Read Valiant Heart Online

Authors: Angela Addams

Tags: #werewolf;The Order of the Wolf;Hunter;Huntress

Valiant Heart (18 page)

“Put my sword down and get me some fucking bandages, Greer.”

Chapter Twenty-Three

Everything Has a Price

Surprisingly, Greer did what I'd asked and once everyone had been cleaned up, bandaged up, things settled into a calming lull. I left Lance sleeping in a thicket of nettles and brush, a cozy little bed I'd found one of the times I'd stopped here on a hunt. It was away from the camp, had given me solitude when I'd needed it. And right now, that was what Lance needed. Peace. Silence. Rest.

I found Greer standing sentry, eyes alert to any movement within the forest.

“Things are not as they seem.” She nodded in my direction. “You have some holes to fill in.”

“We're being attacked by beasts who have died.” I crossed my arms as I came to her side, looking straight ahead as she did. “I was attacked by mine, Ella by hers, and Cat by hers. I'm wondering if Paige wasn't attacked by hers as well.”

“But how?” Greer bit her bottom lip.

“Someone is bringing them through. Someone with bigger plans.”

Greer looked at me finally. “What do you know?”

I shifted to the side, finding a log to sit on, my body weary, needing rest while my brain had other ideas. “Artemis called me to her realm. She told me that she is unhappy with how fragmented all of our factions are. The Order, the Hunters, our tribe; our segregation from one another is making us weak.”

“We live to serve her.” Greer turned to face the trees again, eyes scanning. “What else did she say?”

“She wants more Huntresses to bond with their Hunters. She wants unity.”

Greer scoffed. “Are you sure you were talking to Artemis? Goddess of Independence?”

I nodded. “It was her.” I reached over my shoulder and pulled my sword from its sheath. “She gave me this, remember?”

Greer's eyes snapped to the blade, awe once again clearly written on her face. She wanted it and I didn't blame her.

“She gave me this sword to sever the bonds of Huntresses who are trapped in dangerous unions. She says that the Huntress/Hunter bond should be one that builds and gives strength. It should not be something that is detrimental to anyone.”

And now that I thought about it, she had been far more sentimental than I would expect for a Goddess of the hunt, of wild freedom, unencumbered by any man.


I frowned as I looked down at the sword, twisting it to the side. “She told me that when the bond is severed by this blade, by this side—” I pointed to the bronzed edge “—the Huntress will be free of her bond, retaining all her powers, leaving her open to find love again I suppose.”

But only the love of her beast. My frown deepened. It had all made sense when Artemis said it but now, my words rang with uncertainty.

“And she chose you to wield it?” Greer's tone suggested incredulity.

It kind of pissed me off, shifting my doubtful thoughts away from Artemis's unusual behavior.

“Yes, she did.” I slid the weapon back into its sheath. Damn right she had. A natural born leader, that's what she'd said. One craving a position of authority, suited to it, in fact.

“So we can use it on Kelly once she has found Andrew. After we neutralize him.”

“No, we can't. Artemis said that Kelly has a prophecy in her that can only be accessed with Andrew's help.” I sighed when Greer shot me a confused look. “It's a prophecy that can change things in a bad way according to Artemis, and I'm beginning to wonder if these beasts coming back from the dead are connected to that.”

“How so?” Greer frowned. “What does Andrew have to do with all this?”

“I have no idea but my gut is saying it's all tied together somehow.”

Greer ran her hand over her lips, her brow furrowed. “If someone is bringing beasts back, we've got bigger problems than Andrew. One or two isn't an issue, but fuck, they could bring a whole damn army back and then we'd be screwed. The current numbers of beasts are hard to manage as it is.”

“Artemis said that the prophecy was a game changer in some way,” I said as I nodded in the direction of camp. “So Kelly needs to keep the bond with Andrew, at least until she has that prophecy.”

“And then, once she does, we can sever the bond and initiate her fully into the tribe. Artemis's desire for unity will come with our Amazon tribes. Andrew abused Kelly's trust, he deserves punishment for that.” Greer speared me with a hard look. “You've been chosen as a champion but nothing comes without a price. What's yours?”

I gulped, shifted my eyes away. “I have to sever my bond with Lance, rid myself of any feelings for him.” I shifted my stance, ready to put the sword back into its sheath.

“And?” Greer snorted. “Isn't that the plan anyway? I don't really see the problem with that. Here.” She reached for the sword. “Give it to me, I'll sever it for you right now.”

“No!” I sidestepped and pulled away. “There's another price.”

Greer smirked. “Not surprised.”

“Lance will become human again. He'll lose his Hunter mark.” I took another step back. “I don't think I can do that to him.”

“So you're willing to disobey Artemis for your Hunter? You're willing to turn down an appointed role as champion to wronged Huntresses for this man? What the hell has happened to you?” Greer's tone was bitter.

I felt the brunt of her disapproval, her disappointment.

“Artemis wasn't clear about what she wanted me to do. She said I could be a role model for bonded Huntresses as well. She said I had a choice to make. That she wouldn't force me into anything.”

“Yes, the Gods do love to give choices. I think it makes their eternal existence more exciting or something.” Greer snickered cruelly. “The fact that you're even considering it is disturbing.”

“She said that I need Lance to regain my powers fully. That he would make me stronger.” Why was I arguing this with her? Like I was trying to convince her…or convince myself, perhaps.

“Well, that could mean the immediate trouble you're having, Ariana, not a long term expectation. So, go, regain your powers, and then become the champion. You've vowed yourself to Queen Val, you've coveted leadership. You've been wronged by a Hunter, your own father. This is your role to take. So grasp it fully and with a clear conscience. This is what Artemis wants you to do.”

Or this is what you want me to do,
I thought angrily. Lead by someone else's agenda, that was also what Artemis has said—governed by vengeance and anger.

“Go to your Hunter, regain your powers. It's your duty to your tribe. You're useless to me without them.” She dismissed me with a wave of her hand.

You're useless to me without them

Ironic, considering she'd been the one to take them in the first place.

But I didn't argue. With a nod I turned from her, heading back to do my duty.

At least, that was the plan. I couldn't do it though. One look at Lance sleeping so soundly and I couldn't bear to wake him, even if it was in the guise of pleasure. I dragged myself into the little cove, finding my own energy finally waning beyond endurance. This gorgeous man was sleeping in my space, and creeping into my heart inch by inch. I ran my fingers along his brow, easing the frown that was etched there. With a deep sigh, I curled into myself, back to him so I wouldn't touch him again, and willed myself to sleep.

Lance awoke feeling okay.

Not great but recovering. He groaned, raised his arms above his head to stretch, winced as the wounds on his arm pulled. He brought them back down to examine. Not too bad. The tracks from the beast's claws were raw looking, red, weeping some lymph but not bleeding and no longer gaping. He might actually end up with scars this time.

Scars were hot, right?

He looked at Ariana curled up next to him, her body removed from his though, like she'd moved away on purpose. She was so damn closed to him. So resistant to their bond. It was almost enough to give a guy a complex.

He rolled over, snuggling his body up against hers, curling along her spine as he slipped his arm around her waist. She mumbled in her sleep but didn't pull away. Good sign.

He slipped his hand under her shirt, just to touch her skin. His hand flattened against her stomach, fingers registering how silky soft it was, itching to stroke, but he kept his hand still and enjoyed her closeness, her warmth.

“You looking for another injury, Hunter?” Her voice was gruff, still edged by sleep.

He chuckled. “If I was looking for that, I'd be doing this.” He shifted his hand up to palm her breast.

She didn't swat him away. Another good sign.

He shifted closer, prodding her with his cock against her ass as he nuzzled her neck. “Or this,” he murmured between kisses.

She moaned this time. And then turned, rolling so she could face him. “Lance?” Her eyes were still hooded by sleep. She licked her lips. “I need you.”

Those words were too good to be true. He didn't think too hard on it. Instead, he lowered his mouth to hers, kissing her slowly, tenderly. She kissed him back, her hands slipping to his pants, unbuttoning him, pulling his cock out to caress and stroke and drive him into a frenzy.

They undressed, clothes coming off quickly, naked bodies pressed together, fingers touching, flicking, rubbing. When he sank into her, his cock driving deep and slow, he felt something snap into place. She was accepting him. He could feel it. Just a little bit more.

“Ariana,” he moaned as he pulled his lips from hers, staring at her, trying to convey everything he was feeling.
My Huntress. My soul mate. Mine.
“Stay with me.”

She blinked up at him, her body moving as his did. She gave him a sad kinda smile and then closed her eyes as she arched her back.

He frowned, all but stilled his movement. What was that? Rejection.


She ran her hands down his back, gripping his ass, urging him to keep thrusting.

He lifted his hand to her face, turning her chin toward him. “Open your eyes.”

She did as he asked. Her pupils dilated. “Don't ruin this, Lance. Please, I need you.” She ran her fingers along the side of his face, brushing his hair aside. “Bond with me again, but don't ask me for more right now.”

His frown deepened; he knew what this meant.

She leaned up, kissing him, tongue inside, coaxing him as she undulated beneath him. She pulled her lips away. “Bond with me again, Lance. I need this.”

He shifted inside of her, rolling his hips. He laid his hand on her breast, fingers moving to mark her as he had in haste so many days before. This time he went slowly. “I give myself to you, my Huntress, with a vow of protection that no beast shall put asunder. Take all of me and use me as you will. And I will love you for eternity.”

Nothing felt different for him. The bond on his side was fully intact, but Ariana jolted once it was complete, her body vibrating as energy seemed to surge through her.

And then the overwhelming urge to mark her in other ways completely took over and he flexed his hips, pumping into her until she cried out with release, her pussy clenching him so fiercely that he almost believed she was claiming him too.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Complicated Web

It was early, too early to be splashing my face with ice-cold stream water and yet here I was, shocking my system into full awareness.

Damn Lance and his vows. Damn him and those words he'd uttered. Words tangled up in his vow. The words I'd only ever heard from my mother. Words no man had ever dared speak to me.

It was too much. And so I'd run at the earliest opportunity. When his soft snores had threatened to make me doze as well, I'd extracted myself from his embrace and had come here.

Cold water dripped down my neck and I shivered. Lance's words unwittingly came back again and again.

I will love you for eternity.

I didn't want that. Right?

I glanced down at the sword, still in its sheath. I'd laid it next to me while I washed. I had the means to end this fucked up situation once and for all.

I'd vowed loyalty for eternity to my tribe.

And, in his heart, Lance had vowed loyalty for eternity to me.

Such a complicated web.

And I couldn't deny that I felt something for him. He'd saved Ella. He'd given me my powers back. Just as he'd said he would, he brought me strength, bolstered me. That had to count for something. Artemis wanted strong unions. Eternally strong. Could I get that from Lance? Would I give that to him in return? Could I turn my back on the tribe, on Queen Val? I just didn't know anymore. I couldn't isolate myself like that. To place all your happiness, all your hopes and dreams on one man.

No. I shook my head. I had too much to lose.

I sighed as I reached for my sword, letting my fingers play along the hilt. The sound of a twig snapping behind me had me snatching it up.

“I thought I'd be the only one up at this time.” Kelly came into view, her face looking worn, dark circles under her eyes.

I settled the sword back to the ground, relaxing to once again face the water.

She crouched at the water's edge, cupping her hands to take a sip.

“How's Ella?” I murmured, not really wanting to have a conversation, not really wanting to leave either.

“She's doing well and her color is good, breathing strong.” Kelly smiled. “Lance saved her life. He's remarkable.”

I wanted to scoff, but I couldn't deny it. “Yep.”

“He would honor you forever, you know.” She looked toward the water and I returned my gaze there as well.

“I know.”

“Finding his mate has always been his goal. His whole purpose for staying with the Order. There was a time when I think he would have left. The Order's teachings weren't always in line with his beliefs.” She snickered softly. “But then he always was a bit of a rule breaker.”

“I gathered that.” I felt my lips curling into a smile and forced it back. I didn't want to be having this conversation with her. I didn't want to like her either.

“I thought that maybe something might happen between him and me. Wanted something to, actually.” She ran her fingers wistfully through the mud just at the water's edge.

A flare of jealousy burned through me. I picked up my sword, swung it over my shoulder. I didn't want to know. As I began to stand, her hand flashed out to grip my arm, stopping me from moving.

She pinned me with a steady look. “But that was just a silly fantasy. I need Andrew back. Lance, he's always been a good friend to me, but that's all it will ever be.”

“He loves you.”

She smiled, shook her head, removed her hand from my arm. “Yes, but not the way he'll love you if you let him. We both lost Andrew, my mate and Lance's friend. We both felt like our worlds were spinning out of control. We got closer because of that, but Lance has always been a good friend to me, he's always looked out for me. We both knew, really in our hearts, that we would never be truly happy if we crossed the line. It was never meant to be.”

“I've vowed to the tribe.” I didn't know why I was telling her anything. Why was I uttering these words? “My sisters have given me everything I've needed. They've been there for me, right from the very start, when I needed them, fighting alongside me always. Loyal to me. You don't understand—”

“Oh, I understand.” Kelly snorted. “Trust me. I get it. The allure of your tribe. Strong women, Huntresses, sisters in arms. I want to be a part of that.”

“You can be.” This was the goal, wasn't it? To get Kelly on our side. To embrace her into the tribe. To pull her away from the Order. “Once we find Andrew.”

She gave me a quick smile and I saw tears budding there. “I have this bad feeling, Ariana.” She touched her stomach. “Like a premonition but no images, just a gut feeling. Andrew is waiting for me and I need to be with him. There's something he has to give me. Something really important. But I'm scared too.” She sighed. “Embarrassing, I know, so pathetic. Weak. But my gut is telling me to be wary. More than wary. I'm scared of whatever it is I need to get from him.”

I thought back to Artemis's words, the prophecy. “Some of us have had horrible dealings with Hunters. As strong as we are, we've all been weak when it comes to those men. And we've all been scared. It's why we vow to one another. We gain strength from each other. Women who join together with a common goal, no bond to make us weak.” I sat back down, adjusting the sword so it didn't jut into my shoulder blade. “Andrew does have something for you. There's a prophecy locked in your head. He's the only one who can get it out.”

She shuddered, wrapped her arms around herself. “If I let him back into my head, he might take over again.”

I nodded. “He might.”

“I don't know what to expect. I don't know what I'll find when I call to him.”

She was referring to the chant. A kind of beckoning spell that would put her into a trance and lead her to Andrew or Andrew to her, depending on how it was done.

“I have this bad feeling,” she whispered, her eyes looking haunted. “That he's dangerous not only to me, but to the tribe.”

I nodded. It made sense to me. She'd been abused by her Hunter for months. He'd taken advantage of her trust, of their bond. It was something many of us had personal experience with, myself included. “We'll be here with you when you call him. We'll stand by your side. You'll feel the strength of the tribe supporting you.”

“He has power over me. I crave him. I miss him in my head even though I know what he can do when he's in there. He makes me weak and it scares the shit out of me.” She glanced at me, gulped and shook her head. “I'm scared for all of us, Ariana, but I can't explain why.”

I felt a kinship to her all of a sudden. I knew what that kind of fear felt like. I understood. I reached out and squeezed her shoulder. “I'll stand by your side, sister, as will the tribe. We'll keep him from hurting you no matter what it takes.”

And if necessary, I'll sever the bond to lock him out of your head for eternity.

“Do you know where Kelly is?”

Lance's first words to me since we'd re-bonded hit like a sledgehammer. I knew it shouldn't but the jealousy flared all the same.

I slammed my sickle into its sheath. “I'm not her keeper. I have no idea where she is.” I'd left her at the stream and had taken up my post at the far side of the camp, questing for solitude so I could think. That had been two hours earlier and I hadn't arrived at any conclusions, just a whole lot of bitterness and indecision.

“Will you get over it already, Ariana?” Lance gripped my arm and held me back as I tried to walk away. “I told you I love you. Above all others, I love you. What more do you want?”

I sneered, yanked my arm away. “I don't want anything.” I wasn't angry at him, not really. And yet I wanted to lash out, to hurt him in some way. Why? Because if he hated me, it would make everything so much easier. I sucked in a deep breath and let it slide out again.

But I didn't want him to hate me.


Lance touched my arm again, this time tentatively, gentle, like I was a wild animal that he wanted to tame. “Kelly is not at camp. No one has seen her for hours and—”

“Ariana, Greer!” Urgent but whispered shouts came from the trail.

I shot a look at Lance, knowing that the answers he was seeking were coming from those shouts. We both bee-lined straight for the source.

“Kelly has found her mate!” Melonie said, panting through her words like she'd just run a marathon.

“Where is she?” Greer asked, her face dripping with water, presumably caught in the middle of a morning wash-up.

“About an hour trek. I saw her slip out early this morning. Walking like she was in a daze. Mumbling about Andrew. She moved right past me like she didn't even know I was there. I called her name, but she didn't even flinch so I followed her. Thought that was the best plan.” Melonie cringed. “They took her, a group of beasts, greeting her like they'd been expecting her to come. I was going to reveal myself, drew my sword, ready to fight.” Melonie's tone was growing frantic. “But then I saw where they were headed. Greer, there must be fifty or more, beasts, huge monsters. An army of them.”

Greer looked at me, no need for any telepathy to know what she was thinking.

Ah fuck.

“We need to get her out of there,” Lance growled. “How could you let that happen?”

“I didn't know, I thought…” Melonie was already distressed, Lance's anger wasn't helping.

“You thought what?” Lance bellowed. “That it would be a good idea to let one of your own be captured by the enemy?”

Melonie flinched, her eyes snapping from Lance to Greer. “I…I…”

“Ignore him,” Greer barked at Melonie before turning to Lance. “This is my problem to fix. Not yours. Why the hell was Kelly in a beckoning trance?” she demanded of me, as if I held the answers.

“What the fuck is a beckoning trance?” Lance was seething.

“It's a chant we use to call out to our mate, the beast, to guide a Huntress to him,” I explained. “There are two actually, one to call a mate and one to take us to him. Normally, it's done when other Huntresses are watching, so we can track where she goes, keep her out of harm's way. For Kelly, we were going to use the other chant, the one that would bring Andrew to her so we could control the situation better. Kelly must have done it while she was alone.”

“Why would she do that?” Lance ran his hand down his face. “Why would she—”

“She was scared,” I said, a sinking feeling washing over me as realization dawned. “She said she was scared of what Andrew could do to us.”

Lance's turned his angry glare onto me. “What do you know?”

“We talked this morning. She said that she had a bad feeling.”

“A premonition?”

I shook my head. “Nothing that clear. Just a gut feeling. She felt like he might be dangerous to her, to the tribe.”

“So she went alone?” Lance cursed. “Of
she went alone. Fuck!”

“We need a plan,” Greer said. “We can't war cry our way in.”

“No, but we can teleport our way in,” I said with a nod at Harper. “Like just appear en-masse.”

“No way, too risky,” Lance said with a hard shake of his head. “I can't even stand on my feet after we travel that way.”

“You and I can get there on foot. Position ourselves for attack when Harper beams the group in.”

There were roughly fifteen of us to their supposed fifty. The odds were not in our favor, even with a surprise attack, which really wouldn't be much of a surprise since they had to know we were here.

“I can create a distraction.” Ella came hobbling into view, walking on unsteady legs, practically carried by the Huntress at her side. “But first there's some things that I need to tell you all. Things that I've been keeping from you.”

“What things?” Greer's impatience was evident, suspicion now clouding over her face.

Ella extracted herself from the helping hand holding her up and stood on her own, doing her best to present an image of strength.

I crossed my arms, apprehension dawning.

The image of Ella flickered, like a hologram blinking. One minute there was Ella, short, spiky hair, blue eyes. The next minute it was…

“Artemis?” I gasped as I blinked hard. The very image of the Goddess I'd encountered in the meadow, from flowing curls to toga-like apparel. It was her and then not her. Ella returned.

“Not Artemis,” Ella said with a shake of her head, her eyes holding steady on me. “Thia.”

I snapped my head toward Greer, watching her as Ella's information sank in.

“Are you telling us that you're one of the betrayers?” Greer's words were whispered, her tone menacing. Everyone knew the story of Thia and Saska. A warning to all Huntresses. A caution and a sentence. Death on sight for the traitors was usually how the tale ended.

Greer drew her sword.

“One of the chosen, Huntresses who gave up everything for powers? For the love of a beast?” Greer's tone was menacing, as if she was daring Ella to confirm.

Ella still only looked at me, her eyes flickering to the sword I held in my hand, the one she had given me. “That's right, and if you don't listen to me carefully, your entire tribe is going to die.”

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