Under By Treaty (SciFi Romance) (2 page)

“Guess we should be honored. Are there many like you?”

“That is strategic information, General.”

Well, you’re sharper than the average lizard, I’ll give you that.”

Her r
eptilian pupils dilated, but her voice remained controlled. “One day, your tongue will get you in trouble, perhaps sooner than you think.”

Jaden raised an eyebrow. Then he grinned.
Okay, he could spat with this one all day. Fight with her all night. Tangle her up in bed-sheets.

Johnson coughed. “Perhaps we could get back to business. I was informing
Sonil that Earth will never surrender its freedom.”

The ambassador returned her attention to
the president. “The Qui Empire can defend Earth against the cruelty of species beyond your imagination; negotiate trading agreements that will help your planet recover after decades of war; and offer access to new technology and allies.”

“The K’lahn lasted less than two years before our Resistance forced your withdrawal,” President Johnson pointed out. “Our technology is fine. And we are capable of finding our own allies.”

“Brave words considering you stole your technology from the K’lahn.”

“You invaded our planet!” the SecDef protested. “Did you seriously expect us to leave your ships to rot? We fought fire with fire.”

“The Resistance fought you to a standstill,” Jaden added, unable to keep a bitter snarl out of his voice.

You misunderstand our ways.” Sonil directed her reply to Johnson. “The K’lahn Commander stepped back from inflicting absolute destruction on your peoples, by order of the Qui.”

“And why was that, Ambassador?”
Johnson asked.

“The Qui wished the children of Earth to learn their place in the natural order of the empire.”

The president frowned and a blood vessel started to throb behind Jaden’s eye. Ambassador Sonil wasn’t here to negotiate. Concealed inside the pretty packaging lurked the same all-conquering aggressor he’d been fighting his entire life.

took a couple of moments before answering, “Clearly we have not. Is that why you’re here?”

“The Qui of thirty years ago has been succeeded by his daughter,” Sonil revealed, “and her Court’s patience has run out.
I am all that stands between you and a final assault that will eradicate all resistance, and most likely the human race. President Johnson, you must persuade the United Regions to cease hostilities and pledge allegiance to the Qui.”

“The Qui being your bloodline?” Jaden interjected, refusing to let her sideline him out of the conversation.

She hesitated, “Yes.”

Jaden wondered how far Johnson wanted him to go in this devil’s advocate game. “Think we’ll take our chances.”

Sonil threw him a blistering glare. “I have to wonder, Mr. President, who runs this planet. The United Regions or General Jaden?”

“Because the Qui haven’t exactly covered themselves with glory,
,” Jaden returned as if she hadn’t spoken. Johnson sat back in his chair, his eyes half-lidded. Jaden picked up the cue to keep pushing. “You know what I think, sweetheart, I think you’re here to save face for the Qui.”

“I am here to save Earth from its own folly.”

opinion. We think we’re doing just fine. We were doing even better before your foot soldiers arrived and started indiscriminately

“I am your last hope against a final invasion that will not hold back, unlike before. Surrender hostilities, pledge allegiance to the Qui, and a beneficial arrangement will be sought for all.”

“And if we don’t?” Jaden asked.

Once again, the K’lahn ambassador refused to look at him.

“Ambassador?” Johnson asked.

I am struggling to understand why you would choose annihilation over membership of the Qui Galactic Empire. Planets that possess far superior armaments to your own have paid that price before. Imagine the blight of destruction that is Washington DC spread across the face of the planet. Imagine extinction. The Qui does not
humanity, Mr. President. But we are prepared to tolerate your race, honor you with a place among us, for a price.” She turned the full power of her alien orbs directly on Jaden, boring into his soul with a look that he couldn’t possibly read. “You would give your life for Earth, General Jaden?”

Jaden blinked, taken aback by such a damn fool question. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

The Ambassador’s eyes trailed up and down Jaden in appraisal, then settled on Johnson. “Mr. President, as proof of the Qui’s sincere desire to settle this war, I am authorized to offer Earth a concession: General Jaden in return for a temporary cessation of hostilities.”

Jaden’s jaw dropped.

“During that time, I will personally train General Jaden for presentation to our Honored Qui. If the Empress accepts his devotion following culmination, within one Earth year, the Qui will accept Earth’s independence subject to a full trade agreement.”

Jaden launched to his feet. “Are you insane?”

The president waved him down, his expression grimmer than Jaden had ever seen it. “What is culmination?”

“Culmination is a full intercourse of body and mind
,” Sonil replied. “The Qui has the ability to read a tribute’s soul and judge the true extent of their willing surrender.”

The president shot Jaden a warning look before
addressing Sonil. “Is this some cultural thing, a traditional practice in the Qui Empire?”

Sonil narrowed her eyes. “If the representative for a planet has the selflessness and courage to embrace submission for his people, then the Qui will deem the race honorable and fit for survival. A male or female prepared to devote their mind and body to the Qui’s pleasure – for the sake of their kind – makes a worthy sacrifice.”

Johnson’s lip curled with disgust and the Qui’s Ambassador stiffened. “Do not presume to judge the Qui, Mr. President. Your society aspires to an ideal that exists only at levels like the United Regions. Analyze your world’s history and you find pockets of feudal life that continue to exist today. Cultures where rape victims are killed so as not to dishonor their family; countries where the male of your species has so little self-control, the female is obliged to hide behind cloth for fear they will tempt them into carnal acts; regions where children are slaughtered for no reason. And this was all before our invasion.”

Fists clenched, Jaden suddenly grasped she was deadly serious. “Why me? You must
know I would fail your Qui’s test? I don’t
submit to anyone.”

Sonil lifted her eyes and met his stare with eyes cold-as-a-lizard. “I do not countenance failure, General. I will train you to the exacting standards of the Qui, and you alone will be honored with the opportunity to save the human race from extinction.”

“Honor? You don’t know the meaning of the word. We have the K’lahn running in circles. Qui reinforcements are slow to arrive. This
would give you a year to regroup and build your forces.”

“You overestimate the time we need to

We can replace our ships and troops in several of your Earth weeks. You, however, have limited resources to equip an attack fleet with the hyper drive capability required to escape your solar system. Let me make our position clear. The Qui will destroy your planet if your leaders do not accept this offer. Mr. President, I will provide a contract clarifying our terms and the scope of General Jaden’s training.” She looked at Jaden. “You have gone very pale, General Jaden. Does the thought of my instruction cause you alarm?”

Jaden snorted. “The thought terrifies me, Ambassador. You say you could not accept failure.” He moved forward and pressed his hands against the arms of her chair, trapping her, his face in hers. “I would not wish to destroy you.”

Sonil inclined her head without a hint of retreat. “I appreciate the warning, General. Allow me to return the favor. If I fail you will not survive to be concerned over my welfare. And that would be my consolation.”


Chapter Two



Jaden felt a
migraine-sized headache coming on. At least this one had good reason: Johnson was going to lose the election.

’t believe it,” Zubarev watched the voting results unfold on a twenty-year old plasma screen. He blindly held out a bottle of ale in Jaden’s direction. “Bill Rooster’s a dickhead.”

Jaden took
the bottle before the booze ended up on his rug. “He’s also our new POTUR. Get used to it.”

stared at him. “What’s got your goat?”

gave him the finger.

need to see Doc Parsons, Jaden. These headaches aren’t normal.”

I’m fine.” Jaden’s cranial implant demanded his attention and he tapped his earpiece on. “Jaden here.”

“You are ordered to report to Central Command, General.”

“What’s going on?”

“A driver is on
the way to collect you, Sir. That’s all I know.”

“Okay, thanks.” Jaden put down his ale. “Crap.”

“What’s up?”

ta go in.”

Like I said, see Doc. I got to get going, anyway. Lisa’s got intentions for me.”

“Intentions?” Jaden grinned. “
She gonna propose?”

feigned horror. “Nah. Ropes might be involved though.”

’ll drop around if you don’t report in.”

“Take a photo and I
’ll shoot you.”


A knock on the door forced Jaden out of his seat. He looked through the spyhole then opened it. An armed escort stood outside.

scratched his head. “That was quick.”

“Evening, General. Got or
ders to bring you in. Something heavy’s going down.”

Jaden sighed. “
I’ll get my jacket. See yourself out, Zubarev.”

waved, his attention back on the election, obviously determined to get Lisa good and mad.

Jaden wouldn
’t mind getting laid. Take his mind off the reptilian black widow determined to subdue him with whips and chains. Jaden’s stomach coiled at the thought of what she wanted to do to him on that ship, a ship crawling with K’lahn lizards loyal to the Qui. Until a week ago, he didn’t even know there was a Qui – sounded like some kind of K’lahn queen bee with megalomaniac tendencies.

Even more disturbing, something about that insane woman gave him a raging erection. He’d bet anything she was the reason for his headaches this past week. Fucking treaty had his head spinning. Johnson had shredded it with Bill Rooster’s blessing. Rooster wanted to shoot the Ambassador’s flagship into the next solar system. First time Jaden and Rooster had seen eye to eye on anything.

Jaden settled into the back of the
transport and his ride lifted smoothly into the air.

A voice spoke in his ear. “General?”

“Still alive.”

“Got an update,
Sir. Ambassador Sonil’s flagship is approaching Earth.”

Jaden sat up.
“Has she given a reason?”

Sir. She’s headed straight for Central Command. Stand by, Sir. Message incoming. She’s requesting to speak to the President-elect.”

“Where’s POTUR?”

“Enroute to Central Command. The President-elect
’s with him.”

“Patch me through.”


Jaden waited.

“You’re through to POTUR, General.”

“Permission to paddle her flagship, Mr. President.”

“If you mean a shot across the bow then permission denied, General. We’ve agreed to meet with Ambassador Sonil. Put an end to her circus.”


“Thought you’d like a ringside seat, General.”

Jaden frowned.
“Mr. President. What’s going on?”

There was a pause. “I
’ll explain when you arrive. POTUR out.”

’re handing me over to the Qui.

near indecipherable click alerted Jaden a split second too late. He lunged forward and nearly got his fingers chopped off by the bullet-proof partition that shot up, cutting him off from the driver.

He stabbed the exit button. Nothing.

A black void opened inside him.

retrieved the gun strapped to his calf. He sat poised for action before sagging. The transport was rocket-proof. There was nothing more he could do until he reached Central Command. His stomach lurched. What was he going to do when he got there?

Shoot his
own men?

Fucking Rooster.

He felt the transport dropping down to land.

A voice spoke in his ear.


Tennant, Sir. We have orders to extract you from the transport. Alive. Sensors are detecting a weapon.”

“No shit.”

“Come on, General, we have orders. You know the score.”

Jaden leaned his head back and closed his eyes. He
’d gas him. Dammit. Trapped in the transport he was helpless. A gentle jolt told him he had arrived at Central Command. He had one choice. Hand over his gun, or shoot his brains out now. He seriously considered it.

ne thought stopped him.

The Qui would come after Earth.
Sonil had made that clear. She had him over a barrel. He couldn’t defend Earth if he was dead. And Earth needed this reprieve. It was the least he could do for the human race, to honor the memory of his mother and father. Trey Jaden, five-star General of the United Regions, had a duty to the human race, and he would face that duty with honor.

Sir?” Tennant said.

Jaden had to force the words out.
“I’ll come quietly.”

“Thank you,

A seamless drawer opened. Jaden dropped his weapon in. He watched
the compartment slide shut. His heart started to pound. Two seconds later, the door opened. He got out and recognized the secure reception area. Colonel Tennant and a security squad entered the room.

Usual drill, General.”

Jaden clenched his jaw. He
’d written the security procedures. If there was a loop hole in them he’d have closed it. He walked forward several feet to the marked circle, dropped to his knees and put his hands behind his head. He realized that apart from Tennant he didn’t recognize these guys.

One marched up behind him and cuffed his wrist, pulling it down to the small of his back. A hand pulled his other
wrist around to meet it. The cuffs locked with an audible click. Steel bit into his skin. A rigid bar between the cuffs made the chance of escape unlikely. Another guard helped haul him to his feet.

approached looking a little gray. “I don’t know what you’ve done, Sir, but I’ve orders to strip you.”

Jaden nodded. He felt sick. It was really happening. They were
following Sonil’s treaty conditions down to the letter.

’ll start with shoes and socks, Sir.”


Having his pants pulled down was humiliating. Of course, that was the point. Stripping him bare was symbolic for what lay ahead. Jaden stared straight ahead. He did not move as they cut off his leather jacket. Minutes later he stood naked, surrounded by armed guards and a man he’d personally mentored through the ranks.

could barely speak. “Need to escort you to the medical center.” He coughed. “Dr. Parsons has to remove your implants.”

didn’t respond. He couldn’t stop this. Nor could he handle his emotions right now. Mentally, he stepped back, trying to put distance between himself and the situation. They paraded him through the halls of Central Command. He did not speak or look at anyone, but he couldn’t miss the horrified reaction.

resentment clawed for a way out.

Turning into Medical was a blessed relief.

Doc hustled him into a cubicle and pulled the curtain around them. He gestured Jaden to sit on the gurney. “Don’t understand what’s going on, General, but I have my orders. I’m sorry.”

Just get it over with.”

nodded then tilted Jaden’s head to the right. He took a laser needle, and placed it against Jaden’s skull. “Don’t move and I’ll have the implant out in a second. Nanos will repair the tissue and bone.”

Jaden felt nothing. Two seconds later, the doc placed the needle on a petri dish. The implant itself was
too small to see.

Parsons sighed. “Sorry about this, going to have to try again.”

Jaden gritted his teeth as the doc got a new needle, and placed it slightly left of his initial attempt. “Try to relax, General.”

“Not going to happen, Doc. Finish it
, will you?”

Parsons smiled. “
Got it. Okay, now for the ear-piece.”

Removing the bug from his
cochlea was a cinch in comparison. Finally, Doc removed the digital implant layer from the cornea of his eye.

stepped forward. “Need to move, General.”

suddenly felt very alone.

Anyone there
he tried.

The silence was deafening.
Without that implant and his ear-piece, he had no means of communication. Anywhere in the vicinity of Earth’s solar system, Central Command had always been in his ear, whenever he needed it, ready to provide backup, updates, Intel, or just a friendly voice.

Now there was nothing.

Tennant marched him through the base. It was the shift change and the hallways were crowded. Jaden fought a creeping humiliation that burned the back of his neck. He was in good shape. Well hung. He had nothing to be ashamed of, these were people he knew and worked with, looked up to him, and yet their shock seared him to his core. Some stared, others averted their eyes.

His head
started to pound. He felt queasy. They were headed for the briefing room. Johnson and Rooster were waiting for him there. Johnson took one look at him and his face crumpled in anguish. He wouldn’t look Jaden in the eye.

Rooster dismissed
Tennant with a nod. The colonel handed him the key to Jaden’s restraints, saluted, then left.

The newly-elected president
didn’t waste time with preamble. “I changed my mind, General. Earth needs time to build its defenses. You know that.”

A year gives the K’lahn the time they need too,
Mr. President-elect
,” Jaden ground out. “I’d give my life for Earth.”

“I know that.”

“Then you know that if I thought this could possibly work –”

“I want you to try.”

For fuck’s sake
! The K’lahn murdered my parents! In cold blood. They did it for the Qui Galactic Empire. I’m more likely to throttle the Qui bitch-Queen… Empress – whatever the hell she is – than
with her. You’re handing me a death sentence. And when I fail, the Qui will have regrouped and be ready to go after Earth with everything they’ve got. Don’t you get it? We’re in a strong position,
. Why do you think they sent
Sonil with this offer? It’s a planned seduction. We were all staring at her, couldn’t keep our eyes off of her. Don’t you see? They’re desperate!”

’ve never let Earth down, General. Think about what you just said. If you fail the Qui will come after Earth with everything they’ve got.” Rooster leaned forward. “You
fail, General. Swallow your pride, your anger, and your hatred. Think of Earth. Do what you must for us, for the human race, for your planet. You said you would give your life for Earth.”

Jaden shook his head
, shocked to his core. “My life! Not my soul!” His voice caught on a growing knot of despair. “I can’t believe you’re doing this.” He turned to Johnson. “You’re still President. Are you really going to sign this contract?”

“I already did, General. I
’m sorry.”

’m not property to be sold!” Naked and furious, with a sense of betrayal so deep he could hardly believe it, Jaden razed the man with a blistering glare. “You don’t have the right!”

signature on the contract. The crime is mine. When the flagship has departed, a full report will be sent to the United Regions. But Earth will have a new president and time to make preparations in the event you fail. Bill is right. Failure isn’t guaranteed. Though you feel betrayed, know this: the good doctor has provided you with something extra to help your body cope. We send you into the arms of the K’lahn, with every faith that you can survive and succeed. Jaden, the hope of your world, of the government you serve, rests on your shoulders, and we did not make this decision lightly. You hold the potential to save us all.”

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