Read Unconditional Online

Authors: Lauren Dane

Tags: #Cascadia Wolves#7

Unconditional (21 page)

“You taste like me,” she replied, and both men groaned. Josh let go of her legs, and she leaned back against him, looking up into his face. “You’re not naked. Also, so…is this anchor thing between the three of us in every way?”

Akio still lay across her, kissing over her collarbone, hands skimming over her body. He looked up, pausing to kiss her chin. “It doesn’t have to be. There’s one necessary part, that’s me, sliding my cock into your pussy until I come.”

She grinned down at Akio and up at Josh, who bent to kiss her.

“What do you want it to be?”

She slid her hand up to cup the back of his neck. “This is all pretty intense, but clearly there’s something between you two.” She shrugged. “Not like I’m going to complain if the two of you are together too.”

“Why don’t we just do whatever feels okay as we go?” Since the bond, she’d become central to him, she’d already been part of him for as long as he could remember, but now making her happy, loving her, protecting her, had become part of that. Was it hot to kiss Akio a few minutes earlier? Yes. But he didn’t want the focus to shift or to make her feel anything but good.

And as hot as Akio was, as hot as it was to watch him lick over Michelle’s nipples right then, she was on loan. For a limited time. Josh just wanted to be extra sure that everyone knew what was up so that no one got hurt.

“All right. You’re still not naked though.” Her gaze was only for him right then, and he was helpless to do anything but kiss her long and slow until she’d gone all warm and boneless against him.

Josh finally broke away, and she shifted, rolling to shove his shirt from his body, licking over his nipples until they’d hardened enough to scrape her teeth over the way she knew he liked.

She got his pants open and shoved down, and he moved from the bed to get them off. She turned to Akio. “You’re not naked either.”

“As you wish.” He crossed his hands over and grabbed the hem of his shirt, pulling it from his body, revealing a great deal of beautiful ink.

She got to her knees and moved closer. “Wow, this is amazing.”

“A lot of wolves can’t keep the ink after a shift. Tracy has her ink, I know some others. This is fantastic.” Josh spoke from behind Akio.

She moved his hair aside and studied the intricate lines making up birds in flight. On his back an incredibly detailed pair of wings that took up pretty much all his skin.


He turned, a wicked grin on his mouth. “I haven’t even opened my pants yet.”

She laughed, appreciating his sense of humor and the way it kept things light and fun even though it was also intense.

“Well, go on then. We’re waiting. Wow me, Akio.”

She leaned back into Josh, who slid his hands up her arms and up her neck, holding her that way, lightly collared.

“She likes that.” Akio stepped from his shoes and unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, sliding them off along with his shorts. His cock sprang free, and she swallowed back the
that she nearly said. She didn’t want to make anyone feel bad and two men in her space, two really well-endowed men and she was mated to one and his equipment was mighty fine but she knew dudes could be touchy about that stuff.

Still. “Yeah, that’s incredible too.” She licked her lips.

“I think you should get to your knees and suck his cock.” Josh whispered this, his breath against the skin of her ear, rendering her weak in the knees.

“You should join him.” She guided him to stand next to Akio before she went to her knees.

It wasn’t like she had threesomes every day so she was naturally comfortable with it. Or had them ever. But something had come over her and she embraced it. She felt so much for Josh, and a true connection with Akio, who was entering their relationship in his own way. Taking on responsibility for her in such an elemental way.

It made her feel sexy and special and important, and that enabled her to leave all her awkwardness behind and let go. Enjoy this moment for what it was.

She ran her cheek across the line of Akio’s cock and then did the same with Josh. They both felt different, had a different scent. Something rose inside her, reaching through her connection to Josh and pulled them closer. He reached out and took her shoulder with a grunt.


She licked over the head of Akio’s cock and then Josh’s. Mirroring each movement. Each lick. She rimmed the crown of each cock, held a sac in each palm before she slid her hands up and moved them both at the hip to face each other. She grabbed their cocks at the root and held them together.

“Yes.” She spoke really to herself, but both men groaned, which made her feel like a sex goddess.

Josh watched down his body to where his woman knelt, his cock in her fist along with Akio’s. Nearly lost it when she licked over the heads and he felt the corresponding throb and gasp of Akio. Each one of them looked down, wonder on their faces.

He thrust into her fist, sliding along Akio’s cock. Akio looked up at him, one brow rising slowly as he thrust in answer.

Michelle hummed her delight. This side of her was unexpected. Nearly hedonistic and he dug it.

He leaned in and grabbed Akio’s hair around his fist and pulled him closer for a kiss.

Kissing a man was different than kissing a woman. Kissing the anchor was a whole different thing entirely. Kissing anyone but Michelle after they’d bonded? He felt her in the back of his consciousness, like spice to this moment. Akio tasted like her, like Josh’s mate.

He growled, possessive, greedy for more, greedy of her very essence.

Akio growled back as the kiss deepened, a gnash of teeth and tongue. As Michelle took the heads of their cocks into her mouth in a tight, hard suck, his fingertips dug into her shoulder and yanked Akio’s hair harder.

She kissed down both cocks, drawing her tongue over the root of each, down over their balls and up again. It was so good he found himself making little deals with himself as to when he’d stop. Little equations as to how close he could get without coming.

Because he wanted to save that for her. Inside her after Akio had finished. His wolf knew that had to be the way of it. Yes, this other male could mark her this once. But he would come after, fill his mate with

“Too close, little witch.” Akio gasped as he placed a gentle hand on her head, a caress followed. “I need to save that for when I’m inside you.” He stepped back with a slow breath, and Josh helped her up, pulling her close.

“Your lips are all swollen.”

Her eyes had that blur she got when she was really turned on. His wolf was very close to the surface, driven by Akio, who was in a similar state. This female, his mate, dripping with magick and sex, held endless fascination for wolf and man.

“I’m going to fuck you now.” Akio stood just behind her, sandwiching her between them.


Her voice was breathy, and she leaned her head back on Akio’s shoulder.

Josh’s hands slid up her belly to her breasts, always back to those it seemed, and her hips jutted forward when he tugged on her nipples.

“I love that,” he murmured.

“That works out because I do too.” Her smile was only for him.

Akio walked her to the bed and rolled onto his back. She stood at the edge and looked at him, Josh at her side.

“All that hair is so beautiful,” she said quietly. Where Josh was big and braw, muscular, tawny skinned and outdoorsy, Akio was lithe and powerful. Tall. Absolutely powerfully built, but more like a swimmer or a cyclist. He was utterly beautiful and she was going to have sex with him and it was totally all right with her boyfriend. Mate. Yes, him.

She climbed over his body, straddling his waist, her fingers digging into all that hair spread out all around him.

“Ride me,” Akio said, his voice raspy.

Josh got behind her, pressed to her back. “Lift up.” She did, and he angled Akio’s cock, stroking the head against her until she slid slowly down, taking him inside her body.

With Josh behind her this way, it was like he was part of it. Her link to him was so strong she knew he felt what she did, knew that while she enjoyed this moment with Akio, it was Josh who filled her thoughts of forever.

Akio’s hands slid up her thighs and met Josh’s at her hips. They joined fingers and both grasped her there. She closed her eyes and leaned back as Josh took her weight.

She lost track of time as both men caressed her skin until Akio growled and shook her from that place she’d drifted off to.

“Josh, make her come.”

Well, that certainly got her attention!

One of Josh’s hands caressed down her belly to her clit while the other held her breast out for Akio to roll and tug a nipple.

So much. Too much. She closed her eyes to try to find some control but couldn’t resist opening them again to look down at the man below her, at two sets of hands on her body, to be enticed and seduced by the scent of the room. Magick rose from her in reaction, so sharp it nearly hurt.

Josh’s mouth cruised to the spot where her neck met her body. His teeth grazed her there once, twice, and then he struck, his teeth digging into the flesh, into the muscle, and she came. So hard all the breath left her in one exhale of sound.

Akio cursed, sped beneath her, thrusting up to meet her body as she came down. The fingers on her nipple tightened, and he snarled, coming.

The anchor bond slammed into her and she lost her equilibrium again. Dimly she was aware of Josh picking her up off Akio, pulling her into his arms, his mouth brushing her cheeks, speaking soft endearments as this new bond found a way to work with the one already in place.

Akio kissed her forehead, and she knew he left the bed as the magick of the bond drew her away from that movement and deep into herself.

Josh looked up from where she snuggled into his body. Akio was getting dressed. “Thank you.” Not just for that moment, but for the commitment he’d just made to Michelle.

Akio nodded. “It was my pleasure. Thank you for sharing your bond with me.”

“You’re welcome to stay over. Especially since we’re going over to the crime scene tomorrow morning.”

“I think you two need the time alone so I’m going to head out.” Akio reached out to take one of Michelle’s hands, kissing it. “I’ll see you tomorrow, little witch.”

She dragged her eyelids up, a smile on her lips. “Okay. Thank you, Akio.” She blushed and both men chuckled. “I mean, yeah, thanks.”

“I told Josh already, but I promise you it was my pleasure.”

“Come over early and I’ll make a big breakfast.”

Akio nodded and was gone. Josh turned his attention to her once more. “Hey, beautiful, you all right?”

“It’s sort of a mini-version of the bond with you. I’m feeling better now.”

“Yeah? How much better?” He needed her. Not if it would hurt her or bring her discomfort. But his wolf was anxious to stamp over Akio’s presence.

Her gaze sharpened, and she managed to sit up and straddle him. “Why is that, Josh? Hm?”

He slowly got her to her back, looming over her. “I…”

“Need to be in me because another male just was?”

“Sounds petty.”

She shook her head. “No it doesn’t. Come on in.”

And as he slid into her body, he came home.

Chapter Thirteen

She got up and took a shower, saving her tears for when she had time behind a closed door. She’d woken up after a dream where she’d been back at the house they’d found Allie.

The memory of her friend’s broken body echoed through her like she’d been punched in the gut.

Of course Josh sensed her upset through the link and barged in.

“What’s wrong?” He pulled the enclosure door open.

“I’m living with a man who doesn’t knock on a closed bathroom door?”

He simply got in the enclosure with her, crowding her, pulling her close. “Living with a wolf. Comes with the territory.”

“I just had a dream about Allie.”

He took over, washing her hair as she stood there, sort of stunned by this big, powerful male tending to her so gently. He was so…tender with her. It made her tears come again.

“I’m sorry. I don’t normally cry this much,” she muttered.

“If anyone got to cry, you get to this week. There’s no shame in mourning someone you lost. I’m sorry. I wish I could make it better. I wish the end of the story was different.”

“You are making it better. Without you I probably wouldn’t even have found her, and even if I had, I’d be alone. This thing between us, this bond? It makes everything better.”

He tipped her chin up as he soaped her body. “Thank you for that. You’re okay about…everything this morning?”

She couldn’t help it, she laughed. “After my three-way you mean?” He tried to appear stern but failed. “Yes, I’m fine. I mean, it might be awkward when he comes over for pancakes, but it felt…right, when we were doing it.”

“It was beautiful. You’re beautiful, and I ache that you’re having to go through this pain.”

“I’m alive. I’m in love and have so much ahead of me. Allie doesn’t have any of that. If it’s the last thing I do, I will find the people who did this to her. Who destroyed her future.”

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