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Authors: Jen Frederick

Tags: #Romance, #Young Adult, #Contemporary

Undeclared (33 page)

“Like I care.” I pressed her closer to me. Never a fan of PDA, I really couldn’t get enough of Grace. I admit I liked having her within arm’s reach, preferably with her amazing rack pressed against my chest and arm. My eyes crossed a little at the thought of licking down the line of my dog tags that disappeared into the valley that her v-neck T-shirt exposed. I contented myself with laying a hard, wet kiss across her mouth. When she parted her lips, I swept in, allowing the hoots and laughter of our friends to serve as the soundtrack to our happily ever after.

The End

Contact Me

Look for Bo’s story in August 2013. You can read an excerpt at

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Author Notes

I took a few liberties with the facts of reality in telling my story. It is highly unlikely that Noah and Bo served three deployments in row, particularly after 2011. One of the longest concurrent deployments on record was the eighteen months served by the Iowa National Guard. Ordinarily, you would have to get a special dispensation from the Department of Defense to serve that long in a war zone.

It is also rare that Grace would not be able to attend some classes in the Art Department, even if she did not have a major in Art. I made up that part of the story to provide the dark moment of Grace’s life. I hope you’ll forgive me for taking the artistic license.

All other errors are, of course, mine.


No book ever reaches the publication stage in solitude. This journey would be stalled on my laptop if it weren’t for a group of people who encouraged me and provided faultless guidance.

To my beta readers: Brie, AW, Daphne, Elyssa, and Kati, this book would have been a sad and sorry product without your input.

To my editing team: RL, Daphne, and AW, each pass gave this rough rock a wonderful polish.

To the ones who know more about self publishing than I may ever learn: Jessica and Elyssa.

To Meljean Brook for the amazing cover.

To Sean for all the help with the military aspects. All errors are mine, of course.

To my friends: Gretchen, Chris, the MGL email group.

Table of Contents

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Author Notes
Table of Contents

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