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Authors: Unknown

Unknown (17 page)

'Hello, gorgeous,' he greeted her with a cheeky smile.

'Hi, Will. How are you?'

'Great.' He tucked a chart under his arm and drew her aside to make way for a nurse who was wheeling an injured patient up to Radiology. 'We haven't seen you here for a while.'

Aside from Danielle Watson's emergency admission, Ginger was thankful she hadn't needed to be called for some time. 'I was asked to come down to see someone who has been brought in. Angela Strachan. Do you know anything about it?'

'No, but I'll find out for you,' Will offered, heading over towards the desk. Ginger followed, waiting as he checked the board and then turned to her with another smile. 'Seems she's Annie's patient. Cubicle three.'

'Thanks, Will.'

Ginger found Will's friend and colleague, Dr Annie Webster, talking with Cameron outside the cubicle. Her heart lurched at the sight of him, a fresh wave of desire crashing inside her. Desperate to keep things professional, she murmured a greeting before stepping inside to see Angela. Nineteen years old, with dark hair and eyes, the girl remained stubbornly silent. After a few fruitless moments alone with her, Ginger sighed and stepped back into the corridor, keeping her gaze focused on Annie. She'd always liked the young doctor and got on well with her, trusting her judgement and impressed with her level of patient care.

'What happened?' Ginger asked.

'We're not one hundred per cent sure,' Annie began, a worried frown creasing her brow. 'It seems Angela had some kind of emotional crisis. She says she wasn't trying to end things, just get away from trouble at home. There was some row with the boyfriend and she's estranged from her parents. She spent the night outside and was found wandering cold and confused in the park. I was concerned about unexplained wounds on her and called in Cameron, but when I checked her notes, I found she'd been seeing you in the past for bulimia.'

Ginger nodded. 'That's right. But she dropped out about six months ago. I've not been able to persuade her to come back.'

'Can you fill me in on the history?' Cameron asked, and Ginger battled to ignore her intense awareness of him and focus on the job at hand, handing him the summary she had printed out.

'I had no idea about any issues with self-harm but I knew things were difficult for her at home. Her parents were unsupportive and they threw her out when she hooked up with the boyfriend last year.'

Cameron sighed and ran a hand through his hair. 'Yeah, I've met them. And talked to the boyfriend. None of them seem concerned about Angela's physical or emotional state.'

'Sadly, that doesn't surprise me.' Her gaze slid to Cameron's and away again, her nerves tightening. She refocused her attention on Annie. 'I don't like to fail, but I really didn't get very far with Angela. She wasn't ready for help, refused to make any effort.'

'Well, I've suggested we admit her, at least overnight, for observation. The question is whether one or both of you can persuade Angela to see you and sort things out. Can I leave you two to discuss that? We're rushed off our feet this morning and I have other patients to see,' Annie said, apology in her blue eyes.

Ginger groaned when she found herself alone with Cameron. 'What's your assessment?' She took a few steps away, finding it hard to think when she was close to him.

'We need to try something to help Angela.' He slid his hands into his trouser pockets and Ginger swallowed, fixing her gaze on the wall behind his right shoulder, trying to ignore the way his voice made her go warm and shivery. 'Do you want me to take her on for the self-injury or refer her back to you for the bulimia?'

'If you refer her back to me it will be weeks, at best, before she'll get an appointment. We are so overloaded. Can you see her sooner?'

'Almost certainly,' he acknowledged, taking a diary out of his jacket and flicking through it, confirming he had space to fit Angela in.

She considered what was best for the girl. 'Maybe a different approach from you would help her more, anyway.'

'That's very generous of you, Ginger.'

'It's nothing of the kind,' she riposted briskly, annoyed at his amusement. 'What we think, and the conflict between us, is irrelevant when it comes to patient care.'

'I agree. But you don't know what I think.'


'Do you want me to tell you what I think and how I feel, Ginger?' he asked, his voice dropping to the intimate, throaty rumble that made her stomach turn over.

'No.' She jumped in alarm when he took her arm and led her down the corridor away from the busy casualty staff. 'What are you doing?'

He glanced down at her, his expression determined. 'I'm sure you'll tell ,me you don't have time for a coffee.'

'Of course not, I—'

'We need to talk. In private.'

She swallowed and took a deep breath, her unease increasing as he opened the door to a storage cupboard. 'We can't! Someone will see.'

'No, they won't.' He glanced both ways along the corridor, then took her hand and pulled her inside, closing the door behind them.

'I don't have time for this silliness.' Flustered, she tried without success to free her hand. 'Let me go, Cam.'

'Not until you agree to meet with me, talk with me.'

'I can't.' How could she want him so much when she knew it was wrong? She was so confused. 'We both know we're going to walk away from this in pieces, Cameron.'

'Don't.' His voice sounded raw, pained. 'Let's not put more obstacles in the way or look so far ahead.' Sliding his arms round her, he drew her close and she sucked in a breath, a tremor running through her at the feel of his body pressed against hers. She knew she should resist, but she couldn't. 'Please, Ginger. This thing between us is special, amazing. Can't we enjoy it for what it is? There's nothing we can do about the rest...not for now. Don't let it spoil what we have.'

She shook her head, her hands clenching to fists as she tried to be strong. 'I don't know.'

'Ginger—' He broke off, swearing in frustration as her pager sounded loudly in the confined space.

'Cam, I have to go.'

'I know. Damn, but the timing stinks.' He cupped her face, his head lowering to plant a heated, consuming and all-too-short kiss on her mouth. 'I'll phone you later, all right?'

She knew she should say no. But she felt pulled in two, not knowing which way to turn, scared that even when they were in opposition they couldn't keep their hands off each other. 'Let me out,' she demanded, pushing away from him.

'First promise me we'll talk tonight.'

A shiver of panic ran along her spine. Tense, she nodded. 'All right.' Why could she never say no to this man?

Cracking open the door, he looked out. 'The coast is clear.'

Once outside, she stepped back, trying to put distance between them, but he caught her hand. 'Cameron...'

'I'll make the arrangements with Angela and ensure you're kept advised,' he promised, his sultry gaze dropping to her mouth before lifting to look deep into her eyes.

'Thanks.' She feared he could see into her soul. Every cell in her body was aroused, his gaze feeling like a physical touch. She forced her brain to function. 'I have to get back to work.'

His fingers caressed hers for a moment more before he released her. 'Later, Ginger.'

She turned and hurried away, feeling him watching her until she rounded the corner. His final words rang in her ears, feeling more like a threat than a promise.



prepared for bed, Ginger told herself she was relieved that Cameron's phone call had never materialised. Despite her brutal schedule and heavy workload, she had been on tenterhooks for the rest of the day, her head dreading the thought of talking with him and trying to resist his sensual persuasion, while her heart traitorously had longed to hear the sexy rumble of his voice.

She couldn't understand it. No man had ever distracted her from her work before. Yes, she had dated over the years, had enjoyed a couple of semi-serious relationships, but her work had always come first and she had never had any trouble compartmentalising her life. Cameron was different. With the complications of the Ackerman money coming between them, he was the last man she should have anything to do with. It should be easy to say no, to stay away from him. But it wasn't. And not just because of the best sex she'd ever experienced in her life. She liked him as a man and as a doctor. She respected him. And even knowing she was laying herself open to inevitable heartache when their short but fiery time together was over, he had slipped beneath her defences and she had foolishly fallen in love with him.

Cursing her wayward heart, she left the bathroom and pulled on a pair of unsexy but wonderfully comfy pyjamas. The nights were quickly drawing in and turning cold, winds from the north letting them all know that autumn was upon them and winter would not be too far behind. Snuggling beneath the duvet, she lay back and stared at the moonlit shadows on the ceiling. What was she going to do? She—


A yelp of surprise escaped as the telephone rang, sounding louder than usual in the stillness of the dark, silent bedroom. Her stomach lurched and her hand was shaking as she switched on the bedside light and reached out for the receiver.


'Hi. It's me.' She needed no further identification. Cameron's husky voice sent warmth seeping through her body and set her pulse racing. 'Sorry it's late. My group meeting overran tonight. A couple of new people joined us—and someone needed a bit of time.'

'That's OK.'

'How did you get on today?'

Letting her head drop back on the pillow, she tried to still the fluttery feeling inside her. 'It was busy. By the way, I meant to thank you for what you did for Louise.'

'No problem. I liked her.' She could hear the smile in his voice. 'Is she going to keep seeing you?'

'I think so... I hope so. She says she will.'

'I'm sure you'll be good for her. I have some news for you,' he added after a short pause.

'What's that?'

'I spoke with the neurosurgeon at the specialist unit where Gary was taken. He's holding his own and has regained consciousness. He might not be going white-water rafting again for some considerable time, but his outlook is promising.'

Her breath puffed out in relief. 'That's great. Thanks for following it up. What about Angela?'

'She's staying in overnight for observation and assessment. I'll see her again tomorrow and let you know what's decided. I'm hoping I can persuade the parents and boyfriend to think of what's best for her for a change.'

'Thanks. Good luck.' Ginger didn't envy him dealing with the difficult family but had confidence he would do all he could for the troubled teenager.

Cameron was silent for a moment and when he spoke again, his voice had dropped, desire and uncertainty evident. 'Ginger, about us... What we have together is good—more than good.'

'But how can it possibly work, Cam?'

'I can't predict the future, I only know how I feel now. Do you honestly feel better with us being apart? Is it helping? Is it going to make hearing the decision any easier?'

She wanted to block out his questions, his reasoning. 'I don't know!' Gripping the phone tightly, she sucked in a ragged breath, wishing she could think straight.

'We shouldn't waste this time, Ginger. We can be together now. I want to see you, to touch you,' he murmured roughly, weakening her resolve still further.

'You said you wanted to talk.'

'That, too.' His throaty chuckle sent heat curling through her. Heat and longing. 'I do want to talk but I confess that's not the only thing on my mind.'


'We have to separate our working and professional lives.'

Temptation pulled at her. 'I don't know if I can. I don't want to get hurt. I don't want to hurt you,' she confided, her throat tight.

'I'm hurting now...without you.'

So was she. That was the trouble. But she feared the pain would be even greater later on. She was already in over her head, so emotionally involved that it was going to hurt unbearably, whatever happened. Was Cameron right? For the first time in her life she loved a man. Should she just enjoy the pleasure of being with him now, even knowing it could, and likely would, all end in tears? Was she really protecting either of them by denying what they had? Even if she was never with Cameron again, she was never going to stop loving him, never going to stop wanting him, never going to forget him. The decision about the Ackerman funding was going to hurt them, no matter what the outcome, but it was out of their control.

'I need you, Ginger. Please.'

Oh, God, she had never been desired like this before, had never desired anyone so much. She loved him, and she might not have very much time with him. He was right, she should grasp what happiness she could while it was here, make the most of every stolen moment.


She swallowed, her defences in tatters, an ache of need tightening low inside her. 'How soon can you get here?' she asked„ startled when the doorbell rang. 'Cam?'

'Answer the damn door!' He laughed. 'I'm freezing my rear off out here.'

Dropping the phone, she flung back the duvet and flew down the stairs, finding him standing on the doorstep, looking dark and dangerous and devilishly sexy. He stepped inside, slammed the door behind him and gathered her close. Ginger could do nothing but melt into his arms. She buried her face in his neck, feeling the coolness of his skin from the night air, breathing in the arousing male scent of him. Knowing hands slid down to cup her rear, tugging her tighter against him, leaving her in no doubt just how pleased he was to see her. He growled, bending his head to bite at the exposed skin where her neck met her shoulder. A tremor of excitement rippled down her spine. She arched against him when his fingers flexed and shaped her flesh, a whimper of need escaping as his mouth moved up her neck to her ear, licking the sensitive hollow, sucking and nibbling on her lobe.

Desperate to kiss him, to touch him, to have him naked, she wriggled out of his hold, needing to get him up to the bedroom while she still could. She gazed up into darkened grey eyes, seeing the passion, the want, knowing it matched her own. If only she could switch off all her worries and her doubts as rapidly and efficiently as Cameron switched on her urgent desire. Leading him up the stairs and into her room, she turned to push his coat off his shoulders, her fingers reaching to undo the buttons of his shirt.

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