Valley of the Shadow: A Novel (63 page)

On the northern edge of Middletown, near Jubal Early’s limit of advance, there’s a small National Park Service museum tucked into a strip mall. The bare-bones staff is enthusiastic and knowledgeable, and for those of us who fondly recall the “Electric Map” at Gettysburg, there’s a smaller LED-dotted map that gives the visitor a clear, clean overview of a battle that was hardly clean or clear. Most cars simply rush past on the Valley Pike (now widened and smoothly paved). Thanks to history’s fickleness, this great battle has been forgotten by the average American, as have the other battles in this book. For
Americans—taught to despise history as useless—even the cartoon version of Custer has faded, while Rutherford B. Hayes and Stephen Dodson Ramseur, Philip Sheridan and Jubal Early, aren’t even names in a schoolbook. I find it heartbreaking.

This book is a call to remember.


About the Author

is a
New York Times
bestselling author, a retired U.S. Army officer and former enlisted man, a media commentator on strategic issues, and a lifelong student of history. His fiction and nonfiction writing on the American Civil War, under his own name and as Owen Parry, has won numerous literary prizes, including the W. Y. Boyd Literary Award (twice), the Herodotus Award, the Hammett Prize, and the General Meade Society’s Order of Merit. You can sign up for email updates



Cain at Gettysburg
(Boyd Award)

Hell or Richmond
(Boyd Award)

The Officers’ Club

The War After Armageddon


Faded Coat of Blue
(Herodotus Award)

Shadows of Glory

Call Each River Jordan

Honor’s Kingdom
(Hammett Prize)

The Bold Sons of Erin

Rebels of Babylon


Our Simple Gifts: Civil War Christmas Tales



Ralph Peters
is also the author of numerous books on strategy, as well as additional novels.


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Title Page

Copyright Notice


How They Organized for War


Part I: The River

Map of Theater of Operations

Chapter 1

Map of Prelude to Monocacy

Chapter 2

Map of McCausland’s Attacks, July 9, 1864

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Map of Gordon’s Attack, July 9, 1864

Chapter 5

Map of Early’s March on Washington

Chapter 6

Part II: The Valley

Map of Lower Shenandoah Valley, September 17, 1864

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Map of Sheridan’s Early Morning Attack, September 19, 1864

Chapter 9

Map of Sheridan’s 11:40 a.m. Attack and Early’s Counterattack, September 19, 1864

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Map of Sheridan’s Afternoon Attack and Early’s Retreat, September 19, 1864

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Map of Fisher’s Hill, Initial Dispositions, September 20–22, 1864

Chapter 14

Map of Fisher’s Hill, September 22, 1864

Chapter 15

Part III: The Shadow

Chapter 16

Map of Positions of Sheridan and Early, October 17, 1864

Chapter 17

Map of Cedar Creek, Morning, October 19, 1864

Chapter 18

Map of Cedar Creek, Late Afternoon, October 19, 1864

Chapter 19


Author’s Note

About the Author

Ralph Peters’ Novels Published by Forge




This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


Copyright © 2015 by Ralph Peters

All rights reserved.

Maps by George Skoch

Cover art:
The Battle of Cedar Creek
by Julian Scott (1846–1901); courtesy of the Vermont State House, Montpelier, Vermont

A Forge Book

Published by Tom Doherty Associates, LLC

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New York, NY 10010

is a registered trademark of Tom Doherty Associates, LLC.

eBooks may be purchased for business or promotional use. For information on bulk purchases, please contact Macmillan Corporate and Premium Sales Department by writing to [email protected].

The Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available upon request.

ISBN 978-0-7653-7403-5 (hardcover)

ISBN 978-1-4668-3981-6 (e-book)

e-ISBN 9781466839816

First Edition: May 2015

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