Up in Flames [The Heroes of Silver Springs 10] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (15 page)

“Yep, we’re talking the three of them living happily ever after.” She frowned. “Except, they really can’t, you know, and it’s really sad. I mean, they’re in love, they’re content with sharing one another, and yet they’ll never be able to get married because that would be polygamy. Forget that as gay men, even two of them couldn’t get married in ninety percent of the states in our country. How many heads do you think would roll if
gay men tried to unite in holy matrimony?”

“More than anyone could count. And you’re right, it is sad. It’s not anyone’s business except the men involved if they fall in love with another man or several of them, as far as that goes. We’ve got men and women puttin’ their lives on the line for our freedom every day, yet we aren’t given the freedom to love who we choose.”

Terri stared at him. This man wasn’t just male perfection wrapped in a long, lean body of pure sex appeal. He had brains, integrity, and opinions she could definitely back. “You know you just earned some major serious points with me for not being homophobic, right? And, for not being revolted by my best bud being committed to a ménage relationship.”

“As much as I like hearin’ I’m earning points with you, I said all of that ’cause I meant it.” He leaned forward, propping both elbows on the table. “Now, knowin’ what I do about your tolerance, how do you feel about what they’re plannin’ to do with Silver Island out there?” He jerked his head toward the water across the street.

Silver Island was fifteen miles off the coast of Silver Springs. Terri didn’t know much about the history of the island, only that it was privately owned, and the land was now being developed.

“They, meaning the island’s owners?” Terri made a face. “Should I be embarrassed to admit I don’t have a clue what the plans are?”

Amusement sparked in Gage’s eyes. “Not much for watchin’ the news, huh?”

“It bores me.”

He laughed. “Yeah, me, too, most of the time. They, meanin’ the island’s owners,” he clarified with a wide grin, “who go by the last name of Winters, by the way. They’re turnin’ part of it into a vacation resort. The rest will be for full-timers. Islanders, I guess you’d call ’em. The resort is nearly finished. Apparently, the island’ll have its own police and fire department and housing for the full-time residents, as well.”

“That island is smack in the Gulf of Mexico. Aren’t they worried about those beasts of storms we get now and then that the National Weather Service calls hurricanes?”

Gage lifted a shoulder and relaxed back in his seat again. “From what I’ve heard, they’ve taken pains to build everything on the island as hurricane proof as possible. It’s been four years since we’ve had a major hurricane. The Winters family has bought out a part of the docks here in Silver Springs, too. It’s going to be the hub of Silver Island Excursions.”

“So, they can ferry people from here out to the island.” Terri pursed her lips. “This could turn out to be pretty damn cool.”

“You haven’t heard the coolest part yet. The tolerance level on Silver Island is off the charts.”

Terri felt her lips spread into a wide grin. “In other words, gay men and women will be accepted there.”

Gage shook his head. “I’m sure they will, but that’s not what I’m talkin’ about. Ménage relationships are not taboo on Silver Island. As a matter of fact, those who wish to live there’ll even have the freedom to wed if they desire.”

Terri’s jaw dropped, and she flung herself back in her chair. “No shit!” Her thoughts immediately shifted to Thaddeus, Adrien, and Cameron. Oh, and she couldn’t forget Max’s sister Rayne with Cory and Ford. While she’d hate to lose so many of her friends, she couldn’t help but feel excited for them. At least there was one part of their world, even if it was only a small island, that was finally getting a true open mind.

Chapter Six


“I should get going.”

Max watched Regina as she pushed herself away from the counter, turned, and twisted the knob on the tap to rinse her coffee cup in the sink. He straightened while her back was to him and moved in. It probably wasn’t a good idea to take the chance on ruining what, so far, had been a very friendly, polite visit, but damn if he could stop himself.

“Thanks for—” Her words changed to a quick intake of breath as she turned back around and found him standing so close. Her head tipped back slightly as she looked up at him, her light-blue eyes suddenly swimming with a mixture of alarm and intense arousal.

It was too surreal having her in his apartment this way, in his freaking kitchen. The fact that she hadn’t once snapped at him since walking inside only ratcheted the oddity of the morning higher on the charts.

And here you go pushing it.

Yeah, she was liable to bare her teeth at him now, but, hell, he was only human. Worse, he was a man. He gazed down at her, his attention dancing over the freckles tracking across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose before landing on her mouth. Her lips were parted, and he stood close enough to feel the warmth of her quickened breaths fanning his chin.

“Thanks for stopping by.”

“I wasn’t sure it was such a good idea.” The corners of her lips twitched in a hint of a smile, and dammed if his dick didn’t flex in response. The woman had one of the sexiest mouths he’d ever set his lips on. And boy howdy, the mere memory of kissing those lips had his dick on the verge of starting the tango in his sweatpants, it flexed so violently. “We’ve never exactly had the kind of acquaintanceship that would permit one stopping by the other’s place of residence unannounced.”

“What about now?” Max wanted to wrap his arms around her. He wanted to pull her close. He shoved his hand in his pockets, instead, deciding he’d invaded her personal space enough for the moment. “Are you still concerned it might have been a bad idea?”


It was stupid how that single, confidently spoken word sent a tsunami of relief crashing through his system.

“It is time for me to go, though. Like
. Staying any longer will be a very,
bad idea.”

Max had left her just enough room between his body and the counter at her back to sidestep her way out of the space. Two strides put her standing at the doorway that would lead her into the short hall and then the living room and out his front door. He wondered if she knew she had the body of a sex kitten. He wondered if she would credit him with the restraint of a saint if she knew how tightly he was holding on to the thin thread of his self-control right now.

He balled his hands into fists in his pockets, preventing himself from grabbing her by her shoulders. He wanted to spin her around, pin her against the doorframe, and sample every inch of her sultry body as if it were an all-he-could-eat buffet.

“Tell me something before you go, Gina.” His words stopped her in midstep. He saw her shoulders rise and fall in a shaky breath before she turned to look at him, one brow lifted in question. “Whatever gave you the idea that I’m such a pig?”

She bowed her head briefly, shaking it, and sighed. “You’re not a pig, Max.”

“No, I’m a man.”
A man who wants you with every fiber of his being.
“See, there’s one thing I’ve never exactly figured out. Why do you spend so much time going for my throat? You haven’t this morning,” he added quickly when she opened her mouth to speak. “This morning has definitely been a first or, well, a second seeing as you didn’t kill me the other night. Usually you’re baring your teeth at me like a pit bull ready to turn me into bacon strips.”

She made a face. “Dogs don’t know it’s not bacon?”

Max snorted and briefly closed his eyes. “Cute, but it’s not an answer. What did I do to possess you to knit me up so tight in this chauvinistic blanket you keep me wrapped in most of the time?”

She lifted a finger. “For the record, I can’t knit for shit. I’ve tried, but I never could get the needles and the yarn to do what they’re supposed to.”

Max gave her a withering look.

“Oh, all right.” She puffed out a breath. “I thought you were both a chauvinist and a pig when I first met you, but I know you really aren’t. You’re a good man, Max. You can still be an insufferable nuisance at times,” she added with a grin, “but you’re a good man, a good colleague, and, well, you’re turning out to be a good friend, too.”

Damn it. Just when he was making progress, she had to go and throw that fucking “friend” card at him.

“Friend?” He tossed it back to her, keeping his gaze steady on her eyes. Her mouth was saying one thing, but those incredible eyes were telling him so much more.

“Friend.” She said it again. She even added a sharp nod along with the word this time.

Max scratched his chin. “Yesterday morning in the garage at Mr. G’s…” He shook his head. “That didn’t feel like friendship to me.”

“Yesterday morning in the garage at Mr. G’s should’ve never happened. The other night in the living room at my house shouldn’t have happened either.” She flattened a hand over her forehead and then raked the hand over her fiery red hair. “We were working yesterday morning. We were at a crime scene, Max. And, the other night, God.” She rolled her eyes. “I was so freaking plowed I’m surprised I even remember it.”

“I didn’t take advantage of you that night,” Max said tightly. “Don’t try to say I did.”

“No.” She shook her head as her hand fell to her side. “You didn’t. I do remember that much. I remember it all. I came on to you that night. I started it. I kissed you. I pulled you inside my house. I take full responsibility for all of it.”

“You wouldn’t have anything to take responsibility for if I hadn’t wanted it, Gina.”

“You left.” The way she said it made it almost sound like an accusation.

Max blinked at her, baffled. “Are you honestly going to stand there and try to tell me you weren’t about to order me out of your house anyway?”

“Yes. No.” She threw her head back on her shoulders and made a sound somewhat akin to a growl. “Hell, I don’t know.”

“You’re like a stick of dynamite. One touch, I light the fuse, and you turn to fire in my arms. But if I don’t touch you, you’re cold ninety percent of the time. I’m not a yo-yo, Regina.”

Her lips twitched in another hint of a smile. “That might be up for debate.”

“Infuriating woman,” Max grumbled and raked a hand over his hair. “That’s not what I meant. The last couple of days, you keep pulling me closer and then pushing me away. It’s driving me nuts.”

“Then stop getting so close,” she fired back.

“Believe me, I would if I didn’t want you so fucking bad.”

Her eyes widened at that, sheer shock consuming her ivory face. “Don’t say that,” she whispered. “Christ, I’ve got to get out of here.”

She started to turn, and Max shot a hand out, catching her upper arm. He spun her back around. He loosened his grip, not wanting to hurt her, but needing her to stay. “Not until we finish this. Please.”

She stared at him, her heart in her eyes, and the pain he saw constricted his chest. “I can’t allow myself to get tangled up with you.” She said it so softly he was certain, if he hadn’t been standing so close to her, he wouldn’t have heard it. “My head is fucked up enough right now. I don’t need anything else screwing it up.”

“Is your head fucked up over me?” His was damn sure fucked up over her. Geezus, he could barely get her out of his head long enough to concentrate on his job. His time off the clock was a whole different ball game. She’d consumed his thoughts for so long, he could hardly remember a time when she wasn’t constantly on his mind.

“Yes.” Her whispered admission shocked the hell out of him. “But I can control this,” she said, her voice rising to normal pitch and gaining a strength and confidence that threatened to drive a nail into Max’s coffin. “I can deal with it as long as you back away.”

“Ah, baby.” Max let go of her arm and cupped her cheek in his palm. “Did it ever occur to you that, if you let yourself be with me, you wouldn’t have to control it anymore, you wouldn’t have to deal with anything?”

She jerked her head back, effectively removing his hand from her cheek. “What, and have a one-night stand with a man who might as well be my colleague?” She made a raspberry sound with her lips. “Yeah, like that would help. Then, I’d be left worrying about someone finding out I did it.”

Max drew his brows together. Was that what she really thought? “I’m not talking about a one-night stand, Gina.”

Her brows arched over eyes now full of interrogation. “Oh? Then what are you talking about, Max?”

Max opened his mouth, but no words came out. It was a damn good question, one he wasn’t sure how to answer.

The smile that spread across her sultry lips was sardonic as hell. “That’s what I thought.” She took a step back. “Thanks for listening this morning. I really needed a friend, and, surprisingly enough, you filled that void. I’ll see you later, Max.”

She was halfway to the front door before he recovered enough to scramble after her. “Damn it, Gina. Wait.”

She didn’t. She kept right on walking. Her hand was on the doorknob, preparing to open the door, by the time he reached her.

He flattened a hand on the door and felt it push against his palm when she attempted to open it. Then, he watched as she gave up and rested her forehead on the wood.

Max curled his fingers around her upper arms and closed the distance between their bodies. He felt her trembling against him and heard her breathing so quickly he feared she might start to hyperventilate.

He dipped his head, nuzzling his lips against her ear. “Please don’t leave like this.”


* * * *


Regina squeezed her eyes shut and struggled to find her strength. It had left her the instant he touched her. It frightened her to realize he’d shattered the last grains of her resistance simply by closing his hands on her upper arms, pressing the front of his body to her back, and speaking so huskily in her ear.

She couldn’t take it anymore. She’d been so strong for so long. She’d called on a bitchy, unreasonable part of herself that wasn’t even a true part of her character. All of it had still landed her right here with Max Jasper, the only men she’d ever met who could destroy her.

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