Warrior's Daughter (25 page)

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Authors: Holly Bennett

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Last, but not least, I have rather unfairly made Conchobor into a villain. There is plenty of evidence that his attitude toward women left something to be desired by today’s standards, but no suggestion that he actually engineered Luaine’s death.


Note: “kh” is pronounced as a soft “k” in the back of the throat.

Abhartach (AWV-ar-tokh) Aithirne’s son, a poet

Ailill (AL-il) King of Connaught

Aithirne (ATH-ir-na) Poet

Alba (AWL-ba) Present-day Scotland/Wales

Aoife (EE-fa) Warrior queen of Alba; mother of Conlaoch

Baile’s Strand (BOLL-ya) Beach near Dun Dealgan

Baire (BAR-ra) Conchobor’s ally

Ban drui (BAHN-dree) Female druid

Beltane (BYAL-tun-a) Spring festival—May 1; return of the light

Berach (BER-akh) Cuchulainn’s master at arms and Luaine’s trainer

Bricriu (BRIK-ru) Poet

Brocc (BRUK) Roisin’s father

Bronach (BRO-nakh) Apprentice on Isle of Women

Cathbad (CAW-vud) Chief Druid of Ulster

Ceara (KYAR-a) Emer’s horse

Celthair (KEL-thar) Host of feast where warriors are poisoned

Cluain-na-mBan (CLOON-na-MON) Isle of Women; presently Our Lady’s Island

Conall Cearnach (CON-al CAR-nokh) Warrior; avenges

Cuchulainn Conchobor (CON-kh-vur) King of Ulster; Cuchulainn’s uncle

Conlaoch (CON-laykh) Cuchulainn’s son by Aoife

Connaught (Con-AWT) Province of Ireland

Cooley Mountains (as written) Low mountain range just north of Dun Dealgan

Cruachan (CROO-khan) Connaught’s Royal Seat

Cuchulainn (Coo-KHULL-in) Luaine’s father

Cuingedach (KWING-a-dukh) Aithirne’s son, a poet

Cu Roi (Coo Roy) King of Munster; powerful druid

Cuscraid (COO-crid) Conchobor’s son

Daigh (DAY) Druid who presides over Luaine’s coming of age

Damnhait (DAV-nit) Apprentice on Isle of Women

Deirdriu (DARE-dru) Conchobor’s wife Donn Cooley (as written) Ulster’s great brown bull

Dun Dealgan (DOON DYAL-gan) Luaine’s first home

Dun Lethglaise (DOON LAY-GLASH-a) Celthair’s house; site of food-poisoning

Eirnin (ER-neen) Luaine’s tutor

Emain Macha (EV-in MOKH-a) Ulster’s Royal Seat

Emer (AY-ver) Luaine’s mother

Eoghan (OH-en) Warrior who kills Naoise

Fand (FOND) Woman of the Sidhe; loves Cuchulainn

Ferdia (FAR-dee-ah) Cuchulainn’s friend; fights for Connaught

Fergus (FER-gus) Trusted warrior; defects to Connaught

Fidchell (FID-chull) Game similar to chess

Fili (FEEL-y) Seer

Fingin (FIN-gwin) Conchobor’s healer

Finnbennach (FIN-ba-nokh) Connaught’s mighty white bull

Finnchad (FIN-khad) Conchobor’s son

Finscoth (FIN-scot) Luaine’s new name

Fintan (FIN-tan) Luaine’s raven Follaman (FOLL-a-vun) Conchobor’s son

Forgall (FOR-gul) Emer’s father

Gae Bolga (Guh BOLL-ga) Cuchulainn’s notched spear

Geanann (GA-nawn) Cathbad’s son; druid and healer

Geasa (GEES-a) Taboos

Laeg (LOYG) Cuchulainn’s charioteer

Laegaire (LAYR-a) Ulster warrior

Lasair (LA-sar) Cuchulainn’s poet; Luaine’s teacher

Leinster (LEN-ster) Province of Ireland

Liban (LEE-ban) Woman of the Sidhe

Luaine (LOO-in-ya) Cuchulainn’s daughter

Lugaid of the Red Stripes (LOO-ad); New High King at Tara

Lugh (LOO) God of sun and fine craftsmanship; rumored to be Cuchulainn’s father

Lughaid (LOO-ee) Warrior of Connaught

Lughnasadh (LOO-na-sa) Harvest festival—Aug. 1; named for god Lugh

Macha (MAW-kha) Master druid on the Isle of Women

Maeve (MAVE) Queen of Connaught

Manannan (MON-an-an) God of the sea

Miach (MEE-akh) Sencha’s wife Morrigu, The (MOR-ee-goo) Goddess of war and discord

Mug Ruith (MUG RITH) A sun god

Muireann (MWIR-in) Apprentice on the Isle of Women

Muirthemne (Mur-HEV-na) Area around Dun Dealgan

Munster (MUN-ster) Province of Ireland

Naoise (NEE-sha) Deirdriu’s lover

Neeth (as written) River near Dun Dealgan

Niall (NEE-ul) Horse master Ochain (UH-khan) Conchobor’s magic shield

Ogham (OH-am or OG-am) Ancient writing system

Orlagh (OR-la) Luaine’s horse

Osnait (OS-naid) Emer’s maid

Rathnait (RATH-nit) Teacher on the Isle of Women

Roisin (RO-sheen) Luaine’s maid

Rosnaree (Russ-na-REE) Battle site

Samhain (SAHV-in) First day of winter—Nov. 1; Celtic New Year

araid (SAWR-ud) Apprentice on the Isle of Women

Scathach (SKAW-thakh) Female Scottish warrior; Cuchulainn’s teacher

Seanan (SHAN-awn) Celthair’s groom

Sencha (SHEN-kha) Conchobor’s peacemaker

Setanta (SHAY-dan-da) Cuchulainn’s birth name

Sidhe (SHEE) The Tuatha de Danaan (see below)

Sualtim (SOO-al-div) Cuchulainn’s father

Tara (TAR-a) High king’s royal seat

Tlachta (TLOKH-ta) Chief Druid on the Isle of Women

Tomman (TUM-un) Roisin’s brother

Torc (TURK) Decorative neck ring

Treasa (TRASS-a) First level druid on the Isle of Women

Tuatha da Danaan (TOO-ah-tha DAY DAH-nan) An immortal race skilled in enchantments who live in a realm normally invisible to humans

Tullia (TULL-ya) Luaine’s nurse

Uath (OO-ah) Cu-Roi’s enchanted disguise

Ulster (UL-ster)Province of Ireland

Holly Bennett is the author of
The Bonemender, The Bonemender’s Oath
and the forthcoming
The Gray Veil,
all published by Orca. In her “real” life she works as editor-in-chief of
Today’s Parent
Special Editions. Born in Montreal, she lives in Peterborough, Ontario, with a houseful of musicians (three sons and husband John) and a nice quiet dog.

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