Turn Towards the Sun: Book Three- Forever in Bloom (The Sunflower Trilogy) (21 page)

“Maybe but I’m really worried about what she has planned next. She may be delusional but she’s pretty effective so far.”

Enzo climbs on the bed next to me and holds my hand. “I have very good people working on this. We’ll get to the bottom of it and we’ll do everything we can to ensure that she never sees the light of day again.”

“I hope so.”

“We will win this, bella.”

“Okay.” I want to believe Enzo, but right now it definitely feels like Anna is winning.





I STAND IN the shower letting hot water wash down over me. I had a fitful night of sleep waking up every couple of hours. I’m almost afraid to leave the house, but I need to do my best to keep going on with my normal routine. Besides, I want to stay as close to Enzo as possible. I hear the shower door open and Enzo step in behind me, sliding his hands around my waist and leaning against my back. Even with all this drama, in his arms is still my favorite place to be. Even if Anna somehow managed to… I can’t even let myself finish the thought.

Enzo hands slip into my hair, carefully running shampoo through it. The feeling is wonderful and it’s one of the small pleasures in our relationship I look forward to. I love that we have all these intimate moments between us. They reassure me that our love is strong. We can survive any test.

Turning around, I lay my head against his chest. He wraps his arms around me and holds me close. We stand this way for several minutes, silent, and letting the water fall down around us. For just a moment, there is nothing in this world but the two of us.

After dressing, I take a deep breath before we open the front door and wait for Grayson and Marisa to pull up. It takes every ounce of bravery I have to walk outside, knowing that Anna could be anywhere just waiting to inflict some more damage. She’s been able to achieve far more than I ever imagined.

Enzo holds my hand as we drive to La Bellissima. It’s a matter of weeks now until the grand opening. Francesca and I spend our time working on the details while Enzo plans the marketing side of things. Dax is finishing the outside of the property, which is really starting to look great. I know for a fact that several high profile celebrities will be in town for the opening. This should be one of the most exciting times in my life.

As if reading my mind, Enzo squeezes my hand and leans over to kiss my cheek. His phone rings and he quickly pulls it out and checks the caller id, only to see that it’s Alex. “Enzo,” he answers. I watch as he listens for several minutes without saying a word. Finally, he speaks. “Thank you for the information. Talk to you soon.”

Enzo stares out the window for a moment before turning to speak to me. “It’s confirmed that a woman matching Anna’s description arrived in Phoenix yesterday. She traveled using your name so we’re sure it’s her. When she arrived at the Fairmont the staff attempted to delay her long enough for authorities to arrive, but she must have caught on because she excused herself to go the ladies room and disappeared again. We have no idea where she is right now.”

“Fantastic. She could be waiting for us at La Bellissima.”

“She could but if she is, she’ll be met with security.”

“We had security at Girasole and that didn’t stop her from getting to me.”

“That was different. She would stand out at La Bellissima. We know every worker there right now and you and Checca are the only females. Besides, you will stay with me today.”

“How am I going to do that and get my work done?”

“I don’t give a damn about the work. My only concern right now is keeping you safe. You will stay with me, Ava.”

“Okay. I want to anyway.”

“Good.” He squeezes my hand again as we pull into the driveway of the hotel. Two armed security guards stand out front keeping a vigilant watch over the property. It’s a comfort to me but only slightly.

Enzo holds my hand tightly as we walk in. Francesca, Dax, and Franco are in the lobby discussing something and all turn and stare at us when we walk in.

“What is everyone staring at?!?” Enzo snaps.

“Yes, brother, we were just waiting for you to arrive and approve this slight change we need to make to the furniture,” Francesca explains.

“I don’t care what you pick. Just pick it,” he responds.

Rubbing his shoulder, I whisper to him. “Enzo, we have to try and carry on. It will help us to focus on something else. Help your sister.”

Enzo gazes at me with those intense baby blues. “You are right, my love. I’m just stressed.” He looks up at his sister. “I apologize for being short with you, Checca. I’ll be right there to assist.”

“I’m just going to the office to set my bag down, okay?” I say to Enzo. Grayson walks towards me protectively and Enzo nods knowing I won’t be going alone.

I set my things down and just as I am about to leave the office again, the phone on the desk rings. The caller id says JW Marriot so I answer. “Ava Milano.”

“Perfect. Just the person I wanted to speak to.”

Fuck. It’s Anna. I motion to Grayson to let him know what is happening. “What do you want, Anna?”

“Everything you took from me, whore. I can’t believe you act like you belong with him when we both know he is mine and always was. That night in Vegas proved it.”

My blood is boiling but I remember Enzo telling me to try and keep her on the line. I turn and look at Grayson who is making a call, I assume to Bill. “Well, if that night was so amazing why hasn’t Enzo left me yet? Why is he still with me? You’re a dumb bitch, you know that, Anna? You know Enzo has the means and the connections to find you and he will. You better hope he finds you before I do.”

She laughs into the phone. “I have something very important to tell you. Something I have just being dying to share. Listen to me, Ava. Listen good. I’m having Enzo’s baby. Something you couldn’t do. Me. Not you. Me.”

The sensation of tiny daggers shooting through every part of my body overcomes me and I drop the phone. I feel my knees shake before I slump to the ground. I can’t believe what I just heard. I pick up the phone and get the first words that come to my mind out. “Liar! You are lying! You are a delusional whore!”

“Which one of us is delusional, Ava?”

I can’t breathe. I can’t cry. I listen as the phone disconnects leaving only a dial tone in my ear. I don’t know how much time passes while I sit on the floor staring at the receiver in my hand. Somehow Enzo is there and when he sees me he closes the door to the office.

My entire world is crashing down around me. Everything I believed in is lost. We can’t recover from this. She won.

“Amore, please tell me what happened. What did she say to you?” Enzo asks, frantic.

Climbing to my feet, I stand for a moment, before the full rage I feel rises to the surface. Before I know it, I slam the phone receiver against the desk several times until it actually cracks, cutting my hand. Tears stream down my cheeks and a broken hearted scream from somewhere deep inside of me flies out of my body as I begin to completely destroy my surroundings.

I throw books and papers and shove everything off his desk, screaming the entire time. Enzo stands against the door too shocked to move. All I hear is, “Ava, please.”

After several moments I fall down on the floor once more, crying and pulling at my chest. She took everything. Just like she said she would. She is giving Enzo something I could not.

“Ava?” Enzo says once again. “What did she say?”

I look up at him and realize he has no idea. He doesn’t even know how fucked up this is. He doesn’t know what she is capable of and how she is destroying our lives. I just need to get away from this place. As far away from here and that woman as possible. I need to go.

“I want to go home. Right now. Without you.”

“What?! You have to talk to me! Ava!”

“I’m leaving, Enzo. I can’t stay here another minute. I can’t…God, Enzo. I can’t look at you right now. I need to go.”

“No! Ava, what did she say? Please tell me!”

“She’s pregnant, Enzo. Fucking pregnant. She is having

Enzo gasps and covers his mouth, falling back against the door. “No! It can’t be. It’s not possible.”

“If you wondered what she was able to accomplish, now you fucking know.” I push past him and walk straight to Grayson. “Take me home. Now.”

Enzo runs to me and grabs my shoulders but I turn away.

“Let me go. You can’t fix this. Let me go, Enzo.”

“I can’t! You know this. I’ll follow you anywhere you go. You aren’t safe without me, Ava!”

“I’m not safe with you! We are both better off if we aren’t together. Grayson, get the goddamn car!”

I stomp towards the front door, ignoring Francesca’s sobs and everyone else’s stares. “I will call a fucking taxi if I have to,” I call out to no one in particular. Grayson rushes to catch up with me and opens the door. I can’t be here anymore. This is just too much. That was the final straw. I climb in the back seat and try to restrain my sobs but I can’t. Maybe this is what a nervous breakdown feels like.

My phone rings a nonstop on the way to the house and I must get a dozen texts. I have to leave before Enzo has the chance to talk me out of it. I have to go to get some space to breathe and think. This is just what has to happen.

We pull up to the house and I notice Enzo driving Francesca’s car right behind us. I knew he wasn’t going to let me go without a fight. I rush into the house and into our bedroom, shutting and locking the door before he can catch up with me. Grabbing my carry-on bag, I stuff in as many clothing items and toiletries as I can while Enzo beats on the door.

“Open the door, Ava! Please. Don’t do this. Please don’t leave me!”

“I have to, Enzo. Just let me go.”

“I won’t ever. We are forever, don’t you remember? We can get past this.”

If he thinks I can just forget the fact that another woman is pregnant with his baby, he has another thing coming. I can’t let him hold me, kiss me, and tell me it’s going to be okay. It’s not going to be okay. It will never be okay.

I stand by the dresser wondering how I’m going to get past him to get to the airport. The bedroom door busts open as Enzo rushes towards me but I move to the other side of the bed, holding my arm out. “No! You stay away from me!”

“Why are you pushing me away? Why are you doing this, Ava?”

“Why am
doing this? Enzo, I have tried to be strong. I have endured more than I ever thought possible with you. I cannot sit back and let her destroy me little by little. I have to get away from here.”

“Let me come with you, Ava, please. I cannot live without you.” Enzo’s voice cracks and tears stream down his face. “We’ll go anywhere you want. Please don’t leave me.”

I throw a few more items in my bag. “I have to,” I say through my tears. “I can’t stay here. I can’t be with you right now. I don’t know if it will be forever but right now, I can’t live this life with you.”

“Ava…” Enzo falls to his knees in front of me causing my heart to break all over again. I know he loves me, but I don’t know if it’s enough. I don’t know if love alone will get us through this. I try to turn away but I can’t. “Ava, I will do anything for you. I would give up my own life. It’s killing me that I’ve caused you so much pain but please…you know… I don’t want her. You know how this happened.”

“It doesn’t change anything, Enzo. She is relentless. She will stop at nothing to break us apart.”

“Are you going to let her succeed?”

“Have you considered that she won’t stop until I’m dead? Enzo, she is serious and she is willing to do whatever she has to do to get me out of your life. I can’t stay here looking over my shoulder every day, waiting for her to strike. I haven’t slept well in weeks and now this news. She’s going to torture me with it. I can’t sit here and let her do it. You have to let me go.” My last sentence is barely delivered as my words get stuck on my tears.

“Where are you going?”


“This is home, Ava.”

I stare at this man, sobbing at my feet. He is just as broken as I am, but he is not the target of Anna’s rage. It’s me she is after. I get on the floor with Enzo and brush my hand against his cheek, wiping away tears. “I know you didn’t mean for this to happen but it doesn’t change the fact that it did. I need you to let me go. I want to go to my parent’s house. I’ll be safe there.”

“Ava, please tell me you haven’t stopped loving me.”

“How could I? I love you but…this isn’t working right now. It’s too much.”

“I won’t stop until I get you back, Ava. I will spend every moment of my life winning your trust back.”

“This is not about love or trust or anything else. This is about pain and brokenness and fear. This is about space and time. If you love me like you say you do, you’ll let me go and let me decide if I can come back.”

“When, Ava. Not if. We have to be together. My heart only beats when yours does.”

I stare into his eyes, preferring to say nothing to his last comment. Rising to my feet, I grab my bag off the bed and start to walk to the door. “Please don’t follow me. It will only make things worse.”

He rushes towards me and pulls me to him, kissing me passionately. I let him, not knowing how long it will be before I feel his kiss again. Will I ever? Will we make it through this? I’m not sure.

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