Unbreakable Bonds (22 page)

Read Unbreakable Bonds Online

Authors: Taige Crenshaw,Aliyah Burke

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

“I didn’t know you realized I was bothered by that.”

“You grimace every time I pay for something.” She smiled. “So I sort of figured it out.”

“Okay.” Levi hesitated then. “Others have asked me to build things for them and do odd jobs.”

“Really? That’s great. There you go. You can have your own little business. Word of mouth travels fast and you’ll be making your own funds.” She bit her lips then made a clicking sound with her teeth. “We’re gonna have to get you set up with a bank account, that way you can deposit money you make. We can do that now.”

He’d heard of a bank account. “I won’t need that.”

“Yes, you will.” Ta-Mara grabbed his arm. “Let’s go figure out what’s reasonable prices for building a deck then look into bank accounts.”

“Ta-Mara, I’m not sure about this.”

“From what Matthew said, seems like you discussed getting a job with him. Which surprised me, since you didn’t seem all that keen on him.”

“I went to make nice and it came up.” He hugged her. “We’re going fishing and taking Trent. Although I think it is the other way around. Your cousin doesn’t care about me too much.”

“He just doesn’t know you well enough.” Ta-Mara paused. “Wait, maybe he can help you with the deck.”

“Isn’t he studying to be a lawyer?” Levi frowned. “Does he even know anything about building things?”

“He spent his summers working on construction sites. So yeah he does, and he could be a help getting you good prices on materials. He can ask some of his construction buddies.” Ta-Mara bounced on her heels. “That would be great. You all can get to know each other over building shit. All manly and stuff.”

“It seems important to you that we like each other.”

“It is.”

“Okay then I’ll try.” Levi hugged her. “For you.”

He would do that for her. Like he had talked to Matthew earlier because of her. Levi stared, realizing he would do a lot for her.

“Then do something else for me?” She shifted on her feet.

“What?” He cupped her cheek.

“Move into my bedroom.” She bit her lip then said, “It’s stupid for you to have your stuff in your room and me in mine, when we sleep mostly together. I want it to be all the time.”

“That would be my pleasure.” Satisfaction filled Levi at her asking.

It was a step in the right direction. Maybe Ta-Mara was lowering the walls she had in place.

“Yes.” She blew out a breath. “Good. Now let’s go plan your first of many jobs, get you a bank account then moved into my bedroom.”

Levi went with her as she took him to do all she said she would. Of all of them, he especially couldn’t wait to be sleeping by her side every night. He would make sure he didn’t do anything to mess what they had up.

You need to tell her about Calliope
. Levi stopped, not sure how to go about that. He’d called her by the name of a woman he loved. He didn’t know how Ta-Mara would react to learning about her.

“Are you okay?” She rubbed her hands up and down his arms.

“Yes.” Levi put it away for now.

There was no rush for him to reveal stuff from his past. They had time.


Chapter Fourteen




Levi sat back and wiped the back of his hand across his forehead. He glanced down at the foundation of the deck. Jasmine had decided she wanted it slightly raised, so there were a few steps up. Levi had been surprised at how informed she was on what she wanted. After getting an idea of her preference, he’d ended up using the different decks she had pictured and drawing something up for her. That had impressed her as well as Ta-Mara. Levi smiled as he thought of the woman who was his.

In the last few weeks, they had gotten even closer and he loved it. He’d also gotten to know Jasmine more over the last two weeks, when they’d spent time together getting materials then later with him working on the deck. She wasn’t all that bad. A little brash and abrasive at times but she was a good person.

“Stop slacking and daydreaming about my friend,” Jasmine said behind him.

Levi turned and he chuckled. “Caught me.”

She laughed and looked at what he was working on then back at him. “I can’t believe how this is coming together so quickly.”

“Yes.” Levi smoothed his hand on the wood. “It took us longer to get it figured out what you wanted.”

“I know.” She chuckled ruefully. “But you got it for me. Oh, here.”

Levi rose and went to her, taking the paper she held out. He glanced at it and his eyes widened as he saw his name on the check she handed him.

“We agreed you’d wait until I was done to pay me anything.”

“Nope, you said that. I didn’t agree. What I said the first time is what I meant. Here is a partial payment for your work. The rest, I will pay when you’ve finished.” Jasmine slid her hands into her pockets. “I’ve been bragging about you doing this deck for me. I showed the drawing to some people I know, so you’ll probably be getting more calls to do work for people.”

Levi was surprised. Since Ta-Mara’s party, he’d been busy doing work. His checking and saving accounts now had some money in them. It was such a good feeling to have funds of his own.

“Don’t look so shocked.” Jasmine squeezed his arm. “You’re a hard worker and very good at what you do, so that will make people want to hire you.”

“Thanks.” He hugged her.

Jasmine chuckled then returned it, patting his back. “Don’t make Ta-Mara kick my ass by getting too touchy feely.”

“Like I’m worried about you,” Ta-Mara said close by.

Levi looked at her, not having heard her arrive. “Ta-Mara?”

“The big bad boss you are working for decided to give you freedom for the day.” Ta-Mara lifted on her toes and kissed him on the cheek. “I have someplace I want to take you.”

“Okay.” He glanced at Jasmine.

“Why do you think I came outside?” Jasmine waved. “It was to distract you so she could surprise you. Now go.”

He put the check she had given him in his pocket then went to put away his tools. The women talked as he did and Levi stopped to call to Trent. Trent had been a help and Levi would miss him when he left to go back to law school in a few days. He took out his ear buds and Levi told him to knock off early. Trent nodded and rose. Levi returned to Ta-Mara.

“Hey, Trent,” she called.

“Hey, cuz.” Trent hugged her then left.

They followed him. By the time, they reached the front of Jasmine’s house, he had driven away.

“Jasmine told me she gave you a check.”

“Yes, I need to get to the bank to deposit it,” Levi said.

“Not needed. Let me show you the wonders of electronic deposit.” Ta-Mara wiggled her fingers. “Lemme have the check.”

He gave it to her then watched as she took out her cell. She went to the website of the bank they both used.

“Sign in,” Ta-Mara said.

Then Ta-Mara held up her phone and snapped a picture. Soon she showed him the screen and Levi frowned, seeing the picture of the check. She pressed a few buttons then showed him the completed transaction.

“That’s it. Your funds are there and availability will be in about a day or so.”

“Are you sure?” Levi couldn’t wrap his mind around that his money would be there. Then again, despite all he had seen, there was a lot he was still learning.

“Yep.” She smiled and gave him back the check. “You can frame that as your first pay check you ever received. I don’t use the mobile deposit because I prefer to go to the bank, but I figured I’d show it to you so you know it is an option.”

“Thanks, but I think I like going in person better.” Although he knew technology was supposedly good, he was still leery of it.

“Okay. But you have the opportunity to do either.” Ta-Mara gestured to her Mariner. “You drive. I’ll direct you.”

“Where are we going?” He opened the passenger side door for her and after she was in, he went to the driver’s side then got in and started the car.

“It’s a surprise.” She leaned back against the seat.

“I’ve liked your surprises so far, so that’s good.” He backed out of Jasmine’s drive then turned onto the main road.

They chatted and in between, she gave him directions. Levi didn’t recognize where they were. They had explored a lot of and he was getting to know the area. He pulled into the gates she pointed to and he grinned.

“We’re going riding,” he said, having seen the sign on the entrance they’d come in.

“You’re going riding.” She shook her head. “As I mentioned, I’m not much of a rider.”

“You have to come with me,” he protested.

“This is for you.”

Levi parked and got out before meeting her at the hood of the vehicle. Ta-Mara led him to the stables.

“Ta-Mara.” The man who came to them was tall as Levi was and reminded him of the pictures he’d seen of Vikings. He had the hair, eyes, coloring and build.

He hugged Ta-Mara and Levi’s eyes narrowed. He stifled a growl. Although he’d got used to Ta-Mara being so outgoing, it still made him want to stake his claim when she was touched by another man. She turned to him, holding out her hand. Smug, Levi slid his hand into hers as she brought him to her side.

“Levi, this is Malcolm McGarrett, he’s the owner of the MM Stables. Mal, this is Levi.”

“Nice to meet you.” Malcolm held out his hand.

Levi shook it. “You too.”

Now that he wasn’t touching Ta-Mara, Levi actually meant it.

“Ta-Mara told me you know about horses.” Malcolm crossed his arms over his chest. “Before anyone gets on my horses, they have to show me they know what they are doing or I have to teach them. So show me what you have.”


“It’s okay, Ta-Mara.” He kissed her cheek, watching Malcolm deliberately. “I would do the same to anyone who wanted to be on my horses.” He straightened then gestured. “Show me your horses.”

Malcolm led them inside. Levi inhaled, loving the scent. Immediately the animals started putting their heads outside their stalls. He released Ta-Mara and went to each. He greeted them and spoke softly to them. He lost himself in being around horses again. At the last stall, Levi’s heart clenched as he saw the animal there. It was beautiful and regal, reminding him of his favorite one. He stroked the nose, memories filling him of riding across the fields, excited at the feel of the horse beneath him. The escape it offered was one he appreciated. He turned and was surprised to see only Ta-Mara.

“Malcolm said take your pick.” Ta-Mara smiled. “The gear is in the room over there. Don’t know what he saw when you spoke with his horses, but it impressed him enough to trust you.”

“You’re coming with me.” Levi held her hand. “We can ride double so you don’t have to feel afraid.”


“Do it for me,” he urged.

Ta-Mara stared at him then nodded. Happy, he went to get the gear. Soon he had the horse ready and led it outside. Ta-Mara was waiting a little way from the stables. He got into the saddle then rode over to her. Levi paused before her and leaned over, holding out his hand. She accepted it without hesitation and he lifted her onto the horse behind him.

“Just hold on to me.”

“Okay.” Ta-Mara slid her hands around his waist and pressed herself against his back.

He touched her hand then, taking the reins and got them on their way. Levi followed a path and as they rode, he felt a sense of peace in his bones. With Ta-Mara at his back and the world laid out before him, Levi knew life was going to be good. He lifted one of her hands and kissed her fingertips. Levi kept along the path then stopped. He turned, shifting Ta-Mara to his lap and held her. The sun started to set and, glancing down into her face bathed by the light, Levi couldn’t believe how lucky he was to be here with her.

“So beautiful.” She touched his cheek.

“That’s you.” He turned his head and kissed the palm of her hand. “Inside and out.” He gazed at her then kissed her.

Ta-Mara’s breathy sigh made him tighten his hold. Yes, he was indeed blessed to be here with her.


* * * *


Levi wiped off the railing then went down to the yard where he stood back and took in the deck he’d built. A sense of pride filled him at seeing what he had accomplished. Building the deck for Jasmine made him certain this was what he wanted to do as a job. Two weeks of working daily and the job was completed. Levi went and packed his tools then headed outside to wait for Ta-Mara. He glanced at the clouds overhead and remembered the news had said it would rain.

He sat on the front step and observed the neighborhood. The eclectic mix of people still amazed him when he saw them walking together. Yes, he knew there was still some who hated people because of their color, if it was different to their own, but it wasn’t as widespread as it had been during the time he was from. The familiar vehicle came down the road and he stood, going to the sidewalk to meet Ta-Mara.

He got in. “Hey.” Levi leaned over and kissed her gently.

“Hey, there.” Ta-Mara grinned widely and she placed her hand on his thigh.

Even through the cloth, Levi felt her touch as if it was on his skin. “How was your day?”

“Same as usual.” She put her hands on the steering wheel and set off toward home. “Selling books to people and reading when it wasn’t busy. Love being able to do that.”

“Loving what you do is a good thing.” That reminded Levi. “Matthew called me and I’m going fishing with him this weekend.”

“Great.” Ta-Mara made a turn. “Too bad Trent left already. He would have liked it.”

“Yeah. I miss your cousin.”

“No need to sound so surprised.” Ta-Mara chuckled. “I knew your working together would let you get to know him better. And he you.”

“We did.” Levi was surprised her cousin wasn’t quite like what he’d thought.

Working with Trent, Levi had learned a lot more about him. Trent had shared about himself and given Levi some insights into Ta-Mara and her family. The man had actually turned out to become a good friend.

“Why have I never met the rest of your family?” Levi absently noticed it had started to rain.

He’d heard her talk to them on phone but not seen any of them in person, although he knew they lived in town. At the time he’d wondered about that, but he’d figured they were busy. As time had passed, that didn’t seem as likely. After being around Trent, he’d further been made aware that her family was close-knit. That only made it stranger to him they hadn’t been around, even once. His only conclusion was that Ta-Mara was keeping them hidden from him, or him away from them. Either one didn’t sit well with him.

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