Vaewolf: Damn the Darkness: The Prophecy's Promise (Hearts of Darkness Book 3) (6 page)

He gripped the witch’s arm and turned her to face him. He’d find out what he could about the warlock, and uncover more details about the demons from Tanya, later. For now, he’d coerce whatever answers he could from the witch. “Where’s your coven?”

She gave him the name of a township in Michigan, up north on the upper-peninsula. He’d need to send a party north to explore the area and check out the pack leader. The area was under his control, though he wasn’t sure who managed that section of the country, he did know it spanned all the way into Canada.

“Your name?”


“Well, Tess, what about this box you brought with you and the stone?” Jackson ignored his nakedness and picked up the witch’s stone then inspected the demons’ package.

“Not much. I think they’re some kind of herbs to build the blood, and seeds to grow more plants.” She shrugged.

“What of the stone?”

“It’s a moonstone. Many carry semi-precious gems to enhance mental acuity.”

“This one looks old, ancient in fact. What do the demons need with a fae relic?”

The witch shrugged again. “I guess that information is above my pay grade.”

Jackson had questions and the witch didn’t seem to have the answers he needed. A moonstone and a package full of herbal concoctions. What did the witches need with the herbs and who exactly ordered the herbs from Nicodemus Jones for the Witch’s Brew. Since Tess had no other details, Jackson would glean their connection some other way.

Within minutes, a few more stray members of the Louisiana wolf pack appeared. At his command, they cuffed the demons with iron, then hustled them away. Jackson stalked off into the night with five pack members still in wolf form, following closely behind. The wolf pack needed to return to the compound in St. Loupe Parrish, and Jackson had to share this attack report with Garr and Dylan. They were more experienced, with information and contacts Jackson hadn’t met with yet.

The stone object in the box and the herbs in the package still puzzled him. Apparently they were of value to either the demons or the witches, or perhaps someone else. He didn’t recognize the herbs from these parts, but there were plenty of witches under his care who would be able to figure out their importance. After seeing the exchange between the demons and the witch, Jackson hoped Garr might recognize the significance of the outlaw warlock exchanging a fae relic for herbs from the Underworld. If not, surely someone on the council would know the significance.

Mixing witches and demons was bad mojo, especially after the last incident with Dylan’s mate, Caitlin. Until they figured out what the demons were doing in their realm, everyone would be on edge.

Jackson felt an uncomfortable presence as shadows lengthened, gray on gray in the bayou, approaching sundown. Hard to tell what caused his discomfort, but he would remember the way it felt. Not threatening, just interested. Time in the dense underbrush was impossible to determine from the light. Jackson’s vampire senses told him when to expect the sun to set, and the wolf within him knew when to expect the moon to rise. As soon as he oversaw the securing of the prisoners in their temporary camp, he moved away and out of hearing of the others.

“Garr, we captured a couple of demons—no different ones. And a witch shifter from the upper-peninsula doing a little business out here.” Jackson filled Garr in with the details and the big Lycan agreed to call Dylan and arrange a meeting at the estate.

Sang Froid
estate and the surrounding Parrishes are practically impregnable to attack or escape—a more secure place than St. Loupe to permanently house the prisoners until we decide what to do with them. No?”

“I agree. We’re resting here until dark, then I’ll head back with the pack.” Jackson would be relieved to turn this problem back over to more experienced hands. “Don’t worry about the witch. I took her blood and got a name.”

Once he’d tasted her blood, the witch couldn’t escape him. He’d be able to track her anywhere. He wasn’t as comfortable with the demons. Dylan and his group of hybrids out at the estate had a better handle on the demon infiltration into the bayou.

“I don’t know much about demons.”

Until his encounter with Amyra, his father’s half sister, and the group who breached the portal, he never met a demon. Jackson’s gut instincts put Amyra in the middle of all this, even if she was trapped serving her punishment. He’d done his part to spare her life, but if the consequence of keeping her alive meant the upheaval of the world he’d soon inherit, he’d have to rethink their familial attachment.

No leader could condone insurrection within his ranks, especially not from the closest to him. Dylan had made that clear the day Jackson voted down the council’s death sentence for Amyra. The warning suggested Jackson might live to regret his decision He might, but he believed his father would have voted the same way.

Niccolai spent eons trying to make up for the abuse their father heaped on his half sister, and Jackson wasn’t comfortable second guessing his father’s reasons for saving the evil woman’s ass. When Niccolai returned, he would be the one to absolve Amyra’s sins...or take her immortal life. Jackson hoped her imprisonment would be enough until that day came. Restless concern forced Jackson to reconsider his plans.

“Break camp. We’re heading home,” Jackson shouted. No one argued. The wolves assumed their Were forms to escort the prisoners. The witch slowly stood, testing the bindings holding her, then touched the necklace. The torque prevented her from shifting.




Chapter Seven

Sang Froid Estate


Once inside their house in
Sang Froid
, relief flooded Caitlin’s senses. Each room was well lit, cool, and inviting, but when she glanced up to thank Dylan for his help to the couch, he was flushed and perspiring almost as badly as she was.

“You? You’re sweating...and trembling. What is it?”

“Your growing sexual need. As your mate, it also affects me.” He gathered her hips closer and ground his against hers. “Feel what you do to me.” His lips curled into a grin and his eyes held a naughty gleam. “A life mate can’t refuse to satisfy the hunger his partner craves.” He kissed the tip of her nose, and his expression sparkled with sexual promise. “And you know I would never deprive you of anything, anyway.”

“Imagine that,” she whispered with a breathy edge to her words. As soon as his breath fanned her lips, relief washed over her for more than one reason. Her enhanced senses told her no one was in this side of the house, but in her present state, a welcoming committee wouldn’t have stopped her from climbing the man’s bones.

Lowering his head at a maddeningly slow rate, Caitlin sighed when he finally brushed his lips over hers. But before she could react, the light kiss changed. Desire exploded, and his mouth plundered hers.

He’d barely paused to pull his shirt over his head before he locked his lips back on hers, and as his tongue drove into her mouth the way she wanted his body to fill her, he tore off her clothes.

Once the kiss started, she couldn’t stop touching him, exploring his body as if she were searching for a lifeline. She quickly unzipped his pants, and when they were both completely naked, skin to skin, Dylan stilled her frantic hands.

“Slowly this time, love. We’ve time, all the time in the world.”

“Uh well, I hate to burst your bubble, but Shelby should be here soon.”

“She’ll wait.” He kept his focus on her mouth.

Caitlin glanced at their surroundings. “Then perhaps we should move out of the entry to someplace more private. If she arrives and rings the bell, won’t someone from the staff answer it?”

“Aye, you’re right.” He kissed his way to her ear and added, “Perhaps we shouldn’t leave our trail of clothes behind, either. All that evidence.”

“You’re teasing me. They all know what’s happening between us. Right?”

“Right.” Dylan laughed. “It’s part of the bonding process. Someday you should ask Shelby what happened when she went through stasis.”

“Isn’t that a bit personal?”

“No. She’s your maker. She’ll share what she can to make you more comfortable during your transition.”

He held her hands and kept her from moving as he gazed down at her with such longing she wondered what he was waiting for. She needed his hands and his mouth on her—his heat inside her.

“Ye are so verra lovely. I want to savor every moment with you.” There it was, the old thick brogue. Her Highland warrior was fully aroused. The sound of his rolling r’s sent fingers of desire to Caitlin’s lower regions. And knowing full well how his light touch affected her, he brushed the back of his hand across her pointed nipples and watched them tighten further.

When her body reacted, he smiled with the devilish half grin she loved almost as much as his scowl.

“A smug, self-satisfied Highlander, eh?” She mimicked him, her own voice husky with emotion.

“Aye.” He nuzzled her neck. “You’re mine, lass. I’m verra smug and verra self-satisfied.”

If he explored a bit lower and discovered the moisture between her thighs, he’d have even more to smile about. God, she was ready for him—hot and desperate after just one kiss. And his rakish expression could melt the panties off the Mother Superior of St. Mary’s.

Of course, there were other things arousing about him besides the pitch of his voice when it dropped an octave or two. Yes, it made her squirm, and as she’d already noted, his thickened brogue never failed to send her heart into her throat. But then when he resorted to whispering Scottish words of endearment... Well, really? Could any woman resist all that and his talented hands, too? Never.

“Open yer mind to me.” He stood deathly still, taking rough, ragged breaths with measured control—touching and caressing every inch of her with his gaze. What should have sounded like an order was more of a plea.

How could she resist? Did she dare give up so much after his earlier warning? The image of him she held in the deepest recesses of her heart surfaced in her mind, and she opened to him—gave up her thoughts, private misgivings, insecurities, and the intensity of the desperate love she felt for him—all for his pleasure. He sent his appreciation for her selfless sacrifice and giving him her trust in such a fashion. Then he returned the trust by sharing what he held in his mind. Admiration, not just for her beauty, but for her soul. His desire, a desire beyond measure, poured into her through their open link, and when she sensed how much she meant to him, her heart began to race. The intimacy was unmatched by anything she had ever imagined. The more their thoughts entwined, the more she wanted this moment never to end.

Then Dylan scooped her up into his arms as if she weighed nothing and carried her to their bedroom.


The overwhelming need for her soul mate consumed Caitlin.

She opened her mind so Dylan would know how important his love and devotion were to her, even more than his touch. Her needing scent rose, and his normally light eyes paled even more as he fought for control. In the next moment, to her great satisfaction, he lost all self control.

He went all wild berserker on her—spread her legs wider with his knee, cupped her hips, and lifted, and then, supporting her weight in his hands, impaled her on his thick, hard length in one quick single movement.

Expecting him to take her to bed, surprise had her catching her breath when he turned and slammed her back against the door to the bedroom. Holding her in place with his body, he drove up deeper inside her. The old, blinding ache she’d been experiencing resonating within her core mellowed into anxious gratification as he filled her.


He was inside her again, where he belonged. Along with having him fill her completely mind and body, excitement built at the thrill of sending him out of control. Her lips turned up as she contemplated other methods of pleasing him.

Mind and body, she experienced his desperation, a need as great as her own, a desire so overwhelming only their bond could satisfy it.

Maintaining their mental link, he pumped methodically, slowly and steadily before increasing his speed and depth with rapid pistoning movements. The friction sent flickers of fire coursing through her blood, and feeling overwhelmed, she gasped out his name.

“Too much? Too rough?”

“No. Don’t stop. Nothing with you is too much, and now I’m strong enough to withstand anything—everything. Take me. Hard. I love it.”

She sent her desire and her appreciation for what he shared with her into his mind, then took all he gave. Her heart overflowed with love for him, and her body embraced him. Her inner walls squeezed, tightened, then gripped him with her threatening orgasm.

Dylan ordered and tossed his head back, exposing his thick, corded neck.

The sight of the pulse beating in his throat was more than she could resist. Even though she tried to fight the hunger, all sense of humanity faded from her soul. The hunger consumed her. Blood was all she could think about as her fangs descended and she struck.

A moment of guilt washed through her, but then she heard Dylan’s voice in her mind.

“Take what you need. Take all of me. I am yours.”
His words touched her mind like a vow.

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