Unveiled Ties (Intoxicating Passion #2) (3 page)

Chapter Five-Dane

Lab today
was weird.
spoke to me, but only just so. Her
voice was flat, her tone snippy. She wasn’t happy with me, obviously. It killed
me inside, and the fact I could admit that to myself was scary as hell. The
hour long class was antagonizing painful; every look earned me a glare, every
word earned a grunt. She’d ignored every call and text the past week, not
giving me a chance to explain myself. I had to do something to fix this.


I understood
why she was upset, the betrayal she probably felt. It did appear that I
deceived her, but I didn’t. Was it so wrong that I longed for her?
Her touch, the feel of her body, the softness of her lips.
It wasn’t my fault she was so damned irresistible. If she would give me five
seconds to explain she would understand.


I wanted her


A small part
of me thought I needed her, but I pushed it away every time it crept to the
front of my mind.




Running was
a release. The uneasy feeling of never knowing if you’ll fall, if the road will
give out, or something equally terrifying as your feet pounded the pavement,
the track, wherever you chose to run. Me? I chose the gym, partly because it
was ten degrees outside and there was ice out, partly because there was really
hot women that liked to work out in barely there clothing. Seeing the sweat
start at their hairline and slowly drip down their faces, leaving a hot trail
down to their cleavage.


I was almost


No amount of
running or women could ease my mind, though.
dominated my every thought. She was every girl in the gym, her sweat what was I
imagined gliding over my body. My cock responded, causing my running to slow to
a steady jog.


“Pussy, why
are you slowing down?” a voice called from my left.


I turned to
a grinning
. “Ass, why are you watching me? You like what you see?” I
jabbed, wiggling my brows for effect.


“You know
it, baby,” he called, giving a few inappropriate gestures with his hips. Leave
it to
to make any situation awkward for others
in attendance.


Shaking my
head, I directed my attention back to my run. I finished up,
headed to spot
as he finished his workout. If I
had a best bud,
would be it. He was there for
me, never asked too many questions, and was dependable. We joked as he lifted,
our voices filling the half empty gymnasium. The sexual innuendos and the
merciless mocking gained us unwanted stares, but we didn’t give a damn.


The after
workout was even better, leading us to the bar, and more importantly, drunk,
available women.




She was beautiful.
Her body glided over mine on the compressed dance floor, her hips pressing into
all the right spaces. Each curve begged for my touch, every contour longed to
be explored.
Her mouth parted slightly,
her tongue teasing me ever so slightly as she licked her dry lips. Her eyes
were mocha
her hair dyed the same color. She
knew she was sexy, wanted, and she wasn’t afraid to use it to her


“Are you
ready for the night of your life?” she whispered in my ear, her tongue playing
with my lobe while her hand drifted to the front of my pants, openly grabbing
and playing with me in front of everyone.


I fought to gain my words. “I…uh…” I started, but stopped when she bravely
unzipped me right then and there. Her soft fingers slid in, stroking me with
promises of later, while her full lips pressed against mine with urgency. Her
hot tongue caressed my mouth, causing all thoughts to disappear.


She left me
unzipped, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the closest door we could find. A
janitor’s closet, it seemed, but I didn’t take too long to look around. She
pulled me close, her hands snaking under my shirt as she undid my pants the
rest of the way and knocked them to my feet. To my delight, she wore nothing
under her barely there dress, so as soon as I lifted her into my arms, she
pressed herself over my throbbing cock. Her slick warmth enfolded me and I
regained my senses enough to roughly press her against the door, my hands
digging deep in her ass as I secured our privacy while allowing me to move


She was wild
in every way.
Her movements, her cries, her heated kisses.
She dragged her nails over my skin again and again, the pain bringing more
pleasure than one would think possible. Experienced would be a good word to
describe her. As I thrust, I got a better look at her. She was older than I,
probably in her thirties, maybe older. I couldn’t think of that though, only of
her wrapped around my waist and the mounting satisfaction as it neared.


She brought me to ecstasy sooner than most,
only she didn’t care. She kept pressing herself to me, riding me with abandon
until we both collapsed in a heap of pleasure.
I lay there, panting, as she snuck out. She left me laying there with my
pants around my ankles and my shirt half undone. I never even heard her open
the door.


All I could
think of was how much this would hurt
if she knew.


And how right she was about me.


I made my
way back out after adjusting my appearance, and found
slumped against the bar. He was drunk, too drunk to get out of there alone, and
I knew it was time to go. I threw him over my shoulder, making my way out of
the bar. The sea of hot bodies rushed at me in every direction, almost causing
me to drop my best friend.


Pretty sure
he wouldn’t forgive me for that one.


I finally
escaped, calling a cab and getting us back to the frat house. I left him on one
of the couches as I trudged up the stairs. My heart was heavy with my guilt.
Why did I feel guilty about this? We didn’t even exchange names.


Maybe that
was my problem. Since heartbreak at the age of eighteen, I’d lived this way.
Drowning my sorrows in alcohol, satisfying my urges with women.
It was my way of life, but something about
face when she’d pegged me so correctly stood out. She knew who I was without
even talking to me. I was just another asshole in the crowd of men trying to
get in her pants.


The thought
of other men sleeping with her caused an electrical rage to flow through my
body. She deserved better, she was so much more than another lay…but wasn’t
that exactly how I was treating her?
As just another notch on
my belt?
I’d promised to make her see she was different, but other than
attempting to speak to her and a few lame texts, I’d done nothing. It was no
wonder she wanted nothing to do with me.


I really was
an asshole.


Snagging my phone, I texted her.


, I know I’ve screwed up. Please talk to me. Today was
awful. D


I threw off
my clothing, wanting the reminders of my indiscretion as far away as possible.
It was time for me to grow up, to be better,
be a
man. The ding of my phone caused my heart to speed up, though I tried to not
get my hopes up.


What’s the point? I’m not interested. K


let me explain.
I’ll come over and we’ll
talk on your terms. Please.
This is me begging you and trust
me, I’m not the begging type. D


The minutes
dragged by as I waited for a reply that may never come. I showered, scrubbing
Bar Chick’s scent off my body.
was the one I
No one else’s.
It wasn’t just because she
didn’t want me,
ship had long sailed. It was
more. Adorning just a towel, I hurried back to my room, praying for a response.


If this is what it takes for you to leave me
p.m. if you’re late, too bad, that’s it. This is your only chance, Dane. K


I imagined
my name on her pink lips, the feel of her fingers in my hair. I lay in my bed,
the same bed we’d brought each other pleasure on, and thought only of her. I
would do better. I would show her she was special, and I would find a way to
prove it over and over. Did I want a relationship with her? I didn’t know. All
that was certain at this point was that she made my heart flutter and caused my
good times to feel wrong.


She was
worth exploring.

Chapter Six-

Why did I
agree to his crazy request? What was it about Dane Davidson that made my mind
turn to mush and my thoughts to
I was certain
if a doctor examined my brain at this moment, they would find the fuzzy snow
one would see on an old TV that didn’t work. I’d turned into one of
those women
. You know the type. They
fawn all over men, convincing themselves they need one to be happy. My years
may be few, but my mind was bright. I knew the only person in this world making
happy was


So, now, I
sat. I waited. I watched the clock not moving, listened to the imaginary
crickets chirping for me. I held Elle tightly. If she was a live animal, I
would have suffocated her by now. In hours, Dane would be here, showering me
with charm and attempting to worm his way into my heart…my bed…my pants…I was
certain he would try to worm into something.


was at
work, so she’d assigned
. It consisted of giggling at my dramatic antics while
subconsciously assessing my every move to report back.
too would leave soon, abandoning me to this lonely apartment by myself until
the sexy hunk of man whore showed up.


I would be
alone with him.


The thought
frightened me.




I changed my
outfit at least three times, finally deciding on a sweater and skinny jeans. I
pulled my hair back in a ponytail, mainly because I didn’t want him to think I
was trying to impress him. I was, of course, but he couldn’t know that.


At six p.m.
on the dot there was a subtle knock at the door. My stomach jumped, making me
wonder if I wouldn’t just heave all over him once I let him in, and while the
thought entertained me, I took several breathes to calm myself.


,” he breathed, standing there looking delicious. He
casually held his jacket in his arms. His shirt was unbuttoned at the top,
giving me a glance of his silky chest, and his jeans fit in all the right


I didn’t say
anything, only moved out of the way to allow him entrance.
instructed me to play hard to get. I didn’t realize how difficult that would
be. “You can hang your coat there,” I murmured, pointing to the rack behind the
door. I motioned for him to follow, sitting on the chair closest to the couch.
Couldn’t have him sitting beside me and clouding my judgment, could we?


“Thank you
for allowing me to talk,
,” he
my name sweet on his lips.


I leaned forward, wanting to hear more. “No problem,” I breathed. Catching
myself, I pulled back, slumping against the back of the chair. Vulnerable was a
no-no, especially around this specimen.


“I’m sorry,”
he started. He sounded heartfelt, honest, but my guards were still up. “I know
it seems like it was all a ruse, but I swear it wasn’t. I didn’t know you were
coming to the party and when I saw you…” he paused, giving me the most intense
gaze of my life, “I couldn’t help myself,
. I
had to talk to you. I didn’t plan anything that happened. I don’t think you
know how beautiful you truly are,” he whispered, reaching out and grasping my


His fingers
were the fiery touch I’d longed for my entire life. His eyes bored into
reaching the depths of my soul all before he blinked.
Sincerity oozed off of him as he gently massaged my fingers. Each touch sent a
jolt to my heart, only to be sidetracked by my desire.


It appeared
I wanted Dane Davidson as badly as he wanted me.


I stood, not
completely in control of my actions, but not stopping them either. Our fingers
still connected, he watched me curiously. Using my free hand, I nudged his
shoulder back, securing my knees on either side of his body. Eyes widening, he
watched me with a small smile adorning the corner of his lips. I bent down,
leaving a kiss on that same spot, then dove right in. Our lips collided, a mix
of desire and uncertainty with each lick, suck, and caress. His mouth moved
against mine, causing the fiery heat to travel the length of my body. I pressed
my hips to his lap, groaning as the image played in my head.


Snaking my hands
in his hair, I pulled and maneuvered him. He was never close enough. His
fingers found my tresses, pulling the band from them in one swift movement,
causing the waves to cascade down my back and shoulders. He took a fistful,
pulling my head back and sprinkled kisses across my neck with his scorching


It was my


our lips, my hands found his shirt, flipping each button open. Feeling his
chest, I moaned against his lips, causing an immediate reaction. He stood with
me still locked around his waist, and fumbled with my sweater. He threw it
behind him, eyes devouring the sight before him. A trail of nibbles crossed my
collarbone before he dipped further, burying his face in my cleavage and biting
and sucking the skin between.


“Room?” he
growled, pressing me against the nearest wall to allow me to feel his growing
need against me. I responded, grinding my hips against him and pointed. We fell
through the door, giggling and losing clothing. He slammed it shut with his
foot, throwing my bra against it before dropping me on the bed.


I sat on my
knees, peeling the rest of his clothing off and enjoying the sight of his body.
Lean abs, rock hard cock, his muscles flexing as my fingers felt every dip in
his skin. He pushed me to
down, stripping me bare
in seconds.


gorgeous,” he muttered, climbing atop me and kissing me deeply. We kissed,
teased, and played until neither of us could take anymore. He slipped on a
condom, without my reminding him, and surveyed me once more. “You’re sure,


I nodded, my
fingers grabbing hold of his ass. “Just promise me something,” I said, licking
my lips.


He watched
my tongue’s every move, and agreed.


“Don’t leave
when we’re finished,” I muttered in his neck before lifting my hips and pushing
his ass closer, driving him inside me.


His voice
quivered as he nestled deep within, then he whispered, “Never.”


would be one word to describe what ensued.
An undeniable connection.
I was
intoxicated with all that was Dane. He moved in me, building and releasing me
over and over again. We went for what seemed like hours, his hard body fitting
my soft body perfectly. Every movement was perfect. He drove me over the edge
again and again, until finally we both went, screaming and moaning in pleasure.


His slick,
sweaty body lay atop mine, his lips kissing the sensitive skin behind my ear. “
…I…I don’t know what to say.”


He pulled
away and my body instantly missed his. We lay there catching our breaths, both
of us at a loss for words. Unsure of what to do, I snuggled against him, laying
my head on his shoulder.


“Dane…do you
regret it?” I questioned.


He shifted
beside me, giving me a hard glare. “NO. Do you?”


I shook my
head, granting him a small smile. “It was kind of perfect,” I admitted.

“You are
kind of perfect,” he replied, using his fingers to softly tuck the stray hairs
behind my ear.


My eyes felt
heavy, the sleep that came after an orgasm consuming me. “Will you be here when
I wake?” I whimpered, forcing myself to stay away to hear his reply.


He cuddled me tighter, running
his fingers through my hair.
“Sleep, baby.”


And I did.
The best sleep I’d had since before Christopher.




Dread. It
consumed me the second my mind was conscious. I hadn’t opened my eyes, yet I
knew I was alone. The promises Dane made came flowing back to me, and I kicked
Give him the benefit of doubt,
Securing my robe around me, I checked the bathroom.




I padded out
to the living room, the morning sun seeping in through the curtains and reminding
me of my sweater thrown on the couch.
probably saw that. I would definitely be hearing
about that later. Thorough searching of the apartment told me what my heart
already knew.


Dane lied.


He was gone.

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