Wanton in the Wild West (5 page)

Read Wanton in the Wild West Online

Authors: Molly Ann Wishlade

As if he could stop now.

“You are incredible,” he
whispered, taking in every inch of her skin. He placed his hands on her
shoulders and moved towards her. His erection pressed against her belly, and he
felt her soft curls against his balls as he pulled her tight against him. He
groaned as she reached around him and cupped his buttocks, squeezing them and
touching them all over.

“If you keep that up, I
won’t be responsible for my actions, Amber.”

She looked up at him, and he
saw a flicker of something in her eyes. Was it fear?
It made him falter for a moment, but then her hand grabbed his cock and his
mind went blank.


“So what
Amber had begun moving her hand up and down his
length in the manner he had taught her. She loved the feel of his cock
stretching her fingers, filling her hands as he could fill her. Yearning to
feel him penetrating her body swept over her. She wanted to be one with this

“Not that. Not yet anyway,”
Harry whispered, stopping her hand. He picked up her petticoat then laid it
over the bed of flowers.

“Lie here.” He took command,
and Amber obeyed. The ground was cool and soft beneath her, and she stretched
out in the shade, enjoying the freedom of being naked in the fresh air.

Harry leant over and began
to kiss her. First, he planted soft kisses over her face and neck, and then he
found her mouth and covered it with his own. As he kissed her, she curled her
arms around his neck, opening her mouth to him, wanting him to take her.

He licked her teeth with his
tongue then pushed it deep into her mouth, flicking it over hers, and she
moaned into him, pulsing everywhere with want and need. She had kissed the
women at Miss Claudia’s, kissed Maisie, but never before had she been kissed so
forcefully, so passionately. Harry’s stubble grazed her chin and her cheeks,
but she didn’t care. She adored the sensation. This was what a man was for. He
could show her pleasures that she had not yet experienced. That was all she
wanted from him.

Wasn’t it?

As they kissed, he moved his
hands over her skin, stroking and smoothing, pinching and tickling. He touched
her everywhere, everywhere except for the place that now cried out to be

“Harry!” she whispered
against his lips.

He pulled back and looked at

“I need … I need you to
touch me … down there!” Her cheeks burned as she asked, but his handsome face
broke into a big grin and he nodded eagerly.

With pleasure!”

But instead of kissing her
mouth and using his hands on her cunny as she had expected, he straddled her
then wriggled down her body so that his face rested on her belly.


You’ll like

Amber was about to protest,
but then she felt his fingers sliding between her dark curls, slipping across
her velvety wetness and causing mini explosions of the most intense pleasure
she had ever experienced. Then he opened her pussy lips and pinned them apart.
The cool air washed over her inner lips, and she moaned.

When he lowered his head and
found her clitoris with his tongue, she arched her back and cried out, all of
her pent-up lust and need bursting forth as he suckled her bud until stars
danced before her eyes. She grabbed his head, her fingers curling tightly into
his golden hair, her hips arching upwards as all sense and reason drained from
her mind.

As the sensations faded and
the contractions at her core ceased, she exhaled slowly. So this was how it
felt to be made love to by a man. It didn’t have to hurt. It didn’t have to
break your heart. It could feel incredible, intense, and amazing.

With the
right man.

Harry crawled back up her
body and wrapped his strong arms around her. She rested her head upon his chest
and breathed deeply of his scent. She had just opened up to him, allowed her
body to feel the pleasure he had offered. As she drifted into sleep, fear
flickered for a moment in her semi-conscious mind. She felt vulnerable and
suddenly needy. Emotions she had wanted to avoid. She didn’t want this to be
just a one-off with this man. She wanted more.

And more
meant that she was going to have to surrender not just her body, but her mind
and her heart.

Chapter Four


Gideon chewed his pencil.
There was no air getting into the train carriage, and he was getting hot and
bothered. Sweat trickled down his back, and his feet were crying out to be
freed from his leather boots.

He cast a glance at Miss
Bennett. She was a pretty young woman but not his type. Her willowy frame and
haughty manner didn’t do anything for him. She would doubtless make some
prospector a good wife, although with those narrow hips, she’d find
childbearing a strain. He winced. That was a thought too close for comfort.

Now where had Harry got to
with that lively little vixen Miss Amber Carpenter?

Gideon had been grinning at
her beauty and her mischievous attitude ever since he’d seen her in Chicago,
and he knew that Harry felt the same. But it was a recipe for disaster, him and
Harry both taking a liking, a real liking, to a young woman. That had only
happened once before, and look how that had turned out.
real mess.

Since Montana, they tried to
spend time with women that only one of them was keen on. It was safer that way.
It wasn’t as fulfilling as making love to a woman they both cared about, but it
stopped them getting hurt. As long as they didn’t both fall for a woman, it
worked. Or it had done until now.

they’d met Amber.
They’d only met
the woman just over a week ago, but she’d had an enormous impact upon them in a
variety of ways. They were both drawn to her. There was no getting away from
it. Ridiculous to a rational mind, he guessed, but occasionally life was just
like that. You could try to rule your heart with your head, but sometimes your
head said
to hell with it all
jumped onto the same train as your emotions.

He’d have to go find Harry.
Put a stop to this before someone, anyone, all of them, got in too deep.

“Miss Bennett?” He tipped
his hat.

“Yes.” She looked down her
little nose at him then flicked out her fan. He could see beads of perspiration
above her upper lip, and he bet that she was mad as a hornet that even she was

“I have to pay attention to
a call of nature.”
A call of the wild,
more like.

“Oh?” She raised her

“Will you be okay here alone?”

Maisie looked around the
carriage. There were at least ten others still inside, most of them elderly or
infirm and incapable of walking far.

“I’m hardly alone, am I?”

“Well, excuse me then, Ma’am.”
He doffed his hat. “I won’t be long.”

He wasn’t sure what was
eating the young woman, but she clearly wanted to be viewed as respectable and
aloof. So he’d leave her to get on with it.

He hurried along the
carriage and jumped down. Up ahead, in front of the steam engine, the driver
and his crew were shouting and cursing at one another as they tried to repair
the track. Steam still oozed from the engine’s chimney like smoke from a
campfire. The steam engines were a brilliant invention, but when something went
wrong, folks were damned near helpless. Perhaps he should go take a look up
front. He turned to head that way, but there was more cursing.

Too many cooks
… Gideon shook his head. It’d be no good him trying to help out, too.
Someone was likely to get a right hook at this rate. Best stay out of it.

He looked around. Up from
the train, a few travelers had set up temporary shelter from the day’s heat,
but as he scanned them, he was unable to see Harry or Miss Carpenter. So that
must mean that they’d gone down the banking towards the trees.

Well, he’d go take a look
around and make sure that his lover wasn’t getting himself into a sticky
situation with the young woman. Harry had been real strong since their loss,
and Gideon admired him for it. He knew that Harry suffered. Hell, they both
did. But Harry tried to put on a brave face for Gideon, and he appreciated the
effort. Only when they fell into each other’s arms at the end of a long day,
did Harry reveal any weakness or anxiety at all. And Gideon was usually able to
kiss aware his concerns and his pain before losing himself in the man he loved.
They’d comforted each other many a night in that way.

But they both felt that
something was missing. It had been since Sylvia’s death. Gideon was just
concerned that Harry might have decided that Amber was the woman to heal their
wounds. She couldn’t be. They were taking her back to her Granny in Deadwood so
that she could no doubt be reunited with a childhood sweetheart or find herself
a suitable match. The thought made his chest tighten. That was the life she’d
have mapped out for herself.

Wasn’t it?


Amber stirred and opened her
eyes. She blinked rapidly trying to clear the disorientation she felt.

She was naked.
Wrapped around a naked man.


She lifted her head and
looked into his hazel eyes.

“Hey there, beautiful!” he
whispered, then leant towards her and kissed her softly.

She enjoyed the warmth of
his lips on hers, the feel of his strong, hard body, and the growing erection,
which pressed into her belly.

“Hello, Harry.” She smiled
then realized that the day was cooler. The sun was lower in the sky. “Shouldn’t
we be getting back? Before we’re missed?”

Doubt flooded into his gaze,
and she wished that she could withdraw her words.

“If that’s what you want.
We’ve not been gone all that long though, and they’ll call. Or Gideon will come
looking once they’re ready to go.”

Amber placed her forefinger
over his lips.

“Okay. Then what do we do
while we’re waiting?”

Harry kissed her finger, and
then his lips curved into a broad smile. “I can think of a few things.”

He rolled her onto her back
and started to kiss her. Amber stretched out, savoring the exquisite sensations
shooting through her limbs and flooding her body. She was amazed at the effect
that this man had upon her. Just a touch or a kiss could set her skin on fire
and her heart racing.

Was this just a physical
reaction? Like the engine of the train, which was powered by coal or wood, were
her feelings for Harry just powered by lust and desire? Or was there something
else unfolding here?
Something out of her control that could
threaten her very resolve to remain single and independent.

His insistent mouth worked
away her fears and her confusion, and she surrendered to him. His mouth on her
breasts, his skilled fingers working her clitoris, and his erect cock as it
pressed into her leg all took her further away from rational thought.

Then he moved his hand
lower. Amber gasped as he tenderly probed between her folds and found the tight
hole that led into her body.

He looked up from her
breasts for a moment, seeking her approval, and she nodded at him. She wanted
this. He returned to suckle her breasts, a feeling so delightful that she felt
as if something inside her moved in time with his mouth. She gasped when she
felt him inside her, touching her secret place tentatively with a finger. As he
moved it in and out, Amber sighed and entwined her hands in his hair. She moved
her hips in time with him, enjoying yet wanting more.

When he slid in another
finger, she felt her opening stretching.
A slight burning.
Then nothing but incredible intense ecstasy.
So many
new and wonderful feelings! He plunged into her then withdrew before plunging

She moaned as he covered her
clitoris with his mouth, cradling her bottom in his left hand whilst working
inside her body with his right one. And she began to ascend again, her
excitement winding up inside her like a coiled spring until suddenly it burst
from her with a hot gush, and she throbbed into his mouth, time after time
after time, riding wave after glorious wave of delight.

Harry continued to kiss her
pussy for a while, running his tongue over her silken folds and sucking at the
place where he had entered her, and she shivered with delightful little
aftershocks. Then he climbed up her body and lay over her, resting on his
elbows. His face was shiny with her juices, and his eyes shone with lust and
something else, something so intense that it made her heart flip.

“Harry,” she whispered as
she cupped his bristly chin between her palms. “Thank you.”

He grinned.

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