Water Dragon (The Bride Hunt Book 2) (20 page)

“These guys”—he pointed at the dogs who were exploring the apartment—“sparked a ton of interest amongst my people. I want to try and find homes for some of those animals at the pound. Why not here with us? Maybe even with some of the other species.”

“You mean the vampires and the other shifters?”

He nodded. “Why not? I thought the animals might be afraid of us but they’re not.”

“What about Candy the Second? She doesn’t seem to like shifters.” Candy laughed. “We’d better think of another name really quickly before that one sticks.” She added.

“I think it’s too late for that.” He choked out a laugh. “She only reacts to me. She didn’t mind any of the others touching her, holding her. She doesn’t seem to care either way.” He smirked at her.

“Love and hate.”

“Not hate exactly.” He winked at her.

“More like extreme irritation.”

“I’m hoping if I try hard enough, she’ll come around.” He kissed Candy on the temple. “Let’s take the dogs for a walk.”

“That sounds like a really good idea.”

It felt weird to walk out of the room together. Torrent had Candy the Second on a leash and she had her puppy. She needed to come up with a name and soon.

Torrent grabbed her hand. It was like the most natural thing ever. It felt right. “Is this okay?” He touched his shoulder against hers.

“Yeah.” She squeezed his hand.

They passed some big burly warrior types. They glanced their way and greeted them but otherwise kept on going. They made their way through a maze of vast hallways. They were huge. Torrent explained that the areas within the lair needed to accommodate a dragon in full shift. Dragons hated cramped spaces. They were claustrophobic. Which made sense.

They walked and talked. It was nice. It was really nice. It was also really comfortable. Underneath all of that niceness and comfort was a raging inferno that was her libido. And by the huge bulge in Torrent’s jeans earlier, she would say that he was feeling the same. Candy needed to find some serious resolve. She needed to make him wait just a little bit longer. They had a long future ahead of them and she needed to be sure that he never pulled that kind of shit again.

Chapter 22

he next day

Torrent felt nervous. Ever since meeting the human female. Since bringing her into his life and falling hard for her, he’d experienced a range of new emotions.

Jealousy. Blinding fear. Fierce love. A need to protect like nothing before and then there was nervousness. He didn’t like this new emotion at all.

His mouth felt dry. His hands clammy.

“Do I look okay?” Candy turned to him. Her eyes were wide and her skin pale. Too pale.

“You look amazing.”

“You’re not just saying that?”

He gave her the once over. Candy was dressed in a navy blue dress. It was… what had she called it, a knitted fabric or something. It had a conservative neckline and ended just above her knee but somehow it still made her look sexy as fuck. Maybe because it fit her perfectly, accentuating her curves perfectly. “I swear.” His voice had turned a bit growly. “It’s perfect.”

She played with the string of pearls around her neck. He had some of the males fetch her things the day before. “I guess I’m a bit nervous about meeting your family.”

“They’ll love you.” The pearls added to the appeal. The way they lay between her breasts. Drawing the eye. Shit! Eyes up.
They were friends. Just friends. At least for now.

“I broke off our engagement… our mating thingy. They might be upset with me.”

He stepped towards her. He clasped her elbow. “I was the one that lied. I’m the one taking the flack for it. It’s not your fault. I was very clear about that.”

Her eyes looked clouded in thought and maybe with a tad of concern. She nodded. “Will the dogs be okay?”

“It’s dinner.” He tilted her chin up. “We’ll only be gone for a couple of hours at most. They’ll be just fine. Look at them.” The furry pup lay on his back, legs in the air. He was snoring softly. Candy the Second lay with her head resting on her paws. There was a knocking sound as she wagged her tail when she caught him looking her way. The wagging was quickly followed by a soft growl.

“Still wary of you.”

“Mmmm.” He allowed his gaze to move to her lips for a moment. “It looks like it.”

She gave him a nervous half smile and thread her fingers through his. “Let’s do this.” Then she held back. “Do you know who I’m most nervous about meeting?”

His stomach felt like it contained a lump of lead. “My grandmother.”

She nodded her head. “I think your brothers will be okay. I already feel like I know Lake because of everything Sky has told me about him. I already met Tide and your youngest brother. Tide at the rescue and Storm was the guy who dropped me off when…” She let the sentence die.

He felt his scales rub at the thought of what had happened. Of those human males. How they had hurt his Candy. Torrent regretted not killing the small one. The one who had dared to put his hands on his female. Torrent had paid the male a visit. Intent on finishing the job. The prick was in a hospital. At least the male would never have young and would most likely never gain full function of his dick again. He would require several corrective surgeries. Good! Torrent had crushed both his balls and his cock. It served the fucker right.

The male had begged and pleaded, and had looked so pathetic. He had peed himself. Bloody urine had flowed from a tube between the bandages. He’d almost felt sorry for the human. Torrent had let him go with a severe warning. One he would make good on if need be. Besides, he figured that leaving the male to live might be punishment in itself. He would keep an eye on him though.

“Hey,” Candy said. “Are you okay?”

“I’m just glad you’re here and that you’re giving us another chance.”

“Me too.” She brushed her lips against his. It was quick but it made his heart race.

“A friendly kiss.” He was a total pussy but found that he didn’t give a shit.

She nodded. “Mostly.”

“Mostly?” He raised his brows. He’d take anything… anything.

She gave his hand a tug. “We’re going to be late.” Her eyes widened. “Are you sure I look okay? I could change.”

“Don’t you dare. I don’t want you changing anything.”

Her throat worked and she gave him a single nod of the head. “Thanks. Let’s do this thing.” She sighed.

“They are going to love you. I promise.”

Minutes later they walked into a large dining room. The long table had been set. He heard Candy suck in a breath. It was a sight to behold, hundreds of candles had been lit. The lighting had been set to dim. A fire blazed in the hearth.

She held onto his hand like a lifeline.

“Hi.” Sky smiled from ear to ear. Lake clasped the female around her waist.

“Hi.” Candy trembled against him. She really was nervous to meet his grandmother. The lady in question with talking with Storm, Lake and Sky. Tide wasn’t there yet.

His grandmother smiled. Crinkles appeared around her eyes. She still looked relatively young except for her shock of white/grey hair.

“Well.” His gran raised her brows. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to the female that has stolen your heart?”

He choked out a laugh. “Of course, Gran.” Trust his gran to put it out there. He let go of Candy’s hand, putting it to her lower back instead.

She moved forward and put her hand out. “I’m Candy.”

His grandmother took the outstretched hand, her eyes on his female. “I’m Rain. It is a pleasure to meet you. You have a lovely name.”

“So do you and it’s a pleasure to meet you as well.”

“This is Lake.” Sky interjected.

Candy turned towards his brother. “I feel like I already know you. I’m very excited for you guys with the pregn—”

Lake growled. It didn’t matter that the male was acting on instinct. It pissed Torrent off. He stepped forward and growled back.

“Now, now.” His gran tsked. “Enough of that.”

“My female is not familiar with our ways.” His voice was deep and threatening. It couldn’t be helped.

Lake nodded. His shoulders dropped as he relaxed. His brother locked eyes with Candy. “It is considered bad luck to talk of such things.”

Sky put her arm around her mate. “It’s okay, love.” She looked up at him with such love and devotion. “Candy is a human so it doesn’t count.”

Lake dropped a kiss on her brow. “You are right, sweets.” He turned his gaze back to Candy. “I’m sorry for overreacting.”

His female put her hands up. “I really need to learn the traditions and what nots. It’s my fault entirely.” She was talking too quickly. “It won’t happen again.” She mouthed
to Sky when Lake wasn’t looking.

“It’s one of those really touchy subjects.” Storm interjected. “Better to not say anything.” He winked at Candy. The little shit. “We can talk about other things. More fun things.”

Torrent gave a small shake of the head. Storm grinned at him and gave the tiniest little nod. This was going to end in blood shed. He could tell.

His grandmother had always been good at intercepting a conversation. More like hijacking one. “So, dear…” she directed her attention to Candy. “Tell me about yourself. Wait just a minute.” She glared at Storm. “Why haven’t you offered our guest a drink?”

“She’s Torrent’s date.” He smirked.

Gran gave him a hard glare. “Exactly, he needs to stay at her side. You’re being rude.”

Storm took a step back and seemed to cower a little under their gran’s death stare. “What can I get you to drink?” Storm smiled at Candy. His look and demeanor was a little too friendly for Torrent’s liking.

“Some fruit juice would be great.” Candy seemed oblivious to the tension.

“I’ll have a glass of red wine, brother.” It was Torrent’s turn to smirk at Storm who scowled at him as he handed him his glass moments later.

Torrent might be the king, but at family gatherings, they were a family like any other. At least Candy looked more relaxed. Gran was telling stories about when they were kids. He’d given his brothers strict instructions not to give him any shit. Not tonight. Not while Candy was here. The problem was that he’d asked them as a brother and not as the king so all bets were off. If they started in on him, it would make her uncomfortable.

* * *

hings were going well
. They all laughed as Torrent’s grandmother recalled another story about one of her grandkids.

“The best story is of Tide, when he first found his dragon.”

Torrent turned to Candy. “Dragons don’t shift until we’re about twelve.”

Torrent’s gran laughed. She was remarkably beautiful. Her hair was snowy white. She looked like she had the same coloring as Torrent and Lake. Her white-blond hair had turned grey-white with age. Aside from the hair and maybe a look of wisdom in her eyes, she was still young looking. “Tide couldn’t wait to change. He used to practice every day.”

“It was so funny. He’d meditate and actively try and bring on the change.” Lake laughed.

“Well, one day”—the older lady continued— “he managed to somehow get it right, only, it didn’t go quite as planned.” She turned and whispered to Candy. “The process should not be rushed or forced.”

Storm laughed. “No it shouldn’t.”

“You wouldn’t even remember,” Lake said. “You were too young.”

“I do remember.” Storm pulled a face of irritation. “How could I forget something like that?” He was the only brother with brown hair. He had the same pale blue eyes. They all did, including Torrent’s grandmother.

“He shifted but only got half way.” Torrent chuckled.

The older lady nodded. “He had a long tail, wings instead of arms and a whole lot of scales. Everything else was still very human.”

Candy covered her mouth with her hand and laughed. “I can picture it.”

“No need, dear.” The older lady winked at her. “I have pictures. He was like that for a day or so before finally changing back. Come for tea and I’ll show them to you.”

“I don’t even want to know what pictures those would be, Gran.” Tide walked in. He strode over to his grandmother and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Although I can guess.” He looked up at her. His blue eyes filled with humor. “Candy.” He smiled. “It’s good to see you.”

“You too.”

Torrent growled.

“Relax, brother.” Tide gave Torrent a slap on the back. “I like my intestines where they are… thank you very much.”

“Ah.” Rain, gestured to the table. “The first course is being served. Please try and behave boys.” She looked at each of them in turn. “No swearing or fighting.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it, Gran.” Tide’s grin looked mischievous. He glanced at Torrent and his grin grew wider. There was something going on between them, Candy wasn’t sure what it was. Sibling rivalry, good humored teasing? She didn’t know.

Dinner comprised of five courses. Candy felt like she might burst by the time they finished the dessert round.

“Let’s take our tea in the living room.” Torrent’s grandmother gestured towards the overstuffed leather sofas.

The evening had turned out to be fun. It was easy to see how much this family loved one another. How much they respected each other.

Rain put her cup down. “It’s time for me to take these old bones to bed.” Each of her grandsons gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“I’ll walk you.” Torrent held his hand out to his grandmother. He helped her to her feet. In this moment, he wasn’t the king, he was the grandson, the brother.

Rain smiled and gave him a tap on the arm. “Such a good boy. I’m fine. Candy…”

Oh shit! “Yes?” She stepped towards the older woman. “You can take me to the door and see me out if you will?”

She nodded. “Yes, of course.”

Rain linked her arm with Candy’s. “Good night, all.”

They wished her a good night right back and then Candy heard Lake suggest whiskeys.

“I’ve enjoyed meeting you.” Rain looked down at her to maintain eye contact. These dragon women were huge. Even the old ladies of the species.

“Thanks for being so nice and for making me feel so…” She wanted to say part of the family but that didn’t quite gel. Not yet anyway. “Welcome.”

“Walk out with me.”

Candy nodded, feeling nervous. This was the part where she got into trouble for breaking Torrent’s heart.

Rain led her into the hallway and shut the door behind them.

“I do care for your grandson… I swear… I…”

“Of course you do, dear. You love him,” she stated. “It’s easy to see that the two of you are crazy about each other. My grandson explained that he did something out of jealousy. He said that”—she looked up in thought— “ah yes, he said he was an arrogant asshole.”

Candy burst out laughing. It was partly because she had been so tense. “Is that what he said?”

“Yup, and I believe it too.” The older woman took ahold of both her hands. “I also married the king, it feels like just yesterday.” Her eyes clouded in thought and a small smile took residence on her face. “I know all about it. It takes a certain kind of male to lead a kingdom and they really do need to be taken down a rung or two early on in the relationship. They try and rule everything, including their relationship. It should be a partnership, but you know that don’t you?”

Candy nodded. “I’m glad you understand. I was a bit worried about what you would all think.”

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