Read Wedding in Great Neck (9781101607701) Online

Authors: Yona Zeldis McDonough

Wedding in Great Neck (9781101607701)


A Wedding in Great Neck

“In prose as sparkling as a champagne toast, McDonough’s delicious new novel gathers together one extraordinary wedding, two complicated families, and then shows how a single day can change everything. A funny, moving look at the bonds of love, the ties of family, and the yearning for happily ever after.”

—Caroline Leavitt,
New York Times
author of
Pictures of

“In this delightful tale, Yona Zeldis McDonough limns the ups and downs of family life with a grace that brings to mind Cathleen Schine at her best. McDonough does not shirk the dark side, but her characters, as flawed as they may be, retain their humanity in the face of life’s slings and arrows. A wise and witty novel from an author at the top of her form.”

—Megan McAndrew, author of
Dreaming in French

“Spirited, entertaining, and a delight to read,
A Wedding in Great Neck
offers a penetrating glimpse into the lives of one particular family, with its myriad shifting alliances, disappointments, and secrets.”

—Lucy Jackson, author of

“Emotional and evocative, hilarious and harrowing,
A Wedding in Great Neck
is a must read for every mother and daughter who’ve ever dreamed of, fought over, and loved each other through a wedding day.”

—Pamela Redmond Satran,
New York Times
author of
The Possibility of You

“Deftly handling a well-drawn ensemble cast of characters,
A Wedding in Great Neck
is a playful yet touching parsing of the tugs and tangles of familial bonds. This breezy novel offers the reader graceful writing while exploring contemporary suburban turf with an anthropologist’s sharp eye.”

—Sally Koslow, author of
Slouching Toward Adulthood:
Observations from the Not-So-Empty Nest

“Yona Zeldis McDonough is a born storyteller and her powers of perception are at full tilt in
A Wedding in Great Neck
. Beautifully structured around the secret longings and high emotions visited upon that special day, the book explores the fraught love between siblings, the rich wisdom of their elders, and shifting class values in one family. McDonough’s
is a page-turner—you’ll feel as if you were there.”

—Laura Jacobs, author of
Women About Town

“With her trademark wit and keen eye, Yona Zeldis McDonough has created a confection that is not only a page-turner, but a poignant view of family life. This elegant novel is a must read for long-married wives and any woman who longs to be married. Book clubs will swoon.”

—Adriana Trigiani,
New York Times
author of
The Shoemaker’s Wife





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Copyright © Yona Zeldis McDonough, 2012

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McDonough, Yona Zeldis.

A wedding in Great Neck/Yona Zeldis McDonough.

p.   cm.

ISBN: 978-1-101-60770-1

1. Brothers and sisters—Fiction.   2. Weddings—Fiction.   3. Dysfunctional families—Fiction. I. Title.

PS3613.C39W43 2012

813’.6—dc23      2012002735

Set in Granjon

Designed by Beth Tondreau

Printed in the United States of America

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