Wanted by the Viking (2 page)

Read Wanted by the Viking Online

Authors: Joanna Davis






              Kendra pondered her next move. She was playing backgammon with Willa, the Innkeeper’s wife. Willa was bright and quite funny, now that her head was not plaguing her. The two had become fast friends.

              "I must leave soon, but I will never forget your hospitality."

              "Oh must you? Don't you get tired of always being on the move?"

              "Aye, sometimes I do."

              Willa leaned her pretty face into her palm, staring at Kendra.

              "You should have a husband, looking the way you do. I've never seen a more beauteous face. Never mind your breasts! They would make a man weep with pleasure."

              Kendra rolled her eyes. Her friend was exaggerating she knew. Besides, that was not the future the fates had in store for her.

              "I wouldn't know."

              Willa sat up straight, her eyes wide.

              "You don't mean- you've never lain with a man?"

              "No I have not. Nor do I intend to."

              "But- it's wonderful. Or it can be anyway. With the right man."

              Willa giggled.

              "Or men. One time our serving wench entertained three men for as many days! We had to give her time off to rest afterwards. But she was smiling!"

              Now it was Kendra's turn to look shocked.

              "She didn't!"

              "Oh, but she did. Kendra though you must be lonely. Aren't you the slightest bit curious?"

              Kendra chewed her lip, thinking of the Viking who was so determined to have her. She'd shaken him at last by traveling away from the sea. If she was an ordinary woman, then mayhap she would give him what he wanted.

              She shivered at the thought. The ferocious Viking would be equal to three men, she was sure.

              It would be interesting, that much was certain. Educational as well. She giggled, the mead they'd been drinking making her head feel fuzzy.

              "Mayhap. But it would diminish my healing skills."

              "Tosh! You don't really believe that do you? Many healers walk this earth, but not so many virgins!"

              Willa dissolved into giggles again and Kendra was forced to join her. They were still laughing when the loud banging came at the door.











              Grayson stood in the inn's tavern room, dwarfing the other inhabitants of the room. He'd just thrown his cloak off, prompting his men to do the same. They stood in all their Viking glory, leering at the Innkeeper and guests.

              The bar maid fainted when one of the guests shouted the obvious.


              One of the Saxon men ran at them with a dagger drawn only to be swatted to the ground by Halfar. In an instant, another man ran at them with the same effect. Then the room burst into chaos.

              Grayson sighed. He had hoped to do this the calm way but it was of no use. There would be blood spilled this night. Grayson crossed the room, ignoring the fighting going on around him. He lifted the Innkeeper into the air.

              "The healer. Where is she?"

              The man's eyes bulged.

              "I will not let you harm her."

              Grayson almost rolled his eyes at the fool.

              "I'm not here to harm her. She's my woman. Now, take me to her and things will go better for you."

              "And my wife! She will be left untouched!"

              "Aye, her as well."

              The man nodded his agreement hastily and Grayson set him down. The Innkeeper led him back toward the narrow stairwell and up to the second floor. Down a long hallway was a door that led to a private chamber.

              Grayson pushed the man out of the way and thrust the door open without knocking. He grinned, taking in the scene before him.

              There, by the fire, sat his prize.






              Kendra stood up, stepping in front of her friend for protection. She stared in amazement at the enormous Viking filling up the doorway to the room. He must have followed her across half of the countryside!

Behind her Willa gasped in fear and shock.

              "Grayson! What do you here?"

              He grinned at her stupidly, his eyes hungrily drinking her in. She shook her head in exasperation.

              "I need tending to."

              "Are you injured?"

              "Aye. Here."

              The daft man actually grabbed his cock through his hose and reached for her, knocking the table to the ground as he hauled her against him.

              "Put me down this instant! I am protected, as well you know!"

              "There's no need for any of that. I will protect you. But first-"

              He lowered his head to hers. She was too surprised by the delectable feel of his mouth against her to react at first. How could a Warrior have such strong but supple lips?

              They were… soft. Pleasingly so.

              She shoved against his chest the moment her wits returned to her. Hard. Then she kicked his shin. He yelped and dropped her.

              "What is your purpose here, you foolish man? Must you follow me wherever I go?"

              He frowned at her, looking like his feelings were injured. She almost laughed. He could break her in two with his bare hands, and yet she'd hurt his feelings. ‘Twas incongruous to say the least.

              "I'm a'raiding."

              She sighed, belately noticing that Willa and her husband were watching them with mouths agape. They must look absurd, arguing this way during an attack. Most people were too busy cowering in fear when Viking mauraders arrived at their doorstep.

              "Must you always raid where I am Grayson?"

              He grinned again.

              "Aye. I must."

              He stood and pulled out his axe, looking every inch the ferocious warrior.

              "Starting now."

              The blood seemed to drain from her head as she realized that she'd put her new friend in danger.

              "No- wait. Cannot we go somewhere and discus this Grayson? Can you not leave these good people in peace?"

              He seemed to consider her offer. Then he slid his axe back into his belt.

              "Aye. I will call this raid to a halt. If you lay with me on this very night."

              Now it was her jaw that dropped open. He was mad! He couldn't mean- he wouldn't expect her to just lift her skirts for him at a moment’s notice.

              But he did.

              He stood there, grinning at her like a man who'd just won a great prize. He'd spoken plainly enough. He meant to have her, whether she agreed or no.

              Strangely though, the thought did not fill her with dread. No, the feeling in her gut was more like… curiosity.

              And warmth.

              "What, right now?"

              He nodded as his gaze slid over her, making her feel as if he’d just stroked her skin with his hands.

              She gasped.

              She’d been running so long she wasn’t sure she could stop. But the Viking would not give up. That much she knew.

              She sighed. The game was up.

              She’d been caught well and good and she knew it.











              Grayson grinned at the stunning woman before him. Her long golden hair swirled around her slender shoulders. Her cheeks were bright pink with indignation. Her eyes sparkled with annoyance at him. He grinned wider, his face beaming his approval at her.

              Sweet Odin she was delicious looking!

              She'd felt even better in his arms than he'd anticipated. He licked his lips, letting his gaze wander down to her high round tits. He looked over her tiny waist and gently sloped hips. Her legs were long as well he thought, even more so than she’d appeared in his fantasies.

              That was good.

              The better to wrap them around him.

              The image of those long silky legs around his waist while he plunging in and out of her sweet hole was more than he could bear. His shaft bucked in his hose, eager to get to the task at hand.


He tilted his head and forced a hard look onto his face.

"Aye woman. Now."

              He didn't want to wait for her to argue with him. The decision was made. He had won. It was time for her to concede at last.

              For her part, Kendra's face was blanched white as snow. He knew he had her then. She was afraid for her friends. The woman had a soft heart, he knew. She would be easily manipulated in the name of protecting innocents.

              Why had he not thought of this before?

              Bargain with the woman until you had her where you wanted her, then take what you wanted. She could do little to gainsay him once he'd planted his seed in her belly.

              He'd certainly enjoy making sure that happened. Soon. Very, very soon.

              And By Odin, he’d enjoy the doing of it!

              She seemed to be waffling so he grabbed the Innkeeper's neck and pulled his axe free of his belt again. That seemed to speed up her decision. Behind her the other woman let out a wail.

              "Alright Grayson. Please- do not harm him."

              He grinned and dropped the man to the ground unharmed, holding his hands in the air. He had won. There was no need to gloat about it.

              "It will be as you say. As long as you keep to your end of the bargain. No balking at what I want of you. Or all the ways I want it."

              He wanted to be sure she understood his meaning and would be biddable. Her face got whiter if that was at all possible. Aye, she understood alright. She choked out the words with effort.

              "Alright Grayson. Whatever you want. But just this once. And then you leave me alone."

              He grinned at her, having no intention of agreeing to that. She need not know that though. Not until later.

Much later.

              He leaned into the hallway and bellowed.

              "HALT! We will stay here tonight as guests of the Innkeeper. No one will be harmed."

              He grinned at her.

              "Are you satisfied, woman?"

              She looked a bit shocked by the speed at which their arrangement was coming to fruition. That was alright. He'd make her wail with pleasure before the hour was out.

              Then she'd stop her damnable running.

              He stared at Kendra as the Innkeeper practically yanked his wife from the chamber.

              "Please. Take our chamber. It's by far the best. Let us know if you need anything. Anything at all..."

              They backed out of the room hastily. Grayson walked to the door and locked it securely behind them. Never once did he take his eyes off his delectable looking prize.

              He stalked closer to her as she skittered away toward the fire.

              "Come here woman. I have need of healing…"

              She inhaled sharply, making her high round tits push up against the top of her dress. His eyes narrowed as he waited impatiently. He felt his body relax as she took a step towards him. Then another.

              Like a newborn foal, she found her feet. He felt something twist in his chest as she raised her eyes to him. She look fearful for a moment. Then she raised her chin proudly and stood before him.

              He felt overwhelming pride in her courageous demeanor war with long repressed desire. For a moment he wanted to pull her into his arms and soothe her, telling her that everything would be alright. And then he changed his mind, allowing desire to win.

With a low growl he yanked her into his arms and lowered his head. He plundered her plump, delicious lips, urging her to part them. The instant she did, he delved inside, tangling his tongue with hers.

              A startled gasp greeted his kiss but he did not stop. He could not. He reached down to cup her sweet bottom, pulling her hard against his arousal. He'd never been this hard in his life. His prick felt like it wanted to tear free of his hose and burrow itself inside her.

              And it would.

              He raised his head, staring down at the rare beauty in his arms. She was out of breath and confused. Her lips were bruised and red from his kisses. She looked imminently beddable. But she was wearing too many clothes.

Far too many.

              He reached for her bodice, ready to rip it.

              "Grayson! Wait- 'tis a new frock."

              He frowned at her, eager to get at her charms. But she was reaching for the fastenings, a pleading look in her eyes. He jerked his head once in agreement, waiting for her to remove the bothersome garment.

              Anything between her flesh and his eager hands was an enemy to be defeated. He nearly growled in impatience as he watched her fiddle with her laces.

              He unlaced his boots and kicked  them off as he stared at her, then yanked his tunic over his head. He stood bare chested in the firelight, watching as she disrobed for him. She lifted her skirt, revealing long pale legs. Above them he could see a triangle of golden curls through the thin fabric of her undergarment. He growled again, pressing down on his cock which seemed to be straining toward her.

              She eased the dress over her head and her magnificent tits came into view through the sheer fabric of her underdress. He'd never seen the like! High and perfectly round, topped with delightfully pink nipples.

She was finally free of the dress, laying it carefully aside. Then she reached for her chemise.


              He grabbed her and tore the chemise from her body. She gasped as he lifted her, practically throwing her to the bed. He surveyed every inch of her beautiful body for a moment and then reached for her, pulling her toward him by the ankle.

              "I will have you now woman."

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