Unexpected Love (Jo's Story) (55 page)

“I love you too,” he pulls away from me a little bit.  “And I can’t wait until the house is done and we can live together as a family there.  December seems like a long ways away right now.”

“Well, only about three more months,” I laugh.

“Yeah, that seems like a long wait,” he runs his thumb across my cheek.  “I think I will be spending a lot of time here with you.  I hate being away from you.  I feel like something is missing when I am in that big house by myself.  You know a few months ago I was enjoying the loneliness of the big house, people coming and going as the pleased, but now I feel like its empty all the time.  I feel amazing when you and the girls are there, but when you aren’t, I don’t want to be there.  Man, I don’t know how these guys that have their own families do it.  I’m miserable when I’m not with you.  I don’t know how it will get any better,” he smiles.

“We will survive I’m sure,” I sit up a little more so I am at his level.  “Just promise me something?”


“Don’t keep things from me.  I don’t care what it is, or how pissed you think I will get, I don’t want to find anything out again like I did on Saturday.”

“I promise I will not keep anything from you, ever.  Trust me, I don’t want you finding things out that way ever again.  I saw my entire world falling apart Saturday morning when you left, and I never want that feeling again.”

“I don’t know that we could survive something like that again, no matter how much we love each other.  It hurt finding that out like I did.”

“I know, I’m sorry.  It won’t happen again, I promise.”  He looks at me.  “Thank you for putting up with my stupidity, I know I screwed up really bad.”  I just smile at him and put my hand on his cheek.  “I don’t know what I would do without you in my life Jo.  I never knew that I could feel this way about someone after everything with Trisha.  I mean I know you have been alone since Jarrod, and I understand how much it hurt you to lose him, but to go through something like I did with Trisha was the worst thing that can happen to someone.”

“I don’t know how you got through it, if I had to go through something like that I think I would hate all men.  To lose someone like that would be awful.”

“It is, but you know what, if she wouldn’t have left like she did, I would not be here right now with you.”  He pulls me to kiss him.  A deep passionate kiss.  One that doesn’t stop, he runs his hands up my side and it sends that feeling through my body like always when he is touching me.  I can’t get enough of him.  I run my fingers down his bare chest and I hear him groan.  He slips his hand under my shirt and it surprises me a little but I don’t stop him.  Right now I want him more than I ever have since we have been together.  I have missed his touch the last two days and I know that I can never go without him.  Ever.





“Hey baby, I have to get going,” Jake is sitting on the edge of the bed rubbing my hand.

“What time is it?”  I look at him.

“A little after 6:00.  I have to be there at 6:30.”

“Ok,” I smile.  I do not want to get up yet, but I should get going too.  “I should get up too.”

“Got another big case?”

“No, we are helping other stations with things right now.  We probably won’t have one until this thing is done with the Warren’s.  Speaking of that, have you talked to Lewis at all?”

“Not really, my mom said he is doing well though.  He got his own place and took a job at the mill my dad worked at.  He is still going to his meetings and stuff that he is supposed to.”

“Good, I’m glad to hear he is keeping on the right track,” I sit up.  “I don’t want you to leave,” I smile at him.

“Trust me, I don’t want to leave, but I have to.  I have to make the big bucks to pay for the fancy new house,” he smirks.  I shake my head and him and pull the blankets off me.  “Can I come back tonight after practice?”

“You can come back whenever you want.  I wouldn’t be sad if you never left.”

“Don’t tease me like that, I might not ever leave,” he smiles.  He stands up and gets out of the way so that I can walk out and go downstairs.  “So how late are you working tonight?”

“Not sure, depends on what I get done today, I still have a stack of paperwork to take care of.  Why?”

“Well, do you want me to pick the girls up after school?”

“If you want to sure.”

“Ok, I will pick them up and make something for dinner tonight.”

“You’re going to cook?”

“I’m going to try,” he smiles.  “Hey, if we are going to be moving in together we aren’t going to be eating out all the time, and I have a feeling you aren’t going to want a chef to cook our meals?”

“No, not really.”

“I’m going to try and be more on the normal side Jo, I know that you won’t want the girls growing up with a chef and all that stuff, so it’s time to get into family mode,” he smiles.

“I’m impressed,” I laugh as I fill the coffee pot to make me some coffee.

“I am to,” he laughs.  “I didn’t think I would ever have to do the family thing.”

“Well I’m glad you are.”

“Me too,” he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close and starts kissing my neck.  “I really need to get going.  If I’m late I run extra laps,” he turns me around toward him.  “I love you, I will see you when you get done with work.”

“Sounds perfect,” I smile.  He kisses me and then heads out the door.  I hear his car start then I hear him back out and head down the road.  I can’t wipe the smile off my face.  I’m so amazed at how he makes me feel and the fact that I am so in love with him. 

It’s just before 8:00 when I walk into the station after dropping the girls off at school.  I walk to my office and see that there is some more paperwork that has made its way to my desk.  “Hey boss,” Ricky is standing in the doorway.

“Hey Ricky, what’s up?”  I look up at him as I turn on my computer.

“I just wanted to touch base with you about a few things.”

“Sure, come on in.”

He comes in and shuts the door behind him and sits down next to my desk in an empty chair.  “Chief said something about we might be getting another new guy?”

“Yeah, I haven’t said anything because I don’t know when he is transferring yet.”

“Ok, well, I think that we are getting a little too big for the few offices that we have, do you know if they plan on moving our unit at all?”

I smile, “getting a little cramped in your office?”

“Just a little,” he laughs.  “We have taken on two new people in the last month.  I know it is probably the last thing on your mind right now, but I just wanted to make you aware of the situation.”

“I will talk to Chief.  I know there are some open offices on the fifth floor, maybe we can take those.  I haven’t thought about the fact that we might need more room,” I smile.  “Things have been pretty crazy around here.”

“I know, that is why I thought I would talk to you about it.  Also, I wanted to know who was going to be working with the new guy.”

“I’m not sure yet.  Given who it is, it may be myself or Ryan.”

“Someone you know?”

“Jarrod’s baby brother,” I can’t help but smile.

“Really?”  He laughs.  “I didn’t think he would ever come home.”

“Me either.  I was shocked when Chief brought me the paperwork yesterday.  He won’t go anywhere but here.”

“Well, that doesn’t really surprise me.  I mean you two were really close for a long time.”

“Yeah, it sucks we lost touch the last couple years, but he is like me and throws himself into work when he is trying to get through something.  I wonder if he told his parents yet that he is coming home.”

“Do you know when he is coming up?”

“No, I was going to ask Chief about that today.  Jarrod’s memorial is Friday I’m thinking he might be here for that.”  I see Ryan coming toward the office.  “Anything else you wanted to talk about?”

“Nope, that about covers it,” he smiles.  “I think Derek, Bob and I are going to head over to the Northside Station to get some stuff together for the case we are working on.  If you need anything give me a call.”

“Sounds good,” I smile as he stands up and heads for the door.  He says something to Ryan as he walks out the door.

“Hey,” Ryan smiles as he walks to his desk.


“So Jake didn’t come home last night, I assume you two worked things out?”

I laugh, “Yeah, we did.”

“Good, because he was miserable all weekend.”

“I know,” I smile.  “But so was I.  You guys just didn’t see it because I stayed home.”

“So what did Ricky want?”

“Oh, he wanted to point out to me that our offices here are getting a little full.  We have someone new coming in and that makes three new people in the last month so we don’t have much room anymore.”

“Oh, yeah, I thought of that the other day, but things are so crazy with the case load I didn’t think it would make much difference.”

“Right now it doesn’t, but I’m sure we will have new cases soon so we should see what chief suggests.”

“Yeah,” he sits at his desk.  “So are you still working on your piles of stuff there?”

“Yes, and I have had more added, not sure who did that.”

“That was me,” Chief is standing in the doorway.  “You two got a couple minutes?”

“Yeah,” I nod.

“Alright, let’s go talk,” he motions for us to follow him.  He goes to the board room and Ryan and I go in and he shuts the door behind us.  “So I wanted to touch base with you about Danny.”

“Yeah, I was wondering when he is coming up?”  I look at Chief.

“Well, he is already here.  I talked to him this morning and he will be here within the hour.”

“Wow, was he in a hurry to get out or what?”  I am surprised.  I thought it would have been a few days before he actually got here.

“I don’t know exactly what happened, but he moved back last week sometime.  I don’t think his parents even know he is home.  He asked me to keep it quiet for the last couple days until he got the ok from Ohio to ask for the transfer.”

“I wonder what happened.”  I say.  I glance at Ryan and realize that he has no idea what we are talking about.  “Sorry I didn’t get to tell you, Danny is coming to our team.”

“I assumed that now that I have just heard you talking,” he smiles.  “So he is starting right away today?”

“Yes, he is going to have some paperwork and stuff to fill out before I give him to you, but you should have him by lunch.  Do you know what you are going to do with him yet?”

“No, I have everyone working on some cases, maybe I will jump into one with him for a while,” I say.

“Are you sure that is a good idea?” Ryan looks at me.

“Why wouldn’t it?”

“Are you healed enough to get back into your real job?”

“I’m fine,” I look at him.  “Besides, the cases we have to help with are nothing like what we just got done with.”

“Yeah, we will avoid cases like that for a while,” Chief laughs.  “I will bring him up to you when I’m done with him.  How does the paperwork and case load look?”

“Pretty good, I have everyone working on some different stuff.  Ricky is working with Derek and Bob across town on some stuff.  I am finishing up the stack of stuff that was on my desk plus your extras,” I laugh.

“Ok, sounds good. Well I will let you two get back to work.”

“Chief,” I say to him.


“Ricky brought to my attention this morning that we are getting a little cramped in our current offices.  Anyway we could look at some options for a bigger space or more offices?”

“Sure, let me look around and see what I can find, I know your offices are getting a little full,” he smiles.  “If you need to move some of the team in here you can,” he says.

“I will talk to them and see what they want to do.”

“Ok, well let me know if you guys need anything.”

“Will do,” Ryan says.  Chief gets up and walks out of the room.  “So when were you going to tell me about Danny?”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t tell you yesterday because we were trying to get things figured out.  I didn’t know when he was coming up, I definitely didn’t think it would be this soon.”

“I wonder what happened that he moved up here then decided to ask for the transfer.”

“I don’t know, must be something though because he isn’t the type to do something like that.  It always took him a lot of figuring and planning to make a move like this.”

“Yeah, something had to have happened,” Ryan looks at me.  “Are you sure you’re ok to go out and get involved with a case again.  I only ask because I am worried about you.”

“I will be fine Ryan, I’m not going to be stuck on desk duty for the rest of my career because everyone is worried about me.  You’re as bad as Jake,” I smile.

“Well, he trusts me to take care of you at work, if you get hurt again it might be me that ends up in the hospital bed this time,” he jokes.

“Well, he is going to have to learn to accept it at some point.  Especially if we are going to make this work like he is hoping for.”

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