Read What He Bargains (What He Wants, Book Nineteen) Online

Authors: Hannah Ford

Tags: #Romance, #Anthologies, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Collections & Anthologies

What He Bargains (What He Wants, Book Nineteen) (80 page)

And then she was daring enough to force her hands underneath his shirt, and as her palms came into contact with his warm skin and tight abs, Faith felt her inner space quivering with new and unparalleled lust.

His skin was hot. His muscles flexed beneath her eagerly exploring hands, as Chase started kissing her mouth again.

Chase’s hands moved down and slipped under her blouse and then slid up to her breasts, expertly pushing her bra up and over them, so that her chest was now completely unencumbered.

“Oh god,” she moaned, throwing her head back. His gigantic hands were rubbing her nipples, exerting just the right amount of pressure to get her off.

“I’m gonna suck your titties right now,” he announced, lifting her shirt over her head.

For a flash of a moment, she was insecure. What would he think of her body, would he judge her harshly considering all of the beautiful women he was constantly exposed to?

But then she caught a glimpse of the hungry look on his face and her doubts quickly faded.

There wasn’t even a thought in her mind of halting the action. In fact, she’d never been more glad to hear something so outrageous spoken aloud.

Instantly, his lips were kissing her breasts, teasing her, knowing she wanted his mouth directly on her nipples.

She watched him kiss her flesh, and she delighted in his apparent enthusiasm. Faith wrapped her hands around the back of his head and pulled him into her as he started to flick her nipples with his tongue.

“You want me to suck your nipples, huh?” he said, grabbing each bare, pale breast in either hand and then using his thumb and forefinger to rub her pink nipples so that they became even more erect.

There was such a sweet feeling when he did this, an ache that reached all the way into her belly and drifted down between her legs. It was a sweet ache, a gnawing sensation of wanting more, desperately wanting more than what he was giving her so far.

“Please do it,” she breathed, unable to stop herself from begging.

Chase flicked his tongue out again and again, breathing onto her skin, teasing her more and more as she grew impossibly wet.

He was getting her so worked up that she was truly losing all control, all internal balance, and all semblance of rationality. In this state, Faith would’ve done absolutely anything he’d commanded if it meant having more of him.

She stared at him, at his body, her mouth open as he glanced at her and saw the look on her face.

Chase smiled arrogantly, leaned back, displaying that easy quickness and grace as he ripped his shirt open. Buttons flew off and rattled around on the floor. “Get a good look,” he said, as she stared in awe at the undulating skin, the beautiful and seductive tattoos on his chest now up close and personal.

“Your body’s amazing,” she said, staring at it. His chest was so broad and expansive, and she couldn’t resist touching it. Her hands reached out and clawed his skin, rubbing his pectorals as he watched her with something of an amused expression.

Now her hands slid down to his stomach again and then lower, wanting to see even more.

“Go on, don’t be shy,” he told her, his expression no longer amused, his voice low and raspy. His nostrils flared as her hand dug just ever so slightly under his beltline, and Faith realized he was just as turned on as she was, if less obvious about it.

“Is it big?” she asked, slowly inching her hand further down between his stomach and the waistline of his pants.

She liked talking dirty to Chase—it was a side of her personality she hadn’t even known existed previous to this encounter. In the past, she’d always been fairly quiet, mostly confining her reactions to moans, maybe a grunted yes or no, but nothing more.

“Feel it and decide for yourself,” Chase said, leaning back again and allowing her to unbutton his pants. She could already see the enormous bulge in his boxer briefs. They clung to him, and the outline of his cock was clear as day.

And it was big. Big enough to be scary and intimidating.

But she wanted it badly, wanted to touch it and see it, handle it, eventually suck on it.

“Oh, it’s hard,” she said, stroking it from the outside. She could feel the heat radiating from the enormous bulge in his boxers as her fingertips ran the length of it.

In fact, it was so large that the top of his boxers weren’t fully covering his erection. The head of his penis had started to poke out of the waistband, and it looked like a helmet, engorged and full.

Faith slowly grasped his shaft and then ran her hand up to the top of the boxers until she came to the head of him, which she slowly withdrew, pulling his boxers down with one hand while the other began stroking his cock.

Chase leaned back further as she began massaging his cock, up and down, watching it grow, shockingly, bigger and bigger, elongating, filling up the curve of her hand. Her thumb could no longer connect to the tips of her fingers, that’s how thick he was.

“Fuck, that feels good,” he told her, closing his eyes as she continued using her hand on him.

Faith was in awe of him. After all, she’d seen porn before, and what Chase Winters had been keeping in his pants was at least as big as some of those guys.

When he was fully aroused, his penis had a sexy arch to it, and Faith was already imagining what that would feel like in her mouth.

But then again, taking him inside her mouth was not just a given, considering the size of him. She truly was anxious at the thought of being unable to please him in that way, of coming up short compared to the more experienced women he’d surely been with in his life.

Chase opened his eyes, and his gaze connected with hers, and there was an intensity there that she hadn’t expected.

His eyes, she realized, were completely steady and unwavering. They took in everything, every detail—missed nothing.

She wilted a little under his scrutiny and felt somehow small, lacking in the qualities that would make Chase Winters find her desirable.

But in her moment of weakness, he suddenly moved forward and picked her up by her waist and deposited her onto the table, so that she was now sitting on it, shirtless, legs spread as Chase stood in front of her.

He leaned down and in, kissing her lips and forcing his slick, hot tongue inside her mouth, grabbing the back of her head with his hand, wrapping his fingers in her hair. His other hand massaged her breast and then he sunk down and started sucking her nipples the way she’d been longing for him to do.

Faith’s eyes rolled back as the ache that had been building in her breasts was released by his forceful licking and sucking of her erect nipples. The more he licked and sucked, the wetter she became between her legs, and she could feel her center space opening wider and wider.

And as he continued sucking, his hands moved down and unzipped her jeans and then delicately removed them, the process happening so easily that it didn’t even seem strange when suddenly she was simply naked but for her panties.

“I can smell your pussy,” Chase told her, as he kissed and nibbled her left nipple. And his hand reached down, rubbing the folds of her pussy through the soaking wet panties. “Damn, you’re really wet, too. I can’t wait to fuck you, baby.”

She inhaled deeply, wanting nothing more than for Chase Winters to enter her, and yet she was afraid, too, for so many reasons.

Faith glanced down, taking in his muscular shoulders and those tattoos, his body looking like some powerful CGI cartoon of a super hero come to life. And here he was, wrapping that body around hers, his muscles shifting, flexing as he touched her all over.

“I want it,” she whispered, her lips trembling as she spoke the words.

“Are you sure?” Chase asked, kissing down to her stomach. His large hands pushed her legs apart as he made room for his broad shoulders.

Now his face was in line with her pussy, and he leaned in as her legs slid on top of his shoulders, her feet hanging over his back. He slid closer still, and his tongue arched out of his mouth and licked her panties in a vertical line, up and down.

She cried out. It felt just as though he’d licked her bare pussy.

Nobody had ever done that. Felix hadn’t been interested, and the couple of other guys she’d messed around with had only wanted her to suck
off, as if it was too much trouble to bother pleasuring her.

Clearly, Chase didn’t feel the same. He seemed to genuinely like touching her, sucking her, licking her.

Faith’s stomach shivered uncontrollably, all of her body was trembling with the urge to come, to give in to the onrushing feeling of release, her body thriving with the knowledge that she was in the hands of a master.

“Oh my god, oh my god,” she moaned, as she was beginning to climax and he hadn’t even licked her again yet.

But then he did lick her once more, still over the panties, and she came anyway, her entire body went rigid as she felt the most spectacular orgasm she could ever have imagined. It was a full-body-climax, and it took her over completely.

As she climaxed, Chase pulled her panties aside and began licking her folds, sucking on her bare pussy lips as she cried out so loudly that her throat was raw from it.

“Holy shit,” she said, as the trembling in her body was continuing, and with Chase licking and sucking her, she was about to go off again.

It was a little terrifying, really, how much control she’d lost of her own body. Everything felt too loose, too shaky, and she was dizzy with the attraction and excitement.

Watching Chase’s lips come into contact with her slick, wet and open slit was getting her so turned on again that…

She cried out, another intense orgasm exploding inside her body, wracking her with pleasure that was overwhelming.

Chase seemed to get even more enthusiastic with his tongue as she came, and Faith could feel her juices spilling out from all of the gratification her body was receiving.

He was alternately sucking her pussy and then flicking and licking her clit with his tongue, massaging it with agility and dexterity. His large, experienced hands moved up and down her legs, sometimes grabbing her bare buttocks and pulling her towards him, other times sliding his hands around to her thighs and pushing her legs further apart, opening her that much wider.

Faith couldn’t stop watching him work. He was focused, intent, and thoroughly gorgeous, seemingly determined to deliver maximum pleasure for every second he was attending to her.

It was as though Chase Winters applied the same ethic to sex as he did to playing professional football. He was working her, manipulating her body, reading her subtle--and not so subtle--cues and then changing, reacting, improving with each moment he spent attuning himself to her desires.

Faith’s entire body was now bathed in sweat, dripping with it. Her hair was plastered to her forehead, her butt was sliding on the table from all of it. And it was so hot, so sexy that she couldn’t wrap her mind around it.

“I’m going to come again,” she said, her voice shaking as her body began vibrating and then she was lost, floating, out of her body and in it all at once.

When she came back, she was laughing slightly at the insanity of it all.

Meanwhile, he’d taken her panties in one hand and slid them down her legs and off her feet in one fluid motion.

Chase finally stood up now, as he stepped out of his shoes and pants, his enormous cock pointing straight up in the air with that proud arch, like it was saluting. He walked forward and grabbed hold of his member and pointed it down so that it was even with her entrance.

And then he began massaging the outer folds of her bare pussy with the swollen head of his cock.

She was nervous, really nervous about his size, but the minute he rubbed the head against her pussy, Faith stopped being afraid. However good his tongue had felt, this was about a hundred times more intense.

“Oh my…oh…oh wow….” She put her hands flat on the table at her sides to prop herself up in a sitting position as she watched Chase continuing to rub her dripping slit, pressing in and out, but only just the tip of him.

Each time he exerted pressure on her pussy, it was like pure heaven, pure ecstasy, nothing even came close to it.

How could it feel so good? She wondered, as he slid in just a little bit further now.

She’d had sex with only Felix—the others had all just been kissing, oral, heavy petting, that sort of stuff. And there hadn’t been many others if you totaled them all up.

It was less than a handful of previous suitors.

But what Chase was doing to her felt like she’d never even been with a man before now. It was like she’d thought she’d been playing tennis and then someone had come along and shown her that really she’d been playing tiddlywinks the entire time.

How was it possible to have been so ignorant of true pleasure?

Chase was teaching her, she realized, whether he knew it or not. He was showing her something that she would never have known existed, if not for him.

Was there another man on earth who could do these things? She wondered. Probably not. Certainly not many who had his looks, his physique, his endurance and skill.

“You’re so fucking tight,” he groaned, as he continued sliding his thick root further into her. “Suck me in there, baby. Suck my fucking cock into you.”

Faith liked hearing him talk dirty like that.

Even more, Faith liked watching him as he went inside of her. And it felt good, even as big as he was. There was tremendous pressure, stretching, and even some pain—but the pain wasn’t unpleasant. It was good pain, if that made sense. It was hot, it was wet, it was intense and highly charged, dangerous.

She liked it.

No, she loved it.

“Go all the way in,” she moaned.

“You can’t take me all the way in yet,” he said.

But she could tell that he wanted to go in, could feel his need as he coaxed her body into relaxing more and more, so that she would accept his size and girth.

“I can,” she whispered, licking her lips, grabbing his hips and pulling him towards her. He was immovable, though, like a tree trunk deeply sunk into the ground.

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