Read Untouchable Lover Online

Authors: Rosalie Redd

Untouchable Lover (21 page)

She shook her head and moved further into the room. Mesmerized by the merchants and their goods, a smile tugged at her lips, and she gave in to it.

“Come here, young lady, come here.” A female Jixie pulled on Melissa’s arm. She wore a brown dress with multiple pockets and took a small round object out of a fold in the front.

“Take this. Smell.” The Jixie placed a ball of soap in Melissa’s palm.

The smooth texture on her sensitive skin was like a balm to her battered ego. She raised the delicate sphere to her nose and breathed deeply. The scent of lavender filled her senses. She wanted to weep. “It’s lovely, but no thank you.” Melissa handed the sweet cleanser back to the Jixie.

“That’s all right, young lady, maybe next time.” The small female waved her away and concentrated on an older Stiyaha female who approached the cart.

The female brought out several gems. They appeared similar to the sunstones lining the Keep’s walls, but were rough, unpolished, as if recently mined. The vendor and customer exchanged two soaps for three stones. The transaction completed, the older female took her small bag and headed down the aisle.

A wagon filled with flowers caught Melissa’s attention. The strong perfume of roses brought memories of her mother’s garden when Melissa was a child. She touched the petals of a red bud, the softness soothing between her fingers.

“You may have the rose, if you’d like.” The deep rumble of a male’s voice made her jump.

Melissa stared at the cart owner. Like all Stiyaha males, he was tall at over six and a half feet. He had short brown hair and penetrating green eyes.

He held out his hand to her, palm up in greeting. “My name is Torbin.”

Melissa raised her own hand in response. “Hello, Torbin, my name is Melissa.”

As he smiled at her, the warmth in his eyes became more needy, more purposeful. “Melissa, yes, it is good to meet you.”

The tone of his voice set off warning bells in her mind. She took a step back. A pair of strong hands wrapped around her arms. Her legs and knees gave way. She buckled to the floor, but the male holding her wouldn’t let her fall.

“Who do we have here?” A low rumble emanated from his body. “You smell like carnations.”

He sniffed her neck. His breath beneath her ear sent a tremble of dread down her spine. “Please…let me go.”

He gripped her shoulders and turned her around to face him. He had blond hair tied back in a ponytail, the short tip lying over his broad shoulder. His eyes were blue, like Noeh’s, but held no warmth or passion, only need. “I am Niko.”

The hair on the back of her neck stood on end.

Torbin stepped forward. “I saw her first. I claim her.”

Her fears were coming to life. She was being fought over like some kind of prize. She tried to run but couldn’t escape Niko’s grasp.

Torbin grabbed her around the waist. Her shirt rose up from his sudden movement, and his hot, sticky arm touched her bare skin. He tensed, squeezing the air out of her lungs. She couldn’t breathe.

.” Niko’s words flew out of his mouth with a growl.

The two males wrestled for control, pushing and pulling her like a rag doll. Melissa strained against Torbin’s arms, but his grasp was like trying to move a mountain. Still unable to take a breath, her world started to white out.

Torbin released his grip and threw her to the ground. She rolled to a stop, her head pounding, her knees and hands scraped raw from the rough stone floor. She drew in a ragged breath, her only thought to get life-giving air into her lungs.

. The sound of flesh connecting with flesh made her flinch. She stared at the two males locked in a nasty fistfight. She was too weak from her lack of oxygen to do anything but breathe.

Onlookers in the crowd stepped back.
pinged off the vendor’s stalls and ricocheted around the large cave.

Niko took one on the chin. His head swiveled around from the blow. A low snarl erupted from his throat. He tensed and inched closer to Torbin.

“Stop. Please.” Melissa wheezed the words out, but they fell on deaf ears.

Niko attacked Torbin, head-butting him in the stomach. They fell to the ground.

A loud growl burst from Torbin, silencing the crowd.

Torbin started to change. He heaved back and forth, his ragged breaths shaking his body. His shoulders expanded beneath his shirt.
. The material split along the seams.

Niko scrambled to get up. His eyes widened, his face was a mask of horror.

Screams erupted from and melded with the pounding of running feet. Merchants and shoppers alike abandoned their carts and purchases in an effort to escape Torbin’s beast. The rumble of chaos couldn’t drown out the sounds coming from Torbin’s body. Unnatural pops and cracks burst from his joints as bones and muscle grew. He didn’t stop until he stood well over eight feet tall.

Torbin’s body was covered with the same brown hair as his head. His small eyes, almost hidden under his large brow ridge, burned bright. He had an upturned nose and a wide mouth. His most distinguishing feature: the two giant tusks protruding from his lower jaw. He let out a bellow that echoed throughout the Keep.

The ground trembled. A few small rocks fell from the ceiling, pelting the last sellers and shoppers as they escaped. Their pained cries rang in Melissa’s ears. She stood on weak legs and grabbed the edge of a nearby cart for support. Time slowed. Everything around her turned surreal.

Torbin picked up Niko and threw him into the florist’s cart. His body smashed the wood. Flowers flew through the air and rained down around Melissa. A red rose landed at her feet, the soft petals caressing her ankle.

Torbin stood over Niko, pumped his fists, and screamed. The screech echoed around the large chamber, sending a cold shiver over Melissa’s arms.

Niko didn’t respond. The empty sound filled her stomach with a sense of dread. She turned to look at where he’d landed. Niko’s neck was bent at an awkward angle, and his unblinking eyes stared at the ceiling. The first to disintegrate were
his fingers as his body turned to dust.

“Oh, no.” Melissa raised her trembling fingers to her mouth.

At the sound of her voice, Torbin focused on her. He stood erect, his hands fisted at his sides. His body trembled. A strange guttural murmur came from his mouth, sounding like words, but she couldn’t understand him with his large canines. He didn’t move, but his gaze wandered over her body. His need was evident in his face, his desire unmistakable under his hooded eyes.

She feared him, but at the same time, she had an overwhelming urge to help him. Maybe if she could calm him down…

She took a step toward him, her movements slow and deliberate. His eyes never left her, but he didn’t make a move toward her either. Encouraged, she held out her hand, palm up in the sign of greeting.

“It’s ok. Everything’s going to be fine.” He just wanted someone to love him. Feminine instinct knew the truth. She pitied him and all the males that didn’t have a female to love and to hold.

She hummed a soft tune, the melody slow and easy. Taking another step forward, she reached toward him. Soft fur caressed her fingertips as she stroked the matted hair on his arm.

His breathing slowed. A long sigh escaped his lips. His shoulders relaxed, and he closed his eyes. He swayed to the sound of her voice.

Yells, shouts, and pounding feet distracted Melissa, and she stopped her tune. Torbin must have heard the sound, too. He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to his body, pinning her to him. An anguished cry erupted from his mouth. Rocks tumbled from the ceiling.

The hair on his chest tickled her nose and brushed her cheek. With her face plastered against his chest, she could only see a small portion of the room. She turned her head enough to spy the entryway, the source of the commotion.

Noeh stopped in the doorway, his sword loose in his hand. Four warriors stood behind him, their swords shining in the amber light of the sunstones. His gaze raked over her held captive in Torbin’s grasp. Noeh’s eyes flecked with gold.

He advanced into the room. Saar and the other males circled the beast. Torbin’s grip tightened, pressing her face further into his chest, blocking her view. She struggled against him but couldn’t break his hold.

“Nomo comae dos tiquas.”
Noeh’s forceful voice rose above the melee.

Torbin growled and spun around, trying to keep the warriors at bay. Melissa caught a glimpse of Noeh. He inched closer to Torbin and continued to chant the strange words.

“Nomo comae dos tiquas.”

Torbin uttered a strange cry and lunged toward one of the fighters. Melissa screamed and the sound echoed around the chamber. Rocks fell from the ceiling, pelting everyone in the room. The temperature in the Keep rose. Torbin’s sweat seeped into Melissa’s clothes.

Melissa found Noeh in the chaos. He raised his sword. His gaze locked onto her. The possessiveness in his eyes made her heart still. She cried out as shock raced through her body.
He’s going to kill Torbin.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

The hair along Melissa’s nape rose as a cold chill filtered into the large cave. Noeh brought the sword around, its blade heading straight for her. His face was a mask of rage—bared teeth, taut skin, and amber eyes. Dizziness overtook her. The rush of air from the blade crossed over her head. Tendrils of her own hair caressed her face in the wake.


Torbin’s head hit the ground and rolled against a broken wheel from the flower cart. The awful sound was one she’d never forget. The muscles in Torbin’s body tensed, his grip squeezing the air from her lungs before he released her from his grasp. The corpse tilted to the side and slumped to the floor, turning to sand.

Noeh pulled her to him with his free arm, enveloping her in a tight embrace. His masculine scent mixed with the pungent smell of fresh blood. She shook from powerful emotions she couldn’t reconcile: disgust because he’d killed and excitement because he’d protected her.

He pulled back to look at her. “Are you hurt?”

She struggled to comprehend his words, her thoughts and emotions all roiled together in a toxic brew. When she found her voice, her words came out a whisper. “Y-Y-You killed him.”

“He would have hurt you, or worse, and I couldn’t allow that.”

She pointed at the sword, still clutched in his hand. Blood dripped down the blade and pooled at his feet. “He wouldn’t have if you hadn’t rushed in here and threatened him with that…thing.”

“He changed into his beast. I had no choice.” He wiped the sword against his pants and put the weapon back in its scabbard.

“There is always a choice.”

“No one has ever changed back. That is why it is forbidden.” He closed his eyes and exhaled. Tension lines appeared in his face.

Melissa’s heart ached. She longed to tell him everything would be ok, but she knew it wasn’t going to be. Not now, maybe not ever.

Noeh opened his eyes and pursed his mouth. “What are you doing here?”

Her stomach dropped as if he’d hit her in the gut. “You blame me?”

“No, this is my fault. I should’ve locked you up when I had the chance.”

“He was calming down. I could’ve helped him.” As she spoke, her voice lost volume.

“I don’t see how.” His words dug the knife deeper into her wound, breaking her apart.

“Are you two done?” Gaetan’s cane tapped on the ground between them. “We need to clean this mess up.”

“We’ve got this.” Saar nodded at two warriors standing close by.

Noeh’s gaze flashed from the warriors to Gaetan before settling back on Melissa. “I’m taking you back to your room.”

Gaetan placed his hand on Noeh’s shoulder. “Let her stay with me. I’ll make sure she gets back safe.”

Noeh raised his eyebrows. “I don’t trust her around the other males.”

“But you trust her with me.” Gaetan grasped Noeh’s arm. “Don’t worry. I’ll have her back there in no time.”

“What could possibly happen?” She couldn’t quite keep the lace of sarcasm out of her voice.

“I do this against my better judgment.” Noeh invaded her space, and his closeness made her skin tingle. He bent his head next to hers and whispered, “Behave yourself.”

She melted under his scrutiny, and a quiver of excitement raced to her core.

Embarrassed by her own reaction, she stepped back. Her reddened cheeks gave away her desire. He focused on her face, reading her emotions as if she were a book. He glanced down to her breasts, and her nipples hardened in response. Bringing a finger to her chin, he lifted her face to meet his. He looked her in the eyes, desire burning in his own. “I meant what I said.”

He released her and stepped back. His absence made her want to scream and force him to touch her again, if only for a moment.

He glared at her once more and left her there, angry and with a burning desire for more.


The overturned cart was broken beyond repair. The wheels and casings strewn across the stone floor resembled a graveyard for the decrepit. Gaetan didn’t speak. He picked up shattered clay pots and vases and put them in a pile for disposal. Melissa picked up a rose, placing the soft petals against her cheek before laying the flower on top of the growing pile of debris.

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