UnholyCravings (17 page)

Read UnholyCravings Online

Authors: Suzanne Rock

“She’s the queen of—”

“She’s a whore!” Urian roared. “Who got all of the glory?
Who now possesses the
sword that once harbored the stone? Who
managed to earn the respect and loyalty of an entire race?”

Sparrow swallowed and tried to step back away from his
former friend. The desk stopped his movement.

“I’m going to make him pay for being such a self-centered
bastard.” Urian made a fist. “Just like I’m going to make
pay if you
don’t tell me right now where that
bitch is hiding my slaves.”

“I don’t know where Tara went, you have to believe me. If I
knew, I’d have told you. I was the one who informed you that they were in the alley
and where they were heading. Give me a day. I’ll get the twins to you. I

“Shut up!” Urian’s eyes turned deep crimson as he fisted his
hands at his sides. “The twins mean nothing. It’s the
that matter.”

“You’ve found the shards?”

Urian grunted, his eye color flickering like flames of a
roaring fire. “That is none of your business.”

Sparrows eyes widened. “You have them, don’t you? Can I see

“Show them to a traitor? I don’t think so.”

“A traitor? Me?” He put his hands on his chest. “You’re

“Shut up, human.”

Sparrow closed his mouth as the temperature in the room
began to rise. Sweat beaded at his temples as he realized that there was no
escape. If Urian had truly become lord of the
, then they were
in serious trouble. Urian knew Darien better than anyone. The man knew both Darien’s
weaknesses and strengths.

Sparrow had to get out of there and warn Darien. That meant
he had to get away from Urian in one piece.

“You can’t hurt me. Remember your promise. You need me.”

“Not anymore. I have another contact now. You’re no longer

“What? But you promised that as long as I helped you, Meg
would be kept safe.” Meg was his greatest love and his greatest failure.

Urian sneered. “
never made such a promise.” He
pulled out a small stone out of his pocket. It shone bright crimson in his
hand. “And I can’t be held accountable for the mistakes of my predecessor.”

“Is that—?”

“The stone, yes.” Urian turned it over in his hand. “You see,
Sparrow, I can gather the shards without you, and quite frankly, your whining
is beginning to annoy me.”

“But Meg—”

“You will pay for not upholding your end of the bargain.” He
closed his fingers around the shard.

“Tara won’t respond to my messages!” he wailed. He knew what
was coming, had heard of it happening to others in his unit. If Urian turned
him into a
, then who would protect Meg? Who would warn Darien?

Urian met his gaze and held it. “Touch the stone, Sparrow.”


“Touch it.”

Sparrow locked his jaw as a sudden compulsion to obey swept
over him. He tried to turn his gaze away, but couldn’t.

“Touch it.” Urian opened his hand.

Sparrow reached out and placed his fingers on the stone.
Pain exploded through his body, lighting every nerve ending on fire. Sparrow
was a tough man, one of the Venom elite, and yet he had never experienced
anything so terrifying in his life.

He screamed as the stone’s darkness entered his body and
began to tear it apart. He tried to pull his hand away, but Urian covered his
fingers with his own and held it there.

Tears began to well in Sparrow’s eyes. “Please.”

“I was shown no mercy and I will show none to you.”

A new wave of pain blasted through Sparrow’s limbs and he
fell to his knees.

“Normally the changing needs to be done in stages. Humans are
required to touch the stone for a time, then rest, then touch it again. Never
before has a human survived taking on the full deahman spirit in one session.”

Sweat trickled down Sparrow’s temples and he squeezed his
eyes shut.

“But since I have no intention of letting you survive…”
Urian grabbed Sparrow’s other hand and placed that one over the stone as well.

Sparrow screamed as the pain and darkness surged inside of
him. He held onto threads of consciousness as every muscle, every tendon felt as
if it was being torn in two. His mind blanked as the agony seemed to last

Then everything stopped.

Urian pulled the stone away and placed it back inside of his
leather jacket. Sparrow fell to the floor and curled up into the fetal
position, his body spent and useless. Urian turned him over with his foot so
that he lay on his back on the floor of his office at FBI headquarters.

“Intense, eh?” Urian smiled and knelt down next to him. “You’re
finished, my friend.” Urian pulled a knife out of his pocket and ran his finger
along the blade. A bead of blood welled up on his skin and he ran his tongue
over it. He moaned and closed his eyes, savoring the taste.

“Nice and sharp.” He put the blade to Sparrow’s throat. “I
should take off your head, as it is the only way to ensure that both you and
will be dead.”

Sparrow felt the blade press into his neck, and he was
helpless to do anything about it. Fear welled up in his chest as a dark
presence entered his mind.

Let me take control.


Let me take control of you. It’s the only way we’ll both

I don’t understand.

No time. Do it now.


Blank your mind and relax. Hurry!

Relax? How could anyone expect him to relax?

Just do it!
the voice roared.

Sparrow had no choice but to do what the voice told him. He
tried to relax. Almost immediately a dark mist poured into his mind.

Urian pulled the knife away. “But since your
have full control of you yet, I can kill you in other, slower, more painful

He shoved the blade of the knife into Sparrow’s abdomen and
smiled. “Good night Sparrow. May you feel every inch of the pain upon your
death that I did when both you and Darien turned your backs on me.”

Sparrow gasped, at least he thought he did. There was
something in his head, a presence that had taken control of his body.

Urian pulled out the blade and stabbed him again. “Can never
be too careful.” He removed the blade and stood. Sparrow watched his former
colleague go through the confidential FBI documents on the desk.


Forget about it. There’s nothing you can do,
voice said.

Sparrow panicked as he felt his life force ebb away.

Close your eyes.


Do it.


The presence sighed and Sparrow felt his eyes close.
don’t want him to see your eyes, you idiot.

There was some shuffling, and then Urian started for the
door along the far wall of the office. He made it about halfway, then paused.

“Oh, and Meghan’s death will be twice as painful as yours.”

Terror rose up inside of Sparrow as he tried to move his
No, he couldn’t hurt her, he couldn’t.

If only he could move. The darkness in his head was in full
control now. Pain surged through his body and Sparrow felt his spirit slip away
into nothingness. He couldn’t die, not yet. He couldn’t leave Meg to suffer at
the hands of those bastards alone.

Sparrow heard footsteps, and then a door close. Sparrow
screamed long and hard, but no sound passed over his lips.

He was already gone.

Chapter Fifteen


Desire wound its way through Tara’s body, despite her
exhaustion. Donar’s lips were so seductive, his body so poised and ready above
her. She could sense his need rising and it called to her soul. Her magic
responded to his need. It ebbed and flowed through her body, waiting to explode
from her skin and take the final step to bind her to him forever as mates.

With each passing second, it took more and more effort to
hold it back. She was weak and Donar’s kiss was draining the last of her
strength. Soon she wouldn’t have much resistance left. If Donar had sex with
her, she wouldn’t be able to hold back the binding ritual and she wasn’t sure
if her body could survive the strain.

She had to stop this madness before it was too late.

Donar shifted so that one hand held both of hers securely
over her head. He used the other to tear away the blanket around her body. Cool
sea air brushed over her skin, causing her nipples to pebble.

Donar tore his gaze away and stared at her chest. “Fuck.”

“What is it?” Soren asked.

“I don’t have enough hands.” Donar looked up and met Soren’s
gaze. “Take your clothes off.”

Soren cut the engine and began to undress.

Tara shook her head. “No, you can’t do this.”

“Find something to gag her too,” Donar said as he returned
his attention to her breast.

Tara struggled as Soren searched the boat for a gag. Donar’s
grip was strong, much stronger than any human she had ever met. “Donar, listen
to me, this is too dangerous.”

He looked up from her breast and met her gaze. “Dangerous? I’ll
tell you what’s dangerous. Me, if you don’t give me what I crave.”

“What we crave.” Soren dropped down to the ground next to
her and secured a small, folded towel as a gag.

Tara resisted the gag, but the men easily overpowered her.
She glanced up at the wheel.
Who’s driving the boat?

“I’ve cut the engine and let her drift,” Soren said. “This
is more important.”

She looked up and saw the crimson in Soren’s eyes. It
matched Donar’s.
She hoped that they were far enough away from
Nergal and the she-witch so that Donar and Soren could gain some control. Their
didn’t care about her strength or safety, they just needed the
instant gratification, the infusion of power. Sex was like a drug to
The more they got, the more they wanted.

What was she going to do? Even under the best circumstances,
Tara wouldn’t have the power to attempt this. To try it so soon after the
second stage was foolish.

“Here, take her hands so I can undress.” Donar offered her
hands to Soren, who kept them secure as Donar moved away.

Tara shivered at the hunger in Soren’s gaze. “We’re going to
fuck you hard,” he said. “Does that scare you?”

It should, but it didn’t. Tara knew it was the
talking, not Soren. Perhaps she could have sex with both of them and still hold
her magic back. The act would be enough to appease the darkness, and if she
resisted the binding, she might come out of this alive.

The idea was tempting. Tara liked the way the
dominated her. They were so primal. Their emotions were so much more intense,
and their eagerness contagious. The thought of both men entering her at the
same time made Tara weak with need.

Soren’s gaze flicked down to her chest. He dropped his hand
until it hovered inches over her breast.

“Hold, Soren.” Donar’s command ripped through the air. Soren
stilled his hand and moistened his lips.

Donar stretched out on the other side of her. He gently
turned her on her side so that she faced Soren. “You may proceed.”

Tara gasped as four hands touched her skin. Soren rubbed her
breasts, rolling them in his thick fingers until they formed sharp peaks. Tara
moaned against the gag and leaned back into Donar, who was rubbing his hands
over her hips and abdomen.

“Spread your legs for me.” Donar’s warm breath brushed
against her ear.

She did as she was told. Donar slid his hand around her hip
and over her mound. Tara groaned as his warm fingers toyed with her curls. He
pressed his cock up against her ass, and his leg hooked over hers. He dug his
ankle into her calf and spread her legs wider.

“There we go,” he said as he slid his fingers down between
her thighs.

Soren continued to pin her hands over her head, leaving her
unable to move. Tara watched as Soren bent his head over her body and took her
nipple into his mouth. He scraped his teeth against her sensitive tip, causing
her to groan. She closed her eyes and let her head drop to the side as pleasure
poured through her system. Soren repeated the torture again, causing heat to
fan out over her skin.

She could do this. She could have sex with these men and
help them gain control of their darkness. All she had to do was hold back her
magic and conserve her energy. Then she’d be safe. It would be a win-win

Donar slid his hand between her folds. “You’re so wet
already.” His voice sounded raspy. “Good.” He dipped one long finger into her

Tara gasped, then groaned as he slid his finger through her
channel. Donar wasn’t gentle or slow. He pumped her with a steady rhythm that
caused pressure to build in her core. Soren continued to tease her nipples, and
soon every nerve ending tingled with desire. She moved her hips in time to
Donar’s thrusts as she raced toward oblivion. Within moments, she teetered on
the edge, suspended between agony and ecstasy.

“We can feel how close you are, Tara,” Donar said. “Come for
us. Let us feel your orgasm.”

Donar shifted his hand and rubbed his thumb against her
clit. The tension in her body snapped and Tara cried out as her orgasm ran through
her as though it was a waterfall. Donar pumped harder, each thrust lengthening
her pleasure. Soren continued to stroke her nipples, heightening her joy.

After a time, their movements slowed, and Tara felt herself
drift back down to earth. Donar and Soren eased away. Tara knew that she should
have felt even more exhausted, but the twins’ emotions shot through her and fed
her own desire. The orgasm was good, very good, but she knew that coming while
Donar and Soren were both inside her body would be so much better.

Soren let go of her hands and Donar removed the gag from her
mouth. Then both men turned her so that she was on her stomach.

“Up on your hands and knees,” Donar commanded.

Tara obeyed the command. Soren positioned himself in front
of her, Donar behind.

Soren hooked her chin with his finger and lifted her face to
meet his gaze. “Are you okay, little one?”

She nodded, still drunk with pleasure.

“Good. We don’t want to hurt you.”

She felt his concern and affection and it made her smile.
His eyes were still red and she knew that Soren didn’t have as much control
over his
as he let on. Still, he’d pull back if she asked him.
The knowledge warmed her heart.

She realized in that moment that she didn’t want to hold
back, not with these two, not ever again. They had given her confidence,
reassurance and love. How could she not give back in return? She’d have sex
with both Soren and Donar and hold nothing back. She owed it to them and
herself to try to bind them together. If the act killed her, then so be it.
She’d die knowing that she did her best to save the men she loved.

Tara felt something press against her pussy. She glanced
behind her and saw Donar, poised and ready. He grabbed her hips as his crimson
gaze met hers. “Are you sure, little one? After this, there’s no turning back.”

Tara nodded as heat spiraled through her body. She faced
Soren and focused on his thick cock. It jerked up under her gaze. She reached
for it, then guided the tip into her mouth. Soren groaned as she ran her tongue
over his large head.

Donar curled his fingers into her hips. “I can’t hold back
any longer.”

Tara dragged her head away from Soren’s cock. “Then don’t,
Donar. Give me everything you have.”

Donar eased himself inside her channel, guiding himself deep
until his hips tapped against her body. Tara shivered as her muscles stretched
to accommodate him. She tightened her grip on Soren’s cock and slid her lips
down his shaft, going as far as space would allow. Precum fell on her tongue and
the salty taste filled her mouth. Tara moaned as she slid back up his shaft and
then down once more.

Soren groaned and framed her face with his hands. She
glanced up and saw his crimson eyes watching her. He undulated his hips as she
moved over his length, his shallow thrusts only adding to her excitement.

Donar groaned as he inched himself back and then eased into
her body once more. Heat burst from her center and quickly fanned out through
her body. Tara groaned as Donar increased the rhythm, sliding in and out of her
slick channel with ease.

The tension in the room increased. Tara could feel the men’s
need, their excitement. It mirrored her own. Together they moved, thrusting in
and out of her body with abandon. A light breeze caressed her skin, but Tara
was too into the moment to care. Soren and Donar felt so good inside of her, so

Then the breeze became a wind and Tara felt the darkness
pour out of Donar and into the air.
This is it.
Tara felt strangely calm
as the presence sank deep inside her body. Her wings unfolded and her magic tumbled
out into the space around them. The men moved faster and her pleasure
heightened. Donar thrust harder, pushing her up off her knees with each thrust.
Tara closed her eyes as she climbed higher and higher. Soren’s groans
surrounded her, mixing with Donar’s grunts and providing a chorus of need.

“Hold, Soren,” Donar commanded.

Soren whimpered as his movements slowed. He eased from her
mouth and stepped back, causing Tara to feel a sense of loss. She wanted to ask
Donar what was going on, but then he reached in between her legs and rubbed her
clit with his fingers. He thrust again and again, and Tara lost herself in the
erotic sensations. Then he shifted his hand. Her world exploded, and a second
orgasm crashed through her body. White light burst in front of her eyes as she
heard Donar cry out his release.

Then everything was quiet. In her mind’s eye she stood in
front of two brightly colored ropes. She automatically let out her magic and
began to unravel the closest rope.

“What are you doing?” Donar asked.

She paused from her work and looked up. Donar was standing
next to the second rope, his hand gently caressing the threads. He looked
blurry, as if part of a dream.

“I’m undoing the threads of my soul so that I can weave them
with yours.”

He looked up at the rope next to him. “Is this my soul?”


He waved his hand over the braid. It began to unravel.

“How did you do that?” Tara asked. She had thought that only
could undo the threads of a person’s soul.

Donar shrugged. “It seems right.”

She finished her work and then gathered the loose threads of
Donar’s soul in her hands. “They’re beautiful, aren’t they?”

She gathered as much as she could between her palms and
closed her eyes. Soon she felt her magic leave her body. She poured it into the
threads, reweaving them with a spell that every
learned as a

Eventually the adrenaline she had been using during sex
faded and exhaustion overcame her. She opened her eyes and saw that the strands
glowed bright white. She opened her hands and saw the intricate braid of
colorful rope—both her soul and Donar’s entwined for eternity.

Donar hooked his finger under her chin and lifted her head
to meet his gaze.

“This is right,” he said.

Donar leaned closer, his gaze shifting to her mouth. Then
Tara felt something press against her pussy. She gasped and the spell broke.

Tara opened her eyes and looked behind her. Soren had moved
from in front to behind and had positioned himself against her opening. His
hungry gaze met hers.

“I’m sorry. Donar and I agreed to take you one at a time to
help conserve energy. I meant to give you rest, but my
…” He shut
his eyes as his whole body shook. Tara realized that he was fighting his inner
darkness for control.

An eerie calm enveloped her, wiping away her exhaustion. She
wanted to do this. Soren was the one who’d believed in her when she couldn’t
believe in herself. She had to try, for him.

“It’s okay, Soren. Do it.”

Soren opened his eyes and looked toward the sky. He let out
a mighty roar, something that sounded half human, half animal, then drove his
cock deep inside her channel.

Tara gasped his name. Soren wasn’t slow or gentle, but
fucked her with all of the pent up emotion inside of him. She had thought that
she was too exhausted to feel anything, but Soren’s energy buoyed her and soon
she desire wound around her body and moved her toward the familiar goal.

Soren curled his fingers into her hips as he thrust harder,
faster. Tara closed her eyes and concentrated on the feel of him filling her
channel. The sweet friction stoked the fire in her belly and increased her
need. Within moments, Tara found herself once again standing on a great

Soren cried out. His thrusts became more erratic, more
primal. Tara focused on his voice, on his touch, everything that was uniquely

Then he shifted his position and touched a very sensitive
spot inside her core. Tara cried out as white light once again exploded across
her vision. She tightened the muscles in her pussy around Soren’s length, causing
him to shudder. Two more thrusts and then he cried out as his own orgasm roared
through his body and he followed her over the edge.

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