Unraveled (Undone) (8 page)

Read Unraveled (Undone) Online

Authors: Jennifer Dawson

Tags: #Erotic romance series, #Bdsm, #Spanking, #Caning, #Domination and Submission, #Romance, #contemporary romance

“It certainly is not.” Layla tilts her head and her hair flows over her shoulder. “I think it’s only fair we twist the knife a bit, you know, put on a little show for them.”

A huge smile spreads over my lips. “Michael is going to hate that.”

Layla’s features twist into exaggerated sympathy. “Awww, poor baby.”

I roar with laughter. “Let’s go.”

This is going to be so fun.







I sit at the table as the three guys talk around me, all apparently in a hell of a good mood.

The only person not having a good time is me.

I’m still reeling from Chad’s revelation. I mean, how can that be? Him of all people? Leo and Michael I get—they have a way about them—but Chad is just an affable, good guy.

How did I end up the only straight-laced person here?

“Ruby?” A male voice rips me from my thoughts.

I blink, finding Michael, Leo and Chad staring at me. I’ve missed something. I frown. “Sorry?”

Chad points at the waitress, a pretty brunette dressed as an angel in all white. “Do you want something to drink?”

I wish I had someone monitoring my drinks.
I blink again. Where did that come from? I want no such thing. I don’t want anyone telling me what to do. Ever.

So why did that thought pop into my head? It must be the care in the act. Because I can’t remember the last guy that even opened the door for me.

That must be it.

It’s the care, not the intent.

In a flash of memory, I see my dad, sitting at the table reading his paper, while my mom bustled around him like a happy, little homemaker. It had made me ill. She could have been so much more. Once she’d been a promising violinist, but she’d abandoned all that for my dad.

She’d given up her dreams. Her goals. Her life. So she could do his bidding.

I was not that kind of girl.

“Ruby?” Chad says again. “She’s waiting.”

The girl flutters her lashes at him and gives him a coy, flirty look.

Something thuds in my chest. Something I don’t like and refuse to name.

I clear my throat. “Vodka soda, please.”

“Coming right up.” The angel girl bites her lip and looks at Chad. “My break’s in a couple hours.”

Chad grins at her. “I’m sure you’ll find me if you need something.”

“Oh, I will.” Her tone so full of seduction I have a sudden urge to punch her.

How does she know he’s not my date? That I’m not a contender?

She gives him a hungry once over before turning with a swish of her hips, sashaying off with an exaggerated sway for Chad’s benefit.

That knot sits in my stomach and I pick up a napkin and twist it. I shouldn’t have come. I’m not in the right frame of mind. Instead of something fun and interesting that will appease my curiosity, I’m suffering from a mess of emotions that confuse me.

Maybe I should make up an excuse and go home.

But I can’t do that, Layla will insist on following me and I can’t ruin her night. I know how much she’s looking forward to this.

I’ll slip away when she goes to the private room Brandon arranged for Michael and Layla.

With an escape planned, the tension in my shoulders eases and I blow out a slow breath.

Leo raises a brow at Chad. “She looks promising.”

Chad shrugs, but doesn’t say anything.

“You can ask Brandon what she’s into, he’ll know,” Leo says.

Chad turns his gaze to where the waitress is leaning over the bar, working at the computer. “If I’m interested, I’ll find out myself.”

That queasiness settles in my throat.

I’m not jealous.

I mean, why would I be jealous? I’m not attracted to Chad. But I find that I’m… well, I don’t know what I am. I just had it in my head he’d be the odd man out with me. That while the couples went off and did their kinky things, we’d sit in the corner, drink and have a good laugh at all this nonsense. But it turns out, with the dark-haired bombshell waitress, I could end up sitting here alone.

The notion makes me even more determined to slip out the second Layla and Michael go off for their private escapade.

And speak of the devil.

Layla and Jillian emerge from the crowd now littering the floor, swaying to the music thumping loud over the speakers.

They look exactly right. Exactly like they belong.

Like sex and sin.

Heaven and hell.

People part for them; men stop what they are doing and stare after them, a look of stunned awe on their faces.

I swallow hard.

Michael shakes his head. “That’s trouble.”

“Agreed,” Leo says, his voice amused, but his dark eyes are on Jillian. Hot and possessive.

“What’s it going to be? Should we get them in line now? Or later.” Michael scrubs a hand over his jaw.

“Later. Let’s see what kind of rope they hang themselves with,” Leo says.

Michael nods. “Agreed.”

A man tries to stop Layla, his hand encircling her wrist. She shakes her head and points to the necklace around her throat, a fine, delicate silver chain with a lock and key hanging off it. After all this time the significance of the charm finally registers in my brain. It’s a symbol of ownership. The man nods, and promptly removes his hands.

He gives Jillian the eye, but she flashes her engagement ring, before pointing at the table. At Leo.

The man looks over at us, grins, and raises his glass in a toast.

Leo chuckles. “I almost feel sorry for him.” He crooks his finger at Jillian. “Almost.”

Layla and Jillian continue their slow strut across the room, their hips a provocative sway, their breasts thrust out.

Brandon comes up to the table, props himself up against the couch, and whistles. “Good luck with that.”

Michael and Leo grin at each other.

Layla and Jillian stop in front of their men and plop their evening bags on the table. Layla licks her lips, a sly expression on her face. She’s slicked her mouth with some sort of crimson gloss. She tilts her head toward the dance floor. “Jillian and I want to dance.”

Michael’s gaze cruises over her body. “Are you going to be a good girl?”

“Of course.”

He nods. “All right then.”

Now it’s Jillian’s turn and she looks at Leo, the question in her eyes.

He looks right back, saying nothing.

I don’t understand these women. They are strong, assertive, intelligent women, why do they need permission to dance?

Jillian’s brows rise.

Leo’s cocks.

Finally, she rolls her eyes and says, “May I?”

“May you what?” Leo asks, his arm relaxed on the back of the chair.

She puts her hands on her hips. “May I dance with Layla?”

“Yes. Since you asked so pretty.”

She beams at him.

He gives her a once over. “But before you do, since you girls are giving everyone a heart attack, you need something a little more overt to show you’re not available.”

Apparently, in this crowd an engagement ring isn’t enough. I swallow hard. Feeling lost and small. I want to be back in my world where I feel like I matter. Tonight, I feel invisible.

Jillian’s expression fills with excitement. “Yes.”

He points to the floor at his feet. “Kneel.”

She drops like a stone.

I hold my breath.

Michael chimes in, “I really don’t want to see this.”

“Too bad.” Leo shifts, pulling out something black from his back pocket.

He doesn’t say anything else.

I blink. It’s… a dog collar.

Or at least, that’s what it looks like.

Jillian appears about to hyperventilate.

Leo cups her chin and raises her face to his. “Who do you belong to?”

“You.” There is complete adoration on her face.

“That’s right.” He leans down and kisses her lips, and their mouths don’t seem to touch as much as cling to each other. “You’re mine.”

“Yes.” She breathes the word like a whisper that floats over my skin.

Have I ever belonged? Anywhere? To anyone? I blink back the sudden sting in my eyes.

He kisses her again. “I love you, Jillian.”

“I love you too.”

He straightens and slips the thin, black leather around her neck. He clasps it at her nape, and then runs his fingers between her skin and the band. She shivers.

When he shifts in his chair I see there’s a silver circle at the center. He hooks his index finger into it and tugs before whispering something I can’t hear in her ear.

She closes her eyes as she listens to him.

The words slip into my mind, unbidden. Uninvited. Unwelcome.

I want that.

I look away.

And catch Chad watching me with a peculiar expression on his face. Watchful. Thoughtful.

I don’t like it. I feel like he’s caught me, like I’ve revealed something to him. I drop my gaze to stare into my glass. I don’t want to witness any more of what I feel is a private moment. But the picture they make is too compelling and I can’t help but turn my gaze back to them.

Leo strokes her cheek. “You go have fun.”

“I will.”

He kisses her again, deep and soulful, and when he lifts his head, he takes her hand and says, “Up you go.”

Jillian stands and grins at Layla. “You ready?”

“I am.” Layla turns to me. “Come on, let’s go.”

I shake my head, not trusting my own voice. The last thing I can do is dance.

Layla holds her hands in a prayer. “Pretty please.”

I pick up my drink and shake it, shoving my emotions down where they belong. “Give me a minute, then I’ll join you.”

Michael slips a hand on Layla’s thigh and squeezes. “I’ll make sure she doesn’t fall into any evil clutches.”

As if. I’d think I was a ghost if people weren’t talking to me.

Layla doesn’t take her gaze off me and I can tell by her expression she’s concerned. “Promise?”

“Promise.” It’s a lie. But there are a thousand promises she broke to me when she was in the worst of her depression; I feel I’m owed this tiny one.

Her brow furrows, but then she hooks her arm in Jillian’s and off they go.

Michael turns to Leo, his expression pained. “At least you take good care of her.”

“Always.” Leo raises his glass and they toast.

“Just make sure I’m far away when you… do whatever it is you’re going to do.”

Leo nods. “I’ll wait until you’re upstairs. But you’ll need to give me at least an hour.”

“Done,” Michael says.

An hour? What could possibly take an hour?

Brandon slips into an empty chair and juts his chin in their direction. “Even marked they’ll have to beat the boys away with a stick.”

Michael and Leo don’t look too worried.

Suddenly, Brandon glances in my direction. “And what about you, girl?”

My stomach drops. “What about me?”

He smirks. “Are you interested in trying anything out?”

I shake my head vehemently, trying in vein to will the flush spreading over my skin to cool.

He laughs. “When they’re busy, how about I at least give you a tour?”

I don’t want to contemplate being alone, but I don’t want to be an obligation either. I clear my throat. “Oh, well, thanks, but I know you’ve got a lot going on tonight, and I don’t want to be an imposition.”

“Not at all. It will be my pleasure.”

“I couldn’t.”

He pins me with a hard-eyed stare. “I insist.”

Any additional protests die on my lips. “All right.”

“It’s settled then.” He gives Chad a look. “You can come too, but Mandy has her eye on you, and she can be very persuasive.”

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