UNTOUCHABLE (Siri's Saga Book 1) (41 page)

"Yes sir." She says as she leans over the table and picks up the stacks of cash. "Would you like to see your picture in Clay's office?" She asks me.

Aurei answers. "I want to see it."

We follow Gaby back to Clay's office and as soon as she opens the door, Aurei lets out a long, low whistle. The back wall is completely covered by a larger than life size picture of Surreal in the Black & Blue Baby, doing a straddle split on the pole. Her hands holding the bar are adorned with matching blue gloves. Her face is looking up and her hair is black and blue, and highlighted with real gold streaks. It hangs down in a massive cascade of big beautiful curls. An elaborate jeweled belly dancer veil covered with sapphires, and both white and black diamonds lays softly on her face. A matching gold, cat eye, full mardi gras mask also covered with sapphires, and both white and black diamonds conceals her features. Through the mask, the skin you see is completely painted with blue and black heavy theater makeup and heavy false eyelashes, but her light crystal green irises, my irises, look directly into the camera.

"Wow!" Aurei says. He walks over to it and stares.

Gaby says as she puts the money in a drawer in Clay's desk. "That's Surreal. She is the famous headlining star of Been Jammin'. Clay's favorite place in the States. Here, Seary, here's the pic that gave you away." She picks up a framed autographed 12 x 14 picture of me standing posed next to Clay with a small, blue sequined bikini top on that my nipples look like they will jump out of if I take too deep a breath, and a sequined string bikini bottom. While Lei sits straddling him butt naked with her knees under his shoulders. She is twisted, looking at the camera with her arm around his neck and her tit at his face. He only has on 'the happy face we guarantee our customers.' I signed it. "To Clay, My #1 fan! You're the best! Seary." Lei signed it too. "To Clay, My first official fucking fantasy. Love that Happy Face! Lei."

I look at Gaby then at Aurei. Gaby just smiles. Aurei walks over and picks it up to examine it. "Yep, that's you alright."
He turns and walks back to Surreal's picture. "Now this girl has got it going on! That's a killer costume. Do you know her?"

I nod, smiling at him, aware that Gaby is taking in everything I say. "That killer costume is worth over a million dollars. And I'm not at liberty to discuss Surreal. Her identity is top secret."

Gaby blurts out. "Clay says that's you too."

I freeze for a moment, before the poker face falls, then I laugh at her. "That's ridiculous. I'm not half the dancer she is, and I couldn't possibly get all my hair under a wig!"

"That's a good point."

"Why would he think that? That's crazy."

"You both disappeared for the last few months."

"That's exactly what I meant at the table. We all need a vacation. I guess she took hers at the same time I had to come home for my Mama. I'll straighten Clay out later." I wink at her and hook Aurei's arm. "Come on. Let's go. Stop drooling or I'm gonna get jealous."

He puts his arm around me. "Damn! She's fly! And those eyes! They see right into you."

I elbow his ribs and he blows air, making Gaby giggle as she locks the door. We follow her down the hall, while Aurei grins at me and shakes his head.

When we enter the dance hall again, Mike is spinning, One Direction, "What Makes You Beautiful."

Back at the table, Steve holds his arms out to Gaby and she slides in them. "Why don't you come back to my place with me when you get off? I can take my time and please you real good."

"Let me see when I can leave." She gets up and heads to the bar.

"Where's Paul?" Aurei asks.

Steve points to the dance floor. "Can you believe it? He's dancing with Scarlett."

Aurei turns our chair around so we can watch the dance floor and pulls me into his chest. "Damn, Siri! That Surreal pic made me see stars again! I hate now I missed your show."

"I told you it was killer."

He snuggles me. "Yes, you did."

"And I did tell you I was a star."

"Yes, but you didn't say you were a million dollar star."

"Does it matter?" I turn to look at his face.

"Does what matter?"

"That I'm a million dollar star?"

"Not to me, Wild Thang. Should it?"

"I don't think so." I laugh then kiss his cheek. "I'm sure Paul will be delighted to learn, I'm not after your money."

He laughs. "Fuck Paul."

"So, you do have money?"

"There's that trickery again." He shakes his head, laughing. "Yes, I have money too. I received an inheritance when I was 21."

"Excellent! One less thing to worry about. You can tell me the rest of that secret tomorrow. Are you ready to go?"

"I have a lot to tell you tomorrow. No, we have to wait until we all leave."

"You guys are like the Three Musketeers? All for one and one for all?"

"No. More like a band of brothers thing. We have each other's back."

"Trust. That's a good thing."

"You moved me dancing to Whitney."

"It was supposed to."

"You're really a gifted dancer."

"Ha, no, but I am a really gifted erotic dancer."

He chuckles. "Did you like my song request?"

"Did you request a song?"

"I text Mike to play 'Do It To Me' after whatever you requested."

I squeeze his arms. "You are the sweetest asshole!"

Gaby comes back. "Give me 15 minutes and I can split for the night."

Steve grins at us.

Mike says over the sound system. "Let's shut this party down!" He spins "Yeah" by Usher. "Dance line starts in front here and finishes at the bar. Couples get two for one drinks. Come on! Let's get this place rockin'!"

My toes start to tap and Aurei puts his arm over my leg. "I can feel the dancer in there trying to come out."

"It's a problem I seem to keep having with her. What am I going to do?"

Aurei slides his hand down my arm. "Let her go!" He pulls me up and cinches our fingers. "Come on. We have 15 minutes to kill."

We enter the back of the line, but people move us forward saying things like, "Ah, Aurei! Let's see your moves, bro!"

"I heard you finally danced again!"

"Aurei, you dance?"

"So, this is the mystery girl. Let's see what you can do!"

"When you danced Britney, it was like watching her! That was fucking awesome!"

"Hey, you're the celebrity from Vegas!"

We move forward down the line, laughing and cutting up with the free styling dancers on the floor. There are all kinds from hip hop to country. Military men and women are a mixture unlike all others. We join in with our whistles and catcalls. Aurei's face looks so happy as his eyes play back and forth from the dancers to me.

When it's our turn, Aurei says to me. "Well? Do you know this one too?"

"Of course, I do."

He grins. "Let's see it then." He steps out on the dance floor to the shouts and whoops of the regulars. He dances his sexy as hell, side to side rock, moving down the line without me while holding his hand in a stop position to me.

I stand, bouncing to the beat, waiting for him to let me go.
Fuck! He is a fucking fine feast!

When Usher loops around again to the beginning, Aurei points at me then rolls his fingers for me to come to him.
He has no idea what I'm going to do, but whatever it is he is cool with it and that rocks!
Sweet Zeus, I'm crazy mad for this man!

I break my stance, dip and swing my arms like the choreographed back up dancers in concert with Usher. I perform the intricate foot and arm work and the crowd goes wild. Aurei stops while I continue the dance to him.

Usher sings about a girl being a certified 20 and I break the routine and go into free style. I rotate my head, swinging my hair, then letting my body follow like a cork screw unwinding, twirling to him. I place my hands on his chest, then bend over and whip my hair around at his crotch. "Hoots" are heard above the crowd chanting "Yeah, Yeah" with the song. I twerk on him until the chorus, then I dance the choreography again and there are a few boos. Aurei gestures for me to bring it on! Giving him a truly wicked smile which he matches, he dances to me. I put my hands over my head and move my hips with some serious belly dancing shakes as I spin in a slow circle for him. I'm rewarded with some "Oh Yeahs!" making Aurei laugh. I spin again in a slow circle as I roll my abs hard with deep belly dancing ab moves and I'm rewarded with some "Oh Snaps!"

I keep an eye on his eyes to make sure the thunder doesn't start to rumble. But he is enjoying the show only. When my back is to him, I fling my hair and it falls down his face. Shaking my shoulders, I continue the belly dance but I start a back bend too. He stops dancing. I can see the surprise on his face as I look at him upside down, grinning at him. I shake my shoulders, my tits jiggling as I continue to bend over backwards.

There are "Hell Yeahs" being chanted now.

As I get lower and lower, I walk my hands down his chest to his hard dick silhouetted in his pants and I stroke it.

The "FUCKS" that are shouted are from both the guys and the girls.

I walk my hands back up his body and when my shoulders are at his chest, I pull my head upright and fall back on him. His arms instinctively wrap around me, catching me. They land right on my tits.

"OH SHITS" fly around the air.

Putting mine on top of his, we squeeze and massage them, as I flex doing a super sexy, super deep, super slow, long belly roll down to my pussy.

"GODDAMN'S" are mixed with "CRUCIAL'S."

Then I push my ass on his hard throbbing Golden God rod and roll up and down to the music. Putting my hands on top of his hands, I hook my thumbs over his, slide my fingers between his and slide them down my belly to the bottom while I do another deep belly roll. At the bottom, I put our index finger tips and our thumbs together to form a heart over my secret Blue Lovers Heart as our fingers slide in my crotch. Everyone else only sees the sexual nature of the move, but we both know what lies beneath.

Aurei whispers in my ear. "My Sweet, Wild Thang. You are mine."

I turn within his embrace to face him and put my hands around his neck. "Forever!" He pulls my ass to him and smiles into my eyes, then he kisses my lips and swats my ass once. Laughing, I stiffen and drop my hands to cup it. The crowd breaks out in laughter. He drops down, puts my waist on his shoulder and scoops me off my feet. I kick and slap his ass as he throws his free hand up, and carries me off. Everyone cracks up.

When we are clear of the dance line, he puts me down and whispers in my ear. "My rocket is ready to fire after that display." He cinches my hand and we walk back to the table.

I laugh. "Yours and everyone else's if they have blood pumping in their veins."

"You told me when you dance, there isn't a soft dick or a dry pussy in the house. Goddamn, woman, I had no idea that quote was not bragging. That is fucking fact!"

"I'm just getting warmed up. Tomorrow I'll share my pole dancing secrets. And you still have a private lap dance coming."

"We're leaving."

I look up at my Fucking Golden God.
He is so handsome, so happy right now. I'm the luckiest girl in the world!

When we reach the table, Steve is alone. He tells us that Paul and Scarlet left together and Gaby went to clock out so we say our goodbyes. Aurei picks me up again, but this time he cradles me and carries me out of the bar. "If they play another song, I might lose you to a dance. It's time to go home, my Every Thang."

I lay my head on his chest.
My Every Thang! Home! Four of the sweetest words I have ever heard.

When we are outside heading to my car away from the loud music, I can hear his heart beating. The rhythm of it, along with the comfort and security of his arms, makes me sleepy. "I'm tired. It's been an action packed 24+ hours. Can I sleep late this morning?"

"I think I'm going to sleep a long time too. I've fucked you three times already today. I think we can wait until we've had a good long sleep before we become zombies."

I smile. "I like fucking."

"I'm glad you waited for me, Sweet Thang. It makes it all the more special for us."

I cuddle with him. "I'm so glad I did too."

When he puts me in the car, I realize I have left my jacket. "Aurei, I don't remember what I did with my jacket?"

"I put it on a chair at the table. Do you need it? I can go back in and get it."

"No, it's not important. I have lots of jackets."

"I'll text Steve to grab it." He pulls his phone out.

"No, don't worry about it. If it's here on Wednesday, I'll get it then."

"Wednesday?" He asks as he straps me in.

"Yeah, for Karaoke."

"Oh yeah, Karaoke. I've got to think of a really good song to sing for you."

"You have the sexiest voice. Makes my ears tingle all the way down to my toes. It sounds as smooth as butter."

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