Voyages of the Solar Wind 1: A Fire in Heaven (20 page)

"Ok, ok. I get it." Shilar rolled her eyes at us.

"Where are mom and dad?" Rilar asked.

"They went to the movies. Some fogie flick that has a lot of old people in it." She rolled her eyes again. "They should be back in an hour or so."

"Good, then we have some time! By the way, our official Confederate wedding is tomorrow!" Rilar told her as she nearly dragged me into her room, slammed the door and locked it.

"Finally alone, kitten." I took Rilar in my arms and kissed her sweetly as she rubbed her body against mine. She undressed me quickly as I undressed her just as fast. We threw our clothes over by where our other clothes had been cleaned and folded in our absence. Sweet! Bidar is one awesome mom-in-law!

"Yes we are, my sexy sek'natha." Rilar pushed me back on her bed and straddled my chest. I pulled her forward a bit until her pussy was right above my mouth.

"I hope you don't mind a mustache ride, kitten." I winked up at her before plunging my tongue up her pussy and tasting her very cherry flavored juices.

"Oooh Gods, Dex! Yes, baby! Eat your kitten's pussy!" Ri moaned as I slipped my tongue as deep up inside her as I could reach. She tasted wonderful, and I could never get enough of her sweet flavor. She moaned louder as I pulled my mouth back slightly and assaulted her clit with my tongue. I knew how much she loves that, and sure enough she came like a freight train, her pussy spasming and her clit filling my mouth with the sweetest cherry juice I've ever tasted! Her body rocked in convulsions as she rode my tongue to another orgasm. I pulled my tongue out of her and sucked her little nub while licking it quickly. I licked her clit repeatedly while sucking it between my lips, and she came again harder than before. As she came down from that, she collapsed off of me to the side.

"I love tasting your cum, kitten." I told her and pulled her to me for a kiss. She licked my face clean of her juices as we kissed passionately and deeply.

"I love how you make me come, baby." She moaned and purred as we kissed.

I rolled on top of her between her thighs, and she wrapped her legs around my waist as her eyes fully dilated. Her purring and gasping grew louder as I thrust my cock into her hot tight wet pussy. I once said that her pussy didn't feel better or worse than a Human pussy, but I was wrong. She felt so much better now. Her elevated body temperature made her wetness that much more comfortable around my throbbing cock as I moved in and out of her. Our mouths met as we made love, and I kissed her passionately. Our tongues danced and duelled for as our bodies thrust together over and over.

"Gods yes, Dex!" She shouted as she broke the kiss. I could feel her pussy contracting around me as she lost control of her body and came hard. Her pussy spasmed and convulsed as I thrust into her over and over, harder and harder. "Fuck, baby! I'm coming!" She screamed.

"So am I, kitten!" I shouted and shot into her like a missile salvo. Boom boom boom boom four hot blasts of my cum exploded into her womb. Her pussy milked me of my seed, sucking me in and keeping hold as she spasmed around me in aftershocks. I convulsed with her and finally collapsed on top of her. I would never get tired of fucking and making love to her as long as we lived!

She kissed my neck as I panted and regained control of my breathing. Her purrs of contentment with me still inside her and my body laying along hers were loud in my ears. "Mmmmmmm baby." She purred. "I love the way you fill me, sek'natha."

"I love the way you engulf me, kitten." I said and kissed her for some long moments. I finally rolled off of her and she molded herself to me, her arm across my body, playing with my chest. She purred into my neck and I kissed her cheek. I pulled the sheet over us and for the first time in I can't remember how long, we fell asleep planetside.

We woke up a few hours later as the sun was setting and heard The General giving someone a good dressing down out in the living room. I jumped up at first, coming to Attention stark naked before I realized that he wasn't talking to me. Rilar giggled behind me, making me blush.

"Sorry, kitten. Your dad always makes me feel like I need to snap to." I chuckled as I went and got dressed. Ri got up and put on her favorite outfit too.

"I wonder who he's chewing out?" She said just before we walked out into the living room.

When we got out there, I heard Ri gasp as I saw the young Gurinkan with General Keldor up in his face doing a pretty good impression of a Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant. No, scratch that. Marine DI's could learn a thing or twelve from General Keldor.

"You show up here unannounced and demand to see Rilar? What the fuck is wrong with you, boy?" Keldor shouted.

"S..Sorry, sir." The guy answered.

"Umm, what's going on here, sir?" I asked, genuinely interested.

Keldor levelled off and looked at me. "Hey, son. This numbnut just came barging in and demanded to see my daughter."

Rilar moved forward. "Damn it, Praelor, what the hell are you even doing here? I told you a hundred times that I'm not interested!" She snarled at him and her claws extended.

"Whoa, kitten." I gently put my hands on her arms to stop her.

Praelor turned to look at me. "Who are you, Human?" He had a look on his face that was part disdain and part jealousy.

"That's..." Keldor started before I held up my hand.

"I'll handle this, sir." I said and Keldor nodded. I turned to the offending moron. "Praelor, right? Well, I'm Ri's best friend and sek'natha. My name is Captain Dex Relway, and from the sound of things, you should probably leave before either General Keldor or I blaze you where you stand." I unsnapped my widow strap just to make my point clear.

"Not before I talk with Rilar." He said, then turned to her and lifted a hand. He started to stroke her face and I drew down on him.

"Touch her again and I will kill you." I kept my voice even as Ri recoiled from his touch. She growled at him.

Praelor looked at me and snarled as the barrel of my 5mm pressed against his forehead.

"You aren't that fast, kid." I snarled my own warning at him. "Leave now, and then make yourself scarce. If I see you again, I aim and shoot without warning. Clearcut?"

He raised his hands and backed up towards the door. "Fine, but this is not over. Rilar is MY sek'natha!" He turned and left out the front door.

"Sonuvabitch." Keldor said after the offending idiot had left.

I reholstered my sidearm. "Yeah, what the fuck is wrong with that boy?"

"He THINKS I'm his sek'natha!" Rilar exclaimed, rolling her eyes. "I made it VERY CLEARCUT to him the last time I saw him that I was NOT INTERESTED!"

"When did that happen, sweetheart?" I asked her, hugging her to me. Her arms went around my waist as I had mine around her shoulders protectively.

"Before Flight training, baby." She replied. "He was a sort-of boyfriend in High School, but he was not who I wanted as my sek'natha." She seemed calmer now with me holding her.

"They dated for about a year, mostly because Ri wanted to spare his feelings. She knew that he wasn't the one for her, but he saw, and still sees it differently." Keldor said with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Is that common?" I asked. "For some Gurinkans to latch onto someone who isn't compatible? Sorry, I'm just wondering out loud."

"Not really, Dex. It can happen, but not often. Praelor is the most persistent, though." Rilar said into my shoulder. "He creeps me out, baby."

"Don't worry, sweetheart. If he shows up again, he's not leaving alive." I told her. I wasn't kidding. If dipshit showed up again, I'd blaze him on sight and wake up with a smile about it in the morning.

"That might be a bit extreme, sek'natha." Rilar chuckled, then turned serious. "He was a sweet boy growing up, but I just didn't feel for him what he wanted me to feel."

"Kinda like me and Jen." I said. "Difference was that I had to learn my lesson the hard way about what she was really like."

"Ugh, I know, right?" She said, rolling her eyes.

Yeah, Rilar wasn't going to let me live that one down anytime soon. I really saw the wisdom in how the Gurinkans handled romance and sex. That still didn't explain Shilar, though. She hadn't come out and said it, but I could still feel her eyes boring into me whenever she thought I wasn't looking. Then I would catch her eyeing me, and she would quickly look away.

"Son, I agree with Ri on this. That would be a bit extreme to kill the poor lovesick boy." Keldor said. "It isn't common, but it isn't that rare, either. Sometimes a Gurinkan's instincts go haywire when it comes to love."

"I see your points." I said, indicating both of them. "By the way, our wedding is set for 1145 hrs tomorrow morning. We hope you'll be able to make it." I grinned.

"Oh, the Confederate ceremony! Of course we'll make it, dear!" Bidar said, then came forward and hugged us both. "Welcome to the family officially, Dex." She smiled warmly. Bidar was so young looking, she could have been Rilar's older sister.

"Thanks, mom." I said and hugged her back.

"Mom, dad. Dex and I are going to the beach for a bit." Rilar said. "We're going for a walk."

"Ok, sweety. Have fun you two." Keldor said as we walked towards the back door.

"We will, dad!" Ri said as we left the house and walked with our arms around each other down the beach. The sun was setting to the west, and we found a good dune to sit on and watch the sunset together.

"I forgot how beautiful the sunsets are here, Ri. We might have to take an extended vacation." I said as I held her close, with her snuggling up against my chest.

"I missed them, Dex, and I'm really glad we're watching it together." She purred, and I kissed her as I turned her face up to mine.

"I love you, Rilar." I said softly.

"I love you too, Dex." She replied in a whisper.

The sun sank into the ocean and I stood up slowly, pulling her with me. The night was clear, and both moons were full as they crossed the sky in opposite directions. We walked slowly along the beach, just enjoying the beautiful weather and each other's company.

By the time we got back to the house, We were both sleepy, so we decided to go straight to bed. It felt good to fall asleep planetside for a change. Before this weekend, Rilar and I had been almost constantly in space, sleeping whenever we were in slipstream on a long haul. In the two years we'd been active as free traders, I couldn't remember the last time we'd fallen asleep planetside since our launch from Helliot II.

We drifted off in each other's naked arms, cuddling together again.

When we woke up in the morning, I was nervous as hell. I mean, it was going to be a casual ceremony, and I was sure of what Rilar and I wanted. We wanted to be legally husband and wife. I was just nervous about how we were getting married.

Confederate Law prohibits firearms of any kind in a courthouse, and the Pax Justicar would be marrying us there. That was another thing we'd gotten used to. ALWAYS going armed when not onboard Solar Wind, except for our abbreviated honeymoon about a week back. But that had just been a few hours of playing around on the beach.

We unzipped our travel bags and dressed in our old Dress Whites for the ceremony, and Rilar still looked amazingly gorgeous in hers.

The male Dress Whites really haven't changed much in the last 700 years since the United States Navy on Earth. It was the uniform adopted by the Confederacy for its Star Navy. Now, the female Dress Whites had changed quite a bit from the conservative style of the past. The new Dress Whites for females were basically an evening gown with medals and ribbons on the upper left breast area. We pinned our medals onto each other just as in the old days. Except for my time spent as Jen's 'boyfriend', I took Rilar with me to every ceremony we went to, dining functions, etc.

Rilar finally had enough hair on her head, so she chopped off her long ponytail and styled her new short 'do in a way that made her look even sexier than usual.

I pulled my hair back in a ponytail, making sure that no hairs escaped the hair tie I used. I wanted my uniform and appearance completely squared away. Just because I wasn't active duty anymore was no excuse for looking bad on our wedding day.

Our Lieutenant bars were in place on our epaulettes, and we walked out to where General Keldor was dressed already in his old Dress Blues. His four golden stars shone brightly on his epaulettes, and we both snapped to Attention as we saw his chest full of ribbons going all the way up to his shoulder.

He still looked every inch the General who had liberated Helliot II, Harad's Reach, Alpha Centauri IV, and countless other Confederate planets that had fallen under Hegemony rule during the war. We had vented the same atmosphere in the same sectors as him back in the day. Our strafing runs during the liberation of Harad's Reach had paved the way for his Corps' advance on the Capital and the liberation of that world.

Gurinkans didn't have weddings as we knew them. However, being a General and Ambassador, as Keldor and Bidar were, they were familiar with Confederate wedding traditions. Bidar was stunning in her gown, and Shilar was even wearing one.

My comm beeped, and I answered it. "Dex here."

"Dex! We're here, brother. On our way to the Courthouse now." Rick said over the comm.

"Good copy, Rick. We'll be there shortly. You DID get dressed up, right?" I chuckled.

"Yeah, me and Jeka broke out our old Dress Whites for this one." He laughed.

"Lieutenant West, you had better have that uniform squared away, son!" Keldor said with a fanged grin.

"Yes, sir, General Keldor, SIR!" Rick came back, and I could hear the position of Attention in his voice. Keldor scared Rick even more than he scared me.

"Roger that, Rick." Keldor said into my comm.

We could hear Jeka giggling in the background. "I made sure he was, sir." She said with a giggle. She wasn't scared of him for some reason. Probably because he thought of her as a third daughter.

"Hey, Rick. Wanna be my Best Man?" I asked.

"Sure thing, brother." He replied.

"Good. Can Jeka be Maid of Honor?" He asked, and we heard Jeka gasp in the background.

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