Tuesday (Timeless Series #2) (24 page)

My body tightened in anticipation.

He pressed his face between my cheeks then kissed the area between my legs. He licked and sucked the area, devouring it like every taste was turning him on even more.

I remained bent over the desk, breathing hard and enjoying every second of it. He was so good at everything involving sex, and I felt like the luckiest girl in the world for unromantic reasons.

He was hot.

He kissed the area for a few more minutes before he rose back to his feet, his hard cock pressed in between my cheeks. I had a large ass for my size. I hated it because it was difficult to fit into jeans, but every guy I’d ever been with was obsessed with it.

Hawke pressed his lips to my ear and he moved his cock between my cheeks. “Damn…”

I arched my back in anticipation.

He leaned over, his arms on either side of me on top of the desk. Then he inserted himself slowly, feeling no resistance because I was wet. I was soaked, actually. It was my own fluids and his saliva. When he was completely inside me, he moaned in my ear.

I rocked my ass and sheathed him over and over, too anxious to wait for him.

He released another moan then started to move with me. He kept his lips against my ear so I could listen to every breath and sound he made. That was an even bigger turn on, listening to him enjoy me.

I pressed my palms against the surface of his desk as an anchor but my hands kept slipping because they were covered in sweat.

Hawke wrapped his arm across my chest, right against my tits. He gripped me and used me as an anchor to move himself inside me. He was so long and thick, and every stroke made me want to crumble.

I was already barely holding on, and I gripped his arm and dug my nails into his skin as the explosion began. It was searing hot and my body could hardly contain it.

Hawke leaned over me and pressed his mouth against mine, silencing my moans and making me come harder at the same time. His tongue danced with mine, and he pounded into me as I rode my high. It lasted so long, and it was so strong. My back arched, and I released a moan louder than I meant to.

Hawke pulled his lips from mine after I was finished, and then he kissed the back of my neck and the area between my shoulder blades. He continued to thrust into me at the same time. Then he moved his lips back to my ear as he pumped into me harder, moaning quietly in my ear. I knew he was about to explode because his body was tensing against mine. His breathing quickened and he gripped me so tightly he was practically squeezing me.

Then he released. “Francesca…” His cock twitched inside me as it spilled everything it possessed. He made his final thrusts before he buried his face into my neck and inhaled my scent. The sweat on his chest rubbed against my back. He remained there for a long time, just holding me.

“Is this the first time you’ve defiled your desk?” I asked as he kept his body on top of mine.

He chuckled. “Defiled?”

“Yeah. You know, did something naughty on it.”

“Yes, it’s the first time. But defiled isn’t the right word. Beautiful. That’s the word you’re looking for.”


I heard footsteps behind me when I was in the rear of the bakery. Without turning around, I knew who it was. The footsteps sounded heavy, like a large man was behind me.

And that could only mean one thing.

I turned around with a smile plastered on my face, expecting to see the man of my dreams.

But it was Kyle instead. “Hey, is this a bad time?” He wore jeans and a long-sleeved gray shirt. His biceps were defined, and the hardness of his chest was visible to anyone, even if they were blind.

“Uh…” I wish I could think quicker on my feet. “No, you just surprised me.”

“Sorry, I know I shouldn’t be here.” He rubbed the back of his neck and released a sigh. “There’s just something I need to know, and I think your answer might help me.”

What did he want to know? I set my supplies down then removed my apron. “What’s up?”

“Hawke.” He said the name like it explained everything.

“What about him?”

“A few weeks ago, he was at our gym…and I was just curious what that meant. Are you back together?” He cringed slightly like he didn’t want to hear my answer—at least the one that would hurt him.

I didn’t want to be honest, not because I wanted to lead him on. I just didn’t want to break his heart all over again. “Why are you asking?”

“Because…if you are, then I know there’s absolutely no hope for us. But if you aren’t…maybe we can work things out. I haven’t enjoyed my single life, not the way I used to. I would much rather settle for half your heart than storm this existence.”

Was he trying to rip me apart?

“So…are you?” He put his hands in his pockets and waited for the answer.

Either way, I lost. There was no answer I could give that would make him feel better. So, I went with the truth. “Yes.”

The pain moved into his eyes and he couldn’t hide it. He nodded his head slightly then cleared his throat. “Okay. I can move on now.”

I hate myself.

“Congratulations.” Despite his pain, he seemed sincere. “I know this is what you wanted.  You always said he was your soul mate and everything.”

“He is my soul mate.” I didn’t want to drive the nail into the coffin but I wanted him to walk out of there feeling a little better than he did when he walked in.

“Well…I guess that’s it.” He rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged at the same time.

“Kyle, you’re such a great guy. You’re going to find a woman a million times better than me, and she’s going to love you like no other.”

“Thanks.” He didn’t make eye contact with me, telling me he didn’t believe a word I said.

“I really mean that.”

“I’m sure you do,” he said with a sigh. “I’ve just never felt this way toward anyone before. What are the odds of me feeling that again? And, there’s no one else better than you, Francesca. You’re wrong about that.” He returned his hand to his pocket then backed away to the door. “I’m sorry for bothering you. I won’t do it anymore.”

I wanted to hug him and comfort him in any way that I could. But showing him any type of affection would just make it harder. I would much rather see him walk out hating me than heartbroken over me. I wished I’d seen the signs earlier. I wished I ended things before he fell for me.

It was entirely my fault.

“Good bye, Francesca.” Kyle turned around and headed to the hallway, but he stopped when he realized someone was in the way.

Hawke stood there, threat burning in his eyes.

I hadn’t even noticed him. He wore a suit and tie like he did every workday. His size and presence should have alerted me, but I was so absorbed in Kyle that I hadn’t noticed.

Kyle stared him down without the slightest hint of fear.

Hawke didn’t blink.

It was tense as hell. Neither one of them said a word, but they did all the talking with just their eyes. Their muscles were flexed, and they were both ready for a fight. Hawke didn’t talk much, but his thoughts were visible in his eyes. Right now, he wanted to rip Kyle’s throat out for even looking at me.

I waited for the moment to pass, for one of them to walk away.

Finally, Kyle walked into the hallway without turning back.

Hawke watched him go until he was out of sight. Then he turned to me, that anger still burning deep inside his soul. His shoulders were stiff, and his arms didn’t move by his sides. He gave me the same death threat, jealous and angry.

I didn’t do anything wrong and neither did Kyle, so I had nothing to apologize for. He could growl at me all he wanted but that wouldn’t change anything. I had to sit by and watch his phone light up with explicit messages and see chicks waiting outside his door.

He could get over this.

Hawke finally closed the distance between us, his body still rigid. “Do you need me to kill him?”

“No. That won’t be necessary.”

“Can I kill him anyway?” He kept a straight face.


Hawke was about to burst. The anger was about to erupt out of his eyes. “Then what the fuck is he doing here? Who the hell does he think he is? He has no right coming here and talking to you. You. Are. Mine.”

I put one hand on my hip and met his gaze without blinking. “He’s a human being and he’s my friend. He didn’t touch me, he didn’t come on to me, and he just wanted to talk. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“Like hell, there’s nothing wrong with that. I won’t let some guy harass my girlfriend.”

“He wasn’t harassing me.”

“He still has no right coming in here. What the hell did he want?”

“None of your business.”

The vein in Hawke’s forehead started to twitch. “It is my business. I don’t want him anywhere near you.”

“I can take care of myself, Hawke. And you should trust me.”

“I do trust you. It’s him I don’t trust.”

“Well, just deal with it.”

“Excuse me?” he hissed.

“I’ve had to deal with all your skanks and hoes. You can deal with this.”

“Those skanks and hoes never meant a damn thing to me. You actually had a relationship with this guy. You met his family for god’s sake. I have every reason to be pissed, Frankie. You’re with me now, which means you aren’t allowed to talk to him.”

He just said the wrong thing. “I’m not allowed?” Now I put my other hand on my hip.

Hawke knew he messed up. “If you’re with me, there’s no reason you should be talking to him. That’s all I’m saying. I don’t have a relationship with any of my bimbos. Exes can never be friends.”

“Kyle is a great guy. You should be nicer to him.”

“That’s exactly why I’m not nice to him.” His arms shook by his sides.

I crossed my arms over my chest. “You either trust me or you don’t. In case you’ve forgotten, I left him because I was so hung up on you. There’s not a single reason in the world you should feel threatened by him. If I’m your soul mate, then it shouldn’t matter that he was here.”

Hawke pressed his lips tightly together. “What did he want, anyway?”

“He wanted to know if you and I got back together.”

“He didn’t know that before?” he snapped.

“Why would he?” I asked calmly. “I don’t talk to him on a regular basis.”

His anger dimmed slightly.

“And I told him we did.”

“What does it matter?” Hawke asked. “You aren’t with him regardless.”

“Because he said it would help him move on.” I felt bad saying the words out loud. I knew what it was like to want someone you could never have.

Hawke’s expression didn’t change, but it was clear he didn’t like that answer.

“Now let it go and stop jumping down my throat.” I turned back to my table and put my apron on. I was too irritated to kiss Hawke and pretend everything was perfectly fine. I didn’t appreciate being interrogated like that, especially when I had never faltered in our relationship.

Hawke sighed from behind me and didn’t leave.

I kept my back to him and waited for him to leave.

“I’m sorry.” The words cut through the air like a knife, his sincerity acting as the blunt edge.

I didn’t turn around.

“I overreacted. I’m never sane when it comes to you.”

I knew that all too well. I remembered how crazy things got when he saw Aaron kissing me at the bar. Hawke almost killed him—literally.

“I know I shouldn’t be jealous—not ever.  There’s no reason to be, not with you.”

It was becoming more difficult for me to hold on to my anger. When he admitted he was wrong, something extremely rare, it was impossible for me to turn him away.

His hands moved around my waist and he guided me to turn around.

I fought it at first, not ready to see his face.

But he won and turned me toward him. When he saw my features, he gave me a ghost of a smile. His eyes brightened slightly as he moved his hand to my neck. His fingers rested in my hair and his thumb touched the corner of my mouth.

Yep. I was lost.

“Muffin, I’m sorry.” He looked down at me, his forehead almost touching mine.

“I forgive you.”

He smiled when he knew he had me. Then he gave me a soft kiss that would make any girl grow weak. My lower stomach burned in desire, and I felt light-headed and even a little dizzy.

When he pulled away, I didn’t want it to end. “Want to get lunch?”

I forgot he came down here for a reason. “Not really.”

“You aren’t hungry?”

“I am,” I said. “I just would rather do something else than eat.”

His hands tightened on my waist. “We can arrange that. Do people come back here often?”

“Sometimes…but no one goes into the pantry but me.”

He brushed his lips against mine. “Things are about to get messy.”

“Good thing I like messy.”

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