Under Fire (26 page)

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Authors: Jo Davis

Tags: #Fiction / Romance / Suspense

Good save. Anyone with half a high school education knew about Monet. “Oh, his work is unparalleled, but he’s not my favorite Impressionist artist. You know how I love that Kandinsky of yours, right, beautiful?” Zack met Cori’s gaze with a smile, telegraphing the silent message. She might not know about Kandinsky, but she caught the ruse, brightened, and agreed wholeheartedly.
“Oh, yes! My print alone cost a fortune. I wish I could afford an original.”
Her enthusiasm seemed to appease Banning. He shot her a sly grin, chest puffing out.
“I’ll have to show you mine sometime,” he bragged. “I acquired a floral at Sotheby’s for a song.”
Zack struggled to keep from nailing the fraud, though God knew he wanted to, badly. He could be simply a rich, horny player out to impress Cori with his imaginary artist persona, in which case flattening him in front of her would be most gratifying.
Or Banning could be an attempted murderer. Zack didn’t dare tip his hand before he got the chance to clue in Detective Bernie about this guy. Maybe he was off base, but then again—
“What do you think, Zack?”
He blinked at Cori. Her pointed look and tight smile said,
Bail me out of this conversation!
Before he could cover his lapse, the waitress appeared with their orders, placing them on the table with a rather friendly greeting for the newcomer.
“Oh, hi! May I take your order?” From the body language, what she really meant was,
May I take your clothes off?
Banning leaned back in the seat, giving the girl a blatant once-over and apparently preparing to make himself at home.
Like hell. Zack cut him off. “Our buddy here was just leaving.”
The girl faltered, picking up on the tension. “Oh. In that case, can I show you to a table?”
A muscle in Banning’s jaw jumped, irritation flashing in his dark eyes. “No, thank you. I really do need to dash.” He pushed from the booth, smirking at Cori. “See you around soon, darling.”
“She’s not your
, asshole. Not in this life, or the next.”
This time, Banning didn’t bother to disguise his hatred. “Yeah? Good thing you only—” Snapping his mouth shut, he stalked toward the exit.
Zack narrowed his gaze on the man’s retreating back. What had the shithead been about to say?
Cori calmly picked up her fork and speared some of her salad. “Let me guess. Kandinsky isn’t an Impressionist.”
“I’ll do you one better. If your psycho admirer is really an artist named Tony Banning, I’ll stock my entire drawer with pink happy-face boxers.”
The cell phone in Lionel’s pocket buzzed like a pesky mosquito, interrupting his concentration and raising his blood pressure to dangerous levels. Wrapping his fingers around the instrument, he fantasized it was the caller’s neck. Flesh yielding as the man’s face turned blue, eyes bulging and lifeless.
He flipped open the phone. “Yes?”
“Tell me you’ve made progress.”
“I’ve made progress.”
“Don’t be a stupid fuck,” his partner snapped. “You wouldn’t even know about the money if it weren’t for me. Do I need to catch a flight?”
no. “I’m handling the situation.”
“Are you?” The man sounded skeptical, with good reason. “In the way we’d planned?”
“There’s been a complication—a boyfriend. I’m working on removing him. The plan has changed, but I’ll get the information.”
“And you were going to inform me of this, when?” he bit off, obviously seething.
“Does it matter as long as the end result is the same? Relax. I’ll be lounging on a beach on a tropical island and you’ll get your cut before your hard-on fizzles.”
“I’d better. I don’t have to remind you how long my reach is, do I,
Not goddamned long enough, prick.
“Excellent. I’ll give you two more weeks to bring our project to a satisfactory conclusion. I’ll expect good news.”
The man ended the call with a click and Lionel closed his phone, anger rapidly replaced by savage determination. “You’re gonna grow old waiting for that call,
Knight was home and Cori’s rental car had just started up the drive. All he needed now was a window of opportunity to act. He cursed fate for sending her home early, before he had a chance to dispose of Knight.
But the result would be identical.
“I won’t need two weeks, you maggot.”
By then, Lionel would be living the high life in a warm climate under yet another assumed name, enjoying his final—and biggest—score. As for Cori and her firefighter, he owed them both a lesson in pain and suffering.
When they’d outlived their usefulness, well, this area of Tennessee was covered with miles of virgin forest, hills, and valleys, and a multitude of cave systems stretching forever. Their bones could molder for a century or more before anyone ran across them.
“She can be
darling in the next life, loser. I’ll take the real reward.”
Maybe before Cori died, he’d tell her why.
That she’d been sold out by her own flesh and blood.
Chuckling at his own cleverness, he settled in to wait.
Cori walked into the kitchen from the garage, tossing her purse and keys onto the counter. “Zack?”
No answer. She hadn’t seen him puttering outside, either, and she hoped the stubborn man was resting for a change. Whew, she was parched. She dug a bottled water from the fridge, twisted off the top, and took several long swallows, then headed upstairs to find her guy.
Hovering in his doorway, she peeked into his room, noting the polo shirt he’d worn to lunch laid neatly on the bed. His jeans and a green long-sleeved T-shirt were piled on the floor, streaked with dirt, along with his socks and underwear. She moved inside and saw the bathroom door standing open, the light on inside. The herbal aroma of soap teased her nose.
As she crept closer to the bathroom and peered inside, her mouth watered. Zack was fresh from the shower, black hair damp, drying off his chest, abs, and legs with brisk strokes. His half-erect cock showed his mind was on activities other than painting or sleeping, which suited her fine.
“My, my, a naked man in my house,” she drawled, sauntering in to join him. He jumped in surprise. “Whatever shall I do?”
Zack slung the towel over the shower stall, turned, and in two steps had her crushed against his chest, mouth descending on hers. His kiss was far from gentle, his tongue sweeping inside, demanding. His mouth punished hers, taking possession.
Desire flared to life, pooling between her legs. Her clit throbbed and ached, her entire body gone feverish. Chill bumps raced over her skin as his palms skimmed under the top of her green nurse’s scrubs, up her belly to cup her breasts. His fingers plucked at her nipples through the fabric of her bra, impatient.
Oh, yes.
She couldn’t wait, either. He ground against her mound, his erection heavy and hard, making his intent clear. Spiraling them both toward a total loss of control that both exhilarated and frightened her. She’d never seen this commanding side of her lover, and wondered whether he was as shocked.
Pulling back, he took the bottled water from her and flung it away. Then he untied her drawstring pants, dragging them down along with her panties, and off. His movements were hurried, fevered.
“I want you
,” he rasped, backing her against the bathroom wall. “And you’re
. Nobody else’s. Do you understand?”
“Y-yes.” Lord, she was going to incinerate. Heat rushed between her thighs and her nipples hardened to points.
“Know what I’m going to do to you? I’m going to fuck you, baby.” He pressed close, fingers brushing through the curls at the apex of her thighs. He parted her slit, found the moisture gathered there, and spread it around. Rubbing, readying her.
She arched into him. “Oh, God! Zack—”
“Yeah, I’m going to fuck you right here. Just like this,” he said, blue eyes glittering with sexual heat. A man who wasn’t planning to take no for an answer. He cupped her buttocks in his hands and lifted, bracing her back against the wall. “Hang on to me.”
“But your wound—”
“Zack, I—”
He guided the broad head of his cock to her center, pressed between her greedy lips. She clung to his neck, careful to avoid the gauze on his shoulder, trembling with need. He entered her in one smooth thrust, burying himself balls-deep with a tortured groan.
“Ahh, yes!” Lost, he threw back his head. Began to pump his hips, the slick length of him stroking her channel and clit. “Just like this . . . love fucking you . . .”
“Please,” she begged. “More. Faster, harder!”
With a moan, he angled his thrusts, lunging deep and hard, pistoning into her. Increasing the tempo, setting her on fire. She gave herself over to him as she’d never done to anyone, just let herself be swept away by this dark and primal passion. The total abandon carrying them to the edge.
And beyond.
“Yes, yes, yes!” she cried in time to his plunging cock. Owning her. Branding her as
. He pounded her into the wall and she was vaguely aware of a hanging picture being upset and knocked askew.
Flesh slapped in noisy rhythm, background music to the storm raging over them both. She felt her body unraveling, lightning shooting from her sex to her womb, and on to her limbs. His body quickened, and he gazed into her eyes, expression fierce.
“Oh!” Her orgasm exploded and she burst into zillions of shards of wicked joy.
His exultant shout joined hers and he filled her in a hot rush, his cock jerking until he collapsed against her, spent and quivering from exertion. After a moment, he slipped from inside her as she unlocked her legs from his waist, lowering her feet carefully to the floor.
Lord, he’d taken her half dressed. Glowing from head to toe, she shot him a grin. “Aren’t you full of fun surprises?”
He laid his forehead on hers. “God, Cori, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what got into me.”
“Well, I don’t, either. But when the spirit moves you again, let me know so I can get naked!”
He shook his head, shamefaced. “I can’t believe I treated you like that. Hell, I didn’t fully undress you, or even take time to make sure you were pleased. I—I’ve never been so thoughtless and crude.” He hesitated, and when he spoke, his voice was crestfallen. “I was selfish. That was all about me, and you deserved better.”
“No, Zack, I loved—”
“But what if you hadn’t? I didn’t give you the chance to refuse, did I?” He snatched the towel and held it in front of his wilting erection.
“I wouldn’t have said no to you!”
“Don’t you see? It didn’t matter to me right then.”
“You are
full of horseshit.”
Quickly, he wiped off the evidence of their tryst and brushed past her. “I’m going to be in the shop for a while.”
Great. Now he’d go sulk where she wasn’t supposed to trespass because of the secret project he was working on for her. How damned convenient. Women did
have the market cornered on the “retreat and pout” method of avoiding confrontation, despite popular rumor.
Watching him dress, she crossed her arms over her breasts, trying not to feel insulted by his not giving her credit to think for herself. He was young, she reminded herself, and inexperienced not only with sex but more important, with the deeper emotions brought about by intimacy.
And she’d lay money he was still smarting over the encounter with Tony—if that was the creep’s name. Zack had probably stewed all afternoon, worked himself into a frenzy. She’d happened to catch the brunt of the most basic male reaction.
A supremely pissed man marking his territory.
She sure wasn’t complaining. Her lover had some seriously sexy moves, whatever the catalyst. However, she refrained from giving him an analysis of his motivations, figuring he wouldn’t appreciate it right now.
He jammed his feet into his sneakers, pushed on his glasses, and grabbed his jacket off the back of a chair. “I’ll be back in a bit, okay?”
At least he stopped to plant a gentle kiss on her lips before disappearing out the door. The man was a roiling ocean of turmoil. He had yet to reveal what he’d promised to talk about when she got home, and this mysterious subject obviously was part of the problem, as well.
Battling dejection, she retrieved her bottled water from the floor, padded to her own bathroom, and took a quick shower. Afterward, she felt marginally refreshed and optimistic. Zack would spill his guts when he returned and when he did, he’d feel so much lighter. They’d deal with whatever was bothering him and everything would be fine.

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