Read What He Bargains (What He Wants, Book Nineteen) Online

Authors: Hannah Ford

Tags: #Romance, #Anthologies, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Collections & Anthologies

What He Bargains (What He Wants, Book Nineteen) (93 page)

Reaching out, his hand grazed her cheek softly. “I don’t like it either, but it’s just how it is.”

“How much have you paid him over the years?”

Chase’s eyes grew cold. “I’m not sure.” He seemed suddenly mistrustful. “Don’t judge me, Faith. If I wanted to be judged, I’d tell the world my business. But this is my life and I need to handle it the way I see fit.”

Feeling guilty for judging him—which she was, and couldn’t help—Faith stepped forward and put her hands on Chase’s hips, looking into his eyes. “I care about you. I’m sorry if I made you feel judged.”

His shoulders dropped and his expression softened. Chase’s hand reached out and caressed her hair, and then her cheek, making her stomach flutter. “I don’t really care about the money,” he said softly. “I can make more money. I only was worried about you. If he hurt you, I’d kill him.”

Faith laughed. “He didn’t touch me.”

“If anyone hurts you,” Chase said, his jaw setting as he thought about it. “If anyone so much as looks at you the wrong way—I’ll make sure they fucking regret it.”

“Don’t get yourself worked up. Save your energy for the game tomorrow.”

“I’ve got energy now—and it’s for you.” He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her closer, leaning down and in, his lips on her forehead, delicately kissing. And then she tilted her head up and he bent lower, until his lips were touching hers, softly kissing.

He tasted like gum, and he smelled good—masculine, fresh—his cologne was distinctive and more than pleasant in her nostrils. Chase Winters was sex personified, and he was touching her, pleasuring her, and she was more attracted to him than ever before.

Maybe it was the relief of being safe in his arms and knowing he didn’t blame her for the robbery—or maybe it was simply that his presence was the most important thing in her life suddenly.

And despite everything he’d hinted at about his secrets, and despite what she suspected about his criminal activity—Faith knew that in the end she couldn’t walk away from Chase Winters.

Whatever it was, her entire body relaxed and she felt a surge of sexual excitement well up from deep in her core and wash through her, making her nipples stiffen, her pussy moisten, her breath come quicker.

“Fuck, you taste so good,” Chase whispered, after he broke off from the kiss.

She looked down at his crotch and saw the huge outline of his cock through his pants, and without warning, she took hold of it. “I want to suck on it,” she told him.

He looked at her. “If you start this, I might go crazy,” he warned. “The day before a game, I’m intense. I’m like a caged animal and you don’t want to let me out of my cage right now. I don’t think you can handle it.”

As she stroked her hand over his cock, through his pants, she smiled, licking her lips. “I can’t help it if you break out of your cage, though.”

“Shit, that feels good.” He slid his pants down over his hips and freed his enormous, thick manhood. “I want you to put your mouth on it, baby. Right now.”

Chase was so tall that Faith could actually crouch down just a little and suck on his dick. And she did just that, bending over and taking the large, swollen head of his penis into her mouth, sliding her tongue over it, and hearing Chase groan as she did it.

Her tongue swirled again and again, sliding over his smooth cock, as her lips widened and she sucked his shaft further inside her mouth.

“Oh man,” he said, throwing his head back and closing his eyes. “Oh fuck, that feels good. Baby, you’re going to drive me insane.”

She wanted to drive him insane. She wanted to feel his strength, his energy, to know that he had that much passion and need for her.

Faith was sucking his dick now, getting more confident and excited as he stiffened even further in her mouth, his cock like a hot iron rod. She began stroking his thick shaft as she sucked the head and played with his balls.

He grabbed the back of her head and began pumping his hips into her.

“I could come right now,” he moaned.

She sucked faster, her hand stroking his gigantic shaft more quickly, as her spit flowed down the head of his cock, onto her hand and fingers. She loved the way he tasted, the salty sweetness of him, the smoothness of his skin, his vein throbbing.

She could feel his heat and power, wanted to taste his come as he exploded inside her mouth and down her throat.

But Chase had other ideas, as he withdrew his cock, looking down at her with a burning intensity that made her stomach do a quick flip.

“Come here,” he growled, and then took her by the wrist and pushed her toward the bed, spinning her like a dance partner, as she fell stomach first onto the mattress. She was still wearing Chase’s t-shirt—which was almost big enough to be a dress--and nothing else underneath.

As if he knew this, Chase slid the t-shirt up her thighs until her entire lower body was naked and exposed to him.

“Damn, girl—look at that ass,” he muttered.

And then she felt a hard, firm slap as his palm collided with her buttocks. The pain was short lived—it was more of a shock then anything, and she gave a quick cry.


“You want me to stop?”

“No, I just—“

“I told you how I get,” he said. “If you can’t handle it, let me know now.”

She turned her head and peered at Chase over her shoulder. He was standing above her with his pants down, and his cock standing at full attention, completely swollen and engorged. It looked huge, almost as big as an arm with a fist at the top of it.

Faith swallowed. “I can handle it,” she said, with more conviction than she truly felt.

Chase had a look of hunger and intensity in his eyes that was exciting but also a little terrifying. What would he do to her with all of that pent up energy?

He was big and strong enough to break her in half.

“Good,” he grumbled, slapping her ass again. “Look at those fucking butt cheeks jiggle. Damn.” He breathed heavily out, slapping her butt again, and again.

Faith moaned. It stung, but she liked it, despite the sting. Or maybe even because of the sting. Her pussy was getting wetter and wetter, as Chase spanked her ass and then admired the movement of her butt cheeks.

Suddenly, he ripped the t-shirt over her head, leaving her completely nude on the bed.

Then he grabbed her cheeks firmly in his hands then spread them apart. “What if I told you that I’m going to put my cock between your cheeks, baby?”

She closed her eyes and licked her lips, her hands reflexively grabbing the comforter for purchase. “I want you to do whatever you want.”

“Your ass is perfect,” he said, and then suddenly she felt another slap, this time right on her anus.

“That’s the head of my cock,” he whispered. “I’m fucking slapping my cock on your asshole, girl. It’s so tight. Man oh man, it’s getting me hard.”

He slapped it over and over, and it gave Faith a tingly feeling on her ass, and down into her pleasure center, as her pussy continued moistening. She was getting excited the more she felt his cock against her.

I can’t believe he’s doing this.

But she knew exactly what was happening, as he slapped it over and over, and now it was getting sticky, presumably because in his excitement, his pre-cum was dripping onto her ass, covering it and lubricating the area.

“I like the way your cock feels on my ass,” she told him, and it was true. She bucked her hips into the air to meet his dick as he slapped it in timely fashion between her cheeks.

“I can’t wait to come all over you,” he told her. “I’m going to spray it all on your ass.”

And with that, she felt him press the tip of himself against her more forcefully, until it started to open her up, and it was uncomfortable at first, because of the size of him.

She grimaced, gripping the bedspread more tightly, her jaw locked as she readied herself for his enormous girth.

“Damn, that’s so fucking tight,” he whispered, almost breathlessly. His hands spread her ass cheeks further apart as he continued sliding slowly into her, anally penetrating her with his huge manhood.

“Oh,” she moaned, as suddenly, she seemed to relax, and he slid deeper into her.

“Fuuuuuuck,” he groaned.

“That’s nice,” she said, surprised that somehow she was able to do this. After all, Chase Winters was not small—not in any way, shape or form.

“Baby, you like it when I fuck you in the ass, don’t you?” he said.

She nodded, her eyes still closed. It was too soon to tell if she loved it, but Faith was shocked to find that it was an intense but not unpleasant sensation now that she’d relaxed more.

Her pussy was so wet, and she released the bedspread and slid her own hand down to her slathered slit and began rubbing herself.

“Yeah, fuck your pussy with your fingers,” he told her, as he started to simultaneously slide in and out of her.

She moaned louder, nodding her head and biting her lower lip. “That’s it,” she said, her body breaking into a sweat as Chase Winters pushed deeper into her, then slid out, in and out, in and out, building a rhythm that was ferocious.

“You’re taking it all now, you dirty girl. All of my cock in your ass—and you’re going to come for me, too.”

She nodded again, knowing it was true, feeling the build inside her—and the build was different, because he was inside her in a new way.

She was rubbing her swollen clit with two fingers, surprised at how wet and excited she was by this new sexual position—this new point of entry. Chase was fucking her in the ass…that was not supposed to feel as good as this felt.

Maybe it was just Chase—he was sexy, and therefore everything he did to her was by definition, sexy. Hot. Dangerous.

And she liked knowing that he was so turned on, just like he was right now, as he groaned, pushing his throbbing, engorged manhood all the way inside her, pressing her cheeks wide apart, spreading her open as he pushed his hips right up against her ass.

His mouth kissed the beck of her neck, his breath hot on her skin, as he draped his large, muscular frame on top of her. There was pressure from his bodyweight, but it was pleasurable to Faith, and she was so stimulated from all the sensory overload that she began climaxing.

Her entire body shuddered, and Chase felt it too—as he bit the skin on the back of her neck, just hard enough to cause a slight pinch of pain, but she like that too.

She cried out, screaming to the heavens, as he split her open from the back and she rubbed her wetness in front, her pussy dripping, contracting with spontaneous climaxes that left her breathless.

“I’m going to come too,” he muttered, withdrawing rather suddenly, relieving her of the pressure of his cock. And then, she felt a huge spray of his semen splashing her ass, and it was wet and hot and she loved the way it felt.

“Come for me,” she said, turning her head to watch him as he jerked his enormous dick, pumping it for more and more cum.

Another shot splattered her ass, and then her pussy, between her spread legs.

Chase’s expression was intent, almost serious, as he worked his own cock.

God, that’s hot
, she thought, smiling a little as she watched him drip the last of his seed onto her thighs.

“Fuck,” he whispered, finally finished.

She laid her head on the bed, her cheek on the soft covers, sighing. “I can’t believe we just did that,” she said.

“I can’t believe you took me all the way in,” he told her. “I mean, I’m pretty well endowed.”

“You don’t have to tell me that,” she laughed.

He laughed too. “Hold on a sec. I’m going to get a towel.” He went to the bathroom and returned with a small towel and wiped her off, cleaning her gently, and when he was done, he tossed the towel into a hamper nearby.

Then he dropped onto the bed beside her and began running the tips of his fingers up and down her back, sending cool shivers up and down her spine. “That’s nice,” she said, feeling a bit drowsy.

He eventually dropped his head down next to hers, his leg touching her leg, his warm body radiating comforting heat as he lay so close to her. He continued to stroke her shoulders, neck, hair, until she drifted off.

When Faith awoke again, she couldn’t tell how much time had passed. But Chase had fallen asleep beside her, and she looked at his peaceful expression.

He looked almost angelic like this, his beautiful face so composed, tranquil, without a care in the world. She took a moment to allow her eyes to take in his body, the breadth of it, the massiveness of his musculature.

Even his tattoos, which normally gave him an air of dangerousness, seemed different as he lay sleeping. They were like strange ancient hieroglyphics that she could study almost scientifically.

They were a record of his difficult, stressful life, and the storms he’d weathered. Faith hoped that he was coming out of that dark time of his life and into calmer waters, but she couldn’t be sure.

Maybe there were people like Chase Winters in the world who were meant to have stormy, difficult lives. Maybe it was karma or fate or destiny.

As she lay there, watching him, contemplating all that he’d been through—much of which she could only guess at—Chase’s eyes opened and he caught her staring.

Faith blinked and looked away from him, pretending that she’d also just woken up. Her cheeks began to burn with embarrassment and she faked a yawn. “We both fell asleep,” she said.

“You were snoring,” Chase told her, which only served to increase her embarrassment.

“Please tell me you’re joking,” Faith replied, horrified.

Chase was grinning at her dismay. “I’m not joking, but it was fine. It was cute.”

“Snoring isn’t cute,” she replied, sitting up and covering her chest with her arms.

“It is when you do it,” Chase told her, grabbing her waist and effortlessly pulling her back down to land on his stomach.

His abs were like a rock wall as she fell against his hard body. Chase stroked her hair as she looked into his eyes.

There was such tenderness there, it took her by surprise and she tried to pull away.

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