Unnaturals (19 page)

Read Unnaturals Online

Authors: Dean J. Anderson

Tags: #Fantasy, #Adult

`Now you have all three under your roof. Ralph will need your help. Mason and Renee don't. Nikki and Ruth have their own destinies and they are linked to Mason already. It is Ralph who needs guidance.'

`He may not welcome it.' Eleanor let Tashia's hand go, moving towards the rooftop door.

`Hmm, give him control. Free him of his treaty.'

Eleanor nodded, aware of the truth in Tashia's words. She went down into the house, seeking Ralph.

His scent hit her hard the instant she stepped into the huge internal balcony.

Her eyes went to his arms and bare back. He was angry. Wolf flowed under his tanned skin but he did not let it surface. Through the huge window he could see everything happening down at the lake. Timber shattered as he punched the wall.

Eleanor's step slowed, her heart skipped. Never having seen him as Wolf close up, the threat of it now made her nervous. He would make a big alpha.

`Ralph,' she whispered. He did not turn around.

`Look at her.' His voice was coarse and low as his dark nails tore into the timber handrail. It shattered in his hands. `Ready to give herself to him.'

Eleanor jumped as Ralph hurled the railing across the balcony.

He faced her, tears filled his eyes as Wolf twisted in his features. `Him! How can you allow this?'

`This is not my doing.' Fearful as she was, still she did not reach for her gift. He needed to hear her. She stepped closer, to stand at the window. `This is not easy for me, either. She is my daughter and he, well, he is unexpected.'

Ralph growled, crushing more railing in his hand. His pain radiated out and slapped at her, as they both looked at the lake.

`But,' she said, reaching to touch his hand, `there is a lot of energy and perhaps a touch of bloodlust in the air.'

His eyes locked onto hers and Eleanor could see understanding filter into him. `What are you saying?' Her hand burnt where his flesh touched hers.

`You have a strong bond to my daughter, one many know of. None would judge you if a mistake were made, if you mistook what was happening here.' She pressed down on his hand, breaking the seals he had been so loyal to. `I would not hold you to the treaty if such a passionate mistake was made.' She smiled, moving her hand off his. `For I know you're not a kept wolf, Ralph, and would never harm my kin.'

Eleanor stepped back. Raw energy washed out of the boy as he twisted and transformed into Wolf. She could not look away as the alpha towered above her, twice her height and jet black.

She couldn't help herself. `Goddess, you're beautiful.'

The wolf snorted at her, then tilted his head. She heard it as well, a wild howl from down at the lake.

She crushed the urge to touch him. Muscles expanded in his chest and Eleanor covered her ears. The cry of an alpha so close could deafen. Vibrations shook the floor under her. Tears filled her eyes and his howl cut into her. Then came a shocking silence and she stood alone, unable to shake the ringing from her ears.

She staggered and fell against the windowsill, seeking his form out in the night — hoping she had been right.


Wilson sat back in the chair. Lilly cleared his plate away as he looked at the next steak that sizzled on the grill. His hunger had eased but the need for more still persisted.

`You're going to have to stop doing that,' he said, looking right at Rose. She had been staring and he could no longer ignore it.

She started. `What?'

`Staring at me like you're a stalker.' Wilson stretched, watching her squirm under his gaze. She was odd.

`I didn't mean to.' Rose looked away to Lilly. `I've never—'

`We've never met someone like you,' Lilly said from the grill.

Wilson smiled again. He liked Lilly.

`In what way?' He'd had girls interested in him before, but not like this.

`Well,' Lilly moved around the grill with his plate, a steak on it, `for starters, we've never met anyone who has been touched by Darla, who has a father so, ah, unique as yours, and who can eat so much in one sitting.' She placed the plate in front of him, taking a chair beside him.

`Yeah, well, I'm hungry.' He cut into the steak and began to eat, enjoying the taste. `You cook a mean steak, Lilly.'

`Thanks.' She picked up her drink and sat back.

He relaxed. Lilly had a great vibe about her and he felt comfortable.

`So what happened to you?' he waved a fork at Rose. Her face had nearly healed but her hair was still patchy. `Get into a fight?' She made a noise and he saw Lilly kick her under the table.

`Rose learnt a wise lesson on the island, that not everything is what it seems.'

`So who did you piss off? Renee, Mum or Dad?' Wilson ate as he waited. He wanted to know for sure. Renee had given Rose a hard look earlier.

`All three,' Lilly sighed as Rose sank in her chair. `She has a knack of doing that, irritating the most dangerous people in a room.'

`Well she scored the trifecta this time.' Wilson grinned at Rose, enjoying the blush that crept onto her face. `But you will heal, though?'

Lilly answered. `Yes, some injuries take time, and it seems ones inflicted by Renee take a lot longer.' Lilly moved and Wilson got a different vibe off her. She was going ask him something.

`The girl Sally, the one you spoke to on the phone. She knows… about everything?'

His light mood faltered. `No.' The steak suffered as well, his knife tearing into it. `Sal only knows about the normal side of me. The rest is not for her. She doesn't deserve to suffer from it.'

`You think this, us, our world, is a threat to her? That is why you hide the truth from her?'

Wilson didn't answer. This was the one question he struggled with each day.

`I'm sorry.' Lilly edged away from him. `I did not mean to pry. It's just that we saw her with you on the island. She seemed to be very relaxed with you.'

`You saw us. Where?' He frowned, trying to remember having seen Lilly.

`As you went to the restaurant,' Rose muttered. `Lilly saw you with the tall blonde bim— '

Wilson caught his plate as the table slid out from underneath it and screeched across the floor tiles. The edge slammed into Rose, sending her flying across the kitchen. Then the table slid back into place, and he replaced his plate on it. `You're right. She has the knack all right.'

Lilly put her glass back down. `Yes. Sorry about that. Since the island, I've found I'm less inclined to be passive.'

`You saw Sally and me, then? Did you know who we were?'

`No,' Lilly's tone softened. `I will be honest and say I was jealous of Sally, tanned and out enjoying the night with you. It's not something we get to do a lot. Dating is hard when you don't age and have to move a lot.'

`Eh? Eleanor looks like she's about forty and Nikki is about thirty.' He tucked away the uncomfortable thought of Lilly being jealous. He didn't want to think about it.

`Phat!' Rose stood up and spat blood on the floor. `That's it. I'm going upstairs. You can stay here and flirt with him all you want but even I can see he's in love with the bimbo.'

`Rose,' Lilly's tone was dangerous. `Shut up and leave before I lose my patience.'

Wilson didn't move other than to swallow the last piece of steak. Rose opened her mouth then shut it. Lilly cracked a knuckle and it boomed loud in the silence.

Wilson thought he should say something. `I don't mind talking to you, Lilly.' He gave Rose a small curl of the lips, and then grinned at Lilly. `You're fun to be around.'

`Thank you, Wilson. I appreciate that.' Lilly smiled at him with a sparkle in her eye while Rose stood fuming.

`Whatever!' Rose stormed past. Wilson bit down a grin as Lilly raised an eyebrow at him.

`Sleep well, Rose,' Lilly said as Rose reached the door. `Let Tashia know I'm doing my best to care for Master Wilson.'

Wilson flinched as the door slammed shut behind her. `She is so pissed off at you.'

`Guess what, I just don't care anymore.' Lilly stood, picking up his plate. `I'm going to cook something for myself now. You want another steak?'

`Yep. And thanks Lilly, but I can cook it myself.'

`I don't mind…'

A wild howl shook the room, followed by a scream of terror. Wilson leapt up. Lilly's eyes went wide.


Wilson moved first but Lilly was right behind him as he ripped the kitchen door open.

`No!' Lilly tried to push past him but he grabbed her arm.

A huge black wolf stood between him and Rose, who was lying on the floor. He blinked. He should have felt fearful, but mostly he was curious. The wolf didn't feel dangerous. `Wait.' He held Lilly back and stood his ground.

`Let me go and cover your ears,' Lilly said as she struggled to break free.

Energy hummed as Wilson stared at the wolf, holding its gaze. Recognition flickered in yellow eyes.

`Lilly. No!' Eleanor stood above them on the stairs. `Rose fainted, that's all. Let him pass.'

`He won't hurt us,' Wilson said. He pulled Lilly back, watching the wolf he felt he knew. `Trust me.' He put his arms around a trembling Lilly, and moved her back with him against the wall.

The wolf peeled his lips back, flashing huge teeth in something that was almost a grin. Long nails tore into the floor and he leapt past, little chunks of marble skittered after him.

Wilson grinned. `Awesome.'

`You're kidding me.' Lilly began wriggling in his arms. `The biggest alpha I have ever seen just, just destroyed a marble floor and you say

`Yeah,' he said, not ready to let her go, but unsure why. `Got to appreciate the fact he was a magnificent wolf; and very big.'

`You can let me go now.' She had stopped fighting him; her hands rested on his arms.

Wilson resisted the urge to smell her hair. He let her go.

Lilly glanced at him and went to Rose. `She's fine. Eleanor?'

Wilson followed Lilly's gaze. No one stood on the stairs.

`You want a hand?' he asked, as she lifted Rose in her arms.

`Best if I take her upstairs and get her cleaned up.'

Lilly bit her lip and Wilson nodded.

`I'll be back shortly, we can have something to eat and, um, talk some more.'

`Yeah.' Wilson felt himself smile. `I'd like that.'

`Promise me something.' Lilly looked down at him from the stairs, Rose mumbling in her arms.


`Don't leave the house. Wait for me. I want to eat with you.'

`Okay.' Wilson watched Lilly go upstairs and disappear into a hallway. The house felt suddenly empty. He looked around the room for any sign of Eleanor. He kicked a big chip of marble across the floor. `And I thought my place was a madhouse.'

He pushed the kitchen door open and wandered back in, stopping at the sink to tidy up, hoping the chore would distract him from worrying about Sally. He had heard her relief when he called earlier. Lying to her had been hard for him but the truth was not an option.

Wilson wiped up the plates as he tried to avoid the view through the huge window at the end of the kitchen. He'd had enough surprises for the day.


Ralph ran. Conscious of what Eleanor had done, freeing him of physical and lore restraints, he knew he could now prove himself to Renee.

Voices erupted into his pack link. His cry had been heard.

Jesus H Christ!

What's the hell is going on?

Boss, they heard you in the mountains. What's up?

Shut up.'
Ralph slid to a halt, watching flashes of body heat thrash near the lake. `
Get your coats on and get here now. Intruder at the estate.

Si, boss!
' echoed threefold through his pack link. He could sense their morph. They would come. Bloodlust filled the air.

Ralph absorbed the pheromones, letting his Wolf taste them and respond. Two heartbeats boomed out near the lake. One was Renee's. Neither was human.

Saliva filled his jaws as he circled, moving silently through the bushes, controlling his Wolf, knowing what its anger had already cost him. Colours and shapes flashed in the darkness as he watched and his anger refused to stay quiet.

Red hair flashed in the moonlight.


A living darkness covered her, slashing at her flesh, showering a fine mist of blood.


Wolf took over and lunged at the darkness.


Wilson leant against the kitchen bench.

`So,' he paused as Lilly chopped the vegetables so fast her hand blurred, `how's Rose?'

"Put out. Hasn't been her day, you might say.' She stopped at the sound of a motor revving, followed by the squeal of tyres. Wilson glanced out of the window but saw nothing. Lilly shrugged and half-smiled with what looked like victory.

`Sounds like someone left in a huff.'

`She'll calm down.' Lilly focused on the vegetables again. `Ever since I turned, Rose has been a pain in my side. We used to need each other. Her to lead, me to follow. I never really saw any other way until...' She glanced at him and Wilson could feel his face burning again.

Liking Lilly seemed to be harder to resist. He needed to redirect fast. `About before, you mentioned that you don't age?'

`No, yes, kind of.' She dropped the vegetables in the hot wok beside her. `We're born just like you, are babies like you, but then have a much longer childhood.'

`How much longer?'

`About fifty years.'

`Fifty years?' Wilson watched as Lilly worked the vegetables in the wok, stirring in a sauce.

`Yes, it's trying being young for so long, but puberty makes up for it.'

`How?' He dipped a finger into the wok and winced as she smacked his hand.

`We change overnight. Child one day.' She turned and faced him, hands out, inviting him to look. `Like this, the next.'

Wilson bit his lip. Lilly had changed her clothes to shorts and a blue singlet. Her demonstration was definitely for his benefit. `Um, does the change hurt?'

`Like a bitch.' She turned back to the wok and Wilson caught himself staring at her legs.

`But it's worth it,' she said. `When I had mine a few years ago I had no idea how much everything would change. My gift came to me, people treated me differently and shopping took on a whole new meaning.'

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