Read Waiting for a Prince Online

Authors: K. C. Wells

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

Waiting for a Prince (15 page)

“It b-burns.”

Mark paused about half way inside him and waited, letting Sam’s body adjust to the

intrusion. He held himself still and bent low over Sam, kissing him tenderly. He watched as the tremors died away, Sam’s face finally relaxing. With a supreme effort, Mark forced himself to

keep still, knowing Sam’s body would tell him when it was okay to continue. After a few

minutes, Sam began to push down on Mark’s cock, slowly at first, but then with increasing



“Better?” asked Mark with a grin, already knowing the answer, Sam’s body talking to

him, louder than words ever could. Sam’s eyes opened wide and he nodded.

“Oh God, Mark.” Shivers rippled through Sam. “God, it feels good.” Mark let out a low

moan as he pushed slowly into Sam until his cock was buried up to the hilt in tight heat, their bodies pressed together. “Mark, please…. more.”

Mark’s grin widened as he began to rock into Sam, hips rolling fluidly as he thrust into

him repeatedly, Sam no longer lying passively but pushing upward to meet his thrusts.

“You feel so good,” Mark murmured as he slid deeply into Sam, loving the low moans

that escaped his lover’s lips. “You’re so tight around my cock. You feel amazing.” He rocked

faster, hips snapping as he plunged again and again into the furnace of Sam’s body. Sam

brought his legs up to wrap around Mark’s waist, gripping him tightly as Mark slid into him, the head of his cock nudging Sam’s gland almost continually.

“Mark, I’m not going to last much longer.” Sam’s chest was flushed deep red, his balls

high and tight.

Mark leaned down and kissed him, sliding smoothly into him, his hand working Sam’s

cock continually. “It’s okay, babe. Come. Come for me.” Mark pulled back until only the head

of his dick remained inside. His eyes glittered. “We’re going to do this again,”—he thrust

forcefully into Sam, causing him to cry out—“and again,”—another punishing thrust until he

was balls-deep inside his lover—“and again.”

Sam howled as his cock erupted into Mark’s hand, and as Sam’s channel tightened

around his dick, Mark groaned. “Oh fuck, you’re making me come.” His balls emptied into the

latex and he shuddered through his orgasm, head dropping down to Sam’s shoulder as he

stroked Sam’s chest which gleamed with a light sheen of perspiration. Sam let his legs fall back to the bed, his breathing erratic as he came down from his climax, hands reaching for Mark to

pull him close, their lips meeting in languid kisses which seemed to go on and on, Mark’s cock

still deep inside him.

“Love you.” Sam’s whispered words caused Mark’s heart to soar. He gazed in awe at the

man in his arms, their bodies still joined.

“Love you, too.” Sam’s body cradled his as Sam wrapped arms and legs around him

once more, locking him into a fierce embrace as they kissed. They were oblivious to all but the 87

once more, locking him into a fierce embrace as they kissed. They were oblivious to all but the beating of their hearts and the whispered words of love which slipped from their lips, between

kisses that were so sublime as to almost take their breath away.

* * * * * * * * * *

“What day is it?”

Sam chuckled. “Is that what good sex does to you? Scrambles your brains?” He winked.

Mark sighed happily. “It feels like we’ve spent
in bed.” He knew it was only two

days, but it felt longer. Monday night had arrived, and with it the gloomy prospect of going

back to work the next morning. “Can’t we just stay here?” He whined a little, but his eyes


Sam groaned and rolled on top of him, the sheet riding low over the globes of his arse.

He kissed Mark enthusiastically and began to roll his hips. Mark let out a low moan as he

reached down to cup Sam’s cheeks, pulling him tight, their dicks rubbing against each other,

both men getting harder by the second. “Want you inside me,” Sam whispered, grinning.

Mark’s breath hitched.
God, yes
. So far, Sam had bottomed each time they’d made love

—and it
been making love, so far removed from Mark’s previous experiences that there was no comparison—and had seemed very content for it to remain that way. But for the first

time since he was seventeen, Mark contemplated bottoming. He hadn’t said a word to Sam yet,

figuring that they had far more pressing issues to discuss.

“My God, you’re insatiable.” He let out a contented sigh when Sam giggled. The last

two days had been a slice of heaven. Sunday afternoon they had finally got to have their walk

along the coastal path, along with their picnic lunch on the beach near Brook. Monday had been

a warm enough day to spend it on Yaverland beach, soaking up the last of the sun. Autumn was

surely hovering around the corner.

The rest of the two days had been spent making love.

Slow, sweet lovemaking that lasted well into the early hours of Monday. A lightning-

quick fuck in the shower that had Mark convinced his neighbors were about to bang on the

walls—Mark was been a little loud in his enjoyment of Sam’s body, and their orgasms had been

nothing short of explosive. Sam’s first experience of public sex when Mark had gotten him on


nothing short of explosive. Sam’s first experience of public sex when Mark had gotten him on

all fours on the beach, facing out to sea, while he plowed into Sam from behind, his hands

gripping Sam’s hips so tightly that he left finger marks. Sam had been so keyed up by the

prospect of being caught that he’d lasted for precisely five thrusts of Mark’s cock and had come all over the beach towel with a hoarse cry, Mark climaxing not long after him.

Mark had always known that falling for his best friend in the space of two months was

going to be one-sided. Never in his wildest dreams had he expected his feelings to be

reciprocated. So to find out that Sam loved him was a moment of sheer joy. But Mark also lived

in the real world, and he knew that reality was about to intrude, bringing pain into Sam’s life, and thereby, his life also. Sam had said nothing, but Mark knew his lover well enough to see

those moments when the thought of what was coming right at them was clearly on Sam’s mind.

Sam rocked against him, the slow rolling of his hips by now a tell-tale sign that Sam

wanted to make love, but Mark knew he couldn’t put off the moment any longer.

“Are you going to tell your dad before Becky does?”

He felt Sam go still on top of him, his body stiffening. Sam’s head dropped to his

shoulder, burying his face in Mark’s pillow. Instinctively, Mark wrapped his arms around his

lover, holding him close. He could feel Sam’s heart pounding strongly behind his ribs.

“You think I should, don’t you?” Sam whispered near his ear.

Mark held onto Sam as he rolled him onto his side, the two men facing each other on the

bed. Sam’s eyes were dull, his joyful mood having fled him. Mark kicked himself mentally for

putting that look on Sam’s face, but he knew they needed to address the issue sooner rather than later.

“Baby, it’s up to you. I would never dream of telling you what you should do.” Mark

swallowed. “But maybe it’s something that he needs to hear from his son, rather than from that

evil bitch. And once you tell him, no matter what his reaction, her hold over you is lost.” He

stroked the hair out of Sam’s eyes, hating the pain he saw reflected there.

Sam shuddered out a long, shaky breath. “I know you’re right, of course. Doesn’t mean

to say that makes it any easier.”

Mark kissed him, letting his lips linger, loving how Sam melted right into it. As he

pulled away, he met Sam’s gaze. “But I’ll give you something else to think about, something

much more pleasant.” Sam cocked his head. “Whatever he says, whatever happens, good or


much more pleasant.” Sam cocked his head. “Whatever he says, whatever happens, good or

bad—I don’t want to be apart from you a moment longer than I have to.” Mark took a deep

breath. “Live with me. Either here, your place in Sandown, or somewhere completely different

—I don’t care where, I just want you with me.” Sam’s eyes were suddenly so large that Mark

had a fluttery feeling in his stomach. He forged ahead. “I know it might seem too soon, after the relatively short time that we’ve—”

All the breath was stolen from his body as Sam kissed him.

Mark sank into the kiss as Sam pressed up against him, the two men entwining their

arms around each other. Sam hooked his leg around him to pull him in still tighter. When at last Sam broke the kiss, breathless and bright-eyed, Mark could only stare at him in wonder.

“Yes.” That was all the response Mark got. Sam’s cheeks were flushed, and Mark was

shocked to see the glimmer of tears on his cheeks. But the huge smile on Sam’s face was what

sent waves of warmth radiating throughout Mark’s body.

“Yes?” Mark had never felt so alive as in that one glorious moment.
Sam said yes

Sam nodded, his eyes never leaving Mark. “If I have you by my side, I can face

anything the world cares to throw at me.” His expression grew more sober. “And if the worst

comes to the worst? We’ll deal with it—together.”

Mark could live with that. Hell, yes.


Chapter Ten

“Okay, out with it.”

Mark gave Sonia a look of wide-eyed innocence. “Out with what?”

Sonia snorted. “Yeah, like I believe
look.” She fluttered her eyelashes. “Aw, come on, sweetie, you can tell

Mark guffawed and almost sprayed her with his mouthful of tea. “And don’t try those

puppy dog eyes on me. You know I can never resist when you do that.”

She winked. “That’s what I was counting on.” Mark continued to meet her gaze with a

reasonably straight face, but he burst into laughter as she grew more and more impatient. “You

are a pain, do you know that, Mark Horrocks? Now tell me what’s going on, because you’ve

had a smile a mile wide plastered across your face all morning.” Sonia took a bite out of her

sandwich and gazed at him expectantly.

Mark was in a brilliant mood. Being back at work after his two days spent with Sam was

a real drag, but he consoled himself with the fact that he’d see Sam after work. They were going to talk seriously about their living arrangements. Waking up that Tuesday morning with Sam in

his arms had been sheer heaven. There were definite advantages to sharing his bed. Top of the

list would have to be morning cuddles—which had turned swiftly into mutual morning blow-

jobs. Mark smiled to himself as he thought of their shower together, a little awkward as the

shower was above the bath. A decent sized shower was going to be on their must-have list for a

new place together.

A new place together… Mark still couldn’t believe that Sam had agreed to them moving

in together. He was pretty sure his face was sporting a sappy grin, but right now, he couldn’t

give a damn.

Sonia cleared her throat impatiently and Mark was pulled from his delightful thoughts.

He grinned sheepishly. “Sorry. I was miles away.”

Sonia pouted. “Yeah, but it’s where you were that’s driving me crazy.” Suddenly her

eyes opened wide. “This is about Sam, isn’t it?”

Mark laughed. “Well, duh! It’s taken you all morning to work
out? Your psychic

powers must be failing.” He couldn’t hold back the gleeful giggle that burst out of him.
Have I

powers must be failing.” He couldn’t hold back the gleeful giggle that burst out of him.
Have I
felt this happy
? The answer was easy. Hell, no.

“Mark, are you still on your lunch break?” Wendy stuck her head around the staff room

door. “’Cause you have a visitor.” She retreated.

Mark frowned. No one ever came to see him when he was at work. Sam had gone back

to his flat to get some work done. Seems he’d gotten a little behind over the weekend for some


There was that grin again.

Mark hauled himself up off the tiny sofa that he was sharing with Sonia. She demolished

what was left of her sandwich in two bites. “I’d better come, too,” she mumbled as she

swallowed the last of it. He gathered up the two mugs and hurried out of the small staff room,

curious to see who had arrived. To his surprise, Sam stood in the middle of the salon, his face pale and drawn, nervously twisting the denim jacket which he was holding in his hands.

Mark went up to him. “Sam, what’s wrong?”

Sam’s eyes were red, but it was the dull look in them that grabbed Mark’s attention. This

was not the same man who’d kissed him goodbye a few hours ago. “Can we go somewhere and

talk, please?”

Mark glanced swiftly at the wall clock. He had ten minutes left of his lunch break and

Marie was nowhere in sight. “Sure, come with me.” He led Sam back into the staff room and

pushed the door shut behind him. No sooner had he done that, Sam had his arms around Mark,

holding him so tightly that Mark grew concerned. “Babe, what is it? What’s wrong?” He could

feel Sam shaking. Mark pulled him toward the tiny sofa. “Come on, sit down for a sec.”

Sam sat down, seemingly unwilling to let go of him. Mark was shocked to see tears

sparkle in his eyes. He pulled Sam to him and held him close, stroking his hair. “I’ve got you, Sam. Talk to me.”

Sam said nothing for a moment, but the shaking eased. He raised eyes full of misery to

gaze at Mark. “I rang my dad.”

Mark’s heart sank. “I take it he didn’t react well.”

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