Read Uniform Desires (Make Mine Military Romance) Online

Authors: Sharon Hamilton,Melissa Schroeder,Elle James,Delilah Devlin,JM Madden,Cat Johnson

Uniform Desires (Make Mine Military Romance) (9 page)

She held the bra out and then dropped it to the floor. She waited.

“The panties.”

Again, not loud, but even more demanding. Shannon got the feeling that Kade was barely holding onto his control, and something in her wanted to push him over the edge. She turned to face the bed, giving him full view of the red thong she wore. Again, as slowly as she could, she skimmed them down her legs, bending over as she did so. Her pussy throbbed, her body ready to be touched, pleasured. She stepped out of them.

“Turn around.”

She did, and the man she faced scared her a little bit. She could see the way he was grinding his teeth. His jaw flexed each time he did. And his eyes…they were as dark and dangerous as the man who stood before her.

“Get on the bed, on your back, and spread your legs.”

She wanted to tell him not to order her around. A little play was one thing, but being ordered about was different. Everything in her independent nature wanted to rebel. But something deeper, something that yearned to be with Kade, was stronger. It aroused her on some level she had never touched before. Her need spiked. She did as he ordered and waited. Cool air washed over her pussy as she felt it dampen. God, he hadn’t even touched her, and she was dripping wet.

He approached the bed, still fully dressed. His blue gaze travelled down her body, and she felt it as if he were touching her. There was no doubt of the bulge in his pants. He was definitely aroused. He apparently wasn’t getting rid of his clothes anytime soon.

He skimmed his hand up the inside of her thigh. Those callused fingers danced over her sensitive skin. She couldn’t help the shiver that moved through her body.

“I need a word that tells me I’ve pushed you too far. Something easy to remember.”


“Do you understand what we are about to do? From this point on, I am in charge. I am the person in control of your pleasure.”

She nodded then sucked in a breath as he began to finger her labia. That first little touch had flashes of heat sparking through her blood. It was such a simple touch. It shouldn’t have her this close to the edge.

“Rules. No speaking unless I give you permission. Do you understand?”


As if to reward her, he pressed his thumb against her clit, and she almost lost it. She closed her eyes and hummed. God, the pressure pushed her closer, but before she could lift her hips, he slipped his thumb away. She opened her eyes.

“Oh, no, Shannon. You don’t come unless I give it to you. I’ll make you pay for that little stunt.”

She opened her mouth to say she hadn’t been that bad when he slapped her pussy. It wasn’t hard, just a pat really, but she was already sensitive there, and pleasure rippled out over her.

“I didn’t give you permission to speak.” He settled on the bed next to her, shaking his head. "You really don’t understand yet. Maybe you aren’t ready for it.”

As he spoke, he skimmed his fingers over her belly up to her breasts. He pinched her nipples. The action had her moaning and closing her eyes again. The man had the most talented fingers.

“Sadly, I can’t turn back now, don’t want to. It’s been a long four months.”

He slipped his hand up her neck and then placed his fingers against her mouth.

“Open up, baby.”

She opened her eyes again and did as he ordered. He slid his index finger into her mouth. She could taste her arousal. Wanting to be naughty, she slipped her tongue over his finger. He sighed in appreciation then pulled his finger out of her mouth.

Without a word, he stood and pulled off his shirt. She didn’t move, didn’t want to break the spell he was casting on her.

Holy mother of God.
With each inch of flesh he revealed, she became more entranced. Was there a chance he had gotten even more gorgeous? He had lost weight, which emphasized his sculpted physique. She wanted nothing more than to explore that body, but she lay on the bed, waiting for his command. That thrilled her more than the idea of touching him.

There was something wrong with her.

He unzipped his jeans and slipped them off. Of course, he wasn’t wearing any underwear. If she had even thought about him walking around commando, she would have probably not been able to concentrate enough to talk. He shucked them off and stood before her, his hand on his cock, stroking it. He had his gaze locked on hers, daring her to watch. She couldn’t resist. Watching his hand moving over his hardened cock, seeing the little pearl of pre-come easing out, had her yearning.

As if reading her thoughts, he asked, “Want a little taste, Shannon?”

There was a thread of amusement in his tone. And for a quick moment, he looked lighter than he had since he’d appeared in her bar.

She nodded. He inched closer to the bed. “Up on your knees.”

Her eagerness to please had her moving as fast as possible. He pressed his cock against her mouth, and she gladly took him in. With shallow movements, he thrust in and out of her mouth. Just like in Hawaii, the taste of him had her lust surging. She wanted more, wanted him deep within her mouth, to feel him bump against the back of her throat. He did not allow it.

Instead, he continued, giving her just a small taste of him as he slid his hand down her back to her ass. He skimmed the separation between her cheeks and fingered her anus. She hummed against his cock, and he jolted, shoving his penis further into her mouth.

“You like that, huh?”

She figured it was rhetorical and didn’t answer him.

“I have a feeling you would like some anal play, but not tonight.”

He continued to tease her as he fucked her face, increasing the depth of his thrusts. Soon though, she could tell he was losing control. His movements were not that controlled, and when she slipped her tongue over the tip of his cock, he pulled away with a groan.

“Oh, that was bad, Shannon. Really, bad.” He turned from her then, and she was left on her hands and knees, her body needing to be touched. Hell, she needed to touch him, to skim her hands over all that wonderful flesh.

Without turning around, he asked, “Do you have any scarves?”

“Yes, in the top right-hand drawer of the dresser.”

He retrieved a couple of scarves and set them on the top of the dresser. Kade turned and smiled at her. It wasn’t a huge smile, like the ones she was used to, but it was something. Even as frustrated as she was, it made her heart happy to see it.

“Come on,” he said, offering her a hand for support. “Up, off the bed.”

She did as ordered, excited to see what he would come up with next. Kade positioned her in front of the mirror.

“Look at you,” he said, his voice deepening, and his accent thickening. She did as ordered and was struck by the image of them together. Her light brown skin against his lighter, tanned flesh. He stepped closer, his cock against her ass. He placed his hand against her stomach. She was so tuned in to his touch that the simple gesture had her body reacting. It was hard not to as he moved his hand up to her breasts, caressing the underside of them. Frustration built.

“I can tell from your face that you’re not happy with me.”

It wasn’t a question, so she didn’t respond. It was hard to even think at the moment. With each delicate touch, he had her blood pressure rising, her body becoming more and more in tune with him. He slipped his hand down to her pussy. Using his index finger, he traced her labia. She was dripping wet, slick with her desire, but he didn’t say anything about that.

“Watch my hand.”

She was already doing that, but she understood he wanted to see her expression. He dipped his finger into her pussy, and she sighed.

“What a pretty sound.” He was still in control, but she heard the heat simmering in his voice.

As soon as he said it, she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth.

“Don’t worry about showing your pleasure. The sweetest sound is hearing you moan my name.”

He teased her for just a few more seconds before he pulled away. He took the first of the scarves, a red one with black designs on it, and slid it over her breasts. Her skin was so sensitive to his touch that it almost hurt as the delicate fabric slithered over her nipples. Kade’s gaze was glued to the scarf as he moved it over her, his lips curving in satisfaction as she shivered.

He stepped beside her and slipped his finger under her chin and turned her face to him. Bending his head, he gave her a kiss, a soft brush of the lips. It had everything in her yearning for so much more.

When he pulled away, he said, “Spread your legs a little more, then place your hands on the dresser.”

She did as ordered, and he slid the scarf between her legs. The slither of silky material against her sex almost sent her over the edge. It was barely a touch. He pulled the material tight against her.

Oh, God. She was going to come. He moved the scarf back and forth slightly as he nuzzled her neck. His cock was hard against her hip, and she knew he wanted her. But he was controlling himself, controlling her. She wasn’t an innocent by any standards, but this was beyond what she had ever tried. He tightened the scarf more, the material separating her pussy lips.

She moaned as it rubbed against her clit, pressing ever so slightly but not enough to give her relief. He only gave her so much before he was tugging the scarf away and pulling her to the bed.

“On the bed,” he ordered. He had seemed under control, but the deepening of his voice told her more. He was close to the edge, too.

Kade grabbed the second scarf. “Hands over your head.”

She complied without thinking. She wanted him to touch her again, wanted his hands on her. He wrapped it around her wrists then threaded it through her iron headboard. After completing the task, he stopped and looked down at her. His gaze slipped down her body, and she felt as if he was touching her everywhere.

In the next instant, he scowled. “Dammit. Condoms.”

She smiled. “Bedside table drawer.”

If anything, his expression turned darker.

“Oh, good lord, I had to talk.”

“It’s not that. It’s the fact that you had condoms ready. Been seeing someone?”

She rolled her eyes. “They’re the ones from Hawaii.”

He didn’t say anything as he pulled open the drawer. After grabbing one, he ripped open the package and then joined her on the bed. He set the opened package beside him. Then he settled between her legs and leaned down to give her pussy one long lick.

He smiled up at her. “Remember, don’t come unless I give you permission.”

He drove her crazy. He slipped his hands beneath her rear end and lifted her to his mouth. Then he attacked her. Over and over, he thrust his tongue into her pussy. When he took her clit into his mouth, he hummed against the bundle of nerves.

. The tension that had been simmering now shot to her pussy. She wanted to move, wanted to slip her fingers through that blonde hair and thrust up against his mouth. He held her there, not allowing her any purchase.

Soon, though, he set her down, grabbed the condom. He rolled it on as fast as humanly possible, in her opinion. He lifted her up off the bed again and entered into her in one hard thrust. Without hesitating, he started moving. Each thrust was slow but deep, but not enough to please her. The way she was bound and the way he held her, she could do nothing but allow him to set the pace. Soon his movements were not so measured. He increased his rhythm.

“It’s time, baby. Come for me.”

He thrust into her hard as he pressed against her clit. She did as he ordered, bowing up against him and screaming out his name. She was still shuddering from her release as he started moving again, squeezing that tiny bundle of nerves between his fingers. She came again, bucking against him. He followed her as she crested again a few seconds later.

A short time later, he rolled off her and reached up to untie her wrists. “You feeling okay?” he asked.

She smiled at him, cupping his cheek. “Okay doesn’t describe it.”

He smiled, that old crooked smile she knew so well, and her breath caught. In the day he had been back, Kade had been distant and hadn’t shown her the boyish grin she was used to.

“What?” he asked, as it started to slip away.

“Nothing. Just, you look good in my bed.”

“So do you. How about a little snack?”

Keep it light, Dupree

“Sure.” She started to get out of bed, but he stayed her with his hand.

“No. You stay, I’ll find something.”

She nodded and watched as he pulled on his jeans. “I’ll be right back.”

She held her smile until she was alone. She sat up, pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs. How sad was it that she was so excited to see him smile at her? Sad for both of them. Something was bad. Something had pushed him to his limit while they were gone. He was a strong man, but everyone had their breaking point.

All she could do was support him, let him know she was there for him.

And love him until he left at the end of the week.

Chapter 9

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