Wayward Son (24 page)

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Authors: Heath Stallcup

He closed his eyes, and his mind played out numerous scenarios where a well-placed C4 charge could remove both of them and leave him to his own devices.

Apollo groaned and tested the frame of his cot as he rolled to the other side. He glanced back through the group of sleeping men and decided his fate. He stood beside his cot and cast a glance along the line of sleeping warriors, ensuring his movements didn’t rouse any. He crept along the empty aisle and slipped out the door, back into the main warehouse.

Apollo knew that Sheridan was no fool. He saw the light was off in the office, but the man slept in the room right next to it. He crept alongside the edge of the warehouse and approached Sheridan’s quarters. He could hear the man snoring loudly behind the closed door and once he was satisfied it wasn’t fake, he slipped back into the office and to the phone.

If their ‘army’ of mercenary wolves were going to be out of commission the following night due to shifting, what better time for the Monster Squad to come in and clean house? Apollo snickered to himself as he lifted the phone and dialed the number for the hotline.

When the duty officer answered, he gave his now defunct code and requested Colonel Mitchell. The duty officer nervously put him on hold and tracked the CO down.

Apollo didn’t expect the venom that came across the phone when Mitchell answered, but he should have. “You got a lot of nerve calling here.”

“Shh.” Apollo lowered his voice to a whisper, “They’re asleep. I’m sure you’re tracking this number, so I’ll stay on the line long enough for you to get a fix. They have silver-lined shipping crates for these assholes to shift in tomorrow.”

“Like I’m supposed to care?” Mitchell could barely contain his anger as he spoke into the phone.

“You don’t get it, sir. While they’re shifted and locked up, send the boys in to clean house. It’ll be like shooting fish in a barrel.” Apollo leaned forward and glanced out the open window, straining his ears to listen for Sheridan’s snoring. “You can clean the whole mess out in one move, sir. Nobody gets hurt.”

“And how the hell am I supposed to trust you, Apollo?”

Apollo hung his head and sighed into the phone. “I don’t know, Colonel. I guess you ain’t. But…let’s just say that I seen the error of my ways, and I came back to try to find a way to make things right. Or…as right as I can make them.”

“Good men died because of you,” Mitchell’s voice growled low and menacing across the phone line.

“I know, sir. And believe me, if there was some way I could trade places with them, I would. But all I can do is tell you what they got planned. It’s some guy named Simmons behind all this. I still don’t know exactly
he is, just that he has more money than brains, and he has a huge hard-on for the squads.”

“I know who he is. And I know why.” Mitchell’s own guilt found a way to worm into the situation and his voice softened. A little. “Where are you going to be when they shift?”

“I don’t know yet. Probably some type of guard duty. I figured maybe I could ash them, but I ain’t got no silver grenades. Or…well, something that could take out a bunch of them in one fail swoop.” Apollo glanced out the window again then lowered his voice even more. “Besides, I figured the boys would rather have the honor of doing this.”

“We have your location.”

“Good. Just have them wait until after the shift. These guys will be locked up in their crates and it will be easy pickings.”

“It had better be. If any more men are lost because of you—”

“Colonel,” Apollo interrupted, “I didn’t have to call.”

Mitchell stiffened slightly and considered his words. “True enough.”

“If I can, I’ll try to reach the squads again before they arrive. Just in case anything comes up.”

“Roger that.”

Apollo gripped the phone tighter and felt his chest grow heavier. “Colonel…”


“I know there’s no forgiveness for what I did.” Apollo took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. “But is there any kind of reparations I can make?”

Mitchell squeezed his eyes shut and pinched at the bridge of his nose. His wolf was demanding blood for the betrayal. “I just don’t know, Apollo.”

Apollo nodded in the darkness. “Understood, sir.”




“Just have them in place before we arrive.” Paul Foster hung up the satellite phone and practically fell back into his seat. “The good news is that we have a small contingency of assassins that can be in place before we arrive in Geneva.”

Rufus raised a brow at the news. “And the bad news?”

Paul sighed heavily. “It’s only a
contingency. If the Monster Squad comes looking for us there, then I can’t guarantee they’ll be enough to handle them.”

mon ami
. Either we shall be successful, or we shall not.” Rufus closed his eyes and eased back in the seat, apparently not a care in the world.

“Please forgive my lack of faith, brother.” Foster sat forward and lowered his voice. “But I’m not ready to simply hang it all up and say, ‘well, I guess it wasn’t meant to be’ if a group of commandos show up and shoot a silver bullet up my ass.”

Rufus snorted a laugh and opened his eyes. “That was not my meaning at all.” Rufus sat forward and patted his brother’s arm. “I meant only that
we were to meet up with a squad of hunters, it will not be Monsieur Thompson’s. They have teams scattered all over the world, and they are not allowed to operate in another’s territory. These hunters do not know us. They do not know our assassins, our techniques. They would not be expecting what will hit them.” He gave Paul a reassuring smile before sitting back and closing his eyes again. “I think your preparations are more than adequate.”

Foster leaned back in his chair and stared at his brother, attempting to sleep. “I wish I had your confidence.”

“You will see. All will be well.” Rufus tilted his head and seemed to deflate further in the seat.

How anybody could sleep at a time like this…
Paul pulled the small table over and locked it into place. Pulling the list of names from his case, he went through and tried to assign positions for the different vampires in their entourage based on strengths and abilities and different scenarios he played out in his mind. He rearranged the different vampires numerous times and finally found a lineup he was pleased with. He copied it and passed it on to the enforcers with them.

He wanted there to be no slip-ups once they touched ground.




“Jesus, that’s the
Reader’s Digest
version?” Little John stared at Spalding, his eyes wide. “You could write a friggin book and it would be shorter.”

Spalding shrugged. “It is what it is.” He patted Spalding on the shoulder, “But at least now you know what’s what and who’s who and why’s why.”

“Not really. Just that my sister is being enlisted into working with an ex-squad member who is taking orders from some crazy hippie elf.” He rolled his eyes.

Darren chuckled. “Well, I guess
is the
Reader’s Digest

The two heard the doors to the training area open and turned to watch as Jack and his new recruits walked in below them. “Hey, there’s Brooke.”

“And she isn’t broken,” Spalding ribbed him.

“I need to talk to her.” John turned and headed for the stairwell.

“Whoa, buddy, cool your jets a minute.” Spalding grabbed him by the back of his tactical vest and pulled him to a stop. “It looks to me like she’s in the middle of something down there, and I don’t know about you, but this may not be the best time to be interrupting.”

“But she’s my sister.” John turned sad eyes to him, and Darren felt his pain.

“I know. Believe me, I can only imagine what you must be feeling right now, but it would be best if you waited until Jack’s done with her.” Darren nodded with his chin toward the group as Jack walked them through the CQB rooms.

“How about…how about if we both go down there and maybe volunteer our services? I mean, surely he’s going to have to bring them up to speed on stuff around here, isn’t he? We could help with that, couldn’t we? I mean, during our down time anyway.”

“Listen to yourself, John. You sound like—”

“Like what?” the larger man interrupted.

“Like desperation.” Darren stared the man in the eye. “Look, I understand you want to be a part of your sister’s life. Catch up and discover all the little things that have happened over the years. But until she’s ready to open up to you, you can hang around her all you want and she isn’t going to take part in any of that.”

Spalding watched as the large man physically deflated. “I guess you’re right.”

“I’m not saying this to be mean, buddy. You know that.”

Little John nodded. “Yeah, I get that.” He cast a longing glance over the edge of the railing once more and watched as the group worked their way out of the CQB rooms and across into the indoor range, out of view. “I guess I just hoped that…” he trailed off.

Spalding patted his shoulder reassuringly. “I know. I know you did.”




Damien glanced up at the door banging shut. He knew that his Mistress was still in her room and their building was supposed to be abandoned. He dropped the boxes he carried and ran for the door, skidding to a stop when he rounded a corner and came face to face with a rather intimidating male.

“What the hell are you?” the man asked, his brow rising in consternation.

“I should ask the same of you.” Damien crossed his arms defensively.

Without the strength of the elder vampires, he knew he was on the weaker side of this face off. If it came to blows, he wouldn’t survive. He wasn’t sure who or what, he faced here, but the power emanating from this being was magnificent.

“Lilith must really be scraping the bottom of the barrel if she has you serving her.” The male pushed past Damien and walked toward the middle of the warehouse.

“Now see here, you can’t simply come marching in here like you…ack!” His words were cut off by a swiftly moving hand that gripped his throat. The air being cut off was only a minor concern compared to the crunching sound he heard in his ears as the being squeezed.

“Your voice annoys me.” He tilted his head and studied Damien as his eyes bulged from their sockets.

“Put him down.” Lilith’s voice was smooth and passive from behind the pair. The male visitor immediately dropped the vampire to the ground and turned to face her, lowering himself to one knee.

“My Mistress.”

“Gaius. Your

She watched as his eyes rose and met her own. “Yes, Mistress. They have all found suitable vessels. They are ready to assemble on your word.”

She reached out and touched him at the shoulder, beckoning him to rise. She ran her hands up and down his strong arms and across his broad chest. “Oh, this is a
fine specimen indeed.” Her voice purred and her eyes devoured him as she circled him slowly. Damien lay prostrate on the ground, holding his shattered throat and whimpering as his queen all but dry humped this newcomer. “How are your people doing for weapons?”

“We have some vessels that are military. Some who are law keepers. Weapons will not be problematic.” He stood at attention as she continued to circle him, her hands probing and squeezing.

“Excellent.” She gave him a knowing gaze and pulled him toward her private abode. “We shall not be disturbed. We have…
to discuss.” She laughed as he she pulled Gaius into her room and shut the door behind them.

Damien lay on the floor and watched in horror as the love of his life just dragged a stranger to her bed. He had never felt so impotent in his entire life.

He rolled to his knees and massaged his damaged throat while it tried to heal. He silently cursed her name as tears rolled down his face. He stole another glance toward her abode and heard her scream out in ecstasy, repeatedly screaming ‘yes’ behind the closed door. For just a moment, Damien felt as if the dried up husk of a heart in his chest had physically shattered.

All of the time he had spent with her as Rachel…the plans they had made. The trips they taken. Her coming to him when he was little more than a shattered ghoul. Her revealing her plans to him and using him as her tool to implement those plans…all for nothing. All so she could jump the first overly muscled male to kick his way into their hiding spot.

It was
that gathered all of her parts. It was him that collected the virgin blood. It was him that cast the spell and sacrificed all of the strength he had gathered. It was him who collected all of her knickknacks and did her bidding so she could call forth her legion. It was ALL him. She would have nothing…nay; she would
nothing if it weren’t for him. And what does she do?

Damien rocked himself up and to his feet. He tested his throat and was finally able to swallow again. He cleared his throat and a bloody chunk of something dislodged deep in the back, catching in his mouth. He quickly swallowed it again and made his way on shaky legs toward the door. He could see the sun beginning to rise and knew that whoever it was in there with her was most definitely
a vampire. The first rays were breaking the horizon and he kicked the door shut from the back side.

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