Read Uniform Desires (Make Mine Military Romance) Online

Authors: Sharon Hamilton,Melissa Schroeder,Elle James,Delilah Devlin,JM Madden,Cat Johnson

Uniform Desires (Make Mine Military Romance) (47 page)

After the presentations, she was honored with the overall top producer award for the previous year. The clear glass triangle was engraved with her name and the company logo. It stood nearly a foot tall and was rather heavy. She begged out of staying longer, saying goodbye to several of her co-workers who were beginning to make a spectacle with alcohol. It was time to leave.

The nervousness had returned on her long trip back to Sophie’s as she knew something was very wrong about the neighbor and the odd Broker call today. Even the jazz station she’d turned on didn’t help as her Lexus traveled over the near pitch-black country road back to Sophie’s. Every little spark of light caught her attention as she imagined a car coming from one of the blind driveways she passed, or the headlights of oncoming traffic. She worried that the distant lights behind her belonged to someone following her, and was relieved when they turned off on a side road.

The scene in Sophie’s parking lot, which resembled a Hummer convention, made it clear there would be no private talks with Nick tonight, and maybe never since they obviously would not have any privacy.

Nick’s little lecture just before they’d said goodnight also bothered her. Tomorrow was going to be a long day. She knew she’d probably step on toes again. For being such a bunch of tough guys, they sure had some kind of thin skin. Why was it
job to walk on eggshells? What was wrong with a girl asking to pay for things if she wanted to? Was that not her right to spend her hard-earned money how she pleased? Some of her anger returned. She sighed and tried to put it all out of her mind.

She shed her clothes, listening to the sounds of men showering and walking back and forth outside her door as they readied for bed. She wondered where Nick was going to sleep tonight. She remembered the big bed, and the fireplace as she slipped between the cool sheets of Sophie’s guest room. Missing was the smell of his chest and the feel of his arms around her.

Some day.
She’d had a taste of something wonderful, and she wanted it again. If it could happen once, it could happen again.

Am I waiting for Prince Charming…or waiting for Nick?

Her heart gave a big shrug.


Light streamed into the little bedroom early. Checking the clock, she panicked. It was already 5:30. She heard noise in the kitchen.

Pulling on her jeans and T-shirt, she looked at herself in the mirror. She’d forgotten to take the clips out of her hair, and it looked like the pelt of a wild brown bear, done up in sparklies. Quickly she removed the rhinestones and pulled her hair back in a scrunchie. Adding some lipstick, she dashed into the hallway and ran into someone who knocked her back into the doorway.

His familiar scent sent a chill down her spine even before their bodies met. His gravelly whisper was soft and sensual.

“Sorry, Devon. Didn’t mean to—“

“Oh, don’t worry about it. After all—” She was suddenly remembering what they’d done in the motel and she couldn’t finish. Looking up to his face she softened. “I’m good with the truce thing.” She felt short of breath.

He sighed. “That’s good to hear.”

They stood awkwardly until Marc appeared round the corner. “Ah! There’s the cook. Your services are needed, ma’am,” he said as he winked.

Devon smiled back up to Nick this time. She placed her palm against his chest in a small farewell gesture. He was quick to give it a squeeze. Just that little touch of his hand on hers brightened her spirits and she turned to follow Marc.
And then she heard something that sent her heart racing. Nick stepped to her backside, his chest against her. The rumble and vibration of his voice set her on fire.

“Um, Marc, buddy. I gotta have a little chat with Devon for a sec. Can you cover for her?”

Marc gave them an appraisal with full approval. Winking, he said, “Sure man. You got it. Half these guys aren’t up yet anyway. Go have your talk.”

Devon felt Nick’s large paw grab her hand as he wheeled her around and drew her into the guest bedroom, closing the door behind. Her chest was pounding as he pressed her against the door, his big shoulders and arms completely encircling her body, holding her tight to him. He bent down and gave her a deep penetrating kiss.

Coming up for air, he whispered, “Sorry, just had to do that baby. I couldn’t help myself.”

It was exactly what she wanted to hear. “Nick I’m so ashamed of how I’ve acted. Like a child.”

“Sweetheart,” he whispered while he layered kisses under her chin, under her ears and down her shoulders, “I love the way you act. The way you smell. I love watching you angry, I—“

She was aware he was stopping himself from saying something he might regret. She was sliding into the pool of warm water where it didn’t matter anymore what they said. She’d gladly follow him anywhere right now.

His hands roamed over her breasts. He lifted her tee shirt and the feel of his tongue and lips on her nipples made her sex tingle with anticipation. She needed the feel of this man’s fingers, his mouth, all over her body.

He hitched her up and placed her thighs above his hips, wrapping her legs around his lower torso. She moved herself against the buttons of his jeans, squeezing with her thighs, telegraphing her wanton need of him.

“I want you inside me,” she whispered between kisses.

Nick’s gentle moan was his answer. “Baby, this will have to be quick.”

“I don’t care. I need you.”

He arched back to look into her eyes with a frown line in the middle of his forehead. “You need me or my cock?”

Her hands smoothed over his bulging shoulders and up his neck. She pressed her breasts into him. “I need you and your cock, and I am totally unashamed to say it. I need you to make love to me, make me feel the way you did before. As only you can do.”

He let her slide down as he urgently removed her pants, then got to work on his own. With his cargo pants down at his ankles he turned and they nearly fell onto the bed.

“Baby, baby, baby, I haven’t been able to think of anything else but you.”

“Me too.”

“You sure?” he said as he positioned his penis over her wet opening. He was without protection.

She placed her hands on his buttocks and pushed him into her. He gladly rooted deep inside, angling up, raising her thighs over his as he sunk in deep, gripping her hips.

She was delirious with pleasure. He filled her, warmed her, and ignited her insides. Everywhere he touched and kissed and sucked she gave back to him willingly. Her body was his completely.

“I need you,” she said again. “Is it possible to need someone too much?” she whispered to his neck and the side of his face. “I’ve become addicted to you. Tell me that doesn’t scare you. Please.”

“Baby,” he said as his cock began to lurch. “Nowhere else I’d rather be. This is my world, right here. I want—” his seed began spurting just as Devon’s insides clamped down and she began a rolling orgasm to his tempo. “I want this to last forever.”

It was an off-handed comment, and for a second she felt the panic of commitment sizzle through her. But his scent, his soft moans into the pillow, the touch of his damp hair at the nape of his neck and the way his hands kneaded her buttocks as he filled her, urged her to step through the doorway she’d avoided before. She gave her whole body and soul to him in that moment. He had claimed her as much as she now claimed him.

She wanted to belong to him.



Fresh from the glow of their quick lovemaking, Devon and Nick entered the kitchen.

Marc had made a bowl of drop biscuit batter and preheated the oven. He shoved three dozen eggs into Devon’s hands and gave her another wink. “Go crack some eggs, lady,” he said. Devon got to work after Nick kissed her neck and sent a warm blush back to her cheeks. She couldn’t help but smile and decided not to hide any longer her feelings for him in front of his buddies.

Exactly at oh-six-hundred a breakfast feast was laid out on the plank tabletop. Eight hungry sailors devoured three pounds of bacon and sausages, two fresh pineapples, two pitchers of orange juice, homemade biscuits with real butter, pancakes and syrup, three dozen scrambled eggs, and a pint jar each of Sophie’s salsa and orange marmalade. Hardly a word was spoken. They were eating machines, reaching over each other without asking to help themselves to whatever they wanted. There were smiles all around and appreciative moans of approval, especially over Sophie’s homemade marmalade and salsa.

Never in her life had she seen so much food consumed so quickly. In barely a half hour nearly everything was gone. Fredo and Cooper cleared the table. Nick began washing dishes and Devon grabbed a couple of tea towels and started drying, placing the cleaned plates on the table. By seven everything was put away, cleaned, floor swept, counters wiped down and the crew was outside ready for work.

Devon asked Marc how Sophie was.

“Still sleeping. Got the evil eye from Emma.” He shrugged. “Think I’ll make sure I stay useful.”

Devon stopped him from leaving the kitchen. “Marc. Thanks for this. For what you’re doing for Sophie, and Nick. For me.”

“You got it, kid. She’s a lovely lady. She deserves way more out of life, but I can’t do anything about that. So I’m here now.”

“Just thank you, Marc. Really.”

“You’re a doll, Devon. Take good care of my buddy’s heart now, will you?”

“No worries there.”

He lifted her chin with his thumb and forefinger. His azure blue eyes were warm and gentle. Not the face of a trained killer. He was a man, as they all were, who understood what life was, because he had an up close and personal relationship with death. “He’s a good man, and I’ll kick your butt if you do anything to hurt him. He’s pretty snagged.”

“Snagged?” she asked.

“As in you got the golden cuffs on him and he wants to be captured. Get my drift?”

Devon smiled. “Yes. And that’s exactly where I want him to be.”

“Okay. Just be sure you know what you’re doing. It’s an intense thing getting wrapped up in our community. I won’t lie to you, some women can’t take it. Watch yourself, Dev.”

“Devon,” she corrected him.

He smacked her on the butt, turned and left the kitchen.


Devon started dragging an ice chest outside, but got barely two feet from the door of the office before the tall one, Cooper, was there to pick it up. While Coop was several inches taller than Nick, he had the same muscle mass in his shoulders, and sported a variety of unique tats, including the same frog prints that Nick had going up his right forearm from wrist to inside of his elbow. He looked up and gave her a respectful wink and grin. Winking was something they did with great expertise.

“Where you want this, darlin’?”

Just put it inside the greenhouse there to the right under that platform. I’ll fill it with ice.

“No can do.” He set the chest down and whistled to his cohorts. “I need two able-bodied frogmen to help this little lady out,” he bellowed.

Shovels and rakes were dropped and soon there was a line of hunky guys standing at perfect attention, chests out, staring straight at her.

“You’re gonna have to choose, Devon,” Coop said.

She walked up to Nick and placed her palms against his chest, slid them up the luscious territory to the back of his neck, weaving fingers together and pulling his head down. “Well, this one,” she said on tiptoes as she pulled him to her, “I’ve already chosen.”

As soon as their lips touched, Nick’s hands migrated to her butt and he lifted her, wrapping her legs around his hips. The line went crazy with whoops and catcalls.

“That’s what I’m talking about,” said Cooper.

“I think you guys better go inside and get the ice,” said Kyle. “In fact, I’m making that an order, sailor.”

“Yessir,” Nick said as he kissed her neck.

Devon looked over his shoulder at the admiring crowd and was caught off guard when Nick hoisted her up over his shoulder, and ran for the office door with her slung over like a sack of potatoes.

She watched the men go back to work as Nick brought them inside Sophie’s sales office. He pulled her off his shoulder and slid her down his torso slowly. With his hands entwined in her hair, he removed her clip and bent down and gave her a mind-numbing kiss. Devon’s insides turned to flames.

“We’re supposed to be getting the drinks and ice.”

“I can use ice,” he said as he kneeled and kissed her belly under her T-shirt. “You want some ice, baby?”

“Sophie’s going to be up soon.”

“We seemed to do pretty good before breakfast. How about a round two? Just another quickie.”

“Hardly seems fair,” she gasped as his fingers slid down the front of her pants to find her. “Everyone else is working so hard outside, and here—” She gave another sharp inhale as two of his fingers found their way into her opening.

“I’m working hard too, Devon.”

She glanced outside. No one was paying attention to them even though the doorway was open. While she was checking to make sure the coast was clear, Nick had unbuttoned her pants and had removed her T-shirt. He stood.

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