Read Victoria's Challenge Online

Authors: M. K. Eidem

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction

Victoria's Challenge (45 page)

Lucas sees the minute Vagi
quits debating with himself and just says it.

“Kee and Laiza would never admit to anything, not unless Gad told them too
, and he’d only do that if it made him look good. As for Gad, he’s never admitted to anything in his life. His father takes care of all his
. Except for the Victoria incident, that one he couldn’t cover up but he softened the blow.”

“And how did he do that
, Private?”

“Gad was supposed to take an aggression management course and a thousand hours of service
. He did none of those. His father paid others to do it for him.”

“You can prove that?”

“All someone has to do is look at the records. He couldn’t have completed that many hours of service in one moon cycle.”

“No he couldn’t, I’ll look into it.”

“You’ll never touch him, his father will see to that.” Defeated eyes meet Quinn.

“His father isn’t dealing with
cadets now is he?” Quinn sees the first flicker of hope in the boy’s eyes. Once again he’s standing tall.

“No Admiral
, he isn’t.”

“Then report back to your assignment
, Private. If you think of anything else concerning this, you come to
Lucas or me
, do you understand, Private? No one else, we’re going to end this.”

“Sir, yes sir!
” After a quick smile, Vagi returns to his duties.


Quinn looks at Lucas. “Your instincts were right again, that boy is special.”

“He is, he’s cleaning the parts and separating them by what repairs they need.”


“He impressed Lorre with his repairs to the Blade.”

“Hard to do.”



“What is it
, Quinn.” He sees the regret in Quinn's eyes.

“I can’t let you go back to Carina with the Chamberlains.”

“What?!” Quinn can tell he didn’t expect this.

“I need you here, both as a pilot and because of the Stannic issue
. It can’t be seen that we are giving you special treatment, the type of treatment we are condemning Stannic for.”

“He’s committing treason
! Not protecting his life mate and her family!”

“I know but you’ve got less than two cycles left on this tour
, then you go back free and clear, you’ll have all the time you need.”

“Shit Quinn!
” Lucas takes a deep breath, getting control of himself.

“You knew that this could happen
. That it
happen if she pursues her career in burn victims. She’ll be on Carina and you’ll be on a ship.”

“I know…
. I just wanted to be there for her, helping her handle everything going on with her family.”

“I know but Victoria is strong
. She’ll handle it, I’ve talked to William about this, and he agrees, you need to be on the Retribution. I’m sending extra guards on the Arrow if that helps, all loyal to the High Admiral.”

“You’re concerned Stannic has supporters on the Retribution?”

“Not really but I won’t chance it either. Not with the Chamberlains, not with Victoria.”

“Thank you
, Quinn.”

“None needed
. She’s mine too, you know.”

“Yes I do.
” Lucas nods.

“That said I’m going to let
break the news to her. I can’t take her tears or her rage.”

” Lucas smiles at him.

“In this…
. absolutely.”


“Barek!” Victoria smiles as she approaches him, giving him a quick hug. “I didn’t know you were still on board.”

“For a
few more days at least.” Turning they walk.

. So you’ll have third meal with us and meet my family.”

, I’m honored, really.” Barek tells her. “But do you think now is the time? There will be an official meeting later.”

“I know that but they
’re going to meet so many that they will start to blur. You’re not only Lucas’ best friend, you’re one of mine and I don’t want you to be a blur.”

Barek’s throat tightens
, knowing Victoria’s sincere in her feelings for him. She’s one of the few who has never approached him as a prince, a future King.

“Alright, you win
. What time should I be there?” His reward for letting her have her way is a beautiful smile.

Separating to go their own ways, she stops him with a hand on his arm. “And Barek, dress casual, they’re meeting a friend, not a Prince.” Once he nods, she releases him.

Chapter Twenty-One

At 1800, Barek knocks on the hatch and after several moments it’s opened by a small boy, very thin with patchy black hair trimmed short and curious brown eyes.

,” The boy speaks first.

“Hello, I’m…”

“Barek!” Victoria appears behind the boy. “Brett, this is my friend Barek Tibullus, he’s going to have third meal with us.”

“He is?
” Brett has never eaten with ‘guests’ before.

“Yes he is
. Why don’t you let him in?” They both step back, allowing Barek to enter.

” Lucas walks across the room greeting his friend, holding out a glass of ale.

. Thanks.” He takes the glass.

“Thought you could use it after
dealing with those little foabhors today.” Barek nods, agreeing.

“What’s a foabhor?
” Brett asks, startling both men who look down at him then to Victoria.

“Don’t look at me, you said it.
” Raising her hands indicating she’s not going to help them, Victoria walks over to pour her own glass.

” Lucas looks to Barek who just shakes his head. “It’s not really a very nice word, Brett. It means prick.”

“What’s a prick

ictoria laughs, watching the two men struggle.


“What’s going on?
” Peter walks out of the sleeping area.

“Lucas is trying to explain to Brett what a
prick is.” Victoria’s eyes are sparkling.

” Peter crosses his arms across his chest, giving Lucas a hard look.

“Sorry Peter, it
slipped out.”

“But what does it
?” Brett demands.

“You don’t need to worry about it
, son.”

How am I supposed to
if you don’t
me anything?” Brett demands, reminding Lucas of Tori.

“Brett,” Victoria finally steps in
, totally understanding. “It’s a word used to describe someone who’s not very nice.”


“I tell you what, if we’re together and there’s someone I think is a foabhor, I will let you know.”

. Thanks.”


“And if you use that word in front of your mother
, you’re going to be in
trouble.” Peter warns his son.

” Brett finally understands. “Okay, I’ll just use it around the guys.” The three men give each other knowing looks as he walks away.

, I brought some Carinian ale, would you like some?”


“Cassie says it tastes a lot like Earth whiskey.”

“Hell y
es then, it’s been ages.” While Lucas is getting the drink, Peter looks over Barek.

” Victoria goes to make introductions but stops as her mother enters the room.

doesn’t know what he’d thought Victoria’s mother would be like but it isn’t this. She’s small, smaller, than small, and he isn’t sure it’s because she is so underweight. Her head is wrapped in a beautiful cloth that has Victoria written all over it. Looking to Brett, he realizes she’s lost her hair from the radiation but it doesn’t detract from her beauty. She is a testament to what Victoria will become.

Peter steps in front of
Cyndy, blocking her from Barek as he continues to stare at his wife.

“My apologies
.” Barek immediately says. "I meant no offense, I’ve just never seen someone so…”

” Victoria interjects trying to break the sudden tension.

“I prefer vertically challenged
,” Cyndy speaks for herself as she steps around Peter.

“I was going to say tiny, like a sprite
,” Barek says softly.

” Cyndy asks.

“It’s a mythical creature on Carina mom, like a pixie on Earth.”

“Oh well, that’s true enough.” She smiles at Barek. “Peter, relax, you’ve called me a pixie for years, cycles.” Just that easily, the tension is gone.

“Here you go Peter, Cyndy.
” Lucas hands two glasses. Cyndy sniffs then smiles.


“Carinian Ale.”

,” Cyndy says after taking a small sip.

“Mom, dad, Brett, I’d like to
formally introduce you to Colonel Barek Tibullus. He is High Consul for the Coalition Fleet and Lucas’ oldest friend. He’s also one of
best friends.”

, this is my brother Brett.” Victoria motions him over.

“Nice to meet you
, Brett.” Barek holds out his hand, remembering, Brett shakes it.

“My mother
, Cyndy Chamberlain.” Barek bows slightly to her and when she holds out her hand, he kisses the top.

“Truly a pleasure
, ma’am, I see where Tori’s beauty comes from.”

“Well aren’t you a charmer.
” Cyndy smiles at him while Peter frowns.

“And my father, Captain Peter Chamberlain.
” Victoria beams.

“Captain Chamberlain
, it is truly an honor to meet you, sir. Cassie and Victoria have told me a great deal about you, about all of you.” His look encompasses all of them. “It’s easy to see where they get their love and commitment to family and friends from.” Barek holds out his hand, waiting.

Peter stares
at him for several minutes before slowly shaking his hand. “You know Cassie, Colonel?”

“Dad, Uncle William is Barek’s second father.”

“Second father?”

“Like what Aunt Cassie is for me, a

“Is that so?
” Peter raises an eyebrow, still glaring at Barek.

“Yes Captain, I visit
them whenever I’m on planet.” Barek refuses to be the first to break eye contact.             

“That’s enough boys, stand down.
” Startled, both men look at Cyndy. “Don’t look at me like that, Peter Matthew Chamberlain. I’ve lived around you military types long enough to know when you’re playing my gun is bigger than your gun.”

, Cyndy!” Peter laughs.

“Come on everyone
, let’s sit.” As chairs and couches are filled, Cyndy directs the conversation.

“So Barek
, what does a High Consul to the fleet do?”

“I handle disputes that arise between members of the Coalition and make sure our laws are
properly and fairly enforced.”

“You’re a lawyer.”

“I…” He looks to Tori.

, that would be a fair description mom.”

“Barek handled the Falco matter.
” Lucas quietly tells them. “I told them about it.” Barek nods.

“What happened to her?
” Peter demands.

“She was found
guilty on two counts of attempted murder, and one count of sabotage of a Coalition vessel. She was sentenced to life at Vatsa. It’s a prison for the criminally insane.”

“That’s it?
” Peter demands, not at all satisfied.

“Dad, what did you expect them to do
? Yes, she caused a great deal of harm but no one
. She
truly crazy. You should have seen her interview recording. The woman actually thought she was having an ongoing relationship with Uncle William.”

“Explain to me how
gained access to that recording?” Barek’s voice is deceptively soft. “It was sealed.”

… let me see… how exactly…” Victoria hedges tapping her chin.

“Victoria Lynn
! Tell me, you didn’t break into those files!” Barek stands towering over her and at 6’ 7” he towers well. Lucas motions to Peter to remain sitting when the man tenses.

“I did no such thing!
” Victoria stands, hands on her hips, squaring off against him. “The file was just sitting there on Jotham’s desk. What was I supposed to do,
look at it?”

“You were in the King’s private office
, alone!” Barek can’t hide the shock in his voice.

“Oh please!
” She flicks her wrist. “Your father told me I could wait inside while he dealt with some pissed off Assemblyman. He knew I wasn’t going to take anything!”

, you just read it! He’s going to be pissed Victoria!”

“Not if you don’t tell him.
” Her eyes plead with him. “It was one time, Barek, over eight cycles ago, come on, I had a right to know! All anyone would ever tell me was that it had been handled and not to worry about it.
could have told me. I asked you. Repeatedly!”

“You were ten!”

“So? I needed to know.”

Barek runs a frustrated hand through his hair
. “Victoria Lynn, if I didn’t love you I’d beat you.”

“But you do
. Love me that is, so are we good?” She touches his arm.

“We’re good.”

“And Jotham?”

Barek sees the honest
concern in her eyes.

“I should tell
him just to watch you squirm.” He sighs. “Never again, Tori.”

“I swear
. Thank you, Barek.” Stretching up she kisses his cheek, turning back, she realizes everyone’s listening intently.

“Victoria Lynn Chamberlain.
” Cyndy stands up.

“I am
busted.” She whispers out the side of her mouth to Barek.

“What have I told you about eves
dropping?” Cyndy demands.


“You went into a
private office and read his files?!” Cyndy questions.

“Only one…

“Madame Chamberlain…
” Barek tries to interrupt and is shocked when Cyndy silences him with a look and one finger, indicating that he should wait, before returning her attention to her daughter.

“This is totally
acceptable. What kind of example are you setting for your brother?”

“But he wasn’t even

beside the point young lady.” She turns back to Barek. “Now what were you wanting to say Barek?”

Chamberlain, I think you may have misunderstood.”

“Oh no
, I sure I didn’t and call me Cyndy. I hope I can call you Barek since you're part of the family.”

” For the third time in his life, a Chamberlain woman has him stuttering. Barek lost his mother at such a young age that he isn’t used to a woman treating him as a son. His father yes, even William to a point, but that is men, this is different. Cassie treated him as a contemporary and Victoria a friend but this…. this is an instant acceptance as only a mother can.

“Of course you may call me Barek and I would be honored to call you Cyndy.”

“Good.” Cyndy nodded. “Now what do you think I misunderstood?”

“My inferring
that my father would harm Tori, he loves her as if she was his own. She’s had him wrapped around her finger since the day she arrived on Carina.” Barek informs her.

“I seem to recall her doing that to her grandfather and father too.
” Cyndy shoots Peter a disgusted look.

“What did I do?
” Peter raises his hands helplessly. “I’m sitting here not saying a word.”

“Don’t think I never knew about
all those times you took her swimming in that mountain pool when I’d strictly forbidden it.”

… but… Christ… Yes of course, your right pix… Cyndy. I never should have taken my daughter swimming.”

Barek watch
es the interaction between the couple a little in awe. Here is this giant of a man, well by Earth standards. A leader of men, stuttering and stumbling all because of a woman barely 5’ 4”, he turns to Lucas smiling.

“You are so screwed my friend.”

Lucas returns his smile. “I know, isn’t it great?”


After dinner, Peter’s eyes nail Barek. “Your father is a King?” Barek tenses, knowing things will change now.

. My father is King Jotham of the House of Protection. I am his heir.”

“What’s that mean?
” Brett breaks in on the two men.

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