Unexpected Consequences (2 page)

Read Unexpected Consequences Online

Authors: Cara Bristol

Tags: #Bdsm

He followed her into the shop.

“The clerk thinks she has my size.” Melania was seated in a chair, her sandals already off her feet.

“You don’t need another pair of shoes.” Jared shook his head. “It’s getting late. I have a full day tomorrow, and you have a list of things you wanted to get done for the party.”

“I’ll only be a minute. I want to try them. Please?” Her gaze turned beguiling, and even though he knew he needed to resist the pull, his resolve softened.

“You can
them,” he agreed pointedly.

The clerk, a woman about Melania’s age but with eyebrow and nose piercings and short, spiked hair dyed overly black, appeared with a box. “This pair is one of our best sellers. You’re lucky we have your size.”

She nudged a stool into place in front of Melania and straddled it. The clerk flipped the lid off the box and pushed aside the tissue paper to reveal the shoes. Melania stretched out a delicate, pedicured foot, and the salesgirl slid one shoe on, then the other. Even with the platform, the heels were incredibly high.

“Oh my God, they’re gorgeous.” Melania’s hushed tone was reverent.

Jared frowned. “How would you walk in those things?”

Melania exchanged an amused glance with the salesgirl. “Silly, they’re not for walking. They just make you feel good.”

She rose and tottered a few steps before finding her sea legs and striding confidently across the carpeted floor. The shoes caused her back to arch, accentuated her chest, and made her legs appear a mile long. Her perfect ass sashayed with each step, undermining his good intentions.

Jared envisioned her wearing the shoes and nothing else, bent over the dining table or the desk in his home office. His cock hardened. He curled his mouth with amusement. Melania was right. The shoes made one feel good.

She could wear them at their small dinner party. He would make love to her on the dining table before his friends arrived, and afterward, while she coolly attended to their guests, he would grin secretly at the memory.

He would buy her the shoes.

Melania performed a pirouette and glided toward him. “Please, Jared? I know they’re really expensive and I have red ones, but not like these.” She tilted her head to the side, her glowing hazel eyes beseeching him.

Melania loved the shoes.

He loved the shoes.

His cock loved the shoes.

“No.” He shook his head. “Not today, Melania.” He injected a steely edge into his tone.

Her shoulders slumped. “Okay.” Her lower lip jutted out in a pout. She looked like a little girl who’d been told she couldn’t have the puppy she’d fallen in love with, but she returned to her seat, removed the shoes, and handed them to the salesgirl. “Thank you.” Melania donned her sandals.

“No worries.” The girl tucked the shoes back into the box. She shot a glance at Jared. “If you change your mind, we’re open ten a.m. to nine p.m. weekdays. Ten to five on Saturdays.”

Jared nodded.

“I’m ready.” Melania slipped her hand in his and smiled sweetly.

He squeezed her hand and led her out the store.

Melania had vowed to obey when they married and had been raised in a home where that was expected as well, but she was still a headstrong, independent woman. Submission would challenge her. The Rod and Cane Society recommended building a wife’s obedience in increments. Melania had passed the small test with flying colors, her only resistance that small but forgivable pout.

When they reached their car, he unlocked her door. Placing his hands on her shoulders, he looked into her eyes. “I love you so much. I’m so proud of you.”

“I love you.” She smiled.

He pressed a kiss to her lips and felt them yield and part beneath his. Her response stirred his desire, and the kiss lingered. He broke away and helped her into the car, then shut the door.

Jared smothered a grin. He couldn’t wait to see her excitement. He’d return later to buy the shoes as a surprise for their dinner party.


Melania crunched the possibilities. If she used her salary and supplemented it by cutting back on groceries, she could purchase the shoes without Jared’s knowledge. She wouldn’t have them for the dinner party, but she could wear them to lunch with the girls. After a while Jared would forget what the shoes looked like and wouldn’t recognize them from her other ones. Men didn’t pay attention to things like that.

She could tell from the set of her husband’s shoulders and his implacable expression in the store that confronting him would not get her what she wanted, so she let him think she’d agreed with him. The technique had served her well with her father. Though her daddy was the master, he had a soft spot for her, and Melania had used it to her advantage.

She snuggled into Jared’s jacket, sighing with contentment. She wanted Jared to rule their home. His commanding, authoritative presence made her feel feminine, protected, coddled. If she didn’t always agree when he put his foot down, in her heart she believed it was her duty to obey his direction.

But not when it came to something insignificant like footwear.

They were only shoes—albeit the most perfect ones on the planet—and even though they were expensive, Jared, an investment banker, could afford it. And she worked too. She would return to the store tomorrow and buy the shoes before they sold out. Melania hid her grin behind Jared’s jacket. What Jared didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her.

She pictured the pumps, all supple, sexy red leather. Italian. She imagined wearing a tiny red thong with a bow in the back that matched the stilettos. Only she would know, but that was all that mattered. The shoes fit perfectly and looked fantastic. The fact that they’d kill her feet didn’t factor a whit.

Pain was a small price to pay for happiness.

Chapter Two


Melania rode beside Jared, floating on a lazy cloud of satisfaction. They said little, the silence in the car warm and comfortable. At some point she noticed a shift in the atmosphere, and the air seemed to crackle with a sensual electricity.

She turned her head and found Jared staring at her. It was too dim to read his expression, but when he covered her hand with his, the sexual heat emanating from his palm seared her skin.

Her body responded to the invitation, and the stirrings of passion ignited in her as well. By the time Jared pulled the car under the portico, desire shimmered around her, enveloping her in a tightening, invisible net of aching need.

She waited for Jared to open the front door. His hard body barely brushing hers, he reached around to slide the key into the lock. The solidness of his erect cock bumped against her bottom, the accidental touch jolting her system. Wickedly she feigned a stretch and wiggled so she rubbed against his erection.

A low growl—part threat, part promise—erupted from Jared’s throat, and he pressed his hips into her, deliberately this time.

Melania smiled as feminine power vibrated through her.

At last Jared got the door open and gestured for Melania to precede him into the house. Head high, she marched gracefully across the foyer and mounted the winding staircase, swaying her hips with a come-hither shimmy. She’d realized when they were dating that Jared seemed fascinated by her ass, and she delighted in teasing him.

He followed her up the stairs, his tread as heavy as hers was light, each footfall resonating in her chest. She knew Jared lusted for her, but she wanted to see it, experience its most physical manifestation. Midway up the stairs, she paused and peered over her shoulder, looking down from her superior position five or six steps above him.

Jared stopped in his tracks, his gaze trained on her ass, as she had guessed it would be. She shrugged as if they were doing nothing more than retiring for the evening. “Are you coming?” she queried, as if he were dawdling.

His eyes flashed, threateningly, delightfully sexual. “Not yet. But I will be.”

A rush of heat flooded her face, and Jared roared with laughter. While Melania embraced the variety of sexual pleasures Jared had begun teaching her, she experienced bouts of self-conscious shyness at the oddest times. Her embarrassment embarrassed her, but it amused Jared, and she got the oddest notion her naïveté pleased him.

The rich sound of his laughter rumbled through her and sent her senses spinning.

She picked up the pace and raced up the stairs with Jared hot on her heels.

He captured her two steps into their bedroom, spun her around, and claimed her lips. She moaned into his mouth as he swept his tongue inside, stroking and caressing. He tasted delicious and warm, and she melted against him.

Her zipper gave way under his magic fingers, and her dress—along with her inhibitions—puddled at her feet. He tossed aside her bra and panties with a deliberate and provocative hand. Melania kicked off her sandals. Jared released her to strip off his own clothing, and she watched as her husband’s gorgeous body was revealed inch by tantalizing inch.

Until she’d known Jared, she’d never realized how sexy chest hair was. Her fingers itched to twist the springy strands, then follow the wiry trail to Jared’s magnificent cock. She had nothing to judge by, but she believed he was larger than most men—he was most certainly a tight fit for her. Perversely she delighted in the initial discomfort, relished the stretch and fullness.

His cock bobbed now as Jared freed it from the restraints of his clothing. A faint warmth heated her cheekbones as Melania regarded him in a head-to-toe perusal, taking in the breadth of his shoulders, the corded muscles of his arms and thighs, the bristling of body hair, and of course, his engorged cock.

She returned her gaze to his face. Boldness infused her. She arched her eyebrows. “What was that you said about coming?”

A split second later, her bravado evaporated into a squealing crescendo as Jared grabbed and hoisted her so he could fasten his mouth on a protruding nipple. He clamped his hands on her ass cheeks, trapping her against him as he drew hungrily on the bud. Melania tugged on Jared’s thick hair.

Her dangling legs brushed against his cock, the precum oozing from the tip smearing her skin. Holding her easily with one hand, he slipped the other between her legs, sliding into her wetness. Melania moaned as he delicately stroked her clit.

“Who’s teasing now, sweetheart?” Jared said against her breast. He nipped the cherry tip, then soothed the sweet sting with a flick of his tongue.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Melania lied. She closed her eyes to savor the pull of his mouth on her breast. She tried to move her hips against Jared’s hand to increase the force and speed on her clit, but he held her tight. Jared moved, and she anticipated being lowered onto the mattress but instead was shifted in his arms. She opened her eyes to find Jared sitting on the bed, herself lying butt up across his lap, staring at the floor, his erection digging into her side.

“What are you doing?” She craned her neck to peer at him.

“It’s time you paid the penalty for being a tease,” he said.

He wedged a hand between her thighs and homed in on the sensitive bundle of nerves, then toyed with the bud as if he had all the time in the world and nothing more important to do than drive her insane. She ached with a desperate need, her clit engorged and pulsing, her empty pussy creaming.

Jared hissed as he eased a finger into her swollen passage, twisted the digit, then curved his finger downward. Melania mewled as he touched a particularly sensitive spot, her hips bucking of their own accord, wanting something harder, thicker than a finger to penetrate her.

“Jared, don’t play,” she begged.

“Oh, I’m not playing, sweetheart.” He removed his finger from her pussy to focus on her clit, circling it faster and faster, bringing her closer and closer to the ultimate edge. Dangling over his lap as she was, the blood was rushing to her head, making her dizzy, or perhaps it was the effect of the pleasure he was whipping up within her with a single finger, but she was gasping as she neared completion—

Until he struck her bottom.

Melania squealed, her body convulsing as sharp pleasure ricocheted through her. Before she could process the whirling sensations and emotions, he spanked the other cheek with a loud smack.

Melania windmilled her arms in a scramble to escape even as her hips reared to receive the punitive caress. Jared pressed a strong arm over her lower back, anchoring her snugly across his thighs.

He delivered multiple hard whacks, but although the smacks burned and she squealed with each one, she realized he was tempering his spanks. The pleasant sting had her shamefully yearning for more, her pussy clenching, her clit pulsing. Under a rain of spanks, her bottom grew tender, but as sensation began to border on real pain, Jared eased the sting with a caress of his palm, then slipped his hand between her legs to tease her clit.

He penetrated her with two fingers this time, and a fevered shock flooded Melania at how wet she was. Her pussy creamed over Jared’s hand. What kind of woman got aroused by a spanking? She had little time to wonder, because Jared grabbed her and pulled her atop him as he twisted around to lie on his back. “Ride me,” he ordered.

Greedily, desperately, she obeyed, forcing herself onto his shaft, loving the twinge, the pressure. She moaned at the deliciousness of it. She rode him fast and hard, raising and lowering herself on his erection as Jared thrust forcefully into her from below.

“Touch yourself. Stroke your clit,” he commanded in a thickened but still imperious tone. Though Melania was on top, Jared controlled their lovemaking by voice and touch. Melania enjoyed bowing to her husband’s will, secure in the knowledge the ultimate benefit would be hers.

She obediently moved her fingers over her hard pearl, bringing a smile of satisfaction to Jared’s face and sending savage pleasure careening through her body. She marveled at how well he knew her, the way her husband sensed what she needed and didn’t hesitate to provide it. He palmed and kneaded her aching breasts before grabbing her tender ass to guide the angle and pace of her body, ratcheting her pleasure into the stratosphere.

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