…I’ve told you things, Abby. Hell, you know more about what’s going on in my head these days than my brothers do. I’m no good for someone like you and I…”

Fuck. Was he even making sense?

“You’re the kind of woman who… you deserve a lot and…”

Goddamn, but he was screwing this up. He released her and stepped back not even sure what the hell he was trying to say.

“Will you stop talking, Tucker?” she said, reaching behind her neck.

“I just,” he continued, running his fingers through his already mussed up hair, though now his eyes were riveted to the creamy skin on display as Abby slowly slid her dress down her body, over her hips until it was a mess of fabric at her feet.

“You’re not like the other women I’ve been with.” Jesus, she was standing in front of him in black panties and a matching bra. And holy hell, was that a tattoo peeking out the top of her skimpy undies?

His mouth was dry. He was pretty much done.

“I know,” she whispered taking a step toward him. She was so close now that her subtle, clean, fresh scent wafted up his nose and that set off a whole bunch of shit inside him.

Her hands were between her breasts…breasts that looked like they were a little more than a handful. Breasts that were soft-looking, so goddamn feminine. They were fucking perfect.

She toyed with the clasp and he heard her breathing change. “Stop being a choirboy, Tucker. It doesn’t suit you.”

God, she was undoing her bra, and he was standing in front of her like an idiot. Christ, he probably had drool running from his fucking mouth.

Tucker had maybe one second where he could have stepped back and put the brakes on. One second to just make sure that he wasn’t getting in too deep with a woman he’d only end up hurting. A woman he cared about.

But then the bra was on the floor, and she whispered, “touch me.”

Just like that, any resolve in him melted away. Touch her? Wicked thoughts filled his head. Wicked. Decadent. X-rated, porn star thoughts.

Tucker leaned forward, breath hot as it slid across her skin. He inhaled her scent, there beneath her ear, and smiled when he felt her shudder.

“I’m going to do a lot more than touch you, Abby.”

Was that a groan?

“I’m going to kiss.” He swiped his mouth across her ear lobe. “And lick.” Then slid his tongue down her neck.

That was definitely a groan.

“And suck.” She wavered on her feet and he clasped her shoulders, holding her in place as he bent even lower and took one of her nipples into his mouth. Gently he suckled, his cock hardening even more when she moaned. He gave one more tug, rolling his tongue across the tip before leaning back so he could see her.

His breaths were ragged, and he was pretty damn sure that he sounded rough.

“Open your eyes.”

Slowly her lashes lifted, and those amazing eyes stared up at him from beneath heavy lids. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, and it was all he could do to keep his hands from palming them. He was hot, and it felt as if his skin didn’t fit.

He let the moment stretch thin until he knew she was ready to crack, and then he grabbed her chin so that there was no way she could look away.

“I’m so close already, Abby. So fucking close.”

If she was shocked at his language, it didn’t show. Her lids were now half-closed and that delectable tongue rested against her bottom lip.

“Push your panties down your legs.”

His hands were on his belt buckle and then his zipper.

She stared up at him not really sure what was going on.

“Now Abby.”

There was a tone in his voice that hit, and she slid her panties down over her hips, stepping out of them as the moonlight from outside washed over her pale skin.

Jesus. H. Christ.

Hot tattoo. There low on her hip.

Lots of smooth, toned skin.

Lots of smooth, toned, and

His zipper was down and his aching cock free when he reached for her. The wildness inside him must have shown, because something flared in her gaze. Something primitive. Primal.

Something that he needed and he needed it right now.

“I’m going to apologize,” he said as he pushed her up against the wall. One hand gripped her hair, the other on her hip. His dick was there, already nestled against her hot, moist center.

“Because this is going to be fast.”

And then he was inside her.

She whimpered, or moaned. Hell he didn’t know. He was losing it.

He stared down into her eyes, as his hand gripped her hip and with one more thrust he was buried inside her, as far as he could go.

“Tucker,” she breathed, her head rolling back, slightly.

“I’m going to fuck you right now, Abby.” He began to move, but there was no slow build up or long, sensual strokes. There was skin on skin. Hot, moist heat that surrounded him.

And Abigail Mathews.

“I’m going to fuck you hard and fast.”

She caught his rhythm. She met him thrust for thrust. And she made the most incredible noises. Sounds that heightened the frenzy inside him. Sounds that brought out the inner caveman in him. Shit, if he wasn’t careful, he’d hurt her.

He tugged at her mouth, increasing the speed of his thrusts. He could already feel things tightening. He could already feel
tightening and he knew that they were both close.

“But this is just fucking, Abby,” he whispered hoarsely. “We’ve got the whole night to do it right.”

Christ he was so close.

“And I plan on making the next time last.”

She banged her head against the wall, her hands suddenly in his hair. “This whole night has been foreplay, Tucker. Amazing, hot foreplay. But with you, I’ll take a marathon over a sprint any day.”

Then her mouth was on his and seconds later he lost it. There against the wall, the two of them shattered together. He held her body, felt her orgasm as she came. Breathed in the scent of their sex.

And held her tenderly as they both slid to the floor.

Chapter Fourteen


“So you and Tucker disappeared last night.”

Abby glanced up as Betty Jo joined her at the table. It was late Sunday morning and brunch was being served.

Abby shook her head and cleared her throat. She opened her mouth to say…
…but the knowing look in Betty’s eyes pretty much said

She blew out a hot breath and played with the napkin in front of her, eyes lowered, mind racing.

“Does everyone know?”

“Does everyone know what?”

Abby’s head shot up. Betty Jo wasn’t going to make this easy, but the smile on the woman’s face told Abby everything.

“Shit,” Abby muttered.

Betty Jo shrugged and took a sip of champagne. “Not much you could do to hide it. Grace saw the two of you sucking face outside and then you were gone so…”

Abby glanced around the room until she found Tucker chatting with his brother Beau by the buffet table. He held two plates in his hands, though she wasn’t sure she could eat.

Her heart accelerated. Her cheeks were probably the same color as the strawberries next to the champagne, but she couldn’t tear her gaze away from his handsome profile, broad shoulders and tall frame. Her eyes dropped to his long fingers as they gripped the plate.
Long, talented fingers.

God, the things he’d done to her. The things she’d done to him.

The night before had been like a dream. A crazy, sexy, hot dream. She was sore in places that still tingled. Sore in places he’d explored thoroughly with fingers and tongue. Over and over.

He’d been right. After that first explosive encounter up against the wall, he’d picked her up and taken her to the bed where he finally got naked. The next time had been a slow, heady, sensual and thorough loving. They’d rested. Laughed. Talked about nothing and then made love again.

They didn’t leave the bed until an hour ago and Tucker had had her in the shower. Never in her life had Abby connected with a man the way she’d done with Tucker. It had been everything she’d fantasized about and so much more.

They hadn’t even used a condom, though any concern about pregnancy had been averted. Abby was on the pill.

“Oh God,” she whispered. She’d never lost control like that and if she could, she’d have him again. Right here. Right now.

Well, that is if Aunt Virginia wasn’t staring at her with a look in her eye that echoed what she saw in Betty’s. And you know, they weren’t in the middle of the hotel restaurant.

Tucker jerked his head suddenly, as if he knew she was looking at him and she couldn’t help herself. Abby smiled, a slow, hesitant smile and when he returned it, she nearly melted in her seat.

God, her panties were on fire.
Just from one look.

“You’re in love with him.”

That got her attention. She dragged her gaze back to Betty Jo.


Betty Jo shrugged but said no more and Abby’s heart sank. “Am I that pathetic? That obvious?”

“No,” Betty Jo replied. “I guess I’m just more in tune with your emotions, because you look at Tucker the way I look at Beau.”

Abby’s shoulders relaxed a little. “And what way is that?”

Betty Jo popped another strawberry into her mouth before she turned to look at her boyfriend. The two brother’s were once more in conversation.

“Sometimes you look at Tucker like you can’t live without him. Like the thought of living without him hurts.” Betty paused, her expression unreadable.

“Like you need him to breathe,” Abby replied without thinking.

Betty nodded. “Sometimes you look scared, and I get that. I feel that way, too. It’s all still so new and hot and consuming. So overwhelming that I feel like I’m losing myself. But it’s Beau, so that’s okay. I want to be lost with him.”

“Shit. What the hell am I going to do?”

Betty Jo swung her gaze back to Abby. “The only thing that you can do.”

Abby’s eyes widened. “What’s that exactly?”

“Love him. Be there for him.”

As if it was that simple. Betty Jo had obviously missed the memo. The one that said Tucker Simon wasn’t looking for something permanent with anyone.

“He’s not ready for that. He’s still not over what happened to his wife. I think that a part of him still thinks she’s coming back.”

“Maybe he’s not ready.” Betty shrugged. “But he sure as hell needs it. To be loved. To matter to someone. To allow himself to be in the position of having someone matter to him again. The question is…are you willing to take the chance and give him your heart? Are you willing to take a chance that he could love you back the way that you love him?”

Abby felt tears sting the corners of her eyes, and she blew out another hot breath. Her chest was tight. It was so goddamn tight that it was hard for her to breathe.

She wanted all of that. So much that it hurt to think of what would happen to her if Tucker didn’t find his way. If he kept on hoping that a wife who had disappeared over the ocean three years ago would return to him.

She thought of what her roommate Lisa had said the night before.
“It means that he might break your heart…but it also means that you might be the one to fix his.”

“I don’t know if I…if I’m strong enough. If I can…” She shrugged helplessly.

Betty Jo leaned across the table and squeezed her hand. “If my best friend, Matt, was here, he’d tell you to go for it. He’d tell you that life isn’t always fair and that a lot of shitty things happen to good people. Things that hurt. Things that break.”

Betty’s brow furled, and she looked fierce. “He would tell you that, sure, you might go all in with Tucker, and he won’t even meet you half way. He’ll break your heart.” She paused and seemed to be trying to get hold of her emotions. “Matt would say that being hurt is part of loving and that sometimes, even when all that’s left is hurt…
even then
, it means that you’ve lived. And living is better than just existing. I should know. I did that for longer than I care to remember.”

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