Undone (The Amoveo Legend) (12 page)

Read Undone (The Amoveo Legend) Online

Authors: Sara Humphreys

Marianna lifted one shoulder as she studied the limited offerings. She was annoyed, but not at Pete. She was annoyed with herself for allowing a woman like Brittany to get under her skin. She’d never been jealous in her life, and she knew—intellectually, she knew—she had no reason to be jealous, but she was. It was stupid and juvenile, but she couldn’t help it. The notion of another woman touching Pete made her want to tear that woman’s hair out.

“What did Dante have to say?” she asked, changing the subject.

“Richard is concerned that their man on the inside might have been discovered. They haven’t heard a peep from him in over two weeks, and two more women have gone missing. Both unmated, pure-blood females from different clans, and they’re barely eighteen years old.”

“It’s sick.” Marianna shook her head as if she could shake out information about what Artimus was doing. “Any idea where his base of operations is?”

“No.” Pete shook his head grimly. “They had several leads, but so far nothing. Richard feels that Artimus is using the advanced shielding that the elders possess to hide him and anyone who’s with him.”

Marianna nodded and sat back as Brittany strutted by with a tray full of drinks. She didn’t miss the lusty look she cast in Pete’s direction or the provocative wiggle of her hips as she passed by.

Pete didn’t miss that or the look on Marianna’s face. “You’re not really letting her get under your skin, are you? Don’t you think we’ve got bigger problems?”

“I know. It’s silly, and to be honest, I’m surprised at myself.” She took a swig of her drink and glanced at Brittany, who was over by the jukebox whispering to another waitress. “I guess I wasn’t prepared to answer questions about us or meet old girlfriends. Remember how upset you got with Hayden when he put his hands on me at The Coven?”

Pete’s features darkened. “Yes.”

“Well, that’s how I feel, but you actually slept with her.” She put her hands up before he could say anything. “I know it’s dumb. I know, but I can’t help it… must be a mate thing.”

Pete nodded, and a smile broke out across his face. “Must be,” he said quietly as he pulled her against him and kissed her head. “I kind of like it. I have to admit that there’s something sexy as hell about a gorgeous thing like you getting jealous over a fling from fifteen years ago.” The smile faltered, and his tone grew serious. “By the way, Hayden’s lucky I didn’t take out my gun and shoot him for putting his hands on you.”

Looking into those intense blue eyes, she knew he meant what he said. There was a predatory and protective side to Pete that she knew had the potential to be deadly. She had no doubt that he would kill to protect her, which was frightening and intriguing. That night he’d shown up in the club, he’d instinctively known that she needed him, and it was in that moment everything changed.

“That’s when I heard you for the first time.” Her voice fell to above a whisper as she stared into those captivating eyes. She sucked in a slow breath, and her lips lifted as she saw desire bloom in his gaze. “That’s really the only thing I wish I could still do. Hear you in my mind. Touch your mind with mine while we make love and join with you in every possible way.”

“Did you make up your mind yet?” Brittany’s irritating voice sliced into their conversation, but neither looked up.

“I’m famished.” Marianna held Pete’s attention firmly. “I’ll have the house special.”

“Me too,” Pete murmured.

They barely noticed as Brittany huffed away with the menus.

famished.” She sighed. “But not for food.” Marianna leaned into Pete’s embrace and brushed her hand along his jean-clad thigh beneath the table. She whispered into his ear as his five o’clock shadow rasped enticingly along her cheek. “I’ve got a house special for you… if you’re interested.”

She shifted in the booth and gave a surreptitious glance around the room to see if anyone was watching. Not that she’d care.

“Oh, I’m interested.” Pete played with her hair as she snuggled in his arms, and his entire body, hard and taut, hummed against her with anticipation. He picked up his beer and took one long pull, as if trying to put out the flames. “You are full of surprises, aren’t you?”

“Must be the bear in me,” she whispered as she discreetly undid his belt beneath the table and tablecloth.

He was already hard and sprang from the confines of his jeans easily. Pete tensed and let out a long, slow breath as Marianna wrapped her fingers around him and stroked. She leaned one elbow on the table and smiled wickedly as she brushed her fingertips along the engorged length of him.

His eyes flicked around the room before landing on hers once again. There was something wickedly erotic about touching him this way in the middle of a public place without anyone knowing. It was powerful and intoxicating—a major turn-on. It was like that ride on the snowmobile. One wrong move, and they could be discovered.

“This was the perfect table,” Marianna murmured as she sipped her drink casually.

Pete nodded and grunted something that sounded like agreement as she squeezed him and ran her thumb over the swollen head. He leaned both elbows on the table and pressed his folded hands against his lips as she massaged him.

“Brittany.” Marianna waved her free hand, flagging her down. Pete stilled, and Marianna smirked as she saw a flicker of panic wash over him. She slowed her pace, but kept her fingers trailing up and down his cock beneath the well-covered table.

“Yeah?” Brittany’s annoyance was evident, but her brows furrowed with concern when she looked at Pete. “You okay? You’re all flushed and sweating like a pig.”

Marianna ran her thumb over him again as she smiled at Brittany. “Actually, that’s why I called you over. Pete is feeling a bit… hot.” His cock twitched as she flicked her gaze to Pete, who nodded curtly. “Could we please get that dinner to go?”

“Sure.” She cast a suspicious glance from Marianna to Pete as she walked away.

Marianna ran her fingernails gingerly up the hot length of him before pulling her hand away completely. She leaned back in the booth and ran both hands through her long hair with a satisfied sigh as Pete discreetly put himself back together.

“Oh, you’re gonna pay for that,” he said with a wicked grin.

“I should hope so.” She winked over the rim of her glass and couldn’t wait to see what he’d do to even the score.


Pete hauled ass back to the cabin, and Marianna thought at several points they were going to careen into the trees, but in true Pete fashion, they made it back safely. Driving like a man with a mission, he pulled the snowmobile in front of the cabin and skidded to a halt, sending a wave of snow onto the already snow-covered steps.

Marianna took off her helmet and hopped off the blasted contraption. Pete stared at her through serious eyes as he removed his own helmet and tossed it into the snowbank. He didn’t shut off the engine, but slid back and patted the empty space in front.

“What?” Marianna shouted over the noise of the engine. “I’m not driving that thing.”

“No,” Pete agreed. “You’re definitely not driving tonight.”

With lightning-fast reflexes, he hooked one arm around her waist and pulled her to him. Pete pushed her jacket and sweater up, baring her flat belly to the ice-cold air. She shivered as he licked and nibbled at the tender flesh of her stomach, while he gently pulled her black leggings over her hips. Marianna grabbed his hands to stop him, but he shook his head slowly and made a scolding sound as he flicked his tongue into her belly button.

“It’s freezing out here.” Marianna ran her fingers through his short dark hair as he rained kisses along the curve of her hip. “What exactly did you have in mind?”

“I just thought of something that might change your mind about riding my snowmobile.” He tugged her hips toward him. “Get on.”

Intrigued, Marianna straddled the bike in front of Pete, but when she went to sit down, he grabbed her hips and stopped her. She glanced over her shoulder, and he looked up with that cocky grin she’d come to adore.

“Grab the handlebars, and stay like that,” he said above the din of the engine. “Do you trust me?”

Shivering from a heady combination of cold, lust, and anticipation, Marianna bit her lower lip and nodded. She leaned forward and gripped the handlebars tightly as Pete pushed her leggings down to expose her bare ass to the winter air and trailed hot kisses along her bottom. Vibrations from the buzzing engine ran up her arms and through her entire body, having a far different effect than usual.

Pete’s hand slipped beneath her sweater, flicked aside her bra, and captured her breast greedily. He massaged and rolled her nipple between his fingers as he reached between her legs, finding her most tender flesh. Marianna gasped as he slid two fingers deep inside and rubbed her clit with his thumb.

Head back and eyes closed, she cried out as he teased her to the edge, and wave after wave of pleasure whipped through her. The frigid winds blew against her hot skin as Pete’s touch mixed enticingly with the vibrations of the humming machine. He nibbled and licked at the exposed flesh along her waist as he pushed his fingers in and out of her hot, wet channel. She tried not to move, but she needed more, wanted to take him deeper.

“Please.” She moaned and writhed for release. Marianna looked over her shoulder and pushed herself against his hand. “I need you, all of you.”

Pete looked at her and placed one kiss on her hip as he made swift work of undoing his pants. She watched as he stroked himself while stroking her at the same time, and Marianna didn’t think she’d ever experienced anything more erotic.

She flicked her eyes to his. “Now.”

Pete clutched her hips as he stood behind her. Still gripping the handlebars for dear life, Marianna leaned forward, offering herself, and in one swift thrust, he arrowed into her hard and deep. Marianna cried out as he speared again and again with slow, deliberate strokes, taking her to the peak, and finally, over the edge into oblivion.

Still lodged inside her, Pete collapsed and braced his hands on the handlebars on either side of Marianna’s. “So,” he said between heavy breaths. “Think you’ll like the snowmobile any better now?”

Marianna, still breathless, placed a kiss on his unshaven cheek as they pushed themselves off the handlebars, and he slipped from the warmth of her body. “Something tells me that I’ll never look at a snowmobile the same way again.”

Pete shut off the engine as she shivered and pulled up her leggings. He gave her a hand as she climbed off the machine onto unsteady legs and swept her into another breath-stealing kiss.

God, I love this woman.

His voice floated into her mind with surprising ease. Marianna froze and looked at him through wide eyes. Had she really heard that? It had been almost a month since he’d used the binding powder. Could it be wearing off already?

“What’s wrong?” Pete asked.

“Nothing.” She kissed his cheek quickly and shrugged. “Just cold, I guess.”

“Right.” He studied her carefully as she slipped out of his embrace and headed for the steps. Pete grabbed the bags with their food out of the storage compartment and followed her inside.

“I’ll get this on the table,” she said, taking the bags and heading into the kitchen.

While Pete made the fire and she put dinner on the table, Marianna squelched the guilt of not telling Pete what she’d heard. She kept telling herself that there was no use in saying anything until she was absolutely certain.

Lying to herself didn’t count, did it?

Chapter 11

The sunlight streamed through the window, casting an early morning glow in the small bedroom. Pete was sound asleep with his long naked body spooned comfortably around Marianna in a familiar way. She hadn’t slept much that night and couldn’t stop thinking about the sound and feel of Pete’s voice touching her mind.

Tangled up in skin, she snuggled deeper into his embrace and ran her fingertips along his arm that draped over her possessively. Marianna closed her eyes and sighed contentedly, enjoying the feel of his bare skin pressed along hers, and then she heard it.


It was faint at first and sounded muffled and far away, but she recognized it immediately. It was her mother’s voice. The warm, familiar sound flitted along the edges of her mind.

Her pleading grew louder and resonated through Marianna’s mind.

Marianna reached out and touched her mind with relief.
Yes, Mother. I can hear you.

Pete said something incoherent in his sleep and tightened his grip. She whispered soothing sounds and kissed his cheek as she slipped out of bed. “I have to use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”

As silently as possible, Marianna pulled on her white pajamas and went into the living room, closing the door quietly, careful not to disturb Pete. She stood at the center of the room and closed her eyes, focusing on following the comforting path to her mother.

I’ve been so worried. Are you alright? I thought you
were like those other girls who’ve gone missing, but Dante kept assuring me that you’re okay
. Her voice quivered, and Marianna could tell she was crying
. I can hardly use telepathy anymore since your father died, and I’ve been so lonely without you.

I’m so sorry, Mother.
Marianna wiped away a tear and struggled to maintain the connection.
I’m alright. I’m better than alright… my mate found me.

Marianna, that’s wonderful. What clan is he from? Marianna…

Her mother’s voice faded, as the connection dissolved and vanished.

Mother? Mother, can you hear me?

Marianna tried to reestablish the link, but to no avail. She wandered to the window and stared at the snow-covered woods. She wondered if the connection was lost due to her abilities coming back sporadically or her mother’s waning powers.

She glanced at the bedroom door, focused her energy, and reached for Pete’s energy signature. Lightning flashed in her mind as his spiritual fingerprint connected with hers. She sucked in a shuddering breath and grinned as her body was energized by him… and something else.

It felt as though there was another layer to his energy—or hers—she wasn’t sure why, but she chalked it up to being mated. She knew that all Amoveo’s energy signatures changed once they were mated, so maybe that was it? She wanted to try telepathy to reach Dante, but she knew he’d be pissed that her powers were back and worried that Artimus would find her.

, she thought. He’d get a face full of bear claw.

Grinning, and too excited for words, Marianna looked at the snowy trees and frozen lake. As silently as possible, she opened the door and stepped outside. Her grin broadened as she trotted down the steps barefoot and found herself once again unfazed by the cold. The only thing that would make this moment complete would be shifting into her clan form.

After a quick run in her bear form, she’d tell Pete that her powers were back and let him use another dose of binding powder on her again. He’d have to in order to keep Artimus in the dark about where she was, but first she needed one run in her clan form—one little run couldn’t hurt.

Marianna trotted through the snow and breathed in the clean, cool air vigorously. She stopped along the edge of the lake, closed her eyes, stretched her arms wide, and whispered the ancient language.

In a flash of static and a rush of energy, the familiar flicker of the shift washed over her skin as her body undulated, stretched, and erupted into her Kodiak bear. With a growl, she fell to all four paws and shook her brown furry body enthusiastically. Reveling in the buzzing energy of the shift, Marianna lumbered into the woods and lifted her snout to breathe in the multitude of scents that filled the air.

Pine. Snow. Wood burning from a fireplace somewhere on the lake. Dirt.

A low satisfied growl rumbled in her throat as she took in each scent. She could smell things in her human form, but nothing like this, and perhaps it took not having the heightened sense of smell to appreciate it. It was as if every scent was ten times stronger, and somehow, each encapsulated separately from the others. She stood on her hind legs, pointed her black-tipped snout to the air, and took in another deep breath.

A new scent captured her attention as a low menacing growl rumbled from behind her.


Marianna dropped to all fours and turned to see Tramp hunched low, hackles raised, and snarling ferociously. The dog growled, baring his mouthful of sharp teeth, and in that moment, she had no doubt he would attack. Marianna stood still, not wanting to frighten him more than she already had. She whispered the ancient language,
, and in a blink, shifted back into her human form.

“Hey, buddy,” she said with a smile. The dog whined, backed away, and shifted his weight nervously from paw to paw. She extended her hand and let him sniff it, to assure him that it was her indeed. It only took a sniff or two before the dog jumped up and licked her in the face happily.

As she ruffled the dog’s ears the way he loved, she noticed that extra ripple in her energy signature again.

“Hang on, Tramp. Stop jumping on me for a second.” Marianna pushed the dog down gently and closed her eyes, focusing on the unfamiliar signature that pulsed and throbbed, like a heartbeat. It was separate from hers, but linked as well. She intensified her focus and detected not one, but two, distinct signatures.

They were faint and muffled… as if buried or underwater… or…

Her eyes shifted with a tingling snap to her clan form as she discovered the source of the signatures, and all of her breath rushed from her lungs.

Marianna placed two shaking hands on her lower belly.

“Oh my God,” she whispered. “Oh my God… I’m pregnant.”

Laughing through tears, she rubbed her stomach and closed her eyes again, wanting to listen and feel those beautiful new signatures. Twins. It had to be twins.

“Pregnant?” She laughed again, and her thoughts went immediately to Pete. Would he share her enthusiasm? He’d already had so many changes, so much to deal with, would he be as excited as she was?

The cold hand of doubt crawled up her back as the sound of Tramp growling again captured her attention. However, before Marianna could ask the dog what was wrong, Artimus’s voice tumbled over her shoulder.

“That’s something that can be easily remedied.”

Marianna spun around and came face-to-face with Artimus, Hayden, and Daniella, a former guardian for the prince who’d defected to the Purists.

“You’ve been a bad girl, Marianna. Hiding from us like this.” He inched closer. “We’ve been scanning for your energy signature for several weeks. Hayden had almost given up hope of finding you, so imagine how pleased he was when we stumbled upon it this morning.”

Tramp started barking at the top of his lungs as Marianna backed away slowly with one hand on her belly. Well, so much for one quick shift not doing any harm.

Pete was going to kill her if they made it out alive.

“It’s too late, Artimus.” Marianna looked at the three. Fear gripped her heart as she glanced toward the cabin. She couldn’t let them get to Pete—he wouldn’t stand a chance against them. “I’m already pregnant, so I guess you’ll have to find another girl for Hayden.”

Tramp barked incessantly and stepped protectively in front of Marianna.

“As I said,” he remarked as he grinned and flicked an irritated glance at the dog, “that can be remedied.” He snapped his fingers. “Hayden! Daniella!”

The two advanced toward her, but she kept backing off and shook her head. She could visualize herself away, but where would she go? Dante? Her mother? Artimus would follow her wherever she went and going to her family would only put their lives at risk. She’d figure this one out on her own.

“I’m already mated, Artimus.” She slipped as she retreated. “The train has left the station.”

“Your human plaything and that abomination growing in your womb can be easily eliminated.” His eyes shifted into the glowing black eyes of his clan, and a low growl rumbled from his throat. “Don’t even think about fighting with me or running because you’ll lose. I’m over two hundred years old, and I could tear you to shreds, so be a good girl and come with us.”

Tramp continued barking and snarling, but what happened next, happened in a split second.

The dog launched himself at Artimus. Tramp sank his teeth into his arm. Artimus screamed with rage and pain as he grabbed the dog and flung him like a rag doll across the clearing. Tramp slammed into the tree with a yelp and fell in a motionless heap, his blood staining the snow.

“No!” Tears filled Marianna’s eyes, and rage flashed through her. “You bastard.”

The air filled with static as Hayden exploded into an enormous grizzly bear, and Daniella roared to life as a formidable tiger. Artimus, eyes glowing black as coal with two beasts behind him, stalked her.

“Let’s not make this messy,” Artimus hissed.

Marianna was about to shift into her clan form and take her chances when she heard Pete’s voice.

“Marianna,” he screamed as he tore out the back door of the cabin. Pete took the steps in one leap with his gun drawn. Wearing only his jeans he barreled toward them through the snow. “Get out of the way, Marianna!”

The last thing she saw before Artimus grabbed her and visualized them both away was a snarling tiger leaping toward Pete with paws outstretched.


Barking. That fucking dog was barking his head off outside, and through the fog of sleep, Pete’s instinct was to snuggle up to Marianna and bemoan Tramp’s poor timing—but she was gone. His hand slipped over the smooth sheet, still warm from where her soft, curvy body had slept.

Pete lifted his head and looked around the empty room. He vaguely recalled her saying she was using the bathroom, but that seemed like an awfully long time ago.

“Marianna?” he called out, but was met only with the dog’s barking.

In fact, Tramp’s barking persisted, frantic and fierce. That dog
barked like that—
. Pete threw back the covers and grabbed his jeans from the chair by the bed and pulled them on.

can’t let them get to Pete.
Her frightened but determined voice flickered into his mind, sending sheer panic and dread flashing through him.

The binding powder had worn off.

Pete grabbed his gun from under his pillow and ran barefoot to the back door as the barking stopped. He busted open the door, jumped the steps, and landed in the snow, but he couldn’t feel the cold. He couldn’t feel anything except the desperate need to protect her, and when he saw Marianna cornered by Artimus, a towering grizzly bear, and a fucking tiger—every protective instinct took over.

He would kill them all.

Human. Animal. Amoveo. It didn’t matter. He didn’t care. They were going to die if they laid a hand on his Marianna. Breathless, muscles straining, Pete aimed his gun at Artimus. “Get out of the way, Marianna!”

The air around her shimmered and rippled like heat coming off pavement. Artimus grabbed her with a smirk of triumph, as Marianna looked him in the eye and vanished from sight.

“No,” Pete bellowed as he watched the only woman he ever loved disappear into thin air. Pete squeezed off two shots as the massive tiger snarled and leaped toward him.

Both shots hit their mark, and the beast roared in pain and surprise as it dropped into the snow, skidding to a halt and thrashing at Pete’s feet. Moments later, the tiger shimmered and shifted into a bleeding and pissed off woman. Swearing like a sailor and clutching her bleeding limbs, she glared at Pete through glowing orange eyes. Still trying to catch his breath, Pete snatched the binding powder vial from the pocket of his jeans and blew the rest in her face.

“I hope you fucking choke,” he spat.

He watched as she sputtered, coughed, and winced in pain from the gunshot wounds in her arm and leg. A sense of satisfaction came over him as he saw her realize her powers were gone. Her eyes flickered and shifted to normal, light brown human eyes full of confusion.

“What—what the hell?” She looked around frantically.

“Those are some nice friends you’ve got. They pulled their little disappearing act and left you behind.” He stuffed the empty vial back in his pocket and pointed the gun at her head. “In case you haven’t figured it out yet, sweetheart, that stuff you inhaled just snuffed out your Amoveo powers. You’re stuck in your human form, so I wouldn’t try anything funny, or I’ll add another hole.” He cocked the gun. “Got it?”

The woman nodded furiously and winced as even that movement brought her pain.

He kept the gun pointed at her. “What’s your name?”

“Daniella Trejada,” she said through clenched teeth.

“Where did they take her?” A whimpering sound to his left captured his attention, interrupting his interrogation. “Don’t move.”

“Is that a joke?” she spat. “I’m bleeding like a stuck pig.”

Ignoring her, Pete moved cautiously toward the tree line and swore loudly when he saw Tramp lying in blood-soaked snow. The dog lifted his head and whined as Pete approached.

“Hey buddy,” Pete said in soothing tones. He squatted down and stroked the dog’s head gently as he ran his hands over his back.

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