Unzipped: An Urban Erotic Tale (7 page)

They ate lunch together that day, and then slowly started making it a daily habit. Pearl liked being around Cole because he was a New York homey but he wasn’t a thug or a baller in the true sense of the words. He was street, but he was also educated and he had goals and dreams. She wasn’t sprung on him or nothing, but Cole couldn’t hide the way he felt about her, and before she knew it Cole was cracking for some pussy like crazy.

The first time Pearl gave up the na-na was in her apartment after a date. Cole had taken her out to an art gallery and afterward they went back to her crib and ate some sushi. Cole ate a whole lot of stuff that night! Pearl had ended up moaning on her living-room
sofa with her legs cocked open as she wiped pussy juice all over his grill.

And Cole couldn’t eat enough of her stuff neither. His tongue had been everywhere at once as Pearl squirmed on the couch with warm cum running outta her slit like a faucet. She’d pulled Cole up to her and yelped as he slammed his dick into her, surprised at the power in his thrust. Sparks shot through her groin as he pounded her pussy meat like a real gangsta, tenderizing it as she arched her back and gripped the couch cushions in sheer pleasure.

Cole gripped her ass and thrust his tongue down her throat and Pearl tasted herself in his mouth. She sucked his tongue greedily, totally turned out as she enjoyed the sweet traces of her own pussy.

She’d flipped over eagerly at his urgings, her entire body trembling in anticipation as he lay her down on her stomach and spread her legs. Pearl almost cried as Cole nibbled softly on her ass cheeks, getting up in that booty with his kisses. By the time he slid the tip of his dick into her dark tunnel, Pearl was ready for him. She moaned and whimpered as he burrowed into her back hole, giving her just a little bit at a time, making sure she could handle it and was enjoying it as much as he was.

Pearl slid her hand between her legs as he thrust rhythmically behind her. She inserted her middle finger in her pussy and used her palm to rub and massage her tender clit. She rocked her hips forward and cupped and squeezed her pussy, then raised her ass up to meet Cole’s slow, gentle thrusts. She did this over and over again as he rodded her ass out lovely. She finger-fucked herself deeply, driving her hips into the couch, then arching her spine and tooting her round ass up to meet Cole’s back door plunge.

The orgasm that ripped through Pearl was so intense that it took her breath away. It lasted forever as it triggered Cole’s orgasm and he pushed down and seated his dick deeply into her
ass, shooting his hot load into his condom as he held on tight to her hips. Cole wanted to be up in her goodies 24/7 after that, and they became a couple and started to grow closer.

Pearl and Carlita had grown close too. Carlita was a sharp Hispanic chick from Miami, and a woman who Pearl looked up to with respect and admiration. She was quite a few years older than Pearl, but you really couldn’t tell it. Carlita was tall and extremely fit, and she had excelled in so many FBI training courses and performed in so many high-pressure positions that it was hard to find someone in the Academy who didn’t hold her in the highest regard.

Carlita had come up in a Miami slum, and she was all about the bizz. She had been married once, to an agent who had gotten his throat slashed while investigating a drug ring from Nicaragua, and instead of wallowing in pity after her husband’s murder, Carlita had become tougher and harder and more devoted to fighting drugs and crime than ever.

The two women got close while on a hostage rescue mission at a local emergency room in D.C. A young nurse was going through a divorce, and her distraught husband had flipped out and come unzipped. Screaming that he was ready to die, he barged into the emergency room with his toolies out, blasting patients and doctors alike.

He shot four people and took seventeen hostages, including his wife and five babies. Pearl was one of the eight agents who were dispatched to the scene. As a junior agent she normally would have played a minor supporting role, but the plan was to have a couple of agents pretend to be innocent and nonthreatening nursing staff who were just coming on shift.

Since Pearl and Carlita were the only two women on the team, they got the job. The gunman was bonkers and he also had help. His younger brother had come to his aid before the police got
there, and he was also armed as he helped control the terrified patients and crying babies.

It was a dangerous mission, but Pearl showed her ass. Dressed in nursing scrubs, her and Carlita had gained entry to the emergency room by crawling through the complex ventilation system, then came walking nonchalantly out of the staff’s kitchen area like they were innocently reporting to work. The gunman had quickly thrown them to the floor and taken them as hostages too, which is exactly what the women wanted him to do.

Pearl had drawn strength from Carlita’s confidence, and in moments the two agents found themselves flowing. They read each other’s nonverbal signals and seemed to have a little ESP going between them. After assessing the situation, Carlita had used her eyes to indicate that Pearl should go for the younger brother and that she would take care of the husband.

The small backpack hanging from Pearl’s back may have looked like an innocent nurse’s bag, but in reality it was an FBI-issued Attack Pak. It contained weaponry and tools designed for taking an adversary down at close range, and that’s exactly what Pearl did.

In the midst of the pile of hostages cringing on the floor, Pearl had slid her hand toward the small of her back and come out with a blow dart and a six-inch length of extendable tubing. After making eye contact with Carlita and confirming that they were still tracking at the same pace, Pearl placed the extended tubing armed with the deadly dart in her mouth and blew precisely, the ultrathin, toxin-coated mosquito needle embedding itself deeply in the younger man’s neck.

He swatted at his neck like he’d been stung by a bee, and by the time he knew what hit him the incapacitating toxins were already paralyzing his muscles.

Carlita had used a miniature crossbow and toxin-tipped arrow
on her target, and her aim was also true. Before the hostages knew what was happening, both women had leaped to their feet and taken the stunned gunmen all the way down to the ground, using the disabling hand-to-hand techniques that they both excelled at.

After that, Pearl and Carlita had been paired up on several missions. They had very similar instincts and worked well together, and while Pearl was impressed with how much Carlita knew, Carlita was also impressed by how fast Pearl learned, and how, for such a laid-back, shy young woman, Pearl attacked her targets with such determined ferocity.

They began spending some of their down time together, and Pearl found she really enjoyed Carlita’s company. She had never had a close female friend like Carlita before, even in high school. Pearl had never gotten down with most Harlem chicks. She’d grown up around dudes at No Limitz, and her only real female friends had been her sister and her mother. Carlita was a lot older than Pearl and had more of a street edge on her, but she was easy to like because she and Pearl had the same high standards. They both loved intense action and hated slackers, and neither one of them had any use for chicks who used their looks and bodies to get through life instead of using their brains.

Carlita didn’t have any kids, but she had raised her niece Zoe, who had gone to NYU and gotten a degree in sports medicine. One of Carilta’s friends had hooked Zoe up with a job as an assistant athletic trainer for the New York Knicks, but Zoe’s heart wasn’t really into sports anymore. After her uncle’s murder Zoe had developed a desire to do the same kind of meaningful work that Carlita was doing. Work that she felt would help take people like her uncle’s killer off the streets.

As a favor to Carlita, Pearl had helped Zoe fill out her FBI application. She had even written Zoe a highly praising letter of
recommendation, since family members were prohibited from endorsing potential FBI candidates.

Pearl and Carlita seemed to click on every level, but one of the few areas where they clashed was over Cole.

“He’s not good for you, mami,” Carlita complained. “Look at how he bitches up whenever we’re about to hang out together! He’s always all over you. Smothering you. Smelling your pussy! He doesn’t want anyone else to spend time with you. You should have paid better attention in profiling class, girl. That Cole could turn into a stalker.”

Pearl just laughed. Cole was harmless and Carlita was a street skeptic. It was true that he played her a little close sometimes, but Pearl knew how to shake a niggah off when she needed to. Besides, a position had recently come open in the violent crime and gangs section, and Cole had applied for it and gotten the job. They’d still be working out of the same field office, but they wouldn’t be on a rescue team together, or all up in each other’s grill every day.

“Okay.” Carlita had given in with a knowing smirk on her face. “Keep riding ya big-dicked donkey, then. But I’m watching his ass, so keep him on a string, okay? Men like Cole are too damned insecure, Pearl, and that’s never a good thing.”

Pearl loved and respected Carlita, and she trusted her instincts too. Which was probably why she played Cole to the left every now and then, just to make sure he didn’t get all up in her life like that. She had started limiting him to fucking her only on Wednesday and Friday nights, which drove Cole crazy and kept him sniffing around her all week long. And it was under these circumstances that Cole had driven her home for her birthday on the fateful Friday night that her entire world went up in flames.

amn, girl! You working that sugar cone to death. Anybody ever tell you you’ve got the sexiest fuckin’ lips on the planet?”

“Ssshh!” Pearl shushed Cole as she glanced around the ice cream shop then quickly lowered her head, hoping none of the hoodsters sitting around had heard him. This cat was so weak with his compliments that it wasn’t funny sometimes. Pearl mighta been straight outta the heart of Harlem but she was nobody’s hoodrat. She was a lady in the streets and she liked her pillow talk strictly on the pillow, even though Cole liked to talk nasty all out in public.

“Nah, nah, nah,” he said, reaching for her hand across the small sticky table. “You ain’t gotta be bashful. Learn how to take a compliment, baby. Your lips are sexy as fuck and they turn me on. I know you got a sophisticated image to protect and you don’t like nobody else hearing all that, but I’ll tell that shit to the whole
damn world.
Pearl Baines got a crazy lip game!
My baby got the bombest lips in the entire universe! Which is why …” Cole said as he stood up and walked his pretty self around the small table until he was standing in front of her.

Despite her embarrassment Pearl couldn’t stop her mouth from watering when she saw that big, hard bulge in the front of Cole’s pants.

“… which is why I want to be the only man to ever suck them pretty lips into my mouth and taste them.”

Sucking lips wasn’t the only thing Cole was good at.

Early that morning before they got on the road to come to New York, he had sucked her lips and a whole lot more than that. Pearl got hot just thinking about how King Cole had beat her stuff up real nice for her. They’d gone jogging at a nearby park just as the sun was coming up. Cole was in shape, but he had the type of body that could grow a belly real quick so he liked to run. Pearl liked to run too, and truthfully she could have outrun Cole and left his ass in the dust on one of her bad days, but she knew how fragile his ego was, so she usually held herself back and let him lead the way. They’d run for two miles down their favorite path, and instead of turning around at their usual point, Cole had grabbed her hand and pulled her off the road.

“C’mere,” he’d said, yanking her toward the grassy treeline.

“Stop!” Pearl had squealed. “Where the hell are you taking me?”

Cole laughed, a sly look in his eyes. “Quit hollering, girl. You gonna get me arrested. Just relax,” he said, pulling her deeper into the woods. “You trust me, right?”

Pearl didn’t really trust any man deep in the woods out in the middle of nowhere, Cole included. But what she did know was that she was strong enough to kick a hole in Cole’s ass if he tried to get special on her.

She let him lead her through a small clearing, and to her surprise they came out on another jogging path, right near a large wooden pavillion.

“How’d you find this?” Pearl asked as they ran up the steps and stood under the wooden rafters.

“Don’t worry about it,” Cole said, sitting down on the narrow perimeter bench. “I know how to find a whole lot of shit.”

Pearl couldn’t believe it when he pulled down his running shorts and his sand-colored dick was already hard. It was light brown and beautiful, with a nice mushroom head and strong veins running all along the sides. Cole jacked it slowly with his hand, then took hers and used it as a replacement.

“Yeah,” he’d moaned. “Stroke King Cole just like that.”

Cole lifted Pearl’s shirt as her hand moved rhythmically in his lap. The morning air drifted over her damp breasts and her caramel-toned nipples stiffened in the breeze. Cole pulled her closer and rubbed them between his thick fingers, making her moan and squeeze her thighs together with pleasure.

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