Unnaturals (43 page)

Read Unnaturals Online

Authors: Dean J. Anderson

Tags: #Fantasy, #Adult

`You should feed,' Yani said, and Scarla felt the van slow. `It is too dangerous for you not to.'

`When we reach the others, Yani. I don't want any more attention drawn to us in broad daylight.'

Scarla heard fatigue in her voice. Good.

`You need to, otherwise you will burn out. Jumping is a dangerous gift when borrowed from another.'

`It is still strong in me, Yani. Bemeon's gift has not fled me.'


Scarla forced herself to breathe as the van came to a stop. It was too soon for her to act.

`But you need to feed, Priestess. Like it or not, I'm right.'

`Just be careful, Yani.'

`Always. Be ready.'

Scarla unclenched her hand as Yani got out of the van. She had to wait, stay unnoticed and accept that the time was not right to act. If she was going to die, it would be while freeing Ruth.


Trees exploded into view in front of Wilson.

`Brace!' he yelled, wheeling the ATV hard to the right. `We're in the bloody trees, Dad.'

`So I see.'

Wilson gritted his teeth as the ATV shuddered, ploughing through the bushland. He couldn't see the highway. How far off were they? A muffled scream came from the back seat. Sally?

`Beside us!' Nikki yelled and Wilson saw the flashing lights. They had jumped into the bushland right beside the highway.

Wilson cleared the trees as they raced along beside a highway full of stationary cars.

`Mason.' Renee pointed across them and Wilson caught a glimpse of a camera crew.

`Damn!' Mason grabbed a monitor. `There goes our cover.'

`Watercourse, Master Wilson.' Syrus's usually calm voice rose suddenly over the roar of the ATV.

`We can't get onto the highway without causing casualties.' He scanned the monitors. The bridge was full of cars and the creek too wide to jump.

`Keep her straight, Wil, and don't back off.'

He glanced at his father, eyes fixed ahead, hand clamped flat on the dash.

`Jesus, Dad, no!' Cold cut his protest off and he tensed, waiting for the chaos. Bright orange replaced the trees. They landed clear of the creek but stacks of shipping containers blocked their way.


He reacted. `Mini cannon armed, Syrus.' Trigger mechanisms flicked out of the side of the control joysticks. `Brace.'

He fired, sending thousands of rounds into shipping containers seconds before the ATV hit. Orange shrapnel flew through the air like paper as they slammed through the first container. He released the firing triggers.

`Christ!' Mason lurched forward as the ATV tore through the shipping container into the holding yard.

Wilson manoeuvred the big vehicle around the containers, heading back to the highway.

`Goddess, what are they?' Renee pointed at the shapes blocking the exit.

`Concrete dividers.' He cursed, glancing at the monitors. No sign of life showing on the other side of the dividers. For the moment the highway was clear.

`We can't risk punching through them, Wil,' Mason said.

`I've got it. We'll see what a couple of rockets can do.' Wilson flicked safety covers off red buttons on the side of the control joysticks. `Always wanted to use these.' Two dull pops sounded over the motor. A flash and the concrete dividers exploded.

`Awesome!' Renee sounded jubilant. `Can I get one of these?'

`No!' Nikki yelled from behind him as the ATV shot onto the highway. `Shit, I'm gunna be sick.'

`Sick bags are above you, on the roof,' Wilson said not looking away from the road. Excitement mixed with his concern for his mother.

`Head south. Make a hole in the traffic if you have to,' Mason muttered beside him. A soft sob came from the back. It could only be Sally.

The comms monitor flared back to life. `Jesus Christ, Mason!' Max reappeared. `How did you get yourselves on a live news stream?'

`They were onsite at the accident when we—' Mason glanced at him and Wilson shrugged. Might as well call it what it was. `When we jumped there.'

`Right, where are you now?'

`Heading south, leaving Fitzroy in about five minutes then we'll jump again. You got a location on the van?'

Wilson bullied his way through the afternoon traffic, unforgiving as he pushed cars out of the way. He let Mason talk. Sally's soft noises played on him. He wanted to hold her.

`Just passed through Mount Vale minutes ago, about fifty kilometres ahead of you.'

Mason half-growled and Wilson checked to make sure it was still his father in the ATV, not Hunter.

`And all this shit has just gone viral,' Max snapped as he touched the screen. `Live news and I've got some footage from mobile phones popping up already.

`Yeah, well, the cat's out of the bag now, Max,' Mason muttered just as Wilson spotted the pursuing police vehicles in his monitor.

`We've got company, Dad.' He nodded at the growing number of flashing lights.

`They'll be a problem, unless… Max, can you show me the area outside the warehouse?'

Wilson swerved to avoid a car. What was Dad thinking?

`Here. It's all car park and loading area. Big enough?'

Wilson glanced at the image displayed on the monitor. `You're going to jump there? What about Mum?'

`We're too visible in the ATV and Max is tracking the van.' Mason looked up at him; scales rippled under his skin. `Renee and I can track and take the Bloodells faster by ourselves.'

`No way, Dad! I'm with you on this. They've got Mum and I'm coming with you!'

Wilson jammed the brakes on. The road was blocked with cars.

`They need you, Wil,' Mason said, touching his arm and glancing at the back seat. `I need you to be safe and you have to think clearly here. Chances are the Bloodells have numbers in Sydney and you can defend yourself, Wil. Eleanor and her kind will need your help.'

Sally reached over and took his hand. `Don't leave me, Wil, please. I, we want you to stay with us. Don't go.'

Air escaped from him in a noisy snort. Dad was right. Even though he wanted to hurt those who had taken Mum, Sally did need him. Even Lilly needed him.

`Let's go, then,' he said, aware they were almost boxed in. Police cars had stopped behind them and none of the cars in front moved. `Get us out of here, Dad.'

`Max, get ready. We're coming.' Mason nodded to Wilson and put his hands on the dash.

Wilson squeezed Sally's hand as cold filled the ATV and the world outside went black.


Max stared at white static. They had gone. Again.

Unnatural silence chilled the warehouse. Max spun around.


`Where are my daughters?' She stood close, black eyes making her smooth skin seem so much whiter. He pushed aside the last thought, and saw Ralph standing stiffly against the wall behind her.

`They're here,' he said. He felt the warehouse vibrate and the rumble of a huge motor burst the silence. `Well, they're outside.' He smiled, holding her stare, seeing only his refection in the inky black of her eyes. So dangerous.

She moved back, maintaining eye contact. `His gift is very strong, to jump again so soon.'

`I guess so,' he said, realising what she'd said. `You know about the attack?'

`Aye, the Wolves.' Black bled from her eyes to be replaced by blue. `You have more men ready?'

`Yes.' All Fund personnel had been mobilised, on his orders. But he expected she would have known that.

`You do not fear me, Maxwell?' she asked, suddenly turning towards the door.

He didn't lie. `No.' He followed her. `I respect you, but not out of fear.' He held the door for her out of habit. `Why do you think there is a war coming? You asked about more men, so there must be a reason.'

`Never have the Bloodells come here in numbers, let alone attacked so brazenly. There is a shift of energy in this world. We have to be ready.'

Ralph joined them as they approached the main doors, which opened. The ATV stood in the centre of the car park.

`That would explain a lot.' Max stopped, waiting to see if anyone moved inside the ATV. Eleanor waited beside him. `Mason thinks as you do, and believes whatever is coming is nearly upon us,' she said as the doors began to open on the ATV. Ralph left them, striding towards the vehicle.

Eleanor touched his arm. Max flinched.

`If we survive,' she whispered, so close he could feel her breath on his cheek, her body radiating warmth. `If you and I survive this, I would very much like to…' Her thumb moved on his wrist, at his hammering pulse point. He blinked and looked down at her hand.

Eleanor bit her lip. `If you'd like.' She smiled.

`I, um, don't know,' he managed, unbalanced by her forwardness and remembering who she was.

`Just think about it.' Eleanor let him go as Mason leapt from the ATV. `Please keep this between us.' A touch of colour tinted her neck. She was nervous. Or was it a trick?

`Of course,' he managed to say, sounding in control. He followed her towards the ATV, still feeling the imprint of her thumb on his wrist, unsure if he was being played by an Unnatural in a deadly game.


Mason took Nikki's hand to help her out of the ATV, aware that Max and Eleanor were both waiting for explanations. They'd have to wait. Instead he was dealing with some odd feelings. He felt protective of Nikki, but odd that it was his child she carried.

`Nikki!' Eleanor appeared beside him.

`I'm fine, Mother,' she said, muffled in Eleanor's arms.

`What is this place?' Sally asked.

`A safe place,' Mason said, glancing around. He nodded to Ralph and Max, then moved off, leaving Wilson to take care of Sally. He needed to focus on finding Ruth.

`You got a location on the van, Max?'

`Yes, sir.'

He studied Max for a moment. His heartbeat was up and he seemed distracted. Later he would ask about that, but not now. `Good. Ralph, get everyone inside and Max, show me the footage of where the van is.'

`On it,' Ralph muttered, brushing past.

Warmth filled his hand, Renee.

`You have a plan?' She walked with him, shoulders touching.

`Yep — find van, kill Bloodells, bring Ruth back.' Simple plans tended to succeed, if they were acted upon fast enough. He hoped.

`Count me in.' Ralph loped up beside him. `This is what we're here for.'

Eleanor glided past him. `You can't underestimate what is happening, Mason. This chain of events clearly proves more is happening here.'

Mason stopped in front of Max's computers. `And I suppose it was no coincidence Lilly ended up with us? After all, it is her the Bloodells came for, not us,' Mason said, as Renee squeezed his hand.

He continued, fitting the events together. `Most of what has happened has been planned. The island, coming here, Lilly and the Darkells. And now,' Mason glanced at Nikki, `she carries a child from both families, a blood bond and one I cannot ignore. But I don't like being manipulated.'

Scales covered his body. This was not a time for secrets or surprises; Eleanor had to know he would not tolerate any more lies. `Did you place my family in harm's way? Was it you who brought the Bloodells to my home by introducing us to Lilly? Was that your intent, Eleanor, to play me against the Bloodells?'

Eleanor stood stiff and cold. `I did not.'

Mason let his gift reach for her, feeling her, tasting her for a lie. He felt nothing, but could she conceal a lie from him?

`She's not lying,' Renee said, stepping closer to her mother. `There is no way Mother would risk having Bloodells here. But,' she paused and glanced at him, `I can sense she does know more about Michelle.'

Eleanor's face creased in sadness. `She is my sister.'

Mason could see the pain she held for her sister but could make no sense of it.

`You knew!' Lilly pushed past him, her anger very real. `You knew who I was all this time?'

`Yes, but telling you,' Eleanor looked away, `was too hard.'

Lilly lashed out but Mason caught her hand. `Don't.' He pulled her back. `This is not the time, Lilly. Family squabbles can wait. We need to find Ruth and stop the Bloodells.'

`Got it!' Max yelled, standing up. `They've stopped at a truck stop and I've got the security cameras online. There.'

Mason went to the monitor. A white van had stopped at the rear of the building. He couldn't feel Ruth.

`Mason, there is something you need to know,' Eleanor said, leaning in beside him, studying the monitor while another van and a truck stopped in view. `The Bloodells don't let their High Priestess go travelling across the world without protection.'

Uniformed men began to climb out of the truck. Foot soldiers.

`But the big question is why she came here?' Mason said. `For Lilly? Only?'

`Partly.' Eleanor edged away a little. Renee put an arm on his back, her heat pressing against him.

`So?' Men climbed out of the second van while the first sat, unmoving. Was Ruth in it?

`The Bloodells believe their god, Bemeon, can cross over into this world and live, thus making earth their domain.'

And there it was, he thought. Everything comes to one point.

`Is it possible? And if so, why us? Why target my family? What have we to do with any of this?' He squinted. In the grainy image on the monitor a door opened on the van.

`Because your bloodline carries the strength of Gaia. Know this, Mason Douglas, this is not the first time your clan has fought the Bloodells. Your kin saved my life when I was a child and slew Agnes, the most powerful High Priestess the Bloodells had, and the one who took my sister, Michelle, and made her a monster.'

He looked away from the monitor then, fixing his eyes on Eleanor. `You have always known who I was? When your daughters met us, you knew something was happening?'

`Yes, but not what was to follow. When,' she glanced at Renee, `when you all came to my home, I knew you were meant to be there. I accepted that. But not this.' She pointed at the monitor. `If I had known Michelle was here I would have warned you. I could not bear it if my daughters were lost to the Bloodells.'

Mason read her, looking deep into her eyes. If she lied he would kill her, but only truth stared back. `You speak the truth. Any more surprises I need to know about?' He looked back to the monitor. A big Bloodells had stepped out of the van, along with a woman — Eleanor's sister. He could see the resemblance even with the grainy image.

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