Unforgivably Broken (The Broken Series Book Two) (44 page)

“Plant your palms and keep your arms locked.” His voice held an edge of authority that I wouldn’t dream of challenging. I did as he said, bracing my hands on the headboard. The smile he gave in response was as predatory as they come and it made every part of me feel even more alive with anticipation. He pressed one last kiss on my jaw. “Good girl.”

With that, he hooked his hands under my thighs and lifted my hips from the bed, rising back to his knees as he resumed his demanding pace. The force of his thrusts combined with the lack of leverage left me completely at his mercy. I could feel the trembling in my arms as I forced back my orgasm, hanging on to the moment for as long as I could.

The devilish smile returned as Zane watched my face. “You’re holding out on me?” It was more of a challenge than an actual question. He raised his left arm, letting my leg fall from his hand to the crook of his elbow and I immediately knew what he was doing. My toes curled in anticipation just before his thumb made contact with my clit. “You come when
say.” At his words, my control snapped completely, shattering into pieces around me as spots of white burst somewhere behind my eyes. I cried out, my muscles coiling as the orgasm pulled from every part of me. Zane growled my name as my body tightened around him, yanking him over the edge with me. He stilled, lowering my hips and leaning forward, dropping his forehead to my collarbone as we both attempted to catch our breath.

It took several minutes for my brain to return from the blissful state that felt like something near a coma. I blinked slowly, meeting Zane’s eyes and giving him a
groggy smile. I felt almost drunk from the euphoria. It took a moment longer for the wary look hiding behind Zane’s cocky mask to come into focus. It was another before I could make my brain catch up to my eyes. He was worried about how I would react.

Pulling my arms down, I flinched as the stiffness from the position gave way to the ache of sweetly sore muscles. Zane’s eyes
softened and he immediately leaned forward, his hands starting at my shoulders and working their way down my arms, massaging all the way down to my fingers. We were silent as he worked, content in our own little moment and I fought the urge to close my eyes.

“I need a shower,” I whispered lethargically, carefully lifting myself to sitting. His grin returned as he slipped off the bed, offering a hand to help me on my unsteady legs. I paused once I was on my feet, wrapping both arms tightly around his neck. “I love your heart, Zane. You own me completely. I’ll never stop telling you.”

I watched him swallow hard, seeing the struggle to keep his eyes on mine instead of closing them or looking away from my admission. “I’ll never deserve you…” He lifted a hand, using two fingers to cover my lips as I started to protest. “Let me finish. I’ll never deserve you but I look forward to spending the rest of my life trying to be the man you see me as. The one that’s worthy.”

I smiled as
our lips found each other’s once again. It wasn’t exactly a breakthrough, but it was a step in the right direction.



Falling into a routine with Zane and Conner was easier than I ever would’ve thought. We would take Conner to school in the morning together and then Zane would drop me at Tish’s house or the shop, depending on my shifts.

Zane hated the new schedule he and Jackson were moved to while he’d been off because it meant he barely got home in time to have a late dinner with Conner and spend a little time with him in the evenings before it was bedtime. I was becoming more and more comfortable with being home alone with Conner after school, although most days Paige would stop by after she finished her classes. I was pretty sure that was Zane’s doing but he was good at distracting me to avoid the question.

The first court date came and went for Conner’s custody hearing with little handled other than preliminaries. The lawyers on Lizzie’s side thought that if they reopened the juvenile file on Zane, and Lizzie’s word saying that he’d planned the events that happened that day, they would have an airtight case. That wasn’t how it happened. In fact, the judge said that bringing up the juvenile evidence, especially given that Zane had never been officially charged with anything and the shooting had been ruled self-defense, was a desperate move. He was giving Lizzie a chance to clean up her act, though.

For the time being, Conner stayed with us and Lizzie could have only supervised visitation. If, after six months clean, she could prove stability again, most likely the judge would grant joint custody, which wasn’t much more than Zane had before. He was trying to stay positive about the ordeal and so was I.

We’d been home
well over a month without a single word from Jordan. Life was peaceful, everything finally feeling like it was where it belonged, but I knew better than to think he was gone for good. Zane and I were both still vigilant about safety, having continued to learn and become more comfortable around the weapons he’d purchased for us. It did finally help me relax about being home alone to know that I could now defend Conner and myself if I needed to. I didn’t carry the gun with me but I had it when I was alone.

Now, I was sitting behind the counter at Living Ink, feet propped on the
tabletop in the relaxed way that drove Tish absolutely nuts when he was here but it was quiet. Kas was supposed to be in thirty minutes ago but she’d texted to tell me her doctor appointment had run late. That had left me to open by myself, which was a first. It felt good that Tish and Tony trusted me, though. I’d helped them out, running the front counter under their first manager, Karla. She’d been such a bitch and she’d run their first four counter girls off. Not me. I’d been the one to run her off.

Tony had show
ed up about forty minutes after me and was now holed up in his office, doing paperwork or whatever he normally did when he was hiding out.

I pulled out my phone when it chimed, immediately smiling at the text from Zane.


I hate it when you’re working. The bed feels empty.


I was with him on that. I hated that our days off never seemed to match up anymore. We’d both gotten so used to seeing each other nearly all day, every day, and now we were working shifts that left us only late night hours together. Of course, we made the most of those hours.


The bed feels empty? Why don’t you get your lazy ass up


This had become part of our routine. Texting throughout the day as often as we could, staying in communication the best way we knew how when we were forced to be apart. It was better than nothing.

“How much am I paying you to sit on your ass and play on your phone?” Tony’s voice came from the direction of his office. I turned my face, giving him an innocent smile.

“Not nearly enough considering the number of drunk dipshits I’ve had come in to get their junk pierced in the last few days.”

He shook his head as he walked over, grinning. I knew Tony well and I knew he wasn’t really mad.
And if he was, he wouldn’t stay angry with me for long.

Tony was a hard guy to read when I’d first met him
. He was closed off and he always kept to himself. When I first started working here, I’d barely gotten over being intimidated by Tish and here was this guy, not quite as big as Tish physically, but somehow bigger in presence, who scared the living shit out of me. Not that I ever would’ve told him that.

My phone buzzed again and I looked away from Tony and down to the screen.


I would but I have a huge problem.


I grinned, seeing the shift in the conversation but curious nonetheless.


Uh huh.
And what’s the problem?


I glanced back up at Tony who had a smirk on his face as he watched me.

“What?” I asked cautiously.

“Well, while we’re on the topic of piercings, you up for one today?” Tony smiled wider as he crossed his arms over his chest.

“Did you finally decide what you want?” I asked, dropping my feet as I turned to face him. He’d been debating for weeks about a new piercing and I’d told him I’d do it once he made up his mind. He hadn’t mentioned it in front of Tish and that didn’t escape my notice. My best guess was he was either worried Tish would talk shit or worried he’d chicken out and
give Tish even more ammo.

Ampallang,” he said, lifting his chin to try to hide his nerves.

I raised an eyebrow, nudging my head toward the
privacy room at the back of the building. “Get in there and drop trou then. I’ll be right behind you.”

Glancing up, I saw
Kas’ car round the corner toward the back parking lot. Good. At least she made it before her client. She would be able to keep an eye on the door for me. My phone buzzed again and I checked the message while I waited for Kas.


Well, I had this dream that I woke up to my dick being sucked by my incredibly sexy girlfriend and now I can’t manage to get things under control. I think I need her to come home and take care of this again.


I snorted a laugh at the memory of our morning activities. It had been my way of making up for being such a wimp the last few days while I was fighting a stomach bug.


I guess you’ll just have to spend the day waiting then. I’m working.


Kas walked in then and said a quick hello before heading back to start setting up her station. I followed her, letting her know I was going to pierce Tony so I’d be in the back. She grunted but didn’t really respond. Something was obviously bothering her. Her client walked in just then, so I gave her space as I continued to the back room.

.” I smiled at Tony, putting on my professional front as I entered. I sat my phone on the counter before pulling on a pair of gloves. I started gathering the supplies I would need, placing them on the tray. Glancing over at Tony, I noticed he was fidgeting as he sat on the edge of the padded table, trying to pretend he wasn’t nervous. “Why did you decide on this piercing?” I asked, trying to get him talking to keep him from freaking himself out.

“I read it would really up the sensation when I’m getting head. And you
how much I love getting head.”

My eyes flicked up to his face as I placed the last of the items on the tray, catching his smirk. I double checked my inventory and yanked off my gloves,
tossing them in the garbage before grabbing my phone and pulling up the last text from Zane. I turned the phone toward Tony, letting him read it as I said, “He’s the only one enjoying that service from me these days.” I smiled sweetly as I took the phone back to the counter, pulling out another set of gloves. Tony didn’t speak, just watched as I pulled the latex over my hands and opened two alcohol wipes. “Lay back.”

He did as I requested, resting his arms behind his head as I started cleaning the area for the piercing. I didn’t bother with the courtesy of warming the wipe between my hands
as I normally did and at the feel of the cold, he jumped, sucking in a breath.

“Don’t be a baby. That’s nothing.”
I held him, pretending not to notice the natural reaction his body had. It wasn’t until he became fully erect and twitched in my hand that I released him. I rolled my eyes, knowing it was intentional. “Seriously?”

What?” he asked, his angelic smile nearly dripping sin.

“If you’re not going to take this seriously then you can wait and have Tish do it,” I said, stripping off my gloves in irritation.

“Does he know?” His question caught me off guard as I tossed the gloves in the trashcan.

“Does who know?”

“Zane? Does he know I taught you everything he’s enjoying so much in the sack?”

I inhaled sharply, pinning him in place with a look.
“Don’t start. Our shit ended months before Zane and I happened and it was
that called it off.”

“Because you didn’t want a relationship and I was tired of hiding shit from my best friend!” Tony yelled. I stiffened
, flipping my head to the door and back to him in warning. “You didn’t want Tish to know we were together.”

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