Violation (15 page)

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Authors: Lolah Lace

“When did you start seeing her?”

“A few months ago.”

“I need a date. I know you know when you started boning your best friends wife. Don’t play stupid Hart.”

“Somewhere around the day I scored thirty-two. That’s when we played Cleveland.”

“Damn man, your scoring is up since then and your three point shots have been almost one hundred percent.”

“I told you. Serena is my good luck. I have played better since I started seeing her, but it’s probably just a coincidence.”

“You really think that?”

“I really don’t know. I know you’re loyal to Deshawn.”

“I thought you were too.” He barked.

“That’s low. I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t ask to fall in love with her.”

“You weren’t ever supposed to go there in the first place.”

“I know that, but you are also loyal to me. Don’t do this. Just look the other way, please. The way I feel about Serena is complicated. I’m not trying to hurt Deshawn. I love him. You know I do. I want The Magic Oreo to make it to the playoffs.”

“You also want to fuck Deshawn’s wife.”

“I do. I will. Yes as much as I can. Deshawn is infatuated with that video girl.”

“Yeah, Vanessa.”

“And that stripper from Vegas he keeps flying up here.”


“Yeah her too.”

“So you got Serena by ratting my man out.”

“Never, I didn’t tell Serena about those other women. She’s smart. She already knows things. I don’t deny or confirm. When we’re together we don’t talk about Deshawn. Our time together is our time.”

“This right here sounds like some bullshit from the

“The only thing I ever told her was about your mother today. You made me say that. Lance, please man, I’m begging you. Just keep this to yourself. I will owe you big time.”

“Fuck you, for even asking me to keep this bullshit to myself.”

“I’m not asking. I’m begging.”

“You blue-eyed bitch. Is this what you do to women? You look at them with your sad blue eyes and little curly white man Afro. Damn man, this is fucked up. You owe me big time, like a Bentley or a Bugatti, something expensive.”

“I do brother. I owe you.”

“Don’t call me that. It’s too soon. You’re like a fucked up second cousin.”


“This is all kinds of fucked up.”

“True that.”

“This could fuck us all up. You know that right?”

“I know that but we’re being careful.”

“Shit, it doesn’t look like that to me.”

“Well I forgot about the appointment.”

“If I help you I swear you better not include me when this shit pops off. I don’t know shit. I ain’t seen shit.”

“I would never do that.”

“You’re too careless.”

“I’m not.”

“Paparazzi, a fan, or Deshawn will catch you. First thing is you have to get rid of that bullseye car.”

“What car?”

“Serena’s car. It’s fucking too expensive. She’s driving a powder blue Mercedes S63 AMG. That car is expensive in any neighborhood. MZ JONEZ is a fucking personalized plate. People know that car.”

“How the hell else is she going to get here. I can’t drive to her house.”

“She has to drive that car into a parking garage and get into a different car to come here to fuck you. Buy her another car that’s in your mother’s name or your cleaning lady’s name or something. Stop being stupid.”

“I’ve never done this before.”


He was right. We were being careless. We had a lot of things at stake. I wanted to thank Lance for his advice, but I could see that may not be the best thing to do in this situation.

“I will get her another car.”

“I hope you know what you’re doing.”

“I have no idea. I just know I’m in this.”

“Yes you are. How’s that premium pussy? It must feel real good to you?”

“No never. I don’t kiss and tell.”

“Since when?”

“Lance fuck you. I’m turning over a new leaf.”

“I’m helping your dumb ass out. You went where no man has ever gone before, Captain Kirk. Yeah I saw it with my eyes but I need some details.”

“Look bro, I’m risking everything so I shouldn’t have to give any intimate details. Doesn’t this situation tell you all you need to know?”

“Well yeah. Dee shouldn’t advertise her head game.”

“Um that’s not wise but you know maybe he just couldn’t help himself.”

“You think that’s it.”

“I know.” He knows that I know. He saw it on video. “So please go. Thank you for keeping your big mouth shut.”

“Fuck you, dead man.”

Lance left me alone with a two hundred and forty-nine-pound weight on my chest. Deshawn Jones weighed two hundred and forty-nine pounds.




We went on for another month without being detected. Lance was able to keep his big mouth shut. I breathed more than one sigh of relief. The regular season was going great. We were in line to make it to the playoffs. We were number one in the Eastern Conference. We were number two in the entire league. We were right behind the Los Angeles Warriors.

I had another away game in my hometown of Bloomington Minnesota. We flew in early so I had all day to be with my mother and father. My parents had been married for forty years. They had something special, something that I wished I could find. Sometimes I think I’ve found it. I know I found it. I’ve never shared this much chemistry with a woman.

After dinner, I sat in their living room and watched sports with my dad. He loved basketball and football. My mother waited for my father to go to bed before she decided to grill me with a barrage of questions.

“How’s the life of an eternal bachelor?”

She was taking jabs at me like always. I just love her candor. “Sex, drugs and money, fun times Ma.”

She rolled her eyes at me and I grinned. I thought about my girl’s eye rolls. Serena takes my mother shopping every time she comes to Chicago to visit me. She likes Serena.

“I still don’t have any grandkids. I would have had more kids if I had known I might die before I would get a grandchild. I only had you and Justine. I thought two was enough. I really wish I had more children. Maybe I would have a grandchild by now.”

My Ma’s miscellaneous guilt trips were monumental. “Grandkids, I need a wife first.”

“Noah you’re thirty. What are you waiting for?”

“The right woman.”

“I’ve heard this before. Have you never come across the right one? That’s so hard to believe.”

“Ma, I’m not your average guy.”


“I have met the right woman once.”

“What happened to her?”

“Nothing happened to her.” I raked at the hair on my beard.

“Well where is she?”

“Ma, my perfect girl belongs to someone else.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means she already has a very nice wedding ring on her finger.”

“Noah, you’re joking.”

My serious facial expression gave way to the truth.



“She’s married?” It took my mother a few minutes to decode my words.

“My perfect woman is married. Life sucks major ass for me.”

“Are you seeing a married woman? Noah Andrew Hart, I raised you better than that.”

“You did, but I couldn't help it.”

“Do you have any idea how dangerous that is? You are the only son I have.”

“It’s not a problem.”

“Noah you always say that. It’s not a problem. It’s not a problem. I don’t want to lose my son.”

“Nothing is going to happen to me.”

“Her husband can kill you. I’m sure you’ve been with her. You sleep with everybody.”

“Ma, that’s not true.” Did my own mother just call me a man-whore?

“I have slowed down quite a bit.”

“Noah, you ran through condoms like you lived at the Playboy mansion.”

“What are you talking about?”

“High school, where the hell did you think the condoms came from?”

“Justine gave me condoms.”

“I bought them and gave them to your sister. I put them in her drawer.”

“You did?”

“Yes and I could barely keep up with you.”

“Geez Ma, I didn’t know that. Why didn’t Justine tell me?”

“She told me when you lost your virginity. It was junior year right?”


“I was trying to make sure you were safe. I knew you could be something special someday. You were a smart kid and you were so good at sports. Your dad and I could see how all the other fathers looked at you.”


“Yeah like they wanted to kidnap you or trade you for their non-athletic kids.”

“Is this true?”

“You bet your ass. All your young sexual escapades scared me. I didn’t want anything to derail your scholarship chances. Now look at you.”

“Ma, I’m fine.”

“Yes you have achieved a lot professionally but I have no daughter-in-law or grandkids. Half these athletes are already on their second wives and you have zero.”

“Ma, I promise I will adopt a kid from a foreign country within the next five years if I can’t find a suitable wife.”

“I might be dead in five years and there are plenty kids right here in the United States that need a home.”

“You will live longer than me.” I joked.

“Don’t say that. That’s a terrible thing to say.”

“I’m sorry Ma.”

“Does your sperm work? I thought there would be some ten-year-old claiming he was your son by now.”

“That’s funny but as far as I know my sperm works.”

“You should get it checked.”

“If it makes you feel better I will.”

“It would make me feel better. I would feel better if you weren’t seeing a married woman.”

“The thing with the married woman is over.” I was lying.

“Are you upset?”

I tipped my head back to get a clear view of my mother. “Ah yeah, I’m upset. I really care about her.”

“Son, I guarantee you’ll find someone special one day. Someone that only belongs to you.”

“I sure hope so. It’s lonely being alone.”

“You’re never alone. You’ll always have me, your dad and Justine.”

I was getting tired. I left my parent’s home and went back to the hotel room the team had reserved for me. It was just easier to room at the hotel with the rest of my team.

I was watching basketball highlights and brushing my teeth. I rinsed my mouth and grabbed the floss. I hated lying to my mother, but I didn’t see any other options. Why have her worry?

It had been a month since I told Lance how I truly felt about Serena. I blocked the feelings I had, unsuccessfully. I confessed my true feelings to Lance but didn’t want to admit it to myself. I feared if I told Serena she would run away. We were having fun and I did not want to complicate things that were already problematic.

My cell rang and it was my sexy beautiful girl.

I answered smiling. “Hey.” I really need to toughen up.

“Where are you?”

“In my hotel room. Why didn’t you FaceTime me?”

“I’m in town.”

“In town?” I repeated and questioned.

“I just got off the airplane. What hotel are you in?”

“You’re here in Minnesota?”

“Yes, are you happy?”

“Yes I miss you.” Of course, I’m happy.

“I’m in disguise. I can take a cab over to the hotel.”

“We’re at the Radisson Blu Minneapolis.”

“I’m in baggage claim. I’m going to get an Uber.”

“Call me when you pull up. I can direct you around to the side entrance. I will sneak you in.”

“Great. Make sure none of your Cav teammates or staff are around.”

“Okay call me, when you pull up.”

She hung up. I was excited to see her somewhere other than my house. I wanted to take her out. I wanted to date her. Those were just fantasies I had when I was alone hoping for a future with Serena. I loved the way my heart beat just a little faster when I knew she was in the room.

I waited impatiently in my hotel room for a while. I threw on my sneaks and a baseball cap and ventured downstairs to the lobby. I went into the open restaurant and got a seat at the bar. I ordered a club soda so I wouldn’t look at of place.

I noticed Lance, Jaden and Malcolm walking through the lobby, but they didn’t notice me. I didn’t think it would be hard to sneak Serena up to my room, but this hotel was crawling with Cavaliers. This may get tricky.

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