Unbridled Temptation (22 page)

Read Unbridled Temptation Online

Authors: Elle Saint James

Tags: #Romance

“…you need to shape up and fly straight or you’ll never get a man. Owning your own business and thinking you’re smarter than everyone else isn’t going to get you far in this world. You need a man in your life to keep you in line. If you don’t change, you’ll die alone. Are you hearing me, girly?” He didn’t wait for her to answer his question, he just kept spitting out line after line of how Jocelyn was such a huge disappointment, how she didn’t do anything right, and how he thought she should live her life, et cetera.

After seven solid minutes and continued spewing of what her father considered Jocelyn’s many shortcomings, Logan had heard enough. He clicked the button to end the call. Logan definitely had a much better understanding of the family life Jocelyn dealt with. He would never feel sorry for her, but he certainly had a new respect for her choices in life. With obviously no support of her skills or the fact that she owned a successful business, her father would likely never be convinced of her worth. Unless she got married and had a husband to
order her around, put her under his control,
keep her in her place

Logan turned the phone off completely when it began to ring again. He once again pondered the idea that she’d overcome her reluctance to give over control to them. Under the same set of circumstances, he couldn’t honestly say he would have done the same. He retrieved
phone, making a quick phone call to Zane, who agreed to take care of the stable for the next couple of days.

He discarded the idea of coffee, moving through the kitchen toward the stairs like he was led by a string. Logan took the stairs two at a time, wanting, no, needing to see her. Hold her close, breathe in her scent. Show her if not with words, instead with his actions his newfound appreciation. He was lying to himself at the notion that he hadn’t fallen completely in love with her already.

Jocelyn hadn’t moved a bit by the time he shucked his pants off again, and slipped back into bed next to her. On his side, head resting on one palm, Logan watched her sleep. He stroked her hair. Brushed his fingers along her soft skin and thought about the future he wanted with her. What would he be willing to do to show his love and appreciation?

All of a sudden her eyes popped wide open. She focused in on his face. Her luscious mouth shaped into a beautiful smile as she promptly stretched awake.

“What time is it?” she asked and flipped to her back. The sheet parted, revealing her breast. He brushed his finger across her rosy nipple. It came to pert attention as he rubbed.

“Early,” he whispered, stroking her tip.

Logan bent over and kissed her mouth gently. The urge to subdue her came, but he resisted it. She slipped her arms around his neck, and pulled him tight. The intensity of their kiss grew. Slowly, he pulled her close and then flattened onto his back, taking her with him. Soon she half covered him. Their kiss deepened. She climbed fully on top of him, ground her breasts into his chest, and pushed her hips into his growing cock. Logan enjoyed every moment without the need to control her.

He could easily get used to her being on top. He could enjoy a non-bound relationship, if it was with Jocelyn. The temptation of a future with her and the knowledge of what she’d overcome to allow herself to be tied up gave him a new appreciation. If she could change, so could he.

Pressing his hips upward, Logan wrapped his arms around her loosely and let her dictate what happened. It wasn’t long before she widened her legs. Her knees pressed against the outside of each of his thighs.

He started to reach for a condom, but her pussy lips slid over the length his rigid cock. He faltered, stopping to enjoy the utter nirvana of the sensation. One second later she impaled her pussy over his cock. The exquisite feeling of her slick inner muscles gripping and moving over his rigid dick made any thought of not completing this out of the question.

“Condom,” he managed to murmur.

“On the pill,” she replied in a breathy voice and then promptly sank down on his cock twice more, harder and faster each time. He meant to say,
thank you
, but it came out as a sensual groan of satisfaction. Flesh-on-flesh sex felt better than any other.

He moved his hands to either side of her face. Pulling her away to look deeply in her eyes as she fucked him. He saw desire. He saw beauty. He saw love. He
in love.

Logan watched her with each sultry penetration as she moved faster and faster. He pushed his hand between them, found her clit, and rubbed. She moaned louder as he stroked her. She also picked up her already fast pace.

She bent forward, the bulk of her hair sliding forward over one shoulder. He reached out to tangle his fingers in her beautiful silky locks. Her hands were splayed flat on his chest, her nails digging into his shoulders each time she impaled his cock into her oh so slick and incredibly tight pussy.

“Feels so good,” she murmured and finished with a long moan.

“Feels fucking amazing,” he replied in a loud whisper. He saw her eyes close and her sudden grin. She tilted her face toward the ceiling. Her panting increased.

Jocelyn sucked in a single sharp breath. Then a small shriek came from her lips. The immediate squeezing of her pussy walls clamping down on his ready cock signaled her climax. Her fingers tightened on his shoulders, nails digging even deeper. He expected to have several crescent-shaped wounds there and didn’t care.

He grabbed her hips and shot his cock upward into her pussy with a hard thrust. She moaned again. So he did it again. And again. And again.

Logan shot his hips up, pushing his cock deeper and harder. The orgasm hit him like punch to his midsection, leaving him breathless in its wake. Flat on his back, Logan felt weak after the powerful climax rolled through him. Jocelyn fell forward, her breasts pushed into his chest. Her face buried against his throat.

If he’d ever been more content or satisfied in his life, he couldn’t remember it.

“I love you, Jocelyn,” he whispered. And meant it.

“Love you, too.” But she sounded like she was almost asleep again. Logan tightened his arms around her back and dozed off until the house phone rang shrilly a half an hour later.

Jocelyn was still in the exact same place as when they’d fallen asleep after making love. The phone stopped ringing after the second peal. Did Kendall get it?

Logan looked to the opposite side of the bed, where Kendall had been asleep earlier, but he was no longer there. Jocelyn stirred against him. Logan sat up, cradling her in his arms, wondering who’d called so early. It wasn’t quite dawn yet.

Kendall came back in the room a few minutes later holding a phone. “Jocelyn, it’s Clay. He has some pertinent information on where your sister is.”


* * * *


Kendall handed the phone to a still sleepy-looking Jocelyn. Even though she’d sat bolt upright the moment he mentioned her sister, she didn’t look completely awake as she grabbed the phone. Meanwhile, Logan looked suitably satisfied. He should. Kendall had woken during their impromptu lovemaking earlier. The most surprising part of which had been the sincere expression of love from Logan in the aftermath.

Jocelyn climbed out of the bed, turned around as if looking for something, then mimed a pen and paper. Kendall steered her toward what she needed in the desk across the room. Phone cradled between her shoulder and ear, Jocelyn jotted several lines on the paper.

She stopped writing, and straightened. The expression on her face looked much relieved. “Thank you. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this.” She nodded and listened for several more moments.

“Right. Yes. I understand. I’ll get going right now. Again, thank you so much. I can’t believe you found her so quickly.”

Jocelyn grinned, said her good-byes to his brother, and hung up.

She immediately started picking up her clothes and putting them back on. Logan got out of bed slowly, and slid his legs into and fastened the pants he’d retrieved from the floor. Hands in his pockets, he suddenly pulled out a phone and gripped it. Then he sent a poignant look to Kendall. What was that about? He didn’t quite understand.

He was about to ask what was up when Jocelyn said, “Oh, my phone. I forgot you had it.” She finished putting her clothing back in place and reached for the device.

Logan handed it to her, but he had an odd expression Kendall would have to grill him about later on.

“I need to tell you something,” Logan said, looking miserable.

“What is it?”

“Earlier, before I realized that our phones look so much alike, I turned yours on by mistake.”

She shrugged. “That’s okay. It happens.” She didn’t look too upset.

“The thing is, when it rang, I accidently answered it before I discovered it wasn’t mine.”

“This morning?” Her face screwed up in puzzlement. “Who called me
early—” But her voice dropped off as if in sudden awareness of who might have called. Her face froze as if she realized a dreadful possibility.

“Was it my father?” She whispered her question.

Logan, looking completely miserable, nodded. “I’m really sorry, Jocelyn.”

She pushed out a breath, and shook her head as if resigned to the fact Logan had discovered something he didn’t intend. “Don’t worry about it. Did he ask who you were?”

Logan’s gaze went to Kendall for a moment before he responded. “No. Actually, I never said anything. Then I figured the best course of action was to hang up and pretend that it was a wrong number.”

“What did he say?”

“Well, actually quite a bit before I shut the phone off.”

Jocelyn rolled her eyes, and then hung her head. “Oh then you heard the standard, ‘I’m disappointed in you’ speech that I get on a regular basis.”

Logan walked over closer and took her in his arms. “I’m really sorry. He mentioned wanting you to go to New York. Is that where you’re headed?”

Her head snapped up and her expression hardened. “No, that would have been a big fat waste of time. Clay said she’s in Las Vegas, but that she might not be there for very much longer. I need to find a way to get there fast. It’s probably twelve hours or better if I drive it and that might be too long.”

Kendall walked over to the two of them. He wasn’t ready for her to depart.

She started swiping pages on her phone in a furious manner. “And there are no direct flights from the closest airport in Bozeman. I’d have to go through Denver for the next flight available. Which isn’t until this afternoon.”

“You could take a private plane,” Logan said. Kendall almost swallowed his tongue. Was he about to admit they had a private plane ten miles away? Very unlike him. But then again, he’d already told her he loved her.

She laughed. “Unfortunately, I don’t happen to have one.”

“I do. You can use it.”

“What? You have a private plane?” She seemed so surprised.

“What’s wrong with that?”

She shrugged and a grin formed. “Nothing. I just didn’t take you for a rich, playboy, ‘
I have my own private plane
’ kind of guy.”

Logan laughed. “Would it make you feel better to learn that I sort of inherited it?”

“Yes. Absolutely.” She kissed him hard on the mouth.

Kendall took her in his arms next. He kissed her gently and asked, “Will you allow us to accompany you?”

“You want to go with me?” She blinked a couple times as if trying to compute his angle at wanting to join her on the quest. “You don’t have to.”

“I know, but I really want to go.”


“Because I love you, too. And I’m not ready to lose you again.” Kendall hadn’t exactly meant to declare his love for her, but didn’t regret it once the words left his mouth.

“Really?” Her gaze searched his as if to ensure he knew what he’d just said. “You love me?”

“I do.”

“That’s great, because I love you both very much. I wish I had time to delve into this, but I feel like right now is too rushed for the time it deserves.”

“Understandable. We can address it later. But we will have a serious talk very soon.”

“All right.” She didn’t seem panicked about a conversation of permanence, just looked like she was in a hurry to find her sister. Also understandable.

Logan added. “Besides, you don’t think I loan my private plane to just anyone, do you?”

She stared at them for a few seconds and then smiled. “Okay. You can both come with me. But this is my responsibility. You understand that? No interfering, right?”

“Of course. We’re just along for the ride. So we can keep you close. And force you to talk to us.”

“Good. Not to be pushy, but when can we leave?”

Logan reached for his phone. “Should be able to take off once the pilot is awake and the plane is fueled. Say a couple of hours.”

“Perfect. And do you happen to know the flight time to Las Vegas?”

He grinned. “Actually, I do. It’s less than two hours.”


Kendall nodded to Logan. “You go call your pilot, I’ll get things set up here so we can be gone for a few days.” He hugged Jocelyn close. “You can take a shower, if you’d like.”

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